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Effective Immediately Statement from the City of Surprise:
For the purpose of mitigating the spread of COVID-19, beginning June 20, 2020 at 12:00 AM Arizona time, all persons shall wear a Face Covering while in all public settings within the city limits of the City of Surprise where it is impracticable or difficult to maintain a minimum physical distance of six (6) feet from all other persons present, unless exempted herein. Public settings where it is impracticable or difficult to maintain physical distancing shall include, but by no means be limited to, grocery stores, retail stores, pharmacies, restaurants and bars, recreation facilities, libraries, public transportation, any place of public accommodation where lines or crowds form, and special events.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings 3 Event Articles
FB Velocities
Dykstra Baseball Tyler Gough R92
Sticks Southwest 2022 Dillon Orr R91
Dykstra Baseball Hayden Lewis R90
Top Tier Americans 16u- Ca Roman Martin R89
PFA Matadors 2022 Angelo Aleman R88
PFA Matadors 2022 Beto Beltran R88
BPA FURY Owen Mounier R87
Dykstra Baseball Peyton Von Kaenel R87
Sticks Southwest 2022 Austin Humphres L86
Dykstra Baseball Andrew Campbell R85
PFA Matadors 2022 Cole Clark R85
PFA Matadors 2022 Michael Ebner R85
Dykstra Baseball Ian Halverson R85
PFA Matadors 2022 Gavin Meyer R85
Bulldogs Baseball 2022 Jacob Billings R84
Dykstra Baseball Marcos Carrasco R84
PFA Matadors 2022 Julian Cazares L84
Sticks Southwest 2022 Traig Oughton R84
Dykstra Baseball Wyatt Hamro R83
NW Futures 15u Select Jacob Martin R83
NW Futures 15u Select Jacob Martin R83
BPA FURY Javier Martinez R83
BPA FURY Dominic Nunes R83
Dykstra Baseball Dominic Nunes R83
Dykstra Baseball Joseph "JD" Rodriguez R83
Sticks Southwest 2022 Jace Smith R83
WXB Wildcats Blake Stanger L83
Top Tier Americans 16u- Ca Mason Brassfield L82
Top Tier Americans 16u- Ca Aidan Colin R82
Gametime Baseball Ryan Dobbs R82
CBA Summit Jayz Estridge R82
Gametime Baseball Royce Harper L82
NW Futures Jordan Head R82
NW Futures Noah Imboden L82
CBA Summit Jake Johnson R82
Dykstra Baseball Michael Rodda R82
CBA Summit Brandon Roundy R82
CBA Summit Brock Roundy L82
Sticks Southwest 2022 Mason Schmidt R82
Bulldogs Baseball 2022 Erik Arraraz R81
Slammers Griffin Cameron Cartwright R81
Sticks Southwest 2022 Shaun Cottrell L81
CBA Summit Cole Frazier R81
Dykstra Baseball Shea Lake R81
Slammers Halpin Max Ludwig R81
PFA Matadors 2022 Seth Mifflin L81
WXB Wildcats Jonas Nerdin R81
Dykstra Baseball Masen Swan L81
Top Tier Americans 16u- Ca Wyatt Thomas R81
Slammers Griffin Brady Webb R81
Slammers Griffin Dylan Chana R80
Sticks Southwest 2022 Caedin Craft L80
BPA FURY Dillon DeSpain R80
Sticks Southwest 2022 Adam Flanders R80
Tucson Punishers Ryan Garcia L80
PFA Matadors 2022 Chris Jimenez R80
Top Tier Americans 16u- Ca Cole Kenrich R80
Slammers Griffin Cooper Latino R80
VALOR BASEBALL USA Jesse Magdaleno R80
PFA Matadors 2022 Christian Miranda R80
NW Futures Joe Reitz R80
Slammers Griffin Reese Rigney R80
Top Tier Americans 16u- Ca Brian Trujillo R80
WXB Wildcats Dylan Williams R80
Tucson Punishers Abram Bury L79
Team California Underclass Sebastian Byrd R79
Slammers Griffin Michael Griffin R79
Slammers Halpin Dylan Hebinck R79
Tucson Punishers Isaiah Higuera R79
NW Futures Jordan Hockett R79
Sticks Southwest 2022 Gage Lentz R79
NW Futures Casen Reed L79
PFA Matadors 2022 Anthony Reveles R79
Top Tier Americans 16u- Ca Jonathan Rodriguez L79
Top Tier Americans 16u- Ca Slater Vaughan R79
WXB Wildcats Walker Burbidge R78
BPA FURY Cachi Cerda R78
Team California Underclass Jake Fuentes R78
Slammers Halpin Nick Maleri L78
WXB Wildcats Cade Nalder R78
BPA FURY Owen Reid R78
Gametime Baseball Ryan Ruch L78
Slammers Halpin Javen Shopp R78
Slammers Griffin Jake Stenzel R78
VALOR BASEBALL USA Justin Stockwell R78
Team California Underclass Anthony Thomas R78
NW Futures 15u Select Jakob Von Lubken R78
NW Futures Eric Albios R77
Top Tier Americans 16u- Ca Linkin Garcia R77
NW Futures 15u Select Ethan Hubbell R77
Slammers Halpin Lou Levy R77
Slammers Halpin Jackson Nutter R77
NW Futures Colin Schiller R77
NW Futures Nathan Van Dooren R77
Dykstra Baseball Juan Verduzco L77
Sticks Southwest 2022 Stone Williamson R77
CBA Summit Ian Becker R76
Top Tier Americans 16u- Ca Abbrie Covarrubias R76
Slammers Halpin Jack Ellis R76
Slammers Griffin Landon McDowell R76
Slammers Halpin Owen McVicker R76
Tucson Punishers Daniel-Eduardo Perez-Montano R76
CBA Summit Ryland Randall R76
Gametime Baseball Tyler Steeves R76
CBA Summit Jonah Stirling L76
Slammers Griffin Tyler Stonebraker R76
NW Futures 15u Select Jeremy Weinberger L76
NW Futures 15u Select Brock Blakley R75
Gametime Baseball Taylor Casey L75
PFA Matadors 2022 Jeremy Giesegh R75
Slammers Halpin Dane Johnson R75
BPA FURY Gavin Mangano R75
NW Futures 15u Select Aaron Sung R75
Tucson Punishers Broden (Brody) Boyd R74
Team California Underclass Kai Concepcion R74
NW Futures 15u Select Danner Hamburg R74
Gametime Baseball Kyle Jones L74
Gametime Baseball Luke McDonough R74
Tucson Punishers Conner Balmer R73
CBA Summit Bryson Byrd R72
WXB Wildcats Harper Devroom R72
Team California Underclass Michael Moku L72
NW Futures 15u Select Jack Santic R72
Tucson Punishers Noah Collins L71
NW Futures 15u Select Trenton Hamilton R71
Gametime Baseball Dominic Cacho R70
Team California Underclass Levi Ham L70
Gametime Baseball Mikey Hecklinski L69
WXB Wildcats Jack Bell R68
Tucson Punishers Sebastian Wilson L68
Tucson Punishers Vince Zamora R67
Tucson Punishers Ryan Fulcher R64