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12U (Open) 13U (Open)
(12U Quad fields are grass-Legends fields are turf)- (13U games are all grass fields)
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
5 Star Mid-South 12u Hill
25 Easton Cauthron 21 1 Canes Ms 12u Prime 6/22/2022
52 9 Wow Factor Mid South - Wise 6/24/2022
Total 73 10
5 Aj Dungan 26 6 Zt Cali Ie 6/24/2022
12 0 LBA Naturals Green 6/25/2022
Total 38 6
9 Cooper Fuqua 27 7 Chattanooga Speed 6/22/2022
34 9 Wow Factor Mid South - Wise 6/24/2022
Total 61 16
13 Bax Hill 68 15 Fort Bend Outlaws 6/23/2022
8 Eric Morales 66 4 Zt Cali Ie 6/23/2022
22 Joseph Mosley 34 2 Chattanooga Speed 6/22/2022
27 Gus Smith 7 2 Canes Ms 12u Prime 6/22/2022
42 6 Zt Cali Ie 6/24/2022
Total 49 8
1 Graham Stockton 44 7 LBA Naturals Green 6/25/2022
3 Preston Taylor 47 6 Canes Ms 12u Prime 6/22/2022
0 8 LBA Naturals Green 6/25/2022
Total 47 14
2 Levi Vierkant 42 6 Canes Ms 12u Prime 6/22/2022
Canes Ms 12u Prime
2 Luke Barley 15 1 5 Star Mid-South 12u Hill 6/22/2022
16 3 CBC Marucci Blackhawks 2028 6/23/2022
Total 31 4
44 9 Wow Factor Mid South - Wise 6/23/2022
Total 75 13
8 Walker Bradford 24 2 5 Star Mid-South 12u Hill 6/22/2022
34 9 Fort Bend Outlaws 6/24/2022
Total 58 11
34 5 LBA Naturals Green 6/25/2022
Total 92 16
1 Asher Cox 10 0 LBA Naturals Green 6/22/2022
4 Joseph Gatlin 28 6 5 Star Mid-South 12u Hill 6/22/2022
22 3 Fort Bend Outlaws 6/24/2022
Total 50 9
36 6 Stingers 6/25/2022
Total 86 15
19 Nelson Irving 23 4 LBA Naturals Green 6/22/2022
52 9 Rawlings Arkansas Prospects-Menard 6/24/2022
Total 75 13
19 1 LBA Naturals Green 6/25/2022
Total 94 14
15 Stanton Newman 47 9 CBC Marucci Blackhawks 2028 6/23/2022
7 Jackson Teasley 18 1 5 Star Mid-South 12u Hill 6/22/2022
14 3 Rawlings Arkansas Prospects-Menard 6/24/2022
Total 32 4
Parker Tompkins 44 5 LBA Naturals Green 6/22/2022
0 1 LBA Naturals Green 6/25/2022
Total 44 6
12 Jake Turner 18 3 LBA Naturals Green 6/22/2022
23 6 Stingers 6/25/2022
Total 41 9
CBC Marucci Blackhawks 2028
14 Jacob Aichele 13 3 Revo 6/22/2022
18 3 Fort Bend Outlaws 6/22/2022
Total 31 6
11 Ben Bachman 41 9 Revo 6/22/2022
12 Matthew Danzinger 10 3 Revo 6/22/2022
16 3 Fort Bend Outlaws 6/22/2022
Total 26 6
9 Griffin Lyons 45 1 Canes Ms 12u Prime 6/23/2022
3 Justin Massa 38 2 Fort Bend Outlaws 6/22/2022
21 Caleb Mills 28 4 Fort Bend Outlaws 6/22/2022
18 Noah Nauman 21 3 Canes Ms 12u Prime 6/23/2022
31 3 Chattanooga Speed 6/23/2022
Total 52 6
24 Alex Pope 47 5 Canes Ms 12u Prime 6/23/2022
17 Grady Schultheiss 10 3 Fort Bend Outlaws 6/22/2022
22 Porter Williams 20 0 Canes Ms 12u Prime 6/23/2022
48 9 Chattanooga Speed 6/23/2022
Total 68 9
Chattanooga Speed
10 Colton Deitch 18 0 5 Star Mid-South 12u Hill 6/22/2022
21 3 CBC Marucci Blackhawks 2028 6/23/2022
Total 39 3
16 Jackson Deitch 16 1 5 Star Mid-South 12u Hill 6/22/2022
10 3 Showcase Red - Hiter 6/24/2022
Total 26 4
27 Kaleb Kilgore 21 3 5 Star Mid-South 12u Hill 6/22/2022
Steele Pielin 28 1 Showcase Red - Hiter 6/22/2022
72 8 Showcase Red - Hiter 6/24/2022
Total 100 9
Jacob Shelton 51 10 CBC Marucci Blackhawks 2028 6/23/2022
