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Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings 6 Event Articles
FB Velocities
Florida Legends Christian Rodriguez R94
Neb National Dakota Stone L93
Neb National Presley Wachowiak R92
Neb American Presley Wachowiak R92
Neb National Justin Henschel R91
Neb National Augie Mojica R91
Neb National Hunter Pankey R91
Florida Legends Pablo Torres R91
MVP BEAST 2022 Andreas Alvarez R90
Neb National Sean Collins R90
East Coast Baseball (Ecb) Carter Dierdorf L90
Florida Legends Alex Pazos L90
Neb National Ashton Pocol R90
MVP BEAST 2022 Matthew Canizares R89
Florida Legends Joel Core R89
Florida Legends Kader Rabagh R89
Neb National Jeremy Weaver R89
Florida Pokers National Upperclass powered by Mizuno Gabe Fender R88
East Coast Baseball (Ecb) Maison Martinez R88
MVP BEAST 2022 Justin Mayes L88
MVP BEAST 2022 Drew Munn R88
Neb American Blake Pacheco R88
Neb National Divine Valle R88
Neb National Keegan Zinn R88
FGCP 18U Black Nehemiah Cook R87
FGCP 18U Green Nehemiah Cook R87
Florida Legends David Davila L87
Neb National Grant Gilooly R87
Neb Prospects Nolan Juvers R87
Florida Legends Kevin Martinez R87
Neb National Ian Moore R87
East Coast Baseball (Ecb) Dylan Peck R87
Blue Bombers Marcos Torres R87
East Coast Baseball (Ecb) Garett Corkhill L86
Florida Legends Horacio Cruz L86
FGCP 18U Black Jake Echols R86
FGCP 18U Green Jake Echols R86
Blue Bombers Nick Staszak R86
SWFL 18U Jack Weber R86
MVP BEAST 2022 Aiden Alvarez L85
ABT Summer Scout Team 2022 Zachary Brown R85
SWFL 18U Jose Mijares R85
Blue Bombers Matthew Morales R85
Primal 9 - Libio / Pisani Nicholas Nin R85
Tornadoes Baseball Zachary Oquist R85
Primal 9 - Libio / Pisani Daniel Tchou R85
SWFL 18U Josiah Velazquez L85
Neb American Gabriel Castro R84
MVP BEAST 2022 Ronald Causby R84
Florida Legends Abdriel Delgado L84
SWFL 18U Michael Dominguez R84
Lutz Hellcats Ethan Humphreys R84
Florida Pokers National Upperclass powered by Mizuno Miles Nelson R84
Tornadoes Baseball Brady Porter R84
SWFL 18U Rhett Raymer R84
Jcs Sluggers 18u Omar Valdes L84
Neb American Cooper Whited L84
Florida Pokers National Upperclass powered by Mizuno Riley Barker R83
Tornadoes Baseball Christian Eddy R83
SWFL 18U Tanner Filla R83
Neb Prospects Bryce Kemper R83
SWFL 18U Dylan Masters R83
Tornadoes Baseball Alexander Montero R83
Jcs Sluggers 18u Janiel Peguero R83
East Coast Baseball (Ecb) Andrew Raucci R83
FGCP 18U Green Liam Stern R83
FGCP 18U Black Liam Stern R83
Primal 9 - Libio / Pisani Neile Thomas R83
Primal 9 - Libio / Pisani Nicholas Cabello R82
FGCP 18U Green Kyler Cots R82
FGCP 18U Black Kyler Cots R82
Jcs Sluggers 18u Jaiden Forgetta R82
Blue Bombers Darren Goeke L82
Florida Legends Cameron King R82
Neb American Tyler Lambert R82
Jcs Sluggers 18u Jeremy Luperon R82
Neb Prospects Jackson Phillips R82
Florida Legends Robert Rodriguez R82
Florida Pokers National Upperclass powered by Mizuno Jamieson "Macky" Rowland R82
