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Smartense 14u The Show Jordan Johnson R85
East Cobb Astros 14U Orange Matthew Sharman R85
Smartense 14u The Show Branson Crawford R84
Georgia Jackets 14U American Jack Brantner R82
East Cobb Astros 14U Orange Landon Serrano R82
Smartense 14u The Show Ayden Lockett R81
Team Elite 14u Prime Alex Chen R80
East Cobb Astros 14U Orange Nate Dietz R80
Smartense 14u The Show Andrew Reilly L80
Georgia Jackets 14U American Christian Starks R80
Georgia Jackets 14U American AJ Rice R79
TG DBacks 14U National Cameron Coll R78
Smartense 14u The Show Nolan Elrod L78
Georgia Jackets 14U American Sam Moore R78
East Cobb Astros 14U Orange Matthew Shapiro L78
Team Elite 14u Prime Carson Tullos R78
East Cobb Astros 14U Orange Wyatt Waters R78
Smartense 14u The Show Jake Boland R77
East Cobb Astros 14U Orange Saunder Dinkelman R77
Team Elite 14u Prime Alex Freeman R77
643 Dp Jaguars 14u Milo Kennedy R77
East Cobb Astros 14U Orange Duncan Lavelle R77
643 Dp Jaguars 14u Calvin McBurney R77
Team Elite 14u Prime Alexander Reyes R77
Team Elite 14u Prime Martin Shelar R77
5 Star National Haynes/Martin Dawson Coleman R76
East Cobb Astros 14U Orange Mason Corsaro L76
643 Dp Jaguars 14u Elan Lieberman R76
Smartense 14u The Show Hudson Newell R76
Service Baseball-The Unit 14u Trey Windham R76
5 Star National Haynes/Martin Will Canterbury R75
Team Elite 14u Prime Hudson Hill R75
Georgia Jackets 14U American Mason Meehan R75
TG DBacks 14U National Zach Stair R75
5 Star National Haynes/Martin Westen Ard R74
TG DBacks 14U National Cameron Deweese R74
TG DBacks 14U National Hudson Forrest R74
Georgia Jackets 14U American Sean Moore R74
Service Baseball-The Unit 14u Cole Simpson R74
Smartense 14u The Show Bubba Coleman R73
5 Star National Haynes/Martin Ethan Kenney R73
5 Star National Haynes/Martin Winston Lamb R73
643 Dp Jaguars 14u Noah Lavallee R73
5 Star National Haynes/Martin Slade Sweat R73
Service Baseball-The Unit 14u Bryson Wagner L73
TG DBacks 14U National William Whitlock L73
Team Elite 14u Prime Jason Williams R73
TG DBacks 14U National William Wright L73
643 Dp Jaguars 14u Benny Arredondo R72
Georgia Jackets 14U American Charlie Gersmehl R72
TG DBacks 14U National Franklin Griffin III R72
Team Elite 14u Prime Marshall Jackson R72
Georgia Jackets 14U American Hudson Phillips R72
TG DBacks 14U National Ryley Webb R72
5 Star National Haynes/Martin Michael Fletcher R71
East Cobb Astros 14U Orange Neyland Hulsey R71
Service Baseball-The Unit 14u Ben McDonald L71
643 Dp Jaguars 14u Kelly Spalding R71
643 Dp Jaguars 14u Sean Walsh R71
Team Elite 14u Prime Trenton Warrick R71
643 Dp Jaguars 14u Daniel Avitabile R70
Service Baseball-The Unit 14u Sam Hazlewood R70
East Cobb Astros 14U Orange Wiley Smith R70
Georgia Jackets 14U American Jacob Williams R70
Service Baseball-The Unit 14u Bryce Flynt R68
TG DBacks 14U National Tilden Reams L67
TG DBacks 14U National Shea Stern R67
Service Baseball-The Unit 14u Nolan Kowski R66
643 Dp Jaguars 14u Grayson Prien R64
5 Star National Haynes/Martin Seth Suess R63