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3/4 8:55PM - Pool protection was used on the 5/6 seeds and 7/8 seeds in the Major bracket, and 15/16 seeds in the Minor bracket.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
643 DP Cougars 13U Chase Bredickas L77
643 DP Cougars 13U Derrick Aull R76
Usa Scout Elite Wesley Blair R75
643 DP Cougars 13U Brayden Varnes R75
Aviator Baseball 13U Malachi Butler R74
SmarTense 13u Baseball Winston Morris R74
643 DP Tigers 13U Adams Anish Anand R73
SmarTense 13u Baseball Jayden Bibby R73
Alpharetta Raiders Griffin Cox R73
Aviator Baseball 13U Gino Luckie R73
643 DP Cougars 13U Owen McKeeby R73
SmarTense 13u Baseball Patrick (Duke) Sanders R73
Aviator Baseball 13U Aiden Watson R73
SmarTense 13u Baseball Beau Day R72
SmarTense 13u Baseball Elliot Lee R72
Georgia Academy Payne Glasgow R71
643 DP Cougars 13U Sam Harris R71
Georgia Jackets 13u - Nationals Caden McGhee R71
Georgia Jackets 13u - Nationals Jackson Nelson R71
643 DP Cougars 13U Cal Pearson R71
The Hood 13u Andrew Biggers L70
Usa Scout Elite Franklin Helsel R70
643 DP Tigers 13U Adams Joshua Hwang R70
Georgia Jackets 13u - Navy Wilson Lillard R70
643 DP Cougars 13U Parker Perkins L70
SmarTense 13u Baseball Josiah Davis R69
Georgia Academy Eli Floyd R69
643 DP Cougars 13U Marcus Labouchere R69
Titans Baseball 13U Drysdale Luke Raburn R69
643 DP Cougars 13U Brayden Slorahn R69
Georgia Academy Lincoln Ward R69
Georgia Academy Jack Bruce R68
Georgia Jackets 13u - Nationals Colt Culberson R68
Georgia Jackets 13u - Nationals Banks Halcomb R68
Aviator Baseball 13U Austin Lipscomb R68
Usa Scout Elite Kale McBrayer R68
East Cobb Colt 45'S 13u Orange Charles Chuck Mellion Jr R68
Alpharetta Raiders Ezra Merriam L68
SmarTense 13u Baseball Jake Pennix R68
East Cobb Colt 45'S 13u Orange Brant Rutledge R68
643 DP Tigers 13U Adams Oliver Spalding R68
SmarTense 13u Baseball Walker Taulbee L68
Usa Scout Elite Cason Gantt R67
Titans Baseball 13U Drysdale Noah Geismar R67
Georgia Jackets 13u - Nationals Gunner Jarrard R67
Usa Scout Elite Reed Morgan R67
Titans Baseball 13U Drysdale Kenric Nair R67
643 DP Tigers 13U Adams Judson Pankow L67
Georgia Jackets 13u - Nationals Hudson Stanley R67
Ninth Inning Blue Jays 13U Jd Watford R67
Aviator Baseball 13U Devon Beavers L66
643 DP Cougars 13U Gavin Boykin R66
Georgia Academy Aj Craig R66
643 Dp Panthers 13u Matthew Hughes R66
Georgia Jackets 13u - Navy Sutton Johnston R66
East Cobb Colt 45'S 13u Orange Deuce Powell R66
Georgia Jackets 13u - Nationals Tristan Schelter R66
Alpharetta Raiders Jacob Sherrill L66
Georgia Jackets 13u - Navy Josiah Williams R66
SmarTense 13u Baseball Brody Bohannon R65
SmarTense 13u Baseball Dom Consolino L65
The Hood 13u Nick Johns R65
Ninth Inning Blue Jays 13U Aidan Kulich R65
Usa Scout Elite Evan Leblanc R65
