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Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
13u Wings Red
1 Wyatt Falcomata 44 7 GPS Legends 13U Fry 5/6/2023
1 Jake Gramling 27 5 GPS Legends 13U Fry 5/6/2023
11 3 LBC Central White 13u 5/6/2023
Total 38 8
2 Owen Johnson 48 6 LBC Central White 13u 5/6/2023
54 Jeriel Zayas Rosario 25 6 LBC Central White 13u 5/6/2023
Action 2023 Spring 13u Green
3 Jackson Carrejo 2 1 Texas Senators 13u Simpson 5/6/2023
52 Eiken Farley 14 1 Texas Senators 13u Simpson 5/6/2023
42 Joaquin Gaytan 52 4 Opa Jays 5/6/2023
11 Ty Rivera 76 10 Texas Senators 13u Simpson 5/6/2023
8 Steven Stoppenhagen 46 9 Opa Jays 5/6/2023
30 Carson Wilbanks 16 2 Opa Jays 5/6/2023
Action 2023 Spring 13u Silver
Gaige Aaron 38 5 Tejas Baseball Navy 5/6/2023
Declan Earley 23 3 Canes SW 13u Futures Gold 5/6/2023
Carter Mrozek 65 12 Canes SW 13u Futures Gold 5/6/2023
Ronan Nichols 51 4 Tejas Baseball Navy 5/6/2023
Cole Tobias 75 18 Opa Jays 5/7/2023
Bandits Baseball
21 Sebastián Cabán 4 1 Canes SW 13u Prime 5/6/2023
0 Alex Copeland 44 9 Texas Senators 13u Flores 5/6/2023
11 Levi Hyden 17 3 Texas Senators 13u Flores 5/6/2023
47 9 Canes SW 13u Prime 5/6/2023
Total 64 12
1 Xander Jasso 10 0 Texas Senators 13u Flores 5/6/2023
9 Lucas Taylor 22 2 Canes SW 13u Prime 5/6/2023
Canes SW 13u Futures Gold
14 Rowan Briscoe 44 6 Action 2023 Spring 13u Silver 5/6/2023
11 Jalynn Edmonds 4 0 Action 2023 Spring 13u Silver 5/6/2023
4 Carter Ellis 47 6 Valiant Victors Anzaldua 5/6/2023
45 Brooks Falconer 34 6 Valiant Victors Anzaldua 5/6/2023
43 9 Action 2023 Spring 13u Silver 5/6/2023
Total 77 15
34 Wyatt Herron 7 0 Action 2023 Spring 13u Silver 5/6/2023
Canes SW 13u Prime
13 Thomas Burgess 36 3 Bandits Baseball 5/6/2023
50 Amari Chavira 40 6 Bandits Baseball 5/6/2023
2 James Graham Ii 42 6 Lt Outlaws - 13u Davis 5/6/2023
27 Reed Parker 48 6 Texas Senators 13u Simpson 5/7/2023
24 Jovani Ross 33 6 Lt Outlaws - 13u Davis 5/6/2023
34 3 Texas Senators 13u Simpson 5/7/2023
Total 67 9
GPS Legends 13U Fry
Eli Lardner 41 9 13u Wings Red 5/6/2023
Evan Linck 56 6 13u Wings Red 5/6/2023
Charlie McDonald 44 12 Wings White - Greenberg 5/6/2023
LBC Central White 13u
26 Jack Bogan 48 9 13u Wings Red 5/6/2023
4 Cade Briseno 11 2 Wings White - Greenberg 5/6/2023
17 3 Bandits Baseball 5/7/2023
Total 28 5
28 Charlie Kilpatrick 9 1 Wings White - Greenberg 5/6/2023
20 jack lamy 48 6 Wings White - Greenberg 5/6/2023
22 Jacob Larson 49 9 13u Wings Red 5/6/2023
13 2 Bandits Baseball 5/7/2023
Total 62 11
1 Jayden Martinez 0 10 Lt Outlaws - 13u Davis 5/7/2023
42 Gabriel Quanstrom 55 7 Bandits Baseball 5/7/2023
8 2 Lt Outlaws - 13u Davis 5/7/2023
Total 63 9
6 Chase Woodworth 79 15 Tejas Baseball Navy 5/7/2023
Lt Outlaws - 13u Davis
22 Nolan Atkins 10 3 Texas Senators 13u Flores 5/6/2023
24 Beckett Davis 14 3 Texas Senators 13u Flores 5/6/2023
