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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
643 Dp Cougars 10u
13 Jack Bowman 56 8 Hit Dogs Ohio 4/2/2022
10 Joeby Brumbelow 48 12 Sa Supreme 10u 4/2/2022
44 Grayson Dawdy 19 3 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Glozier 4/3/2022
11 Cade Keller 50 5 Legacy Sports 4/3/2022
33 Whitten Percy 31 3 Sa Supreme 10u 4/2/2022
14 Graham Rickard 43 6 Legacy Sports 4/3/2022
Luke Rohlfs 1 3 Hit Dogs Ohio 4/2/2022
7 5 Legacy Sports 4/3/2022
Total 8 8
40 5 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Glozier 4/3/2022
Total 48 13
8 Luke Stark 8 1 Legacy Sports 4/3/2022
9 Charlie Williams 27 7 Hit Dogs Ohio 4/2/2022
40 9 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Glozier 4/3/2022
Total 67 16
Astros Tabu
2 Drew Childree 55 9 Tn Nationals 10u 4/2/2022
12 0 Seams 4/3/2022
Total 67 9
5 Martin Harings 83 11 Ebc 10u-Casey 4/2/2022
55 9 Seams 4/3/2022
Total 138 20
19 Levi Henderson 40 9 Tn Nationals 10u 4/2/2022
30 6 Seams 4/3/2022
Total 70 15
42 Brantley Martin 32 7 Ebc 10u-Casey 4/2/2022
4 0 Seams 4/3/2022
Total 36 7
3 Blake Phillips 10 0 Seams 4/3/2022
17 Benjamin Warrick 0 0 Tn Nationals 10u 4/2/2022
Canes Ga - Pratt
13 Daelan Atkins-Bass 25 1 Vipers Reynolds 4/2/2022
4 Amari Berry 29 1 Klutch Elite 10u 4/2/2022
23 Nolen Elsberry 9 6 Klutch Elite 10u 4/2/2022
17 2 Service Baseball - Smurf Squad 10u 4/3/2022
Total 26 8
59 6 Tennessee Prime 4/3/2022
Total 85 14
0 Cohen Heath 71 11 Service Baseball - Smurf Squad 10u 4/3/2022
17 Joshua Hudson 50 5 Vipers Reynolds 4/2/2022
11 Griffin Lewis 29 3 Klutch Elite 10u 4/2/2022
3 Braylen Shavers 39 7 Vipers Reynolds 4/2/2022
39 4 Service Baseball - Smurf Squad 10u 4/3/2022
Total 78 11
1 Mason Turner 27 3 Klutch Elite 10u 4/2/2022
72 12 Tennessee Prime 4/3/2022
Total 99 15
East Cobb Astros 10U Orange
10 Tyler Collins 58 9 Tennessee Prime 4/2/2022
8 2 Klutch Elite 10u 4/3/2022
Total 66 11
9 Brock Crawford 73 13 Klutch Elite 10u 4/3/2022
2 Hudson Phelps 40 9 South Georgia Gnats 4/2/2022
21 Owen Roga 26 3 Tennessee Prime 4/2/2022
3 Werner Shumake 9 3 Klutch Elite 10u 4/3/2022
15 3 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Glozier 4/3/2022
Total 24 6
1 Easton Taylor 65 12 Seams 4/3/2022
11 James Watson 70 15 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Glozier 4/3/2022
Ebc 10u-Casey
14 Brooks Bennett 9 3 Astros Tabu 4/2/2022
77 17 Sharon Springs Academy 10U - Landy 4/2/2022
Total 86 20
4 Brody Hodges 64 15 Astros Tabu 4/2/2022
2 Hunt Maynard 23 1 Sharon Springs Academy 10U - Landy 4/2/2022
