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Due to 1 pool play game being pushed to tomorrow morning at 10:30am with the weather we experienced this evening, bracket play will not be set until around 12:30pm. Teams will need to be prepared to head to fields as early as 2pm tomorrow for the 1st round of playoffs.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings 1 Event Article
FB Velocities
Georgia Jackets 15U National Jake Lankie R90
643 DP Cougars 15U Pedraza Jeffrey "Mac" Heuer R88
Georgia Jackets 15U National Cason Engert R88
Hit after Hit Outlaws-Nolen Nathan Aguilar R84
East Cobb Surge 15U Crispin Brockington R83
East Cobb Colt .45's 15U Logan Bryson R83
East Cobb Surge 15U Brandon Eck R83
Hit after Hit Outlaws-Nolen Zachary Lawson R83
Yankees Baseball Club 15 Caleb Maxwell R83
Home Plate Chili Dogs 14U Searcy Tai Peete R83
eXposure 15U Black Brady Smith R83
Georgia Jackets 15U American Parker Adams R82
Home Plate Chili Dogs 14U Searcy Jackson Blakely R82
643 DP Cougars 15U Pedraza Paul Farley R82
TG Dbacks 15U National Gage Fullerton R82
TG Dbacks 15U National Garrett Moody R82
Georgia Jackets 15U National Ty Moores R82
643 DP Cougars 15U Pedraza Will Prigge R82
Georgia Jackets 15U National Dominick Scalese R82
Georgia Jackets 15U Jonathan Smith R82
643 DP Cougars 15U Pedraza Hayden Bernard R81
STB 15U Lane Logan Blankenship R81
East Cobb Surge 15U Brock Hartley R81
Dunwoody Diablos 15U Daniel Jackson R81
Georgia Bombers 15U Coleman Kolby Kimberly R81
Georgia Bombers 15U Coleman Elliott Kuykendall R81
STB 15U Lane Niko Nevarez R81
Georgia Bombers 15U Coleman Evan O'Neill R81
Georgia Jackets 15U Ripp Perez R81
Georgia Jackets 15U Davey Bates R80
Ninth Inning Royals 15U Haynes Nick Blaszczak R80
Bullpen Redstitch 108 15U Brandon Cook R80
360 Hawks 15u Jeramie Favors II R80
Georgia Jackets 15U American Brandon Fears R80
Home Plate Chili Dogs 14U Searcy Mattheson Go R80
Hit after Hit Outlaws-Nolen Gage Hoover R80
TG Dbacks 15U National Sherman Johnson II R80
Georgia Jackets 15U Brandon Jones R80
643 DP Cougars 15U Pedraza Carson Kerce R80
East Cobb Colt .45's 15U Pedro Luciano R80
643 DP Jaguars 15U Brayden May L80
TG Dbacks 15U National Kyler Mayo R80
Hit after Hit Outlaws-Nolen Grayson Miller R80
East Cobb Colt .45's 15U Josh Milman R80
SBA-15u Joshua Montalban R80
643 DP Jaguars 15U Gideon Moreno R80
643 DP Jaguars 15U Eric Paloski R80
SBA-15u Spencer Pethel R80
Hit after Hit Outlaws-Nolen Radlee Smith R80
Home Plate Chili Dogs 14U Searcy Heath Whitlock L80
Georgia Jackets 15U Tyler Bak L79
SBA-15u Jaden Camp R79
TG Dbacks 15U National Russell Clifton R79
eXposure 15U Black Baron Cribbs R79
Bullpen Redstitch 108 15U Dakota Crumbley R79
TG Dbacks 15U National Will Curcio R79
Hit after Hit Outlaws-Nolen Lex Falsone R79
East Cobb Colt .45's 15U Jake Freedman R79
Georgia Jackets 15U National Jacob Hefner R79
eXposure 15U Black Evan Hood R79
Yankees Baseball Club 15 Jeremy Owen Kahle R79
Hit after Hit Outlaws-Nolen Matt Kirby R79
360 Hawks 15u Kedean Madden R79
Home Plate Chili Dogs 14U Searcy Kyle Robitzsch R79
643 DP Cougars 15U Pedraza Jake Tucker L79
Bullpen Redstitch 108 15U David Bishop L78
