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Schedule has been updated! We will be going to an hour and thirty time limit for Sunday's games. 
May 3 - 5 | 
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings 1 Event Article
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Each player shall receive 6 innings through the first four games. Starting with a team's 5th game played, every player will gain an additional inning of eligibility PER GAME thereafter (EX. 12U Player A has 4 innings through 4 games. During the 5th game, Player A would then be eligible to pitch 3 innings). No limit on the number of appearances per tournament, but please be mindful of your young arms.

An inning is added to a pitcher's total as soon as he/she has toed the rubber and throws one pitch (warm up or game). Each pitcher will receive 8 pitches to warm up at the beginning of the game or as they enter into the game, and five thereafter.