13 Evan O’Brien 22 4 The Right Way Baseball 10u 4/3/2022
5 Kyzer Roberson 78 10 The Right Way Baseball 10u 4/3/2022
Georgia Bombers 10U South
2 Traveon Holman, Jr. 41 9 Service Baseball - Smurf Squad 10u 4/2/2022
3 1 Vipers Reynolds 4/3/2022
Total 44 10
3 Keegan Hunt 59 8 Service Baseball - Smurf Squad 10u 4/2/2022
13 Chemar McClendon 55 8 Klutch Elite 10u 4/2/2022
24 Kenneth Nelson 59 14 Vipers Reynolds 4/3/2022
100 Maddox Soler 48 5 Sharon Springs Academy 10U - Landy 4/3/2022
5 Brian Wiley 27 6 Klutch Elite 10u 4/2/2022
49 7 Sharon Springs Academy 10U - Landy 4/3/2022
Total 76 13
Hit Dogs Ohio
24 Matthew Bailey 35 2 643 Dp Cougars 10u 4/2/2022
3 Rocco Garrison 37 6 Legacy Sports 4/2/2022
30 Emory Main 35 5 Legacy Sports 4/2/2022
2 Graham Mullins 36 6 643 Dp Cougars 10u 4/2/2022
11 Cooper Ooten 24 6 643 Dp Cougars 10u 4/2/2022
18 3 Tn Nationals 10u 4/3/2022
Total 42 9
13 Archer Yoder 30 4 Legacy Sports 4/2/2022
5 Vinny Zabloudil 24 3 Legacy Sports 4/2/2022
64 12 Tn Nationals 10u 4/3/2022
Total 88 15
Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Glozier
26 Mason Allison 17 3 Tennessee Prime 4/2/2022
19 3 South Georgia Gnats 4/2/2022
Total 36 6
46 8 643 Dp Cougars 10u 4/3/2022
Total 82 14
10 Sean Chang 27 9 Tennessee Prime 4/2/2022
9 1 South Georgia Gnats 4/2/2022
Total 36 10
Xayvion Cheney 14 3 East Cobb Astros 10U Orange 4/3/2022
5 Nathaniel Glozier 16 3 Tennessee Prime 4/2/2022
5 1 643 Dp Cougars 10u 4/3/2022
Total 21 4
7 Noah Osterman 33 6 South Georgia Gnats 4/2/2022
54 7 643 Dp Cougars 10u 4/3/2022
Total 87 13
8 Landon Sherrer 27 6 South Georgia Gnats 4/2/2022
7 2 East Cobb Astros 10U Orange 4/3/2022
Total 34 8
13 Braylen Tallant 44 5 Tennessee Prime 4/2/2022
2 Nolan Williams 18 2 South Georgia Gnats 4/2/2022
61 7 East Cobb Astros 10U Orange 4/3/2022
Total 79 9
Klutch Elite 10u
5 Kellen Buchanan 75 12 Canes Ga - Pratt 4/2/2022
34 Jack DePriest 24 2 East Cobb Astros 10U Orange 4/3/2022
44 Cam Durham 59 11 Vipers Reynolds 4/3/2022
33 Jacob Jercinovic 35 5 The Right Way Baseball 10u 4/3/2022
13 Kane Kinning 17 6 East Cobb Astros 10U Orange 4/3/2022
6 Evan Kleekamp 57 15 Georgia Bombers 10U South 4/2/2022
14 Bently Lindemann 31 6 The Right Way Baseball 10u 4/3/2022
28 7 Vipers Reynolds 4/3/2022
Total 59 13
27 Keegan Noirfalise 29 3 East Cobb Astros 10U Orange 4/3/2022
57 Sam Parker 24 2 The Right Way Baseball 10u 4/3/2022
46 7 East Cobb Astros 10U Orange 4/3/2022
Total 70 9
23 Jaxon Thompson 11 3 Canes Ga - Pratt 4/2/2022
22 2 The Right Way Baseball 10u 4/3/2022
Total 33 5
Legacy Sports
5 Xayvion Cheney 22 3 Hit Dogs Ohio 4/2/2022