11 Chase Stewart 21 3 5 Star Mid-South 12u Hill 6/22/2022
24 2 CBC Marucci Blackhawks 2028 6/23/2022
Total 45 5
0 Brayden Stultz 42 5 Showcase Red - Hiter 6/22/2022
46 4 Showcase Red - Hiter 6/24/2022
Total 88 9
0 Benjamin Thompson 7 2 Revo 6/23/2022
28 Robert (Smith) Wilbanks 21 3 Showcase Red - Hiter 6/22/2022
65 10 Revo 6/23/2022
Total 86 13
12 Marshall Womack 29 3 Revo 6/23/2022
Mark Wyatt 23 2 5 Star Mid-South 12u Hill 6/22/2022
Fort Bend Outlaws
21 Gavin Appelt 43 6 Rawlings Arkansas Prospects-Menard 6/22/2022
4 Ryan De Los Santos 41 5 LBA Naturals Green 6/23/2022
45 Samuel Johnson 4 0 5 Star Mid-South 12u Hill 6/23/2022
7 Corbin Koudelka 26 4 Rawlings Arkansas Prospects-Menard 6/22/2022
17 Tyler Nguyen 13 2 5 Star Mid-South 12u Hill 6/23/2022
2 James Norman 41 6 CBC Marucci Blackhawks 2028 6/22/2022
67 6 Canes Ms 12u Prime 6/24/2022
Total 108 12
34 Cade Pilcik 34 9 LBA Naturals Green 6/23/2022
10 Tyler Morgan Rodgers 40 9 5 Star Mid-South 12u Hill 6/23/2022
33 Aj Rodriguez 3 0 Rawlings Arkansas Prospects-Menard 6/22/2022
56 9 CBC Marucci Blackhawks 2028 6/22/2022
Total 59 9
9 Greyson Storer 24 3 5 Star Mid-South 12u Hill 6/23/2022
LBA Naturals Green
7 Peyton Carter 60 7 Canes Ms 12u Prime 6/22/2022
31 Bennett Eichorn 80 12 Revo 6/23/2022
1 Carter Molaison 75 15 5 Star Mid-South 12u Hill 6/25/2022
3 Grayden Rau 18 3 Wow Factor Mid South - Wise 6/22/2022
34 Cooper Templet 69 12 Fort Bend Outlaws 6/23/2022
2 Carmine Verdin 17 3 Wow Factor Mid South - Wise 6/22/2022
22 Cullen Verdin 27 5 Canes Ms 12u Prime 6/22/2022
45 12 Showcase Red - Hiter 6/24/2022
Total 72 17
27 Jalen Williams 16 3 Fort Bend Outlaws 6/23/2022
9 James Williams 21 9 Wow Factor Mid South - Wise 6/22/2022
Rawlings Arkansas Prospects-Menard
6 Austin Baugh 29 2 Zt Cali Ie 6/23/2022
43 4 Canes Ms 12u Prime 6/24/2022
Total 72 6
36 Parker Blackburn 27 6 Zt Cali Ie 6/23/2022
21 Cord Blackwell 39 6 Stingers 6/22/2022
22 Truett Lindsey 28 4 Stingers 6/22/2022
35 3 Canes Ms 12u Prime 6/24/2022
Total 63 7
27 Dylan Mitchell 25 3 Fort Bend Outlaws 6/22/2022
22 2 Canes Ms 12u Prime 6/24/2022
Total 47 5
1 Caleb Moore 14 0 Fort Bend Outlaws 6/22/2022
99 Nicholas Snow 28 6 Fort Bend Outlaws 6/22/2022
13 Ty Tanksley 6 0 Zt Cali Ie 6/23/2022
24 Jake Veazey 15 3 Stingers 6/22/2022
3 Paul Wurtz 25 3 Fort Bend Outlaws 6/22/2022
50 4 Zt Cali Ie 6/23/2022
Total 75 7
10 Stratton Young 0 3 Canes Ms 12u Prime 6/24/2022
0 Hunter Chapman 25 2 SWA STORM 6/22/2022
10 Wyatt Hamner 45 6 LBA Naturals Green 6/23/2022
36 3 Chattanooga Speed 6/23/2022
Total 81 9
42 James McElroy 17 3 CBC Marucci Blackhawks 2028 6/22/2022
22 3 Zt Cali Ie 6/24/2022
Total 39 6
1 Presley Mitchell 14 1 Zt Cali Ie 6/24/2022
7 Ethan Raesis 29 6 LBA Naturals Green 6/23/2022
14 Dustin Raiford 27 3 CBC Marucci Blackhawks 2028 6/22/2022
6 Jack Roberts 40 5 SWA STORM 6/22/2022
50 9 Chattanooga Speed 6/23/2022
Total 90 14
33 Sy Stofle 37 6 CBC Marucci Blackhawks 2028 6/22/2022
6 David Wynn 25 2 SWA STORM 6/22/2022
Showcase Red - Hiter
5 Craven Brinson 16 2 Chattanooga Speed 6/22/2022