13 Caleb Norton 32 6 Texas Senators 13u Flores 5/6/2023
28 Cooper Offield 61 6 Canes SW 13u Prime 5/6/2023
8 Westyn Thompson 29 3 Canes SW 13u Prime 5/6/2023
Opa Jays
14 Francisco Hernandez 35 5 Action 2023 Spring 13u Green 5/6/2023
3 Cade Herring 26 4 THZ Baseball - Blue 5/6/2023
6 Nicolas McPhaul 30 7 Action 2023 Spring 13u Green 5/6/2023
10 Maximus Payton 16 3 THZ Baseball - Blue 5/6/2023
13 Wesley Walker 43 2 THZ Baseball - Blue 5/6/2023
Tejas Baseball Navy
21 Landon Hughes 14 0 Valiant Victors Anzaldua 5/6/2023
54 Trent Johnston 80 15 Canes SW 13u Prime 5/7/2023
4 Hunter McRae 24 4 Valiant Victors Anzaldua 5/6/2023
71 12 Action 2023 Spring 13u Silver 5/6/2023
Total 95 16
99 Izaac Rodriguez 12 3 Valiant Victors Anzaldua 5/6/2023
22 3 Canes SW 13u Prime 5/7/2023
Total 34 6
33 Landon Sadler 50 5 Valiant Victors Anzaldua 5/6/2023
Texas Senators 13u Flores
2 Matthew Ryland Brooks 32 10 Bandits Baseball 5/6/2023
21 Bode de Jong 25 2 Bandits Baseball 5/6/2023
1 Ian Johnson 28 0 Bandits Baseball 5/6/2023
7 Bryce O'Sullivan 73 9 Lt Outlaws - 13u Davis 5/6/2023
22 John (“jack”) sandstad 34 2 Lt Outlaws - 13u Davis 5/6/2023
4 Sam Stewart 4 1 Lt Outlaws - 13u Davis 5/6/2023
Texas Senators 13u Simpson
26 Bryce English 38 6 Action 2023 Spring 13u Green 5/6/2023
31 Jack Fidje 19 3 Action 2023 Spring 13u Green 5/6/2023
7 Keenan Hardy 20 3 Action 2023 Spring 13u Green 5/6/2023
32 6 THZ Baseball - Blue 5/6/2023
Total 52 9
50 Luke Robillard 14 0 THZ Baseball - Blue 5/6/2023
19 Robert Smith 25 9 THZ Baseball - Blue 5/6/2023
THZ Baseball - Blue
19 Baron Bauer 62 9 Texas Senators 13u Simpson 5/6/2023
13 Hector Garza 42 9 Opa Jays 5/6/2023
1 Justin Gonzales 86 15 Wings White - Greenberg 5/7/2023
16 Hudson Lohman 16 3 Opa Jays 5/6/2023
34 Hunter Ryan 43 3 Action 2023 Spring 13u Green 5/7/2023
1 Collier Thompson 14 3 Texas Senators 13u Simpson 5/6/2023
14 Dax Wilson 17 3 Texas Senators 13u Simpson 5/6/2023
52 9 Action 2023 Spring 13u Green 5/7/2023
Total 69 12
Valiant Victors Anzaldua
11 Jirah Anzaldua 24 6 Tejas Baseball Navy 5/6/2023
13 2 Canes SW 13u Futures Gold 5/7/2023
Total 37 8
0 Blake Belliveau 43 4 Tejas Baseball Navy 5/6/2023
Drew Davis 68 11 Action 2023 Spring 13u Green 5/7/2023
21 Sebastian Marquez 65 15 Canes SW 13u Futures Gold 5/6/2023
Maxton Marshall 15 1 Action 2023 Spring 13u Green 5/7/2023
27 Brayden McLoughlin 78 15 GPS Legends 13U Fry 5/7/2023
Ryker Peters 17 2 Tejas Baseball Navy 5/6/2023
Colter Sellers 41 4 Canes SW 13u Futures Gold 5/7/2023
Wings White - Greenberg
2 David Bien 34 5 LBC Central White 13u 5/6/2023
1 Davis Deering 30 3 GPS Legends 13U Fry 5/6/2023
12 Gain Galbreath 50 4 LBC Central White 13u 5/6/2023
21 Brady Howes 32 6 GPS Legends 13U Fry 5/6/2023
4 Braydon Pratt 44 3 GPS Legends 13U Fry 5/6/2023
23 Ben Wilson 14 3 LBC Central White 13u 5/6/2023