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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Austin Banditos-Black
10 Camden Aguirre 22 2 Dallas Patriots 10u Stout 5/13/2023
27 Wesley Mitchell 66 12 Dallas Patriots 10u Stout 5/14/2023
5 Johnny Moseley 63 15 Texas Made 5/13/2023
25 Marco Palacios Jr. 0 0 South Texas Heat 5/14/2023
22 4 Twelve Sa Maroon 5/14/2023
Total 22 4
3 Marco A Sanchez III 31 9 Dallas Patriots 10u Stout 5/13/2023
57 9 Twelve Sa Maroon 5/14/2023
Total 88 18
4 Jonathan Tapia 24 4 Dallas Patriots 10u Stout 5/13/2023
8 2 Twelve Sa Maroon 5/14/2023
Total 32 6
60 15 South Texas Heat 5/14/2023
Total 92 21
Austin Banditos-White
23 Cade Carlson 16 3 South Texas Heat 5/14/2023
4 Easton Darity 52 9 Cpyl Predators 5/13/2023
39 9 South Texas Heat 5/14/2023
Total 91 18
2 Jared Martinez 32 6 Cpyl Predators 5/13/2023
14 2 South Texas Heat 5/14/2023
Total 46 8
78 Isaiah Molina 51 7 Lh Panthers 10u 5/13/2023
1 Giovanni Montalvo 27 2 Lh Panthers 10u 5/13/2023
Cpyl Predators
1 Ethan Brandt 26 1 Lh Panthers 10u 5/13/2023
23 Casen Eggeling 26 3 Lh Panthers 10u 5/13/2023
7 Easton Ford 45 6 Dallas Patriots 10u Stout 5/14/2023
17 Hayes Mongold 43 9 Austin Banditos-White 5/13/2023
27 Jace Nelson 25 1 Lh Panthers 10u 5/13/2023
5 Cole Stanley 15 6 Austin Banditos-White 5/13/2023
34 9 Dallas Patriots 10u Stout 5/14/2023
Total 49 15
Dallas Patriots 10u Stout
45 Jett Blankenship 53 15 Cpyl Predators 5/14/2023
6 Brennan Haney 28 2 Austin Banditos-Black 5/13/2023
30 5 Austin Banditos-Black 5/14/2023
Total 58 7
25 Kannon James 19 3 Fair Oaks Falcons 5/13/2023
27 Cole Snider 48 12 Fair Oaks Falcons 5/13/2023
63 11 Austin Banditos-Black 5/13/2023
Total 111 23
3 Cooper Stout 30 4 Austin Banditos-Black 5/14/2023
46 Elias Trujillo III 0 0 Austin Banditos-Black 5/14/2023
Fair Oaks Falcons
12 Kaleb Christ 56 12 Tx Militia 10u 5/13/2023
8 Ford Nichols 72 12 Twelve Sa Maroon 5/14/2023
2 Brayden Palomino 5 3 Twelve Sa Maroon 5/14/2023
34 Ethan Ramirez 88 15 Dallas Patriots 10u Stout 5/13/2023
Gps Legends 10u Slocum
2 Christian Armstrong 30 8 South Texas Heat 5/13/2023
99 Trevor Batten 17 4 South Texas Heat 5/13/2023
1 Graham Cox 36 6 Texas Sun Devils - 10u Whinery 5/13/2023
59 Daniel McEllin 8 3 Texas Sun Devils - 10u Whinery 5/13/2023
32 Brance Rodriguez 68 9 Lh Panthers 10u 5/14/2023
21 Austin Sisson 0 0 South Texas Heat 5/13/2023
47 Jakkson Smith 65 15 Texas Made 5/14/2023
Lh Panthers 10u
2 Jace Conrad 32 5 Cpyl Predators 5/13/2023
20 4 South Texas Heat 5/14/2023
Total 52 9
12 Reece Macgibbon 3 2 Austin Banditos-White 5/13/2023
35 4 South Texas Heat 5/14/2023
Total 38 6
33 Sadler Phillips 28 4 Cpyl Predators 5/13/2023
38 3 South Texas Heat 5/14/2023
Total 66 7
9 Tanner Schluterman 25 4 Austin Banditos-White 5/13/2023
70 11 Gps Legends 10u Slocum 5/14/2023
Total 95 15
6 Jagger Tabor 30 6 Austin Banditos-White 5/13/2023
South Texas Heat
12 Camden Armijo 19 0 Gps Legends 10u Slocum 5/13/2023
32 1 Austin Banditos-Black 5/14/2023
Total 51 1
21 Noah Blancas 21 1 Twelve Sa Maroon 5/13/2023
57 12 Lh Panthers 10u 5/14/2023
Total 78 13
22 Aaron Bricio 32 8 Twelve Sa Maroon 5/13/2023
