Are you looking to get noticed by college coaches? Then you need to attend a Perfect Game Showcase!
PG Showcases garner national exposure, social media visibility, and the opportunity to improve your player rankings.
Due to Deland playing FCA Carter we pool protected the 6 and 7th seeds.
(Updated 6/20/2020) Coaches: Be sure you are aware of all rules and rule changes. Perfect Game reserves the right to amend these rules at any time for specific tournament play. National High School Federation Baseball Rules will be enforced with the following exceptions.
9U-12U: Championship games will be played with regular extra innings through the 8th inning. Starting in the 9th inning, the last three hitters from previous inning will load the bases. 13U-14U: Championship games will be played with regular extra innings through the 9th inning. Starting in the 10th inning the last three hitters from the previous inning will load the bases. Forfeits: All games must be started with at least 9 players. A game can be finished with 8 players. If there are no eligible subs the player leaving the original lineup will be recorded as an out until he is able to return. Any intentional forfeit could result in the forfeiting team being eliminated from the tournament. The tournament committee will rule on all forfeits. No team should benefit from the result of a forfeit in an unfair manner. This rule could result in a dispute and the tournament committee reserves the right to look at and rule in the fairest possible way. The committee’s decision will be final! A forfeit score will be the average runs scored for the winning team to 0 for the losing team. The tournament committee will decide when a forfeit is declared.