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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
5 Star Atl 13u Black
Eli Attaway 48 10 Meridian Panthers 13u 3/13/2021
Dylan Blackmon 82 6 Georgia Roadrunners 3/13/2021
40 Jose Ferrer 41 8 Georgia Roadrunners 3/13/2021
Michael Heath 26 2 East Cobb Astros 13u Orange 3/13/2021
Hunter Jackson 16 4 East Cobb Astros 13u Orange 3/13/2021
William McCollum 68 8 Meridian Panthers 13u 3/13/2021
99 Eli Walker 63 6 East Cobb Astros 13u Orange 3/13/2021
5 Star Atl 13u Gold
34 Collin Davis 57 7 Dingers Elite 2026 3/12/2021
27 6 MC Bulldogs 3/13/2021
Total 84 13
Izaiah Delossantos 16 2 Titans Baseball 13u Blue 3/12/2021
32 6 MC Bulldogs 3/13/2021
Total 48 8
85 Oziel Lopez 53 3 Titans Baseball 13u Blue 3/12/2021
2 Justice Morrison 16 0 Titans Baseball 13u Blue 3/12/2021
13 Kane Moye 49 7 Dingers Elite 2026 3/12/2021
44 David Paez 58 9 Titans Baseball 13u Blue 3/12/2021
22 Carson Ray 72 6 MC Bulldogs 3/13/2021
643 Dp Athletics 13u Tigers
12 Noah Lavallee 22 1 Georgia Jackets 13u Auterson 3/13/2021
28 Calvin McBurney 62 9 Georgia Jackets 13u Auterson 3/13/2021
13 Adrian Pulido 18 3 Georgia Jackets 13u Auterson 3/13/2021
643 Dp Cougars 13u Rookard
10 Lofton Brown 20 4 Dingers Elite 2026 3/12/2021
2 Khalon Davis 12 2 Titans Baseball 13u Blue 3/12/2021
22 6 Meridian Panthers 13u 3/14/2021
Total 34 8
28 Braden Goolsby 41 2 Dingers Elite 2026 3/12/2021
4 Clay Herring 51 9 Dingers Elite 2026 3/12/2021
28 3 Dingers Elite 2026 3/14/2021
Total 79 12
77 Gabriel Hester 9 3 Meridian Panthers 13u 3/14/2021
21 Trey Luke 74 15 Dingers Elite 2026 3/14/2021
8 Joe Montembeau 43 9 Titans Baseball 13u Blue 3/12/2021
19 Thomas Williams 56 7 Titans Baseball 13u Blue 3/12/2021
Canes Southeast 13u
34 Dylan Black 72 13 Georgia Octane 13u Bailey 3/13/2021
3 Cohen Bohannon 60 8 Service Baseball 13u The 75th 3/13/2021
14 RJ Cope 16 4 East Cobb Astros 13u Orange 3/14/2021
65 10 MC Bulldogs 3/14/2021
Total 81 14
0 Anthony Davis 95 14 Titans Baseball 13u Blue 3/14/2021
15 Aaron Humphries 36 5 MC Bulldogs 3/14/2021
24 Michael Johnson jr 0 0 Dingers Elite 2026 3/14/2021
80 Connor Langdon 100 18 East Cobb Astros 13u Orange 3/14/2021
44 Ty Mobley 69 11 Dingers Elite 2026 3/14/2021
7 John Robbins III 58 9 Service Baseball 13u The 75th 3/13/2021
88 Zachary Simmons 27 3 Georgia Octane 13u Bailey 3/13/2021
35 Collin Thomas 15 2 Georgia Octane 13u Bailey 3/13/2021
35 6 Titans Baseball 13u Blue 3/14/2021
Total 50 8
1 Drew White 8 3 Dingers Elite 2026 3/14/2021
Dingers Elite 2026
27 Ruben Balderas 17 1 5 Star Atl 13u Gold 3/12/2021
