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By entering this event there is no guarantee of playing on the Primary Field.  The Primary Ballpark will be used for a limited number of pool games and the Championship Game for ALL AGE DIVISIONS.  ***Weather Permitting***
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
14u Canes Hills
5 Cannon Colley 87 15 Keller Knights 6/16/2023
15 Jaxson Haney 7 1 Boa Oklahoma 2027 6/16/2023
7 0 Extra Effort - Wallace 6/18/2023
Total 14 1
12 Colton Roesslein 59 6 Extra Effort - Wallace 6/18/2023
3 Jace Schulz 91 13 Risin Baseball Pando 6/17/2023
13 Jayce Sheffield 92 11 Boa Oklahoma 2027 6/16/2023
1 Dierks Wente 14 2 Risin Baseball Pando 6/17/2023
49 7 Extra Effort - Wallace 6/18/2023
Total 63 9
14u Okw Baseball
3 Bryson Deaver 74 15 Brewer Baseball 6/16/2023
4 Tate Flanary 10 1 Boa Oklahoma 2027 6/18/2023
6 Wyatt Jones 15 2 MVP 2027 6/16/2023
13 1 Wm Nationals 6/17/2023
Total 28 3
73 19 Mojo Baseball 2027 6/17/2023
Total 101 22
17 Tyler Kirby 21 3 MVP 2027 6/16/2023
75 12 Boa Oklahoma 2027 6/18/2023
Total 96 15
1 Parker Madison 16 1 MVP 2027 6/16/2023
64 12 Risin Baseball-Ward 6/18/2023
Total 80 13
21 Clayton Strange 24 5 MVP 2027 6/16/2023
61 9 Risin Baseball-Ward 6/18/2023
Total 85 14
9 Nathan Sutton 22 4 MVP 2027 6/16/2023
79 14 Wm Nationals 6/17/2023
Total 101 18
30 Mason Williams 19 2 Mojo Baseball 2027 6/17/2023
Boa Oklahoma 2027
3 Brock Copass 26 3 MVP 2027 6/17/2023
11 Cole Dunlap 15 3 Risin Baseball Pando 6/16/2023
79 15 14u Okw Baseball 6/18/2023
Total 94 18
24 Koen Isaacson 76 9 14u Canes Hills 6/16/2023
18 4 Wm Nationals 6/18/2023
Total 94 13
1 Jaxson Murray 7 1 Wm Nationals 6/18/2023
10 Brutus Robinson 34 9 Risin Baseball Pando 6/16/2023
21 2 14u Canes Hills 6/16/2023
Total 55 11
27 Lane Sexton 26 1 14u Canes Hills 6/16/2023
72 11 MVP 2027 6/17/2023
Total 98 12
13 Quaid Smith 68 15 Keller Knights 6/17/2023
22 Jaxon Southerland 44 8 Risin Baseball Pando 6/16/2023
55 13 Wm Nationals 6/18/2023
Total 99 21
BOA Oklahoma 2027 Callison
8 Grant Adams 39 9 Veteran Bat 14U 6/16/2023
6 Kane Dunlavy 49 6 Extra Effort - Wallace 6/17/2023
13 Hudson Hedrick 57 12 Bulldogs Elite 6/16/2023
7 Pryce McClure 36 9 Bulldogs Elite 6/16/2023
78 9 Risin Baseball-Ward 6/17/2023
Total 114 18
18 Landen Vinzant 42 6 Veteran Bat 14U 6/16/2023
24 4 Risin Baseball-Ward 6/17/2023
Total 66 10
21 Luke Williams 0 0 Risin Baseball-Ward 6/17/2023
26 6 Extra Effort - Wallace 6/17/2023
Total 26 6
Brewer Baseball
42 Shane Armstrong 33 4 MVP 2027 6/17/2023
31 6 Bulldogs Elite 6/18/2023
Total 64 10
23 Jaaron Gordon 12 1 14u Okw Baseball 6/16/2023
82 Tehan Kim 17 5 14u Okw Baseball 6/16/2023
25 1 Wm Nationals 6/16/2023
Total 42 6