29 1 Austin Banditos-Black 5/14/2023
Total 61 9
19 Ivan Coronado 76 16 Texas Sun Devils - 10u Whinery 5/14/2023
2 Bryan Daniel 43 9 Gps Legends 10u Slocum 5/13/2023
44 10 Austin Banditos-Black 5/14/2023
Total 87 19
11 1 Texas Sun Devils - 10u Whinery 5/14/2023
Total 98 20
30 Jacob Morales 43 6 Austin Banditos-White 5/14/2023
3 Nevin Pacheco 19 3 Twelve Sa Maroon 5/13/2023
51 12 Austin Banditos-White 5/14/2023
Total 70 15
9 Brennen Wilford 14 0 Gps Legends 10u Slocum 5/13/2023
Texas Made
1 Dylan Arriola 13 2 Austin Banditos-Black 5/13/2023
13 0 Texas Sun Devils - 10u Garcia 5/14/2023
Total 26 2
11 Bradyn Castro 15 3 Austin Banditos-Black 5/13/2023
21 7 Gps Legends 10u Slocum 5/14/2023
Total 36 10
5 Leopoldo Fuentes III 14 3 Austin Banditos-Black 5/13/2023
8 Luke Guzman 31 3 Texas Sun Devils - 10u Garcia 5/13/2023
0 Dezmin Montalvo 13 3 Austin Banditos-Black 5/13/2023
6 Nicholas Ortega 16 3 Austin Banditos-Black 5/13/2023
17 Manuel Rangel 35 5 Gps Legends 10u Slocum 5/14/2023
15 1 Texas Sun Devils - 10u Garcia 5/14/2023
Total 50 6
10 Caleb Roberts 25 5 Texas Sun Devils - 10u Garcia 5/14/2023
Texas Sun Devils - 10u Garcia
12 Javier Garza 36 4 Tx Militia 10u 5/14/2023
8 Jaxon Gusoskey 0 0 Tx Militia 10u 5/13/2023
30 6 Texas Made 5/14/2023
Total 30 6
9 Jase Kohler 29 4 Tx Militia 10u 5/13/2023
2 Trent Leonard 20 5 Tx Militia 10u 5/13/2023
27 Eric Polanco 36 3 Texas Made 5/13/2023
5 2 Tx Militia 10u 5/14/2023
Total 41 5
Knox Stearns 36 6 Tx Militia 10u 5/14/2023
Texas Sun Devils - 10u Whinery
4 Matthew Brandon 9 2 South Texas Heat 5/14/2023
24 Richard De La Rosa 43 5 Twelve Sa Maroon 5/13/2023
34 Luke Halfmann 13 3 Gps Legends 10u Slocum 5/13/2023
14 3 Twelve Sa Maroon 5/13/2023
Total 27 6
8 Carson Mitchell 3 1 Twelve Sa Maroon 5/13/2023
72 15 South Texas Heat 5/14/2023
Total 75 16
9 Brandon Reyes 56 9 Gps Legends 10u Slocum 5/13/2023
12 Lincoln Short 13 0 South Texas Heat 5/14/2023
Twelve Sa Maroon
Cornelius Coleman Jr 0 0 South Texas Heat 5/13/2023
Gunther Conrad 0 0 Austin Banditos-Black 5/14/2023
73 11 Fair Oaks Falcons 5/14/2023
Total 73 11
Trent Demoss 20 3 South Texas Heat 5/13/2023
Julian Herrera 49 12 Tx Militia 10u 5/14/2023
Bo Miller 45 6 South Texas Heat 5/13/2023
Cutter Wolfe 33 4 Texas Sun Devils - 10u Whinery 5/13/2023
60 11 Austin Banditos-Black 5/14/2023
Total 93 15
Drew Zimmerhanzel 48 5 Texas Sun Devils - 10u Whinery 5/13/2023
14 1 Austin Banditos-Black 5/14/2023
Total 62 6
15 3 Fair Oaks Falcons 5/14/2023
Total 77 9
Tx Militia 10u
Carlos Garcia 27 3 Texas Sun Devils - 10u Garcia 5/13/2023
20 Jacob Mejia 28 3 Texas Sun Devils - 10u Garcia 5/13/2023
31 6 Texas Sun Devils - 10u Garcia 5/14/2023
Total 59 9
17 2 Twelve Sa Maroon 5/14/2023
Total 76 11
12 Eric Puente 0 0 Fair Oaks Falcons 5/13/2023
0 0 Texas Sun Devils - 10u Garcia 5/14/2023
Total 0 0
6 Jerry Rendon 29 3 Texas Sun Devils - 10u Garcia 5/13/2023
0 0 Fair Oaks Falcons 5/13/2023
Total 29 3
Ty Robledo 0 0 Texas Sun Devils - 10u Garcia 5/14/2023
Jalix Salas 43 6 Fair Oaks Falcons 5/13/2023
51 6 Texas Sun Devils - 10u Garcia 5/14/2023
Total 94 12
Andres Tovar 35 5 Fair Oaks Falcons 5/13/2023
50 6 Twelve Sa Maroon 5/14/2023
Total 85 11