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Coaches: Please refer to the "Pitching Report" Tab for this events pitching rules.
Jul 21 - 25 |  In The Net | Palmyra, PA
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
WC Dragons NL Tyler Ryan R77
Avon Grove Bulldogs Christian Ruohonen R76
WC Dragons NL Sam Buckley R75
Complete Game Of Pa Shane O'Connor R74
Avon Grove Bulldogs Brendon Baiocco R73
Baseball U Pa-Philly 13u Trey Brennan R73
Complete Game Of Pa Cooper Fanaro R73
WC Dragons AL Alex Gannon R73
Avon Grove Bulldogs Ryan Hodgins R73
Canes 13u-Md Chase Johnson R73
Canes 13u-Md Carson Kelm L73
Press On Baseball Cameron Miller R73
Lou Gehrig Martin Pecoraro R73
WC Dragons AL Cole Simmons L73
Baseball U Pa-Philly 13u Brendan Zuckerman R73
WC Dragons AL Adam Dogan R72
3up 3down 13u White Ian Jacob R72
WC Dragons NL Andrew Nemchik R72
Lou Gehrig Connor O'Keefe R72
Press On Baseball Cam Stevens R72
Complete Game Of Pa Colin Carr L71
WC Dragons NL Billy Degler R71
Pittsburgh Spikes 13u JP Preston Howard R71
Avon Grove Bulldogs Cole Pacinelli R71
Pittsburgh Spikes 13u JP Owen Thompson R71
Pittsburgh Spikes 13u JP Jacob Fritz R70
3up 3down 13u White Tristan Goda R70
Lou Gehrig Aidan Graesser R70
Pittsburgh Spikes 13u JP JJ Mancuso R70
Canes 13u-Md Brady Maxwell R70
Press On Baseball Aj Miller R70
Baseball U Pa-Philly 13u Danny Seidler R70
WC Dragons NL Kyle Doherty L69
Avon Grove Bulldogs Brandon Emig R69
Pittsburgh Spikes 13u Heck Nathan Garma R69
Lou Gehrig James Serrano R69
WC Dragons AL Hudson Swan R69
Pittsburgh Spikes 13u JP Brady Thompson R69
Pittsburgh Spikes 13u Heck Ryan Evanish R68
Baseball U Pa-Philly 13u Ryan Richer R68
Pittsburgh Spikes 13u JP Gavin Sikorski R68
WC Dragons AL Jaxon Cherup R67
WC Dragons AL Devin Manning R67
Canes 13u-Md Walker McElwain R67
Avon Grove Bulldogs Ian Schwing R67
Complete Game Of Pa Anthony Bennett R66
Pittsburgh Spikes 13u Heck Colton Christie L66
Canes 13u-Md Colton Dewing R66
Lou Gehrig Cooper Gilham L66
WC Dragons AL Brody Knight R66
Canes 13u-Md John Koegel R66
Lou Gehrig Brian Pickreign R66
Canes 13u-Md Alex Ross L66
Press On Baseball Maddix Elliott R65
3up 3down 13u White Logan Hinkle R65
Pittsburgh Spikes 13u JP Brett Kelly R65
WC Dragons AL Ian Larsen R65
Lou Gehrig Philip Gangi R64
Avon Grove Bulldogs Jakob Goldstein R64
Canes 13u-Md Joseph "Jt" Juhring R64
Press On Baseball Grady Miller R64
Complete Game Of Pa Aaron Ripley R64
Press On Baseball Erik Schlabach R64
3up 3down 13u White Matthew Smola R64
Pittsburgh Spikes 13u Heck Dominic Williamson R64
Press On Baseball Isaac Yoder R64
Complete Game Of Pa Stephen Carroll R63
Pittsburgh Spikes 13u Heck Austin Evanish L63
3up 3down 13u White Russell Leach R63
WC Dragons AL Charles Maguire R63
Pittsburgh Spikes 13u Heck Andrew Palano R63
Baseball U Pa-Philly 13u Hayden Scancella R63
Avon Grove Bulldogs Jayden Brown R62
3up 3down 13u White Christopher Colon L62
Baseball U Pa-Philly 13u Mathew Jordan R62
Avon Grove Bulldogs Luca Brown L61
Complete Game Of Pa Michael Desteffano R61
WC Dragons AL Jaxson Wise R61
Lou Gehrig Jack Gorman R60
Press On Baseball Wylie Numbers R60
Lou Gehrig Matthew Urbino L58