Primal 9 - Libio / Pisani Brandon Chin R81
SWFL 18U Joe Ficarro R81
Florida Pokers National Upperclass powered by Mizuno Andres Gonzalez R81
Lutz Hellcats Miller Grade R81
Neb Prospects Blace Kamaka L81
Neb Prospects JuanCarlos (JC) Morales-Vega R81
Jcs Sluggers 18u Leandro Ordonez R81
Blue Bombers William Rasnick R81
Jcs Sluggers 18u Connor Stillwell R81
Primal 9 - Libio / Pisani Gio Caffro R80
ABT Summer Scout Team 2022 Bryan Calderon R80
Jcs Sluggers 18u Jerandy Carballosa R80
Lutz Hellcats Jimmy Curtis R80
Neb American Braeden McNamee R80
Tornadoes Baseball Joey Husey R79
Primal 9 - Libio / Pisani Spencer Lichstrahl R79
Jcs Sluggers 18u Jorge Valdes R79
Florida Pokers National Upperclass powered by Mizuno Christian Vazquez R79
ABT Summer Scout Team 2022 Michael Weidner R79
East Coast Baseball (Ecb) David Austen L78
SWFL 18U Jake Billings L78
Primal 9 - Libio / Pisani Luis De La Cruz R78
Lutz Hellcats Jacob Deak R78
ABT Summer Scout Team 2022 Cayden Farmer R78
Neb American Brayden Gilson R78
SWFL 18U Anthony Grandstaff R78
FGCP 18U Green Elijah Jarrett R78
FGCP 18U Black Elijah Jarrett R78
MVP BEAST 2022 TJ Lemonis R78
MVP BEAST 2022 Maximus Mayes R78
SWFL 18U Benjamin McDonald L78
Lutz Hellcats Jaiden Shearer R78
ABT Summer Scout Team 2022 Kane Wilburn R78
Neb American Andrew Callaway R77
Neb Prospects Andrew Callaway R77
Primal 9 - Libio / Pisani Christopher Lowry R77
FGCP 18U Black Julian Rosario R77
FGCP 18U Green Julian Rosario R77
Blue Bombers Nathanael Santibanez R77
Neb Prospects Austin Stratmann L77
FGCP 18U Green Reilly Kinney R76
FGCP 18U Black Reilly Kinney R76
Florida Pokers National Upperclass powered by Mizuno Joshua Krutchik L76
Neb Prospects Griffin Morgan L76
East Coast Baseball (Ecb) Hunter Stolov L76
FGCP 18U Green Ryan Welsh R75
FGCP 18U Black Ryan Welsh R75
FGCP 18U Green Davis Weppler R75
FGCP 18U Black Davis Weppler R75
Lutz Hellcats Kyle Wydra R75
SWFL 18U Zachary Bocchino R74
Neb American Frank Prince R74
ABT Summer Scout Team 2022 Jeffrey Vivian R74
Tornadoes Baseball Charlie Wilson L74
Primal 9 - Libio / Pisani Colin Calvet L73
Lutz Hellcats Tyler Daley L73
FGCP 18U Black Josh Frenden L73
FGCP 18U Green Josh Frenden L73
Blue Bombers Derek Ramirez R73
FGCP 18U Black Jax Golden R72
FGCP 18U Green Jax Golden R72
Lutz Hellcats Nathan Green R72
FGCP 18U Green Cooper Hamilton R72
FGCP 18U Black Cooper Hamilton R72
Neb Prospects Michael Cook Jr R71
FGCP 18U Black Carter Menotti R71
FGCP 18U Green Carter Menotti R71
FGCP 18U Black Dylan Simonsen R71
FGCP 18U Green Dylan Simonsen R71
ABT Summer Scout Team 2022 Joshua Fitch R70
FGCP 18U Green Michael Carpenter R69
FGCP 18U Black Michael Carpenter R69
FGCP 18U Black Taurean Norman R69
FGCP 18U Green Taurean Norman R69
Lutz Hellcats Logan Dombroski R68
FGCP 18U Black Ty Andrews L67
FGCP 18U Green Ty Andrews L67
FGCP 18U Green Colby Callahan R65
FGCP 18U Black Colby Callahan R65
FGCP 18U Green Aidan Sparks R64
FGCP 18U Black Aidan Sparks R64