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7U (Open) 9U (AAA) 10U (AAA) 10U (Open) 11U (Open) 12U (Open) 13U (Open) 14U (Open)
Umpires Pay At The Plate 7U-8UCP $25 per team. 9U-12U $40 & DK $10 Per team. 13U-14U $45 & DK $10 Per team.
Aug 17 - 22 |  Grapeland Park | Miami, FL
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
28 Diego Borjas 43 9 South Florida Contenders 14U 8/21/2021
24 Misael David Delmoral 40 9 MBA 14U 8/22/2021
23 Bryan Gonzalez 9 0 MBA 14U 8/22/2021
0 Nicolas Martinez Rincon 56 7 Falcons 14U 8/18/2021
44 Hugo Molero 64 9 FS Baseball Academy 14U 8/21/2021
12 Derek Morales 56 15 chibas power 14u 8/17/2021
9 Alan Sanchez 27 6 South Florida Contenders 14U 8/21/2021
10 Noslen Sanchez 10 2 Falcons 14U 8/18/2021
25 6 FS Baseball Academy 14U 8/21/2021
Total 35 8
38 5 MBA 14U 8/22/2021
Total 73 13
chibas power 14u
0 Sebastian D Fernandez 19 3 305Elite 8/17/2021
34 3 Top Prospects National 8/21/2021
Total 53 6
7 Jay Patterson 25 3 305Elite 8/17/2021
0 Franky Suriel 32 6 Clutch Prospects 8/20/2021
13 Yordan Torres 24 5 Clutch Prospects 8/20/2021
9 0 Top Prospects National 8/21/2021
Total 33 5
8 Damian Villabrille 29 4 305Elite 8/17/2021
9 2 Clutch Prospects 8/20/2021
Total 38 6
56 4 Top Prospects National 8/21/2021
Total 94 10
6 Darian Villabrille 41 5 305Elite 8/17/2021
55 3 Clutch Prospects 8/20/2021
Total 96 8
Clutch Elite
0 Bryan Arrieta 37 4 Miami Cubs 14U 8/21/2021
22 Carlos Caldera 42 9 Hardball Black 8/20/2021
66 Bryce Goldstein 28 6 MBA 14U 8/20/2021
0 Michael Gonzalez 36 6 MBA 14U 8/20/2021
20 5 Miami Cubs 14U 8/21/2021
Total 56 11
18 Emmanuel "Manny" Lantigua 24 2 MBA 14U 8/20/2021
42 5 Clutch Prospects 8/22/2021
Total 66 7
0 Kevin Leon 31 6 Miami Cubs 14U 8/21/2021
0 Pablo Jose Martinez 32 3 MBA 14U 8/20/2021
5 0 Hardball Black 8/20/2021
Total 37 3
56 9 MBA 14U 8/22/2021
Total 93 12
0 Justin Munoz 30 6 MBA 14U 8/22/2021
0 Yodelkis Quevedo 34 6 MBA 14U 8/22/2021
Everett Suazo 24 6 Hardball Black 8/20/2021
67 9 Clutch Prospects 8/22/2021
Total 91 15
Clutch Prospects
Camilo Castellon 8 1 Top Prospects National 8/21/2021
41 6 Rp28 8/21/2021
Total 49 7
0 0 Clutch Elite 8/22/2021
Total 49 7
0 Dylan Fernandez 10 1 chibas power 14u 8/20/2021
0 Andrew Gonzalez 14 2 chibas power 14u 8/20/2021
24 4 Top Prospects National 8/21/2021
Total 38 6
25 Gabriel Granadillo 21 2 chibas power 14u 8/20/2021
75 12 Clutch Elite 8/22/2021
Total 96 14
2 Anthony Harvey 19 5 chibas power 14u 8/20/2021
54 7 Top Prospects National 8/21/2021
Total 73 12