TG Dbacks 15U National Jamarie Brooks R78
East Cobb Colt .45's 15U Marco Cabrera R78
TG Dbacks 15U National Justin Davis R78
Home Plate Chili Dogs 14U Searcy Evan Doss R78
643 DP Jaguars 15U Christopher Fielden R78
TG Dbacks 15U American Mikey Gonzalez R78
Hit after Hit Outlaws-Nolen Kade Gwaltney R78
TG Dbacks 15U American Danny Hershberger R78
Georgia Jackets 15U National Avery Lovato R78
Georgia Jackets 15U American Gavin Lynch R78
Bullpen Redstitch 108 15U Peyton Morefield R78
Dunwoody Diablos 15U Cullen Riel R78
643 DP Jaguars 15U Kirby Sandefur L78
Atlanta Lightning 15U Salas Carson Stout R78
Muddogs 15U Ben Tarpey R78
Georgia Jackets 15U American Trevor Toth L78
East Cobb Prime 15U Caiden Townsend R78
Ninth Inning Royals 15U Haynes Isaiah Williams R78
Georgia Bombers 15U Coleman Jackson Abernathy R77
East Cobb Colt .45's 15U Coogan Bombard L77
STB 15U Lane Trip Bradley R77
Georgia Bombers 15U Smith Jackson Broach R77
SMA Zachary Brown R77
360 Hawks 15u Gregorio Gonzalez L77
643 DP Cougars 15U Pedraza Lleyton Jones R77
STB 15U Lane Greyson Madonia R77
eXposure 15U Black Jayden Miller R77
Ninth Inning Royals 15U Bartek Drew Moss R77
East Cobb Prime 15U Ayden Ray R77
Georgia Bombers 15U Smith Ryan Schlossmacher R77
Nelson Baseball School 15u Cameron Strader L77
Yankees Baseball Club 15 Hunter Ward R77
Muddogs 15U Becket Yates R77
Home Plate Chili Dogs 14U Searcy Camden Barnes L76
360 Hawks 15u Chandler Bradburn R76
360 Hawks 15u Rhaylin Carvajal R76
Georgia Jackets 15U Cameron Collins R76
East Cobb Surge 15U Matthew Cooney L76
TG Dbacks 15U National Jordan Davis R76
East Cobb Colt .45's 15U Lawson Folds R76
Muddogs 15U Ethan Frye R76
East Cobb Colt .45's 15U Tyler Glasgow R76
Nelson Baseball School 15u Riley Kelly R76
TG Dbacks 15U American Matthew Mapes R76
Nelson Baseball School 15u Brady Martel R76
TG Dbacks 15U American Justin O'Leary L76
Georgia Jackets 15U Jack Parkinson R76
Georgia Bombers 15U Smith Makana Peters R76
643 DP Cougars 15U Pedraza Garrett Reid R76
Yankees Baseball Club 15 Wes Shannon L76
Ninth Inning Royals 15U Bartek Luke Wiltrakis R76
Bullpen Redstitch 108 15U Thomas Bennett R75
Nelson Baseball School 15u Daniel Berry R75
Home Plate Chili Dogs 15u West Jake Carden R75
STB 15U Lane Caden Carroll R75
TG Dbacks 15U National Kenton Collier L75
Ninth Inning Royals 15U Bartek Joseph Laurite L75
643 DP Cougars 15U Pedraza Nate Levine L75
Home Plate Chili Dogs 14U Searcy William Maginnis R75
Ninth Inning Royals 15U Bartek Sean O'Brien L75
Ninth Inning Royals 15U Haynes Jacob Ogelvie L75
SBA-15u Carson Ray L75
Yankees Baseball Club 15 Griffin Sorrow R75
East Cobb Prime 15U Michael Watson II R75
Nelson Baseball School 15u Zach Wieder R75
Georgia Jackets 15U American Evan Wood L75
eXposure 15U Black Sean Baugh R74
Home Plate Chili Dogs 15u West Jackson Divido R74
360 Hawks 15u Collin Hart R74
Home Plate Chili Dogs 15u West Jameson Inagawa R74
Ninth Inning Royals 15U Haynes Jay Krueger R74
Muddogs 15U Ethan Lester R74
SMA Jaylin Love R74
643 DP Cougars 15U Pedraza Michael Mattison R74
Atlanta Lightning 15U Salas Chris McDonald R74
East Cobb Prime 15U Brady O'Tuel R74
East Cobb Colt .45's 15U Miles Owen R74
