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FB Velocities
Quad City Firebirds 04 Maddy McDermott R61
Texas Glory Il 04 Lindsey Deroeck R60
Quad City Firebirds 04 Katie Dennis R59
Green Xtreme Gxta Aylah Jones R59
Texas Glory Il 04 Delia Schwartz R59
Midwest Sluggers Campbell Kelley R58
06' Mudd Dawgs Saydee Plummer R58
Midwest Sluggers Bailey Emery R57
Texas Glory Il 04 Kayla Collins R56
Venom Fastpitch 18u Mary Hellige R56
Venom Fastpitch 18u Arlie Lorack R56
Midwest Sluggers Annabelle Donohoo R55
06' Mudd Dawgs Ava Curry R52
Green Xtreme Gxta Katelynn Emerick R52
Venom Fastpitch 18u Aubrey Hesler R52
06' Mudd Dawgs Jessica Lathrop R50
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