6 0 643 Dp Cougars 10u 4/3/2022
Total 28 3
9 Kaleb Edge 37 6 Seams 4/2/2022
Will Galey 30 6 Seams 4/2/2022
13 Tripp Gill 23 4 Seams 4/2/2022
14 3 643 Dp Cougars 10u 4/3/2022
Total 37 7
55 Ellis Kelley 73 11 643 Dp Cougars 10u 4/3/2022
1 Deshonvaris Lundy II 19 3 Hit Dogs Ohio 4/2/2022
14 Cason Mann 12 1 Seams 4/2/2022
2 0 643 Dp Cougars 10u 4/3/2022
Total 14 1
18 Timothy Scott 74 12 Hit Dogs Ohio 4/2/2022
Sa Supreme 10u
23 Alex Alston 61 7 Seams 4/2/2022
9 Ayden Baez 33 3 Tn Nationals 10u 4/3/2022
34 Braxton Brezenski 49 5 643 Dp Cougars 10u 4/2/2022
14 Griffin Ehlich 62 10 643 Dp Cougars 10u 4/2/2022
16 Levi Gauvey 38 8 Seams 4/2/2022
12 Holden Pierce 15 2 Tn Nationals 10u 4/3/2022
23 Henry Zipperer 37 6 Tn Nationals 10u 4/3/2022
33 Griffin Luttrell 64 9 Sa Supreme 10u 4/2/2022
10 Jonah Myers 41 6 Astros Tabu 4/3/2022
3 Jackson Nave 20 3 Legacy Sports 4/2/2022
32 6 Astros Tabu 4/3/2022
Total 52 9
22 Keller Ownby 24 6 Legacy Sports 4/2/2022
12 3 Sa Supreme 10u 4/2/2022
Total 36 9
18 0 East Cobb Astros 10U Orange 4/3/2022
Total 54 9
12 Bronx Rivera 43 9 Legacy Sports 4/2/2022
42 5 East Cobb Astros 10U Orange 4/3/2022
Total 85 14
99 Parker Vance 18 3 Sa Supreme 10u 4/2/2022
24 6 Astros Tabu 4/3/2022
Total 42 9
36 3 East Cobb Astros 10U Orange 4/3/2022
Total 78 12
Service Baseball - Smurf Squad 10u
11 Cameron Chavez 45 7 Georgia Bombers 10U South 4/2/2022
8 Jake Downum 40 5 Vipers Reynolds 4/2/2022
13 Reid Herring 52 3 Georgia Bombers 10U South 4/2/2022
44 Bryson Hornsby 43 8 Georgia Bombers 10U South 4/2/2022
10 Wesson Huggins 54 6 Canes Ga - Pratt 4/3/2022
0 J.P. Manton 35 9 Canes Ga - Pratt 4/3/2022
39 Landon Tabb 44 6 Vipers Reynolds 4/2/2022
Sharon Springs Academy 10U - Landy
24 Breckan Cox 43 5 The Right Way Baseball 10u 4/2/2022
1 Ethan Kang 25 6 Georgia Bombers 10U South 4/3/2022
3 Daniel Lee 42 6 The Right Way Baseball 10u 4/2/2022
18 3 Georgia Bombers 10U South 4/3/2022
Total 60 9
8 Zeke O'Donnell 21 0 Georgia Bombers 10U South 4/3/2022
5 Andrew Paciorek 60 18 Ebc 10u-Casey 4/2/2022
13 William Sim 33 3 Georgia Bombers 10U South 4/3/2022
South Georgia Gnats
5 Peyton Adams 29 1 East Cobb Astros 10U Orange 4/2/2022
2 Nolan Drew 74 8 Tennessee Prime 4/3/2022
4 Kaser Fiveash 53 9 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Glozier 4/2/2022
8 Kale Mills 26 6 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Glozier 4/2/2022
35 9 Tennessee Prime 4/3/2022
Total 61 15
7 S.C. Spradley 40 6 East Cobb Astros 10U Orange 4/2/2022
6 Watson Stewart 19 2 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Glozier 4/2/2022
