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FB Velocities
Midwest Crushers 16u- American Lindaja Smith R64
Firecrackers IL-Adkins Caitlin Bunte L62
Wisconsin Heat Grace Gray L62
Iowa Outlaws Select 06-Andrew Ada Boysen R61
Wisconsin Bandits 16 Gold Alyx Johnson R61
Bngsa Angels 07 Makenna Ondrey R61
Southeast Ia Allstars 16u Gold - Jones Saydee Plummer R61
Force Elite Hannah Uhles R61
Iowa Outlaws Select 06-Andrew Aubrey Lensmeyer R60
Firecrackers IL-Adkins Riley Nelson R60
Midwest Crushers 16u- American Brylei Adney R59
Force Elite Hannah Gibson R59
Nebraska Gold 309 Alley Gorsh R59
Lady Dukes 16u National - IL Izzy Passmore R59
Southeast Ia Allstars 16u Gold - Jones Addison Gralund R58
Aces KC 07 Kate Landewee R58
Missouri Bombers 06 Gold Kate Proffitt R58
Nebraska Gold 309 Kayley Reynolds R58
Southeast Ia Allstars 16u Gold - Jones Hailey Rosonke R58
Lady Dukes 16u National - IL Adalyn Waldschmidt R58
Firecrackers IL-Adkins Ava Wombles R58
Aces KC 07 Brailyn Fox R57
Nebraska Gold 309 Memphis Gibson R57
Missouri Bombers 06 Gold Evelyn Kraus R57
Wisconsin Heat Kyleigh Mathe R57
Bngsa Angels 07 Mallory Rosendahl R57
Nebraska Gold 309 Samantha Verstraete R57
Iowa Outlaws Select 06-Andrew Addi Downe R56
Esprit Metro 06 Brooke Goetter R56
Esprit Metro 06 Megan Griffith R56
Midwest Crushers 16u- American McKenna Kelley R56
Southeast Ia Allstars 16u Gold - Jones Molly Roe R56
Midwest Crushers 16u- American Lejlah Smith L56
Lady Dukes 16u National - IL Clara Franks R55
Esprit Metro 06 Erin Harpstrite L55
Wisconsin Bandits 16 Gold Aeryn Messmann R55
Missouri Bombers 06 Gold Sydney Webb R55
Midwest Crushers 16u- American Kylie Nelson R54
Wisconsin Heat Kiran Sanford L54
Esprit Metro 06 Grace Presley L53
Aces KC 07 Payton Smith R53
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