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Metal spikes/cleats are prohibited on all turf surfaces, including turf pitching mounds. Please make sure your athletes have alternate footwear this weekend.


Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings 1 Event Article
FB Velocities
Louisville Lady Sluggers 09- VB Rory Fitzgerald L62
Central Iowa Riptide Elite Mallory Byrd R61
Dc Premier 13u Courtney James R60
Dc Premier 13u Mandia Bock R59
09 Aces Fastpitch (Mid-Mo) Keelee Hagler R59
Select Fastpitch 13- Forsythe Faith Pittenger R59
Louisville Lady Sluggers 09- VB Kaelyn Thomas R59
Athletics Russell Lopez/Cure 09 Kenyan Beck R58
09 Aces Fastpitch (Mid-Mo) Jaylynn Brown R58
Athletics Russell Lopez/Cure 09 Lydia Dreher R58
Select Fastpitch 2010- Reliford Lindsey Kuzmic R58
KC Ambush 08 Elizabeth Morton R58
Central Iowa Riptide Elite Lejlah Smith L58
Athletics Russell Lopez/Cure 09 Aaliyah Derritt R57
KC Ambush 08 Brooklyn Karney L57
09 Aces Fastpitch (Mid-Mo) Hailey Clark R56
Select Fastpitch 13- Forsythe Brielle Garcia R56
Select Fastpitch 13- Forsythe Ida Kasselman R56
Dc Premier 13u Aubrey Peterson R56
Select Fastpitch 2010- Reliford Lucy Reliford R56
Athletics Russell Lopez/Cure 09 Mia Schorgl L56
Dc Premier 13u Addison Collins R55
Louisville Lady Sluggers 09- VB Norah Culver R55
Select Fastpitch 13- Forsythe Bailey Burns R54
KC Ambush 08 Kylie Stout R54
09 Aces Fastpitch (Mid-Mo) Peyton Watson R54
Louisville Lady Sluggers 09- VB Neva Polc R53
Central Iowa Riptide Elite Kalley Whelchel R47
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