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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
5 Star Savannah 12U Kitchen
Carter Allen 17 3 Tribe 6/17/2022
81 12 Tribe 6/20/2022
Total 98 15
Will Bauer 49 7 Elite Gamers Wilson 6/18/2022
Colin Budrow 15 1 Kansas City Monarchs 6/17/2022
5 1 Elite Gamers Wilson 6/19/2022
Total 20 2
87 7 Tri-Star 6/20/2022
Total 107 9
Dawson Cox 45 3 Around the Horn 6/18/2022
11 3 Elite Gamers Wilson 6/18/2022
Total 56 6
Nick Farrelly 23 6 Tribe 6