9 1 Tennessee Prime 4/3/2022
Total 28 3
Tennessee Prime
4 Bosten Crownover 14 3 East Cobb Astros 10U Orange 4/2/2022
4 Brayden Harbin 30 0 East Cobb Astros 10U Orange 4/2/2022
5 Jaxson Hasty 8 3 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Glozier 4/2/2022
15 5 Canes Ga - Pratt 4/3/2022
Total 23 8
9 3 Tn Nationals 10u 4/3/2022
Total 32 11
14 Sawyer Hicks 77 11 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Glozier 4/2/2022
11 Beckett Kilday 63 12 Tn Nationals 10u 4/3/2022
12 Levi Lamb 72 9 East Cobb Astros 10U Orange 4/2/2022
10 Jaxon Primus 76 17 South Georgia Gnats 4/3/2022
22 Keegan Roberts 73 13 Canes Ga - Pratt 4/3/2022
The Right Way Baseball 10u
99 Charles Edwards 10 1 Ebc 10u-Casey 4/3/2022
12 William Farness 20 3 Sharon Springs Academy 10U - Landy 4/2/2022
32 3 Klutch Elite 10u 4/3/2022
Total 52 6
6 2 Ebc 10u-Casey 4/3/2022
Total 58 8
23 Brody Flack 12 3 Tn Nationals 10u 4/2/2022
25 6 Klutch Elite 10u 4/3/2022
Total 37 9
29 3 Ebc 10u-Casey 4/3/2022
Total 66 12
3 Chase Morning 89 8 Sharon Springs Academy 10U - Landy 4/2/2022
2 1 Ebc 10u-Casey 4/3/2022
Total 91 9
33 Parker Pearman 25 3 Tn Nationals 10u 4/2/2022
98 Mark Sanders 38 9 Ebc 10u-Casey 4/3/2022
18 Trent Spearman 43 8 Tn Nationals 10u 4/2/2022
23 1 Klutch Elite 10u 4/3/2022
Total 66 9
Tn Nationals 10u
50 Will Brown 0 0 Tennessee Prime 4/3/2022
55 9 Hit Dogs Ohio 4/3/2022
Total 55 9
17 2 Sa Supreme 10u 4/3/2022
Total 72 11
13 Asher Dove 31 2 Tennessee Prime 4/3/2022
12 Hayden Free 60 7 The Right Way Baseball 10u 4/2/2022
11 Collier Goodrich 0 0 Tennessee Prime 4/3/2022
46 9 Hit Dogs Ohio 4/3/2022
Total 46 9
20 3 Sa Supreme 10u 4/3/2022
Total 66 12
40 Easton Hedrick 2 2 Astros Tabu 4/2/2022
4 1 Tennessee Prime 4/3/2022
Total 6 3
7 Calvin ODell 59 6 Astros Tabu 4/2/2022
32 6 Tennessee Prime 4/3/2022
Total 91 12
30 JP Ruth 57 7 The Right Way Baseball 10u 4/2/2022
26 6 Sa Supreme 10u 4/3/2022
Total 83 13
15 Hunter Wade 28 3 Tennessee Prime 4/3/2022
44 Colsyn Wood 60 9 Astros Tabu 4/2/2022
26 6 Tennessee Prime 4/3/2022
Total 86 15
Vipers Reynolds
22 Eli Burks 19 1 Canes Ga - Pratt 4/2/2022
3 Brayson Bye 12 3 Service Baseball - Smurf Squad 10u 4/2/2022
1 Wade Cook 11 4 Klutch Elite 10u 4/3/2022
11 Jesse Craig Jr 33 4 Canes Ga - Pratt 4/2/2022
97 Kellan Harper 64 8 Canes Ga - Pratt 4/2/2022
34 Hampton Nolin 67 11 Klutch Elite 10u 4/3/2022
9 1 Georgia Bombers 10U South 4/3/2022
Total 76 12
24 Ryan Reynolds 21 2 Georgia Bombers 10U South 4/3/2022
5 Charlie Sabens 61 9 Service Baseball - Smurf Squad 10u 4/2/2022
23 Bentlee Soles 83 15 Georgia Bombers 10U South 4/3/2022