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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
4 Nate Baris 32 2 Ny Gothams 14u (25) 5/15/2021
23 Brooks Barrett 42 3 Diamond Jacks Super 14'S 5/15/2021
1 Chris Cerwinski 36 4 Garden State Rebels 5/16/2021
16 Gavin Drum 78 11 Ny Gothams 14u (25) 5/15/2021
38 Matthew Hodapp 85 9 Diamond Jacks Super 14'S 5/15/2021
13 Wesley Maksimow 67 9 Garden State Rebels 5/16/2021
15 Michael Andrisano 44 6 Santos Elite 5/16/2021
0 Sam Bromage 73 10 The North Jersey Cardinals 14u Red 5/15/2021
16 Luc Bush 15 2 The North Jersey Cardinals 14u Red 5/15/2021
4 Dominic Correale 83 10 Jersey Coast Ghost 14U 5/15/2021
2 Nicholas Dragone 19 6 Santos Elite 5/16/2021
23 Phillip Folmar 65 9 The North Jersey Cardinals 14u Red 5/15/2021
11 Will O'Rourke 36 4 Santos Elite 5/16/2021
13 Patrick Ruiz 37 7 Jersey Coast Ghost 14U 5/15/2021
Diamond Jacks 14u Gold
Jared Levine 73 15 Jersey Coast Ghost 14U 5/15/2021
9 Anthony Petino 90 16 RCBC Marucci 14U Nationals 5/16/2021
10 Brian Quabeck 28 4 The North Jersey Cardinals 14u Red 5/15/2021
Justin Silvius 97 16 The North Jersey Cardinals 14u Red 5/15/2021
0 Jake Yang 18 4 RCBC Marucci 14U Nationals 5/16/2021
Diamond Jacks Super 14'S
27 Joseph Barca 36 3 Mid-Atlantic Ghost 14U 5/16/2021
99 Anthony Denora 95 16 Santos Elite 5/15/2021
Matthew Diskin 31 4 Santos Elite 5/15/2021
14 3 The North Jersey Cardinals 14u Red 5/16/2021
Total 45 7
34 Blake Echternacht 68 15 14U LIB EXPOS BLACK 5/15/2021
19 Zach Fronio 90 12 The North Jersey Cardinals 14u Red 5/16/2021
40 Aj Saccento 68 12 Mid-Atlantic Ghost 14U 5/16/2021
Garden State Rebels
0 Luis Bisono 38 3 Ps2 Academy 5/15/2021
10 2 RCBC Marucci 14U Nationals 5/15/2021
Total 48 5
45 Raphael Da Rocha 11 1 RCBC Marucci 14U Nationals 5/15/2021
Alfredo Gonzalez 0 0 RCBC Marucci 14U Nationals 5/15/2021
46 Reymundo Gonzalez 27 3 RCBC Marucci 14U Nationals 5/15/2021
4 Isa Jackson 46 9 14U LIB EXPOS BLACK 5/16/2021
3 Emmanuel Nunez 0 0 RCBC Marucci 14U Nationals 5/15/2021
24 Julian Panchame 31 3 Ps2 Academy 5/15/2021
99 Sean Walsh 66 9 RCBC Marucci 14U Nationals 5/15/2021
30 6 14U LIB EXPOS BLACK 5/16/2021
Total 96 15
Dean Yellen 54 9 Ps2 Academy 5/15/2021
Jersey Coast Ghost 14U
Mason Alexander 33 4 Ny Dynasty 2025 5/16/2021
Ruben Febres 42 6 14U LIB EXPOS BLUE 5/15/2021
24 4 Ny Dynasty 2025 5/16/2021
Total 66 10
Logan Koeppel 66 9 Diamond Jacks 14u Gold 5/15/2021
Luke Meyers 63 9 14U LIB EXPOS BLUE 5/15/2021
Matt Richter 23 2 Diamond Jacks 14u Gold 5/15/2021
30 3 Ny Dynasty 2025 5/16/2021
Total 53 5
Anthony Torchia 17 2 14U LIB EXPOS BLUE 5/15/2021
Mid-Atlantic Ghost 14U
Alberto Beltra 84 5 Ny Gothams 14u (25) 5/16/2021
13 Derek Brand 40 3 RCBC Marucci 14U Nationals 5/15/2021
34 3 Ps2 Academy 5/16/2021
Total 74 6
19 Lorenzo Camilleri 24 3 Nyc Rising Stars 5/15/2021
42 9 Ps2 Academy 5/16/2021
Total 66 12
16 1 Diamond Jacks Super 14'S 5/16/2021
Total 82 13
9 Lenny Kim 21 2 Nyc Rising Stars 5/15/2021
74 12 Diamond Jacks Super 14'S 5/16/2021
Total 95 14
32 Michael Kisseberth 8 2 Diamond Jacks Super 14'S 5/16/2021
32 4 Ny Gothams 14u (25) 5/16/2021
Total 40 6
2 Ben Robinson 14 3 Ny Gothams 14u (25) 5/16/2021
11 Gabriel Rozenfeld 30 5 Ps2 Academy 5/16/2021
5 0 Diamond Jacks Super 14'S 5/16/2021
Total 35 5
10 Colton Sitarik 81 12 Nyc Rising Stars 5/15/2021