75 11 Canes Southeast 13u 3/14/2021
Total 92 12
39 Parker Bourrie 40 3 Canes Southeast 13u 3/14/2021
2 Riley Bourrie 40 4 643 Dp Cougars 13u Rookard 3/12/2021
2 2 5 Star Atl 13u Gold 3/12/2021
Total 42 6
6 0 Canes Southeast 13u 3/14/2021
Total 48 6
34 6 Georgia Roadrunners 3/14/2021
Total 82 12
15 Alex Morales 53 10 643 Dp Cougars 13u Rookard 3/14/2021
14 Kanon Nelson 59 9 643 Dp Cougars 13u Rookard 3/12/2021
40 5 643 Dp Cougars 13u Rookard 3/14/2021
Total 99 14
33 Ryland Perry 44 9 5 Star Atl 13u Gold 3/12/2021
52 8 Georgia Roadrunners 3/14/2021
Total 96 17
0 Mathew Sime 31 3 5 Star Atl 13u Gold 3/12/2021
13 1 Canes Southeast 13u 3/14/2021
Total 44 4
30 Brett Sturm 8 2 643 Dp Cougars 13u Rookard 3/12/2021
37 5 Georgia Roadrunners 3/14/2021
Total 45 7
40 7 643 Dp Cougars 13u Rookard 3/14/2021
Total 85 14
East Cobb Astros 13u Orange
54 CJ AuBuchon 66 11 Canes Southeast 13u 3/14/2021
5 Connor Black 18 4 5 Star Atl 13u Black 3/13/2021
44 Wells Grisham 51 7 Canes Southeast 13u 3/14/2021
3 Ryder Porter 72 11 5 Star Atl 13u Black 3/13/2021
4 Grayson Prien 18 2 Canes Southeast 13u 3/14/2021
Georgia Jackets 13u Auterson
7 Knox Bingham 10 3 MC Bulldogs 3/13/2021
27 Jack Brantner 20 3 MC Bulldogs 3/14/2021
24 Peyton Clower 14 3 Georgia Roadrunners 3/12/2021
63 11 MC Bulldogs 3/14/2021
Total 77 14
11 Charlie Delp 38 9 MC Bulldogs 3/13/2021
16 Will Flowers 75 15 643 Dp Athletics 13u Tigers 3/13/2021
10 KJ Hart 56 7 MC Bulldogs 3/13/2021
1 Ryder Register 36 9 Georgia Roadrunners 3/12/2021
46 AJ Rice 52 9 Georgia Roadrunners 3/12/2021
5 Christian Starks 38 1 MC Bulldogs 3/14/2021
Georgia Octane 13u Bailey
34 Luke Althardt 39 8 Georgia Roadrunners 3/14/2021
5 Tyler Brobst 80 17 MC Bulldogs 3/13/2021
7 Walker Clark 63 9 Service Baseball 13u The 75th 3/13/2021
9 Michael Holck 22 4 Georgia Roadrunners 3/14/2021
3 Kamden Jennings 43 4 Georgia Roadrunners 3/14/2021
54 Nevin Kunampuram 18 2 Service Baseball 13u The 75th 3/13/2021
33 6 Canes Southeast 13u 3/13/2021
Total 51 8
44 Ryan Maurer 23 2 Georgia Roadrunners 3/14/2021
4 Cohen Rogers 23 6 Service Baseball 13u The 75th 3/13/2021
28 5 MC Bulldogs 3/13/2021
Total 51 11
1 Ryan Taran 46 8 Canes Southeast 13u 3/13/2021
Georgia Roadrunners
4 Kyle Acree 12 3 Service Baseball 13u The 75th 3/12/2021
18 4 5 Star Atl 13u Black 3/13/2021
Total 30 7
22 Vance Bock 36 9 Service Baseball 13u The 75th 3/12/2021
99 Levi Crowe 38 9 5 Star Atl 13u Black 3/13/2021
3 Luke Dolsen 4 0 Georgia Jackets 13u Auterson 3/12/2021
25 6 Georgia Octane 13u Bailey 3/14/2021
Total 29 6
7 Taylor Fuller 62 12 Dingers Elite 2026 3/14/2021
