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FB Velocities
SJ Young Guns Justin Sweeney R89
Rising Stars Baseball Jaden Morgan R88
NY Gothams 16u (22) Jake Brink R87
NY Gothams 16u (22) Andrew D'Alessio R87
Mid Atlantic Hurricanes Cole Fehrman L87
PRD Joseph (Jt) Kroner L87
East Coast Ghost Joseph (Jt) Kroner L87
RCBC NATIONALS Christian Rice R87
SJ Young Guns Ethan Bowen R86
SJ Young Guns 16u Ethan Bowen R86
Complete Game of PA 16u Michael Cunningham R86
Keystone War Eagles Aidan Deakins L86
South Jersey Sand Sharks 16u Stephen DeMilio R86
MA Show 2022 National Ryan Reed L86
NY Gothams 16u (22) Alexander Rosario R86
MA Show 2022 National Alec Roselli L86
Keystone War Eagles Dominic Williams R86
Keystone War Eagles Cade Davis L85
East Coast Ghost Marcello Mastroianni L85
PRD Marcello Mastroianni L85
US Elite NJ Sam Nomura R85
Scanzano COMBAT 16U Nick Sulpizio R85
SJ Young Guns 16u Dylan Terwilliger R85
SJ Young Guns Dylan Terwilliger R85
US Elite NJ Patrick Walega R85
NY Bluebirds 16U Abel Alvarado R84
Mid Atlantic Hurricanes Nick Carter R84
Keystone War Eagles Ben Chase R84
MVP BEAST 2022 Giovanni Colasante R84
Team BEAST 2022 Holden Lipton R84
Drillers Baseball NY Titanium 16U Liam Lombardi L84
Drillers Baseball NY Titanium 16U Nick Murphy R84
SJ Young Guns 16u Brady Roberts R84
SJ Young Guns Brady Roberts R84
.9ers Baseball Club 16u Toby Smith R84
SJ Young Guns 16u Nicholas Spaventa R84
SJ Young Guns Nicholas Spaventa R84
L&M Baseball Jeremiah Vega R84
Keystone War Eagles Brandon Wingenroth R84
US Elite NJ Christian Aiello L83
MA Show 2022 National Mike Anderson R83
Mid Atlantic Hurricanes Tyler Behm R83
Keystone War Eagles Noah Burke R83
Batting 1.000 Seminoles (M. Ferriggi) Liam Carroll L83
SJ Young Guns Michael Cirucci R83
SJ Young Guns 16u Michael Cirucci R83
.9ers Baseball Club Jack Frankovic R83
.9ers Baseball Club 16u Jack Frankovic R83
Rising Stars Baseball Parker Frey R83
.9ers Baseball Club 16u Nicolas Galvan R83
.9ers Baseball Club Nicolas Galvan R83
Batting 1.000 Seminoles (Okon) Blake Jefremow R83
Batting 1.000 Seminoles (M. Ferriggi) Blake Jefremow R83
Batting 1.000 Seminoles (M. Ferriggi) Matthew Minio R83
NY Gothams 16u (22) Jean Nunez R83
RCBC NATIONALS Christopher Polemeni R83
RCBC NATIONALS Nicholas Pomponio L83
Scanzano COMBAT 16U Shane Sax L83
Scanzano COMBAT 16U Zachary Severino R83
Keystone State Bombers Colin Ahr L82
Keystone State Bombers 16U Regional Colin Ahr L82
Santos Baseball Kevin Blum R82
Complete Game of PA 16u Jack Colyer R82
FS Prime 16U David Connelly R82
.9ers Baseball Club 16u Preston Fazekas R82
.9ers Baseball Club Preston Fazekas R82
.9ers Baseball Club 16u John Goodes R82
PRD Zachary Gorman R82
East Coast Ghost Zachary Gorman R82
Rising Stars Baseball Harry Haeflein R82
Keystone State Bombers 16U Regional Andrew Kingsbury R82
CK Cardinals Tyler Lewandowski R82
MVP BEAST 2022 Drew Munn R82
MA Show 2022 National Tanner Nolan L82
Drillers Baseball NY Titanium 16U Brandon Scalisi R82
US Elite NJ Mathew Sienicki R82
MA Show 2022 National Colin Simmons R82
NY Bluebirds 16U Julian Ventura R82
.9ers Baseball Club Matt Villapiano L82
Drillers Baseball NY Titanium 16U CJ Archul R81
South Jersey Storm Thomas Carroll L81
Scanzano COMBAT 16U Matt Corda R81
SJ Young Guns 16u Aidan DeCristofaro R81
SJ Young Guns Aidan DeCristofaro R81
FS Prime 16U Dante Edwardi R81
Millville angles Caden Everingham R81
SJ Young Guns 16u Michael Flax R81
SJ Young Guns Michael Flax R81
SJ Young Guns Jackson Logar R81
SJ Young Guns 16u Jackson Logar R81
Drillers Baseball NY Titanium 16U Mark Maraia R81
MA Show 2022 National Ryan Mullock R81
SJ Young Guns Jack Norton R81
SJ Young Guns 16u Jack Norton R81
