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7U (AA) 8U (AA) 9U (AA) 10U (AA) 11U (AA) 12U (AA) 12U (AAA) 13U (AA) 13U (AAA) 14U (AA) 14U (AAA)
Jul 8 - 9 |  Doss Park | Houston, TX
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
4Seam Academy
17 Sebastian Flores 14 5 Warhawks 7/8/2023
16 2 Mtb Velo 7/9/2023
Total 30 7
8 Marcos Hernandez 26 3 Warhawks 7/8/2023
9 1 Texas Swingman 12u Blue 7/9/2023
Total 35 4
24 Nathan Ignacio 36 3 Warhawks 7/8/2023
15 Jayden Kesinger 47 6 Mtb Velo 7/8/2023
40 7 Mtb Velo 7/9/2023
Total 87 13
Henry Precella 35 3 Mtb Velo 7/8/2023
56 6 Texas Swingman 12u Blue 7/9/2023
Total 91 9
Conroe Elite Blue
24 Cameron Barber 81 8 Warhawks 7/9/2023
5 Izayah Britton 5 1 Legacy Baseball Club - Obrien 7/8/2023
54 6 Nasa Pony 13u Green 7/8/2023
Total 59 7
1 Zayden Brocken 5 1 Warhawks 7/9/2023
55 Hunter Butler 46 8 Legacy Baseball Club - Obrien 7/8/2023
27 Landon Frederickson 11 1 Legacy Baseball Club - Obrien 7/9/2023
11 Landon Mains 16 3 Nasa Pony 13u Green 7/8/2023
36 1 Legacy Baseball Club - Obrien 7/9/2023
Total 52 4
14 Justin Ochoa 32 4 Legacy Baseball Club - Obrien 7/9/2023
12 Joshua Parish 28 3 Nasa Pony 13u Green 7/8/2023
East Texas Renegades
40 Carter Duran 17 3 Nasa Pony 13u Green 7/8/2023
38 6 Texas Bluechips 13u Navy 7/9/2023
Total 55 9
11 Daxton Ladymon 31 6 Texas Swingman 12u Blue 7/8/2023
45 6 Texas Bluechips 13u Navy 7/9/2023
Total 76 12
84 Bransyn Lagrone 12 3 Nasa Pony 13u Green 7/8/2023
57 15 Warhawks 7/9/2023
Total 69 18
10 Carter Lagrone 23 3 Nasa Pony 13u Green 7/8/2023
95 Travis Lipsey 12 3 Texas Swingman 12u Blue 7/8/2023
33 Jackson Monroe 16 3 Texas Swingman 12u Blue 7/8/2023
60 12 Fasb Red 7/9/2023
Total 76 15
Fasb Red
Hayden Bourgeois 48 6 Texas Elite Lobos - Hayes 7/8/2023
48 9 Legacy Baseball Club - Obrien 7/9/2023
Total 96 15
Anthony Davila 40 6 Texas Bluechips 13u Navy 7/8/2023
25 5 East Texas Renegades 7/9/2023
Total 65 11
Beau Guinyard 26 7 Legacy Baseball Club - Obrien 7/9/2023
Maverick Meloni 11 0 Texas Bluechips 13u Navy 7/8/2023
12 3 Legacy Baseball Club - Obrien 7/9/2023
Total 23 3
Tyler Prater 13 3 Texas Bluechips 13u Navy 7/8/2023
59 7 East Texas Renegades 7/9/2023
Total 72 10
Daniel Quiroz 42 5 Legacy Baseball Club - Obrien 7/9/2023
Las Aguilas
12 Ethan Artiga 45 5 Warhawks 7/8/2023
21 1 Texas Swingman 12u Blue 7/9/2023
Total 66 6
13 Jackson Bates 60 8 Mtb Velo 7/9/2023
44 Erik Capuchino 24 9 Texas Elite Lobos - Hayes 7/9/2023
5 Anthony Chapa 37 2 Texas Swingman 12u Blue 7/9/2023
2 Aaron Estrada 40 3 Warhawks 7/8/2023
42 Gabriel Martinez 10 1 Mtb Velo 7/9/2023
42 3 Texas Swingman 12u Blue 7/9/2023
Total 52 4
1 Jordan Ramirez 15 3 Mtb Velo 7/8/2023
15 3 Warhawks 7/8/2023
Total 30 6
30 3 Texas Elite Lobos - Hayes 7/9/2023
Total 60 9
7 Jorge Rosas 52 6 Mtb Velo 7/8/2023
28 3 Texas Elite Lobos - Hayes 7/9/2023
Total 80 9
Legacy Baseball Club - Obrien
27 Adrian Cepeda 22 3 Texas Swingman 12u Blue 7/8/2023
11 1 Fasb Red 7/9/2023
Total 33 4
39 6 Texas Bluechips 13u Navy 7/9/2023
Total 72 10
7 Ace Ensley 15 3 Texas Swingman 12u Blue 7/8/2023
23 3 Warhawks 7/9/2023
Total 38 6
2 Nate Harmon 66 7 Conroe Elite Blue 7/9/2023
17 Koa Kosuge 37 2 Conroe Elite Blue 7/8/2023
19 Suren Prodoehl 30 3 Warhawks 7/9/2023
10 Julio Rivero 34 4 Conroe Elite Blue 7/8/2023
30 3 Texas Bluechips 13u Navy 7/9/2023
Total 64 7
7 Gavin Sisk 21 3 Texas Swingman 12u Blue 7/8/2023
28 3 Warhawks 7/9/2023
Total 49 6
11 Cannon Streb 10 2 Conroe Elite Blue 7/9/2023
