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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Action 2023 Spring 14u White
Nick Cheij 43 3 Test Black 14u 2/25/2023
Miller Gallia 18 3 Twelve Sa Maroon 2/25/2023
42 5 Twelve Sa Maroon 2/26/2023
Total 60 8
Mason Hunt 28 6 Twelve Sa Maroon 2/25/2023
Tripp Kata 34 6 Twelve Sa Maroon 2/25/2023
Andrew Klemett 37 3 Test Black 14u 2/25/2023
Caiden Qualls 23 4 Twelve Sa Maroon 2/26/2023
Max Smedley 57 3 Test Black 14u 2/25/2023
Cooper Waits 27 4 Twelve Sa Maroon 2/26/2023
Lbc Central Navy 14u
2 Adrian Bellanger 18 1 Texas Senators 14u Killion 2/25/2023
7 Anthony Delgado 45 5 Texas Senators 14u Killion 2/25/2023
68 Wyatt Everswick 48 6 Lbc South 14u Kerrville 2/25/2023
33 Baker Jackson 32 5 Lbc South 14u Kerrville 2/25/2023
6 Breydan Madeley 2 1 Lbc South 14u Kerrville 2/25/2023
44 Collin McClune 36 5 Texas Senators 14u Killion 2/25/2023
19 William Rabe 11 4 Texas Senators 14u Killion 2/25/2023
LBC North - Gonzales
Kade Becker 30 7 South Texas Tribe - 2027 2/25/2023
Braedan Borger 11 3 Twelve Sa Silver 2/25/2023
28 6 Lbc Central Navy 14u 2/26/2023
Total 39 9
Patrick Brock 43 3 Twelve Sa Silver 2/25/2023
Juan Herrera 58 9 Texas Senators 14u Killion 2/26/2023
Isaiah Hidrogo 32 6 Texas Senators 14u Killion 2/26/2023
Jordan McCord 11 3 Lbc Central Navy 14u 2/26/2023
Gray Robison 42 5 South Texas Tribe - 2027 2/25/2023
Connor Willie 45 6 Lbc Central Navy 14u 2/26/2023
LBC North - League
22 Ethan Bayne 8 2 Marucci Elite Ctx - Thames 2/25/2023
1 Jaiden Fields 52 10 Marucci Elite Ctx - Thames 2/25/2023
19 Trey Flores 60 9 Test Red 14u 2/25/2023
10 Hunter Hicks 5 1 Test Red 14u 2/25/2023
7 Alejandro Ramirez 13 5 Test Red 14u 2/25/2023
Lbc South 14u Kerrville
50 Sam Brewer 16 3 Texas Senators 14u Killion 2/25/2023
31 Ethan Coleman 27 3 South Texas Tribe - 2027 2/26/2023
7 Cash Lynch 20 2 South Texas Tribe - 2027 2/26/2023
2 Wesley Miller 28 2 Lbc Central Navy 14u 2/25/2023
17 James Riley 52 8 Lbc Central Navy 14u 2/25/2023
21 Alexander Sansone 54 9 Texas Senators 14u Killion 2/25/2023
57 Cade Wilson 46 7 South Texas Tribe - 2027 2/26/2023
Marucci Elite Ctx - Thames
2 Jacob Abrusley 52 9 Test Red 14u 2/25/2023
23 Draven Bermea 44 6 Test Red 14u 2/26/2023
27 Keegan Clark 57 6 LBC North - League 2/25/2023
12 Dalton Dresch 2 0 LBC North - League 2/25/2023
9 Cooper Gibson 10 3 Test Red 14u 2/26/2023
5 Ethan Leos 18 3 Test Red 14u 2/25/2023
13 Thomas Playfair 52 6 Test Red 14u 2/26/2023
3 Caleb Quitadamo 47 5 LBC North - League 2/25/2023
South Texas Tribe - 2027
Brody Alcoser 61 5 LBC North - Gonzales 2/25/2023
Drew Eppard 9 1 LBC North - Gonzales 2/25/2023