South Jersey Storm Jack Norton R81
Santos Baseball Nick Scura R81
Team BEAST 2022 Mateo Sucre R81
Mid Atlantic Hurricanes Damian Thomas R81
Complete Game of PA 16u Blaine Waltimyer R81
East Coast Ghost Brett Wehringer R81
Scanzano COMBAT 16U Blake Weinstein L81
East Coast Ghost CJ (Christopher) Wisniewski R81
PRD CJ (Christopher) Wisniewski R81
LegKick Nation Jackson Bailey R80
Complete Game of PA 16u Jarred Berish R80
Keystone War Eagles Brody Colbert R80
NY Gothams 16u (22) Dylan Dereskewicz R80
NY Gothams 16u (22) Leo DeRisi R80
.9ers Baseball Club 16u Matt DeWitte R80
Millville angles Lucas Garton L80
FS Prime 16U Lucas Garton L80
NY Gothams 16u (22) Harper Harrell L80
Millville angles Nick Hignett R80
Team BEAST 2022 Owen Hoyt L80
LegKick Nation Gavin Kincs R80
NY Gothams 16u (22) William Marmol R80
Santos Baseball Nicholas Milmore R80
L&M Baseball Ryan Pritchet R80
CK Cardinals Chris Procaccini R80
Keystone War Eagles Logan Ray L80
Complete Game of PA 16u Scott Renk R80
Rising Stars Baseball Matt Tankred R80
CK Cardinals Philip Trebour R80
Mid Atlantic Hurricanes Robb Watson R80
.9ers Baseball Club 16u Owen West L80
.9ers Baseball Club Owen West L80
L&M Baseball Xavier Zykoff R80
Scanzano COMBAT 16U Jake Atlas R79
Millville angles David Bennett R79
MVP BEAST 2022 Jackson Bullaro R79
Rising Stars Baseball Joey Calabretti R79
SJ Young Guns Michael Deblasio L79
SJ Young Guns 16u Michael Deblasio L79
Team Boston 16u Brad Denson R79
Millville angles Dominick Dookie R79
RCBC NATIONALS Christian Ganim L79
Canes North Atlantic National 16u Joshua Garcia R79
MVP BEAST 2022 Alex Larson R79
Team Boston 16u Jacob Laudati R79
PRD Matt Mancini R79
LegKick Nation Jack Martin R79
.9ers Baseball Club Zachary McCabe L79
.9ers Baseball Club 16u Zachary McCabe L79
FS Prime 16U Zachary McCabe L79
US Elite NJ Luke Nomura R79
Next Level CPD 2022 Ben Nosovitch R79
Roberto Clemente Pirates Keithdem Perez L79
RCBC NATIONALS Robert Salafia Jr. R79
MA Show 2022 National Jack Sambogna L79
Scanzano COMBAT 16U Jimmy Silvano R79
South Jersey Sand Sharks 16u Jordan Silvestri R79
Batting 1.000 Seminoles (M. Ferriggi) Ryan Todd R79
NORTH JERSEY BANDITS 16U Miguel Valentin R79
Drillers Baseball NY Titanium 16U Max Vanzetta L79
MVP BEAST 2022 Randy Ventura R79
Keystone State Bombers 16U Regional Andrew Whitehead R79
SJ Young Guns 16u Matt Yula L79
SJ Young Guns Matt Yula L79
New Jersey Bulls Derek Bartek R78
Keystone State Bombers 16U Regional Luke Czachor L78
Pro Skills Baseball 15U Select Nicholas Deford R78
TEAM BEAST 2022 Galiano KJ Dow R78
Batting 1.000 Seminoles (M. Ferriggi) Nicholas Farnacci R78
NY Gothams 16u (22) Tim Gallagher R78
Next Level CPD 2022 Andrew Heiderstadt R78
NORTH JERSEY BANDITS 16U Anthony Herrera R78
Team Boston 16u Brady Miller L78
SJ Young Guns 16u Sean Perkins R78
SJ Young Guns Sean Perkins R78
L&M Baseball Benjamin Raphael R78
East Coast Ghost Nick Sellari R78
Pro Skills Baseball 15U Select Kevin Stewart L78
NY Gothams 16u (22) Christian Tan R78
CK Cardinals Aidan Tumbleson R78
Pro Skills Baseball 15U Select Nicholas Turnage R78
.9ers Baseball Club 16u Nate Watson R78
South Jersey Sand Sharks 16u Joseph Adamson R77
PRD Michael Amendola L77
Team BEAST 2022 Christian Antonopoulos R77
PRD Cole Armond R77
PRD Andrew Banick R77
PRD Joseph Bender R77
NY Bluebirds 16U Justin Coplin R77
SJ Young Guns 16u John DiCostanzo L77
SJ Young Guns John DiCostanzo L77
Team BEAST 2022 Anthony Fulminante L77
South Jersey Sand Sharks 16u Michael Giordano R77
Next Level CPD 2022 Patrick Heber L77
South Jersey Storm Josh Janove R77
Complete Game of PA 16u Cameron Marcum R77
Canes North Atlantic National 16u Justin Marraccini L77