Nelson Baseball School 15u Nicholas Pratt R74
East Cobb Surge 15U Joshua Tanner R74
Nelson Baseball School 15u Andrew Armstrong R73
East Cobb Surge 15U Matthew Brown R73
Georgia Jackets 15U American Cal Danciak L73
TG Dbacks 15U American Michael Daniel R73
STB 15U Lane Nick Dufresne R73
Atlanta Lightning 15U Salas Ben Felton R73
Dunwoody Diablos 15U Noah Harkins R73
Dunwoody Diablos 15U Hayden Hightower R73
TG Dbacks 15U American Spencer Katzman R73
Georgia Bombers 15U Coleman Jake Krak R73
Yankees Baseball Club 15 Owen Lemr R73
TG Dbacks 15U National Shamaar McDuffie R73
Bullpen Redstitch 108 15U Robert Murphy R73
Atlanta Lightning 15U Salas Graham Murray R73
SBA-15u Thomas Musser R73
Atlanta Lightning 15U Salas Reid Pemberton R73
Bullpen Redstitch 108 15U Hunter Roney R73
TG Dbacks 15U National Haiden Schultz R73
East Cobb Prime 15U Taylor Sunderhaus R73
Georgia Bombers 15U Coleman Luke Sweigart R73
Muddogs 15U Garrett Arnold R72
Ninth Inning Royals 15U Bartek Jackson Collett R72
Georgia Jackets 15U American Maalik Duffy L72
SMA Scotty Findlay R72
Bullpen Redstitch 108 15U Hayden Henderson L72
SBA-15u Henry "Wyatt" Holladay R72
Georgia Jackets 15U Lawson Jarrett L72
Muddogs 15U Matthew Keller L72
Ninth Inning Royals 15U Haynes John Roath R72
Georgia Bombers 15U Smith Ryan Samuel R72
Dunwoody Diablos 15U Eli Simon R72
eXposure 15U Black Kole Smith R72
SMA Caden Thomas R72
Georgia Bombers 15U Smith Gavin Zoeller L72
Home Plate Chili Dogs 15u West Michael Armour R71
Georgia Jackets 15U Braden Burghardt R71
Ninth Inning Royals 15U Haynes Chris Carreras R71
SBA-15u Blake Fortner L71
Dunwoody Diablos 15U Timothy Hillegass R71
Dunwoody Diablos 15U William Hillegass R71
360 Hawks 15u Malachi Jeffries R71
East Cobb Surge 15U Faris Kamel R71
East Cobb Colt .45's 15U Addison Palm R71
East Cobb Prime 15U Matthew Skelton R71
TG Dbacks 15U American Nick Southard R71
643 DP Jaguars 15U Brandon Spink R71
Georgia Bombers 15U Smith Adam Stanley R71
eXposure 15U Black Jacob Tobias R71
Ninth Inning Royals 15U Bartek Zavier Tsai R71
Georgia Jackets 15U American Cam Yeager R71
SMA Jayden Cooper R70
643 DP Jaguars 15U John Gibson R70
Yankees Baseball Club 15 Ethan Lemr R70
Muddogs 15U Nick Morgan R70
Ninth Inning Royals 15U Bartek Thomas Termini R70
Georgia Bombers 15U Smith Cole Werthman R70
Yankees Baseball Club 15 Gabe Allen L69
SMA Jaquai Beverly L69
SBA-15u Joshua "Luke" Blair R69
Georgia Bombers 15U Smith Jared Brown R69
Atlanta Lightning 15U Salas Jack Cayce R69
Home Plate Chili Dogs 15u West Bryan Ellis R69
Muddogs 15U Maddoc Glines R69
Home Plate Chili Dogs 15u West Carter Hennon R69
Home Plate Chili Dogs 15u West Jonathan Stowe R69
Georgia Jackets 15U American Garrett Bye L68
TG Dbacks 15U American Pierce Dixon R68
Nelson Baseball School 15u Asher Hogan R68
East Cobb Surge 15U Cooper Isaacs R68
Dunwoody Diablos 15U Benjamin Sturisky L68
SMA Arye Kavanaugh R67
STB 15U Lane Gavin Shrewsbury R67
Muddogs 15U Cameron Turner R67
Ninth Inning Royals 15U Haynes Will Waters R67
SMA Dawson McCrary R65
Nelson Baseball School 15u Evan Giddens R64
SMA Isah Alexander R62
Dunwoody Diablos 15U Sam McFarland R60
360 Hawks 15u Chip Wooten L57