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FB Velocities
Midwest Crushers 16u- American Lindaja Smith R62
Tbsa Wahoos 08 Mia Volpert R62
Tbsa Wahoos'07 Mia Volpert R62
Tbsa Wahoos 08 Zoe Goodreau R61
Lady Hitmen 06 Allison Boynton R58
Midwest Crushers 16u- American Joselyn Muir R58
Lady Hitmen 06 Gabrielle Dean R56
Tbsa Wahoos 08 Kendall Stotlar R56
Psa Freedom Haley Schank L54
Tbsa Wahoos 08 Timera Blackburn-Kelley R53
Psa Freedom Madison Nickell L53
Psa Freedom Aubrey Prickett R53
Quad City Firebirds 06 Griffith Isabelle Reyna R53
Quad City Firebirds 06 Griffith Tatum Connelly R51
Psa Freedom Kennady Carrel L50
Quad City Firebirds 06 Griffith Sydnee Ganahl R50
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