5 Jeuri La Rosa 27 5 Top Prospects National 8/21/2021
17 Peter Lopez 35 2 chibas power 14u 8/20/2021
27 Liwandry Mejias 15 3 Rp28 8/19/2021
0 Carlos Paneque 10 1 chibas power 14u 8/20/2021
22 1 Top Prospects National 8/21/2021
Total 32 2
23 Ivan Perez 48 6 Rp28 8/19/2021
0 Alejandro Porta 18 6 Rp28 8/19/2021
51 8 Rp28 8/21/2021
Total 69 14
Falcons 14U
1 Zachary Alfonso 58 6 Miami Knights 8/17/2021
5 Alexander Aparicio 15 2 305Elite 8/18/2021
21 Cristian Cordero-Ventura 43 7 Miami Knights 8/17/2021
28 6 FS Baseball Academy 14U 8/21/2021
Total 71 13
17 Bryan Fernandez 37 3 305Elite 8/18/2021
3 Ivan Sabater 62 6 305Elite 8/18/2021
44 Brian Santana 91 12 FS Baseball Academy 14U 8/21/2021
FS Baseball Academy 14U
0 Yunel Alvarez 69 5 Rp28 8/20/2021
0 Evan Castro 51 6 305Elite 8/21/2021
0 Lucas Diaz 47 6 South Florida Contenders 14U 8/17/2021
0 Brandon Espinosa 16 1 South Florida Contenders 14U 8/17/2021
19 Jeremy Fornos 27 4 South Florida Contenders 14U 8/17/2021
69 21 Falcons 14U 8/21/2021
Total 96 25
4 Willian Fornos 18 3 South Florida Contenders 14U 8/17/2021
0 Alessandro Morejon 23 4 Rp28 8/20/2021
8 0 305Elite 8/21/2021
Total 31 4
2 Justin A Rodriguez 42 6 305Elite 8/21/2021
Hardball Black
0 Michael Cuenca 39 6 Clutch Elite 8/20/2021
0 Damian Fernandez 34 3 Top Prospects National 8/18/2021
0 John Hurtado 9 2 Top Prospects National 8/18/2021
31 6 Clutch Elite 8/20/2021
Total 40 8
27 Armando Mendez 11 3 Top Prospects National 8/18/2021
0 Joshua Rios 34 4 Top Prospects National 8/18/2021
0 Armando Vazquez 108 16 Team La 8/21/2021
23 Nicholas Baluja 11 5 Clutch Elite 8/20/2021
17 4 Team La 8/21/2021
Total 28 9
0 Joshua Cardoso 80 21 Clutch Elite 8/22/2021
6 Christian Dixon 85 11 305Elite 8/22/2021
9 Daniel Fernandez 11 3 305Elite 8/22/2021
20 Jacob Mchugh 89 13 Clutch Elite 8/20/2021
2 Matthew Paez 35 6 WTB HAWKS 14U 8/18/2021
0 1 305Elite 8/22/2021
Total 35 7
25 Jonathan Paniagua 32 6 WTB HAWKS 14U 8/18/2021
64 14 WTB HAWKS 14U 8/21/2021
Total 96 20
40 Marcelo Rodriguez 88 17 Team La 8/21/2021
33 Juan Velazco 27 3 WTB HAWKS 14U 8/21/2021
Miami Cubs 14U
2 Angelo Chaviano 28 1 Team La 8/19/2021
17 Yancarlos Cordova 54 9 South Florida Contenders 14U 8/18/2021
5 1 Team La 8/19/2021
Total 59 10
75 14 Miami Knights 8/21/2021
Total 134 24
25 Jose Duarte 5 0 Team La 8/19/2021
71 Josue Feliz 10 0 Team La 8/19/2021
0 Matias Fischer 45 9 South Florida Contenders 14U 8/18/2021
63 9 Clutch Elite 8/21/2021
Total 108 18
28 1 Miami Knights 8/21/2021
Total 136 19