50 7 LBA Naturals Green 6/24/2022
Total 66 9
3 Ty Duckwiler 33 6 Wow Factor Mid South - Wise 6/22/2022
18 3 LBA Naturals Green 6/24/2022
Total 51 9
54 Lance Fields 12 3 Wow Factor Mid South - Wise 6/22/2022
7 Ethan Hiter 47 9 SWA STORM 6/23/2022
22 Landon Warren 1 0 Chattanooga Speed 6/22/2022
76 15 Chattanooga Speed 6/24/2022
Total 77 15
51 Gideon Williams 44 6 SWA STORM 6/23/2022
35 Rylan Binion 63 9 SWA STORM 6/24/2022
9 Cash Broussard 85 16 CBC Marucci Blackhawks 2028 6/24/2022
4 Jackson Carse 52 5 Zt Cali Ie 6/22/2022
36 Jacob Dake 24 6 SWA STORM 6/23/2022
7 Brady Landrum 24 9 Zt Cali Ie 6/22/2022
55 7 Canes Ms 12u Prime 6/25/2022
Total 79 16
2 Jake McLendon 51 6 Rawlings Arkansas Prospects-Menard 6/22/2022
25 3 Canes Ms 12u Prime 6/25/2022
Total 76 9
13 Parker Moe 9 2 CBC Marucci Blackhawks 2028 6/24/2022
5 Kaisen Rogers 57 9 SWA STORM 6/23/2022
21 3 SWA STORM 6/24/2022
Total 78 12
8 Tristan Siman 13 3 Rawlings Arkansas Prospects-Menard 6/22/2022
16 4 Zt Cali Ie 6/22/2022
Total 29 7
3 Drew White 42 3 Rawlings Arkansas Prospects-Menard 6/22/2022
76 Aaron Adamson 20 3 Zt Cali Ie 6/22/2022
1 2 Showcase Red - Hiter 6/23/2022
Total 21 5
38 Wrigley Braden 59 12 Showcase Red - Hiter 6/23/2022
8 Alexander Byrd 78 12 Zt Cali Ie 6/22/2022
1 Liam Cockrum 54 7 Stingers 6/24/2022
31 Tucker Goodson 82 11 Stingers 6/23/2022
11 Connor Hickey 44 1 Stingers 6/24/2022
15 Lucas Lavalleur 8 1 Stingers 6/24/2022
5 Jackson Powell 23 3 Revo 6/22/2022
23 4 Stingers 6/23/2022
Total 46 7
35 Christopher Skolasky 26 1 Showcase Red - Hiter 6/23/2022
28 3 Stingers 6/24/2022
Total 54 4
20 Clayton Thompson 21 6 Revo 6/22/2022
15 0 Stingers 6/24/2022
Total 36 6
85 Taylor Tucker 5 0 Zt Cali Ie 6/22/2022
Wow Factor Mid South - Wise
5 Daxton Bomar 20 2 LBA Naturals Green 6/22/2022
Baylor Bunker 65 5 LBA Naturals Green 6/22/2022
24 Kalani Evans 11 1 Canes Ms 12u Prime 6/23/2022
20 Hunter Jones 14 2 Showcase Red - Hiter 6/22/2022
44 Owen Lachapelle 22 1 Showcase Red - Hiter 6/22/2022
24 3 Canes Ms 12u Prime 6/23/2022
Total 46 4
8 Collin Maley 34 3 Canes Ms 12u Prime 6/23/2022
17 3 5 Star Mid-South 12u Hill 6/24/2022
Total 51 6
30 Johnathan Rudd 61 6 Showcase Red - Hiter 6/22/2022
72 12 5 Star Mid-South 12u Hill 6/24/2022
Total 133 18
46 Trent Thornton 13 0 Canes Ms 12u Prime 6/23/2022
1 Joshua Thurmon 33 5 LBA Naturals Green 6/22/2022
Zt Cali Ie
15 Gavin Brosius 25 1 5 Star Mid-South 12u Hill 6/23/2022
43 3 Revo 6/24/2022
Total 68 4
50 Fernando Casas 26 4 5 Star Mid-South 12u Hill 6/24/2022
24 Jacob Edwards 25 2 5 Star Mid-South 12u Hill 6/23/2022
32 7 Rawlings Arkansas Prospects-Menard 6/23/2022
Total 57 9
4 Diego Guzman 5 2 Revo 6/24/2022
11 Ryan Kelly 55 9 5 Star Mid-South 12u Hill 6/24/2022
10 Zachary Oliver 37 6 SWA STORM 6/22/2022
26 3 5 Star Mid-South 12u Hill 6/23/2022
Total 63 9
45 Alexander Ramirez 17 3 Stingers 6/22/2022
17 Luke Sessler 48 11 SWA STORM 6/22/2022
8 Nicholas Silva 39 9 Stingers 6/22/2022
40 10 Revo 6/24/2022
Total 79 19
2 Charles Stube 50 5 Rawlings Arkansas Prospects-Menard 6/23/2022
5 0 5 Star Mid-South 12u Hill 6/24/2022
Total 55 5