37 Bronson McDonald 74 9 14u Okw Baseball 6/16/2023
53 Trevor Stephenson 61 11 Bulldogs Elite 6/18/2023
28 Ethan Whitener 81 10 MVP 2027 6/17/2023
11 Zeke Wilson 86 12 Wm Nationals 6/16/2023
Bulldogs Elite
8 Trevor Benman 93 13 Veteran Bat 14U 6/17/2023
24 Chase Garner 62 8 Extra Effort - Wallace 6/16/2023
34 6 Brewer Baseball 6/18/2023
Total 96 14
16 Daxton Henson 11 5 Veteran Bat 14U 6/17/2023
25 4 Brewer Baseball 6/18/2023
Total 36 9
61 Keinan Munson 67 10 Extra Effort - Wallace 6/16/2023
9 Javier Nieto 33 8 BOA Oklahoma 2027 Callison 6/16/2023
13 6 Brewer Baseball 6/18/2023
Total 46 14
7 Tyson Owens 69 12 BOA Oklahoma 2027 Callison 6/16/2023
17 0 Brewer Baseball 6/18/2023
Total 86 12
Elite Baseball 14u - Bartos
7 Truett Hardy 15 2 Mojo Baseball 2027 6/17/2023
27 Wyatt Ingalls 52 12 Risin Baseball-Ward 6/16/2023
1 Carter Kalkofen 55 9 MPact 2027 6/16/2023
85 Austin Mireiter 16 3 MPact 2027 6/16/2023
79 14 Mojo Baseball 2027 6/17/2023
Total 95 17
35 Coleton Palik 53 6 Risin Baseball-Ward 6/16/2023
26 Brennan Staudinger 28 3 MPact 2027 6/16/2023
Extra Effort - Wallace
44 Cruz Gillespie 11 1 BOA Oklahoma 2027 Callison 6/17/2023
6 Dalten Gomez 40 9 Bulldogs Elite 6/16/2023
4 Karson Harris 25 0 BOA Oklahoma 2027 Callison 6/17/2023
2 Jordan Hawkins 24 3 Veteran Bat 14U 6/15/2023
15 1 BOA Oklahoma 2027 Callison 6/17/2023
Total 39 4
99 Cooper Meyer 68 10 Veteran Bat 14U 6/15/2023
17 3 14u Canes Hills 6/18/2023
Total 85 13
0 Bryson Perkins 20 4 Veteran Bat 14U 6/15/2023
22 6 Bulldogs Elite 6/16/2023
Total 42 10
42 Terrance Rideau 16 3 Bulldogs Elite 6/16/2023
30 9 14u Canes Hills 6/18/2023
Total 46 12
0 Landin Shippers 67 8 BOA Oklahoma 2027 Callison 6/17/2023
22 Deuce Tripp 25 3 14u Canes Hills 6/18/2023
Keller Knights
34 Daniel Arizpe 25 2 Risin Baseball Pando 6/16/2023
1 Michael Carter 6 1 14u Canes Hills 6/16/2023
13 Jonathan Donaldson 86 13 Boa Oklahoma 2027 6/17/2023
6 Logan Finley 79 14 Risin Baseball Pando 6/16/2023
18 Thomas Wollscheid 93 17 14u Canes Hills 6/16/2023
Mojo Baseball 2027
11 Sebastian Gammon 98 17 Elite Baseball 14u - Bartos 6/17/2023
23 Grady Glidden 69 9 14u Okw Baseball 6/17/2023
0 Austen Harris 19 3 MPact 2027 6/16/2023
52 8 Risin Baseball-Ward 6/17/2023
Total 71 11
4 Clint Ladon 19 3 14u Okw Baseball 6/17/2023
15 Jackson Miller 5 0 Risin Baseball-Ward 6/17/2023
12 Matt Parker 13 2 MPact 2027 6/16/2023
6 Jiles Southall 28 6 14u Okw Baseball 6/17/2023
9 1 Elite Baseball 14u - Bartos 6/17/2023
Total 37 7
36 Tucker Stull 25 4 Risin Baseball-Ward 6/17/2023
10 Brendon Voss 75 12 MPact 2027 6/16/2023
MPact 2027
7 Luke Bailey 69 9 Mojo Baseball 2027 6/16/2023
8 2 Risin Baseball Pando 6/18/2023
Total 77 11
0 Gunner Bennett 149 15 Risin Baseball-Ward 6/17/2023