5 Cord Streb 26 3 Conroe Elite Blue 7/8/2023
50 Michael Weber 8 3 Texas Swingman 12u Blue 7/8/2023
71 8 Fasb Red 7/9/2023
Total 79 11
Mtb Velo
35 Brody Boomer 29 1 Nasa Pony 13u Green 7/9/2023
39 James Brandos 30 3 4Seam Academy 7/8/2023
57 9 Texas Elite Lobos - Hayes 7/9/2023
Total 87 12
64 8 Las Aguilas 7/9/2023
Total 151 20
22 Maverick Culpepper 32 2 Las Aguilas 7/8/2023
19 Chevy Hohn 64 6 4Seam Academy 7/8/2023
10 Mason Knott 32 1 Las Aguilas 7/8/2023
42 9 Nasa Pony 13u Green 7/9/2023
Total 74 10
24 Terrence Mayes Jr. 32 1 Las Aguilas 7/8/2023
23 Nico Molinaris 18 3 Texas Elite Lobos - Hayes 7/9/2023
4 0 Nasa Pony 13u Green 7/9/2023
Total 22 3
63 12 4Seam Academy 7/9/2023
Total 85 15
77 Thomas Nobles 49 2 Las Aguilas 7/8/2023
18 3 Nasa Pony 13u Green 7/9/2023
Total 67 5
13 4 Las Aguilas 7/9/2023
Total 80 9
Nasa Pony 13u Green
0 Solomon Alaniz 24 2 East Texas Renegades 7/8/2023
0 Ryan Campbell 38 6 Conroe Elite Blue 7/8/2023
36 7 Mtb Velo 7/9/2023
Total 74 13
0 Aeson Esry 8 1 East Texas Renegades 7/8/2023
20 1 Texas Swingman 12u Blue 7/9/2023
Total 28 2
0 Dylan George 24 3 Conroe Elite Blue 7/8/2023
0 Jaxson Guthrie 24 3 East Texas Renegades 7/8/2023
15 3 Mtb Velo 7/9/2023
Total 39 6
38 4 Texas Swingman 12u Blue 7/9/2023
Total 77 10
0 Samuel Richey 16 0 East Texas Renegades 7/8/2023
0 Jayden Roy 25 1 Conroe Elite Blue 7/8/2023
14 1 Texas Swingman 12u Blue 7/9/2023
Total 39 2
3 1 Las Aguilas 7/9/2023
Total 42 3
34 5 Mtb Velo 7/9/2023
Total 76 8
0 Noah Saucedo 9 2 Conroe Elite Blue 7/8/2023
72 8 Las Aguilas 7/9/2023
Total 81 10
18 3 Texas Swingman 12u Blue 7/9/2023
Total 99 13
4 Jackson Ward 30 3 East Texas Renegades 7/8/2023
Texas Bluechips 13u Navy
Brayden Euson 18 3 Legacy Baseball Club - Obrien 7/9/2023
Shawn Greenville 54 5 East Texas Renegades 7/9/2023
Colton Lewis 23 2 Fasb Red 7/8/2023
Zachary Renteria 14 3 Texas Elite Lobos - Hayes 7/8/2023
52 9 Legacy Baseball Club - Obrien 7/9/2023
Total 66 12
Tristan Siman 20 6 Texas Elite Lobos - Hayes 7/8/2023
32 4 East Texas Renegades 7/9/2023
Total 52 10
Benicio Valenzuela 31 4 Fasb Red 7/8/2023
Texas Elite Lobos - Hayes
Kieran Brunner 60 12 Mtb Velo 7/9/2023
Jaxson Espitia 9 2 Fasb Red 7/8/2023
Nathan Granad 64 9 Las Aguilas 7/9/2023
Matthew Heiner 53 5 Texas Bluechips 13u Navy 7/8/2023
Adrian Herrera 55 2 Fasb Red 7/8/2023
13 Gavin Nichols 19 3 Texas Bluechips 13u Navy 7/8/2023
7 Jordan Rodriguez 38 2 Fasb Red 7/8/2023
5 2 Las Aguilas 7/9/2023
Total 43 4
3 Brice Salas 39 3 Texas Bluechips 13u Navy 7/8/2023
22 1 Las Aguilas 7/9/2023
Total 61 4
Charlie Stephens 22 0 Las Aguilas 7/9/2023
Texas Swingman 12u Blue
13 Adam Antu 66 5 Legacy Baseball Club - Obrien 7/8/2023
27 6 4Seam Academy 7/9/2023
Total 93 11
45 giovanni escobar 20 1 4Seam Academy 7/9/2023
25 Lawton Owens 38 3 East Texas Renegades 7/8/2023
48 6 Las Aguilas 7/9/2023
Total 86 9
6 Eric Palomo 12 3 East Texas Renegades 7/8/2023
12 0 Nasa Pony 13u Green 7/9/2023
Total 24 3
7 Jayden Perez 29 0 East Texas Renegades 7/8/2023
62 8 Nasa Pony 13u Green 7/9/2023
Total 91 8
1 Rene Ponce 41 6 East Texas Renegades 7/8/2023
7 1 Nasa Pony 13u Green 7/9/2023
Total 48 7
39 5 4Seam Academy 7/9/2023
Total 87 12
54 Gunner Tarlton 28 7 Legacy Baseball Club - Obrien 7/8/2023
6 Cullen Brantner 37 3 Las Aguilas 7/8/2023
2 Tayveon Horne 36 6 Las Aguilas 7/8/2023
3 Jakovin Pennywell 40 6 4Seam Academy 7/8/2023
4 Ty Riggs 80 15 East Texas Renegades 7/9/2023
21 Paul Rodgers 20 3 Conroe Elite Blue 7/9/2023
23 Ryder Ullmann 25 6 Conroe Elite Blue 7/9/2023