66 Pedro Martinez 35 3 Team La 8/19/2021
46 5 Clutch Elite 8/21/2021
Total 81 8
24 Randy Mercedes 14 1 Team La 8/19/2021
27 Lester Porras 57 4 Team La 8/19/2021
Miami Knights
3 Alexander Gomez 59 12 Falcons 14U 8/17/2021
99 Julio A. Gonzalez 48 7 Miami Cubs 14U 8/21/2021
23 Jorge Heredia 12 3 Falcons 14U 8/17/2021
5 Yovan Martinez 23 3 Miami Cubs 14U 8/21/2021
0 Eliezer Martinez Castillo 53 5 Miami Cubs 14U 8/21/2021
30 Adam Sarmiento 69 14 Top Prospects National 8/19/2021
8 Roman Serra 23 0 Top Prospects National 8/19/2021
45 Bryan Bohorquez 50 3 Clutch Prospects 8/19/2021
4 Lester Diaz 33 3 Clutch Prospects 8/19/2021
29 3 Clutch Prospects 8/21/2021
Total 62 6
0 Juan Fernandez 40 4 Clutch Prospects 8/21/2021
8 Daniel Jose Marquez 51 4 FS Baseball Academy 14U 8/20/2021
10 Gabriel Parilli 6 1 FS Baseball Academy 14U 8/20/2021
45 5 Clutch Prospects 8/21/2021
Total 51 6
7 Aaron Rincon 32 5 Clutch Prospects 8/19/2021
78 Gustavo Villaverde 49 4 FS Baseball Academy 14U 8/20/2021
South Florida Contenders 14U
0 Danny Andrea 73 8 Miami Cubs 14U 8/18/2021
0 Eduardo Fanilla 50 5 FS Baseball Academy 14U 8/17/2021
27 9 305Elite 8/21/2021
Total 77 14
6 Caleb Hein 31 3 305Elite 8/21/2021
0 Benjamin Inguanzo 73 10 Miami Cubs 14U 8/18/2021
0 Mason Kaplan 35 6 FS Baseball Academy 14U 8/17/2021
Team La
13 Dylan Casal 40 6 WTB HAWKS 14U 8/17/2021
71 17 Hardball Black 8/21/2021
Total 111 23
14 Brandon Nunez 38 6 Miami Cubs 14U 8/19/2021
4 Milan Porras 66 12 MBA 14U 8/21/2021
2 Ulpiano Puente 18 1 WTB HAWKS 14U 8/17/2021
29 6 Miami Cubs 14U 8/19/2021
Total 47 7
16 Nicholas Roca 59 8 WTB HAWKS 14U 8/17/2021
38 9 MBA 14U 8/21/2021
Total 97 17
Top Prospects National
34 Joel Arroyo 18 2 chibas power 14u 8/21/2021
22 Gerald Barcelo 11 0 Hardball Black 8/18/2021
0 Dominic Bretti 12 3 Hardball Black 8/18/2021
16 Alejandro Broz 26 5 Miami Knights 8/19/2021
63 12 Clutch Prospects 8/21/2021
Total 89 17
25 Hensel Florentino 36 9 Miami Knights 8/19/2021
47 Douglas Horta 12 2 Hardball Black 8/18/2021
55 9 chibas power 14u 8/21/2021
Total 67 11
24 Zannier Marin 10 3 Hardball Black 8/18/2021
0 Yoidy Martinez 30 7 Hardball Black 8/18/2021
4 Jesús Miguel Moreno Torrealba 30 7 Miami Knights 8/19/2021
35 3 Clutch Prospects 8/21/2021
Total 65 10
0 Miguel Colmenares 45 6 MBA 14U 8/18/2021
8 Mark Manuel 54 8 Team La 8/17/2021
24 6 MBA 14U 8/21/2021
Total 78 14
17 Justin Probst 51 7 Team La 8/17/2021
15 Erik Rader 30 3 MBA 14U 8/18/2021
30 Michael Vigil 36 2 MBA 14U 8/18/2021
72 9 MBA 14U 8/21/2021
Total 108 11