15 Dylan Vowteras 63 6 RCBC Marucci 14U Nationals 5/15/2021
16 Tyler Yoo 23 6 RCBC Marucci 14U Nationals 5/15/2021
Ny Dynasty 2025
3 Marco Aruta 58 9 Ps2 Academy 5/15/2021
Dylan Bligh 23 4 Ps2 Academy 5/15/2021
1 Joseph Guerci 71 10 Nyc Rising Stars 5/15/2021
9 Bryan Levine 3 1 Jersey Coast Ghost 14U 5/16/2021
23 Justin Levine 69 11 Jersey Coast Ghost 14U 5/16/2021
0 Justin Levine 0 0 Jersey Coast Ghost 14U 5/16/2021
97 Matthew Mavricos 33 8 Ps2 Academy 5/15/2021
14 3 Jersey Coast Ghost 14U 5/16/2021
Total 47 11
13 Charles Porto 44 8 Nyc Rising Stars 5/15/2021
Ny Gothams 14u (25)
28 Colin Cashin 91 15 RCBC Marucci 14U Nationals 5/16/2021
6 Abe Charkow 5 0 Santos Elite 5/15/2021
8 Colin Correia 33 9 Mid-Atlantic Ghost 14U 5/16/2021
51 Héctor De Los Santos 92 16 Santos Elite 5/15/2021
27 Manuel Martinez 47 6 Mid-Atlantic Ghost 14U 5/16/2021
4 Allen Ramos 89 17 Nyc Rising Stars 5/16/2021
14 Ian Shearer 12 2 Santos Elite 5/15/2021
66 15 14U LIB EXPOS BLACK 5/15/2021
Total 78 17
Nyc Rising Stars
18 Maxwell Doninger 94 16 Mid-Atlantic Ghost 14U 5/15/2021
27 Sean Gallagher 86 12 Ny Gothams 14u (25) 5/16/2021
46 Connor Tam 27 3 Ny Dynasty 2025 5/15/2021
47 Jude Van Ooyen 93 15 Ny Dynasty 2025 5/15/2021
4 Leo Vitarelli 19 2 Mid-Atlantic Ghost 14U 5/15/2021
33 5 Ny Gothams 14u (25) 5/16/2021
Total 52 7
Ps2 Academy
50 Nick Bumbaco 31 3 Ny Dynasty 2025 5/15/2021
46 4 Mid-Atlantic Ghost 14U 5/16/2021
Total 77 7
13 Matt Caruso 27 8 Ny Dynasty 2025 5/15/2021
75 11 Mid-Atlantic Ghost 14U 5/16/2021
Total 102 19
8 Jake Rendino 48 7 Ny Dynasty 2025 5/15/2021
24 Jason Sansone 8 2 Ny Dynasty 2025 5/15/2021
28 6 Garden State Rebels 5/15/2021
Total 36 8
16 2 Mid-Atlantic Ghost 14U 5/16/2021
Total 52 10
15 Kenny Vanwinkle 48 6 Garden State Rebels 5/15/2021
28 Nick Werner 37 6 Garden State Rebels 5/15/2021
20 1 Ny Dynasty 2025 5/15/2021
Total 57 7
RCBC Marucci 14U Nationals
44 James Bajana 40 6 Garden State Rebels 5/15/2021
31 2 Ny Gothams 14u (25) 5/16/2021
Total 71 8
29 Jason Dennis 57 9 Garden State Rebels 5/15/2021
26 6 Ny Gothams 14u (25) 5/16/2021
Total 83 15
16 3 Diamond Jacks 14u Gold 5/16/2021
Total 99 18
30 Patrick Hassel 17 2 Ny Gothams 14u (25) 5/16/2021
13 Michael Holzer Jr. 47 5 Mid-Atlantic Ghost 14U 5/15/2021
57 10 Diamond Jacks 14u Gold 5/16/2021
Total 104 15
22 Michael Marchese 62 9 Mid-Atlantic Ghost 14U 5/15/2021
35 1 Ny Gothams 14u (25) 5/16/2021
Total 97 10
11 Eddie Rethorn 54 7 Diamond Jacks 14u Gold 5/16/2021
Santos Elite
35 Anthony Costello 28 3 Diamond Jacks Super 14'S 5/15/2021
72 Mason Daly 22 6 Diamond Jacks Super 14'S 5/15/2021
51 Ayden Ellis 53 8 Ny Gothams 14u (25) 5/15/2021
3 Gabriel Gobbi 75 9 14U LIB EXPOS BLUE 5/16/2021
33 Ethan Lee 42 6 Ny Gothams 14u (25) 5/15/2021
53 Cristian Mejia 16 3 Ny Gothams 14u (25) 5/15/2021
20 Isaiah Polanco 51 5 14U LIB EXPOS BLUE 5/16/2021
2 Harssh Ramayanam Venkkat 78 9 Diamond Jacks Super 14'S 5/15/2021
The North Jersey Cardinals 14u Red
12 Alexander Adornato 23 3 Diamond Jacks Super 14'S 5/16/2021
15 Vincent Graham 86 11 14U LIB EXPOS BLUE 5/15/2021
13 Jason Habedank, Jr. 33 9 14U LIB EXPOS BLUE 5/15/2021
27 2 Diamond Jacks Super 14'S 5/16/2021
Total 60 11
22 Michael Liloia 90 12 Diamond Jacks 14u Gold 5/15/2021
25 Michael Ramirez 27 6 Diamond Jacks 14u Gold 5/15/2021
51 7 Diamond Jacks Super 14'S 5/16/2021
Total 78 13