14 Jack Goldsberry 97 12 Elite Baseball 14u - Bartos 6/16/2023
24 Rhett Rogers 42 6 Mojo Baseball 2027 6/16/2023
12 Briar Turman 29 3 Elite Baseball 14u - Bartos 6/16/2023
67 16 Risin Baseball Pando 6/18/2023
Total 96 19
MVP 2027
Cade Geiger 16 1 14u Okw Baseball 6/16/2023
33 3 Boa Oklahoma 2027 6/17/2023
Total 49 4
Cashon Merriman 75 12 Wm Nationals 6/17/2023
Cody Peace 53 7 Brewer Baseball 6/17/2023
25 Mason Phillips 73 10 14u Okw Baseball 6/16/2023
Brenden Poull 30 5 Brewer Baseball 6/17/2023
Drew Thomas 14 3 14u Okw Baseball 6/16/2023
20 3 Wm Nationals 6/17/2023
Total 34 6
Lane Wade 77 11 Boa Oklahoma 2027 6/17/2023
Risin Baseball Pando
0 Freddy Arvizu 39 2 MPact 2027 6/18/2023
9 Brodie Ashby 51 9 Boa Oklahoma 2027 6/16/2023
50 13 MPact 2027 6/18/2023
Total 101 22
13 Hayden Clement 36 8 Keller Knights 6/16/2023
1 Sam Grayson 45 6 Boa Oklahoma 2027 6/16/2023
26 4 MPact 2027 6/18/2023
Total 71 10
14 Boston Pando 117 15 14u Canes Hills 6/17/2023
50 Bresyn Webster 50 9 Keller Knights 6/16/2023
Risin Baseball-Ward
8 Jaxon Andrews 52 6 MPact 2027 6/17/2023
40 7 14u Okw Baseball 6/18/2023
Total 92 13
17 Casen Brewington 56 12 Elite Baseball 14u - Bartos 6/16/2023
29 Nathan Clark 6 1 MPact 2027 6/17/2023
27 3 BOA Oklahoma 2027 Callison 6/17/2023
Total 33 4
10 Drake Pace 49 15 Mojo Baseball 2027 6/17/2023
30 6 BOA Oklahoma 2027 Callison 6/17/2023
Total 79 21
18 Bennett Posey 54 7 MPact 2027 6/17/2023
16 Jett Rogers 31 6 BOA Oklahoma 2027 Callison 6/17/2023
31 5 14u Okw Baseball 6/18/2023
Total 62 11
32 Tripp Rogers 42 5 Elite Baseball 14u - Bartos 6/16/2023
48 8 14u Okw Baseball 6/18/2023
Total 90 13
Veteran Bat 14U
1 Traylon Barnes 67 9 BOA Oklahoma 2027 Callison 6/16/2023
24 Beau Daily 42 9 BOA Oklahoma 2027 Callison 6/16/2023
7 Kolt Ellison 16 4 Bulldogs Elite 6/17/2023
29 Lukas Gilbert 0 0 Bulldogs Elite 6/17/2023
9 Kannon Henn 27 3 Wm Nationals 6/17/2023
3 Caden Minchew 27 6 Extra Effort - Wallace 6/15/2023
49 7 Wm Nationals 6/17/2023
Total 76 13
15 Wyatt Pendergraph 38 9 Extra Effort - Wallace 6/15/2023
53 7 Wm Nationals 6/17/2023
Total 91 16
29 Ganon Springer 25 1 Wm Nationals 6/17/2023
7 3 Bulldogs Elite 6/17/2023
Total 32 4
12 Ryder Young 34 2 Extra Effort - Wallace 6/15/2023
68 14 Bulldogs Elite 6/17/2023
Total 102 16
Wm Nationals
0 Owen Blair 44 9 Brewer Baseball 6/16/2023
31 Landon Gibson 76 14 Veteran Bat 14U 6/17/2023
9 Drayden Humphrey 9 3 Veteran Bat 14U 6/17/2023
26 2 Boa Oklahoma 2027 6/18/2023
Total 35 5
23 Mattox Idleman 39 6 14u Okw Baseball 6/17/2023
3 Caleb Murphy 82 12 MVP 2027 6/17/2023
4 Dax Owens 67 13 Boa Oklahoma 2027 6/18/2023
7 Kellen Smith 35 6 Brewer Baseball 6/16/2023
1 Jakob Standifer 5 1 Veteran Bat 14U 6/17/2023
56 8 14u Okw Baseball 6/17/2023
Total 61 9