.9ers Baseball Club Shaun O'Keeffe L77
FS Prime 16U Dylan Oliver L77
Roberto Clemente Pirates Anderson Portorreal R77
Millville angles Scott Price R77
NY Gothams 16u (22) Ryan Webb L77
Drillers Baseball NY Titanium 16U Anthony Antonello R76
Next Level CPD 2022 TJ Cox R76
Drillers Baseball NY Titanium 16U Jace Cunnane R76
Canes North Atlantic National 16u Brian Duarte R76
South Jersey Storm Kai Hutchins L76
LegKick Nation Liam Martin L76
Next Level CPD 2022 Joey Patane R76
Roberto Clemente Pirates Bryan Rios R76
FS Prime 16U Braeden Thies R76
Pro Skills Baseball 15U Select Daniel Torres Jr. L76
Complete Game of PA 16u Adam Yarrison R76
NY Bluebirds 16U Wesley Bodwell R75
Mid Atlantic Hurricanes Alex Bouchard R75
Batting 1.000 Seminoles (Okon) Damian DiGiuseppe R75
Batting 1.000 Seminoles (M. Ferriggi) Tim Dorman L75
Roberto Clemente Pirates Isaiah Figueroa R75
FS Prime 16U Charlie Firetto R75
Team Boston 16u Patrick Gogolin R75
FS Prime 16U Matt Grasso R75
Pro Skills Baseball 15U Select Tommy Kohler R75
NY Bluebirds 16U Jayden Meregildo R75
Roberto Clemente Pirates Joshua Moreno L75
Roberto Clemente Pirates Aaron Nieves R75
Millville angles Ethan Orange R75
LegKick Nation Dylan Palmer R75
Pro Skills Baseball 15U Select Michael Papi R75
Roberto Clemente Pirates Waldy Perez R75
Complete Game of PA 16u Connor Roche L75
Scanzano COMBAT 16U Carter Sari R75
Batting 1.000 Seminoles (Okon) Thomas Andersen R74
.9ers Baseball Club 16u Will Brodeur L74
Rising Stars Baseball Dylan Carfara R74
TEAM BEAST 2022 Galiano Ryan Connelly R74
Santos Baseball Nick Donato R74
Team Boston 16u Tad Giardina R74
PRD Frankie Kern R74
South Jersey Storm Jacob Kramer R74
Millville angles Kyle Markert R74
Pro Skills Baseball 15U Select Christian Ovecka L74
South Jersey Sand Sharks 16u Donovan Patten L74
Rising Stars Baseball Christian Pickell R74
TEAM BEAST 2022 Galiano Liam Riordan R74
.9ers Baseball Club 16u Shane Sajewicz L74
L&M Baseball Chris Thorne R74
Team Boston 16u Frankie Velazquez R74
TEAM BEAST 2022 Galiano Warner Young R74
.9ers Baseball Club 16u Derek Baksh R73
Batting 1.000 Seminoles (Okon) Matt Balan R73
South Jersey Storm Ryan Burnham R73
South Jersey Storm Jaxon Casdia L73
CK Cardinals Damien Charleston R73
New Jersey Bulls Jake Cicchetti R73
Batting 1.000 Seminoles (M. Ferriggi) Brendan Eising R73
Batting 1.000 Seminoles (Okon) Jack Flood R73
Complete Game of PA 16u Ryan Garvey R73
16u White Jacob Goldfarb R73
Canes North Atlantic National 16u Akshay Heda R73
Batting 1.000 Seminoles (Okon) Sid Mantravadi R73
Team Boston 16u Alexander Marancik R73
Canes North Atlantic National 16u Max Nasjletti R73
TEAM BEAST 2022 Galiano Patrick Rowland R73
Team BEAST 2022 Connor Waiting R73
South Jersey Storm Grant Yezzi R73
Scanzano COMBAT 16U Nicholas Bove L72
Next Level CPD 2022 Michael Camardi L72
MA Show 2022 National Connor Ford L72
NORTH JERSEY BANDITS 16U Miguel Gonzalez R72
CK Cardinals Will Heller R72
New Jersey Bulls Declan Hickey R72
16u White Joel Inman R72
Santos Baseball Logan Kral R72
South Jersey Sand Sharks 16u David Macdonald L72
16u White Sean Nary R72
RCBC NATIONALS Nicholas Renna R72
Team BEAST 2022 Jack Rupe R72
LegKick Nation Gavin Atkinson R71
16u White Jayson Dougherty L71
New Jersey Bulls Adam O’Mealy L71
Next Level CPD 2022 Nicholas Ochs R71
LegKick Nation Zack Siegal R71
New Jersey Bulls Garret Wolf L71
16u White Rickey Barranger R70
16u White Jack Dugan R70
Roberto Clemente Pirates Xavier Nieves R70
South Jersey Sand Sharks 16u Jack Rodgers R70
Santos Baseball Lucas Delgado R69
.9ers Baseball Club 16u Aidan Gallipoli L69
Santos Baseball Thomas DeBellis L67
Roberto Clemente Pirates Gilmer Mejia R66