12 Cameron Glaser 29 9 Georgia Jackets 13u Auterson 3/12/2021
29 9 Georgia Octane 13u Bailey 3/14/2021
Total 58 18
30 Tristan Gonzalez 39 6 Dingers Elite 2026 3/14/2021
13 Kaden Myers 11 1 Dingers Elite 2026 3/14/2021
27 Luke Nitkowski 49 9 Georgia Jackets 13u Auterson 3/12/2021
15 Dawson Radaszewski 34 6 Georgia Octane 13u Bailey 3/14/2021
25 Zeb Runion 23 4 5 Star Atl 13u Black 3/13/2021
MC Bulldogs
7 Drew Ainslie 45 9 Georgia Octane 13u Bailey 3/13/2021
58 9 Canes Southeast 13u 3/14/2021
Total 103 18
55 Maddox Brice 16 0 Canes Southeast 13u 3/14/2021
3 Dallas Dickerson 38 9 Georgia Jackets 13u Auterson 3/13/2021
29 6 Georgia Jackets 13u Auterson 3/14/2021
Total 67 15
34 Keon Johnson 27 6 Georgia Jackets 13u Auterson 3/13/2021
35 2 Canes Southeast 13u 3/14/2021
Total 62 8
11 Hudson Reed 39 6 Georgia Jackets 13u Auterson 3/13/2021
3 1 5 Star Atl 13u Gold 3/13/2021
Total 42 7
55 8 Georgia Jackets 13u Auterson 3/14/2021
Total 97 15
24 Caylem Richardson 36 9 Georgia Octane 13u Bailey 3/13/2021
17 2 Georgia Jackets 13u Auterson 3/14/2021
Total 53 11
27 2 Canes Southeast 13u 3/14/2021
Total 80 13
4 Davis Strickland 6 2 Canes Southeast 13u 3/14/2021
23 Ty Tillery 97 20 5 Star Atl 13u Gold 3/13/2021
Meridian Panthers 13u
20 Ellis Appling 13 3 5 Star Atl 13u Black 3/13/2021
4 Clayton Bolds 47 6 5 Star Atl 13u Black 3/13/2021
32 Quinn Carter 39 4 643 Dp Athletics 13u Tigers 3/13/2021
14 0 643 Dp Cougars 13u Rookard 3/14/2021
Total 53 4
13 Grant Lambert 21 6 5 Star Atl 13u Black 3/13/2021
21 0 643 Dp Cougars 13u Rookard 3/14/2021
Total 42 6
56 Charlie Saudarg 0 0 643 Dp Athletics 13u Tigers 3/13/2021
28 3 5 Star Atl 13u Black 3/13/2021
Total 28 3
14 JT Whritenour 45 6 643 Dp Athletics 13u Tigers 3/13/2021
57 8 643 Dp Cougars 13u Rookard 3/14/2021
Total 102 14
Service Baseball 13u The 75th
7 Wyatt Ballisty 64 8 Georgia Octane 13u Bailey 3/13/2021
19 Bryson Germanenko 53 4 Georgia Roadrunners 3/12/2021
22 Adiel Gibson 27 8 Canes Southeast 13u 3/13/2021
26 Liam McNulty 53 6 Georgia Roadrunners 3/12/2021
3 Cole Simpson 64 10 Canes Southeast 13u 3/13/2021
27 Trey Windham 42 8 Georgia Octane 13u Bailey 3/13/2021
Titans Baseball 13u Blue
7 Camden Abrams 36 3 5 Star Atl 13u Gold 3/12/2021
27 Nick Bobrowski 42 6 643 Dp Cougars 13u Rookard 3/12/2021
23 William Hawkins 47 6 643 Dp Cougars 13u Rookard 3/12/2021
17 Ethan Lawrence 13 3 643 Dp Cougars 13u Rookard 3/12/2021
15 Matthew Perez 33 6 5 Star Atl 13u Gold 3/12/2021
0 Mack Town 31 6 5 Star Atl 13u Gold 3/12/2021
24 Robert Turner 22 3 643 Dp Cougars 13u Rookard 3/12/2021
77 18 Canes Southeast 13u 3/14/2021
Total 99 21