Georgia Academy Colton Messer R65
East Cobb Colt 45'S 13u Orange Cooper Overby R65
Alpharetta Raiders Tanush Shetty R65
Nextlvl Prospects- Navy Jaxon Thacker R65
643 DP Cougars 13U Max Bowman R64
Usa Scout Elite Davis Brown R64
Georgia Academy Ace Buczek R64
The Hood 13u Noah Crowdis R64
Alpharetta Raiders Isaiah Dawkins R64
Georgia Jackets 13u - Nationals Jack Gorham R64
Alpharetta Raiders Logan Gravitt R64
643 Dp Panthers 13u Austin Groff R64
East Cobb Colt 45'S 13u Orange Kellee Jackson L64
643 Dp Panthers 13u Alex Kilgo R64
Aviator Baseball 13U Vaden McCarty R64
Ninth Inning Blue Jays 13U Aydin Merchant R64
Georgia Jackets 13u - Nationals Evan Penrose R64
Usa Scout Elite Luke Reece R64
The Hood 13u Kaysan Alqassar R63
Titans Baseball 13U Drysdale Brooks Barton R63
The Hood 13u Brenden Bolzenius R63
643 DP Tigers 13U Adams Colin Cross R63
East Side Aces Victor Gonzalez R63
Nextlvl Prospects- Navy Tucker Isaacs R63
Georgia Jackets 13u - Navy Boden Johnston R63
643 DP Tigers 13U Adams Luc McClendon R63
643 Dp Panthers 13u Jack McQuilken R63
643 Dp Panthers 13u Ryan Patrick R63
Georgia Jackets 13u - Navy Fin Reeves R63
Titans Baseball 13U Drysdale Trevin Thomas R63
Ninth Inning Blue Jays 13U Peyton Brooks R62
Ninth Inning Blue Jays 13U Graham Causby R62
Georgia Jackets 13u - Navy Miller Cole R62
East Side Aces Kel Duffy R62
Titans Baseball 13U Drysdale Oliver Goldie R62
643 Dp Panthers 13u Brady Haff L62
East Side Aces Colter Morgan R62
643 DP Tigers 13U Adams Tripp Percy L62
Titans Baseball 13U Drysdale Aidan Ranfos R62
Ninth Inning Blue Jays 13U David Sheppard L62
Alpharetta Raiders Chase Stefanowicz R62
East Cobb Colt 45'S 13u Orange Aiden Thornton R62
643 DP Tigers 13U Adams Keegan Warren R62
Alpharetta Raiders Nicolas Whealton R62
Georgia Jackets 13u - Navy Jack Willis R62
Georgia Academy Addy Wilson L62
SmarTense 13u Baseball Grady Zydowsky R62
East Cobb Colt 45'S 13u Orange Christopher Cordivari R61
Ninth Inning Blue Jays 13U Johnny Grubb R61
Georgia Academy Chase Hardison R61
Aviator Baseball 13U Jack Hooker R61
East Side Aces Ledger Jones R61
643 Dp Panthers 13u Brayden Kindel R61
Titans Baseball 13U Drysdale Andrew Nagle R61
643 DP Tigers 13U Adams Wes Tilson R61
Nextlvl Prospects- Navy Emory Weaver R61
643 DP Cougars 13U Fisher Catone R60
Aviator Baseball 13U Johnny Howard IV R60
643 Dp Panthers 13u Jay Johnson R60
The Hood 13u Patrick Siemon R60
Georgia Jackets 13u - Navy Dylan Atkinson R59
The Hood 13u Braylon Eason R59
Nextlvl Prospects- Navy Noah Herring R59
Ninth Inning Blue Jays 13U Easton Chase R58
Georgia Academy Jackson Klehm R58
Nextlvl Prospects- Navy Christian Bosnak L57
SmarTense 13u Baseball Griffin Euratte R57
East Side Aces Mason Lynch R57
East Side Aces Mac Stroud R56
Nextlvl Prospects- Navy Carter Dennis R55
East Side Aces Monroe Thrower R54