Jayden Gomez 82 6 LBC North - Gonzales 2/25/2023
Brock Hierholzer 70 6 Lbc South 14u Kerrville 2/26/2023
Logan Pena 49 4 Twelve Sa Silver 2/25/2023
Silver Vasquez IV 25 5 Twelve Sa Silver 2/25/2023
12 3 Lbc South 14u Kerrville 2/26/2023
Total 37 8
Test Black 14u
28 Karston Coffey 34 6 Action 2023 Spring 14u White 2/25/2023
24 Hudson Cuevas 45 10 Twelve Sa Maroon 2/26/2023
12 Mack Galindo 19 3 Action 2023 Spring 14u White 2/25/2023
14 3 LBC North - Gonzales 2/26/2023
Total 33 6
54 Jacob Guevara 22 4 Twelve Sa Maroon 2/26/2023
3 Hank Rippy 13 3 LBC North - Gonzales 2/26/2023
19 Jackson Ritz 13 6 Twelve Sa Maroon 2/25/2023
29 9 LBC North - Gonzales 2/26/2023
Total 42 15
11 Cooper Thomas 37 6 Twelve Sa Maroon 2/25/2023
9 Connor Young 17 3 Twelve Sa Maroon 2/25/2023
15 1 Twelve Sa Maroon 2/26/2023
Total 32 4
Test Red 14u
7 Jaxson Eschberger 61 8 Marucci Elite Ctx - Thames 2/25/2023
1 Colton Green 12 3 Twelve Sa Silver 2/26/2023
3 Drew Harthcock 17 3 LBC North - League 2/26/2023
10 Josue Hernandez 22 4 Marucci Elite Ctx - Thames 2/25/2023
55 9 Marucci Elite Ctx - Thames 2/26/2023
Total 77 13
42 Gavin Kelley 55 9 Twelve Sa Silver 2/26/2023
11 Kaleb McDougle 5 9 LBC North - League 2/26/2023
33 Sawyer Neugent 25 6 LBC North - League 2/25/2023
21 Gavin Smith 32 9 LBC North - League 2/25/2023
31 6 Marucci Elite Ctx - Thames 2/26/2023
Total 63 15
Texas Senators 14u Killion
Griffin Alford 27 6 Lbc Central Navy 14u 2/25/2023
Chase Ames 38 3 Lbc South 14u Kerrville 2/25/2023
Luke Hoffrichter 16 0 Lbc Central Navy 14u 2/25/2023
Brayden McEathron 35 3 Lbc South 14u Kerrville 2/25/2023
Stone Poteat 28 3 Lbc South 14u Kerrville 2/25/2023
18 4 LBC North - Gonzales 2/26/2023
Total 46 7
Hudson Whitenight 24 6 Lbc Central Navy 14u 2/25/2023
56 11 LBC North - Gonzales 2/26/2023
Total 80 17
Troy Wright 9 0 Lbc South 14u Kerrville 2/25/2023
Twelve Sa Maroon
33 Tristan Esquivel 29 6 Test Black 14u 2/25/2023
70 13 Action 2023 Spring 14u White 2/26/2023
Total 99 19
9 Brent Frosch 21 0 Test Black 14u 2/25/2023
93 Grayson Hallmark 22 3 Test Black 14u 2/25/2023
1 2 Action 2023 Spring 14u White 2/26/2023
Total 23 5
3 Blake Ramirez 64 15 Action 2023 Spring 14u White 2/25/2023
36 Jack Vasquez 23 3 Test Black 14u 2/25/2023
72 13 Test Black 14u 2/26/2023
Total 95 16
Twelve Sa Silver
99999 Hayden Gonzales 40 6 LBC North - Gonzales 2/25/2023
13 2 Lbc South 14u Kerrville 2/26/2023
Total 53 8
99999 Jordan Gonzalez 25 3 South Texas Tribe - 2027 2/25/2023
68 10 Lbc South 14u Kerrville 2/26/2023
Total 93 13
33 Landon Holloway 45 6 South Texas Tribe - 2027 2/25/2023
59 Jatirces Reagan 34 4 LBC North - Gonzales 2/25/2023
5 Logan Smith 23 2 LBC North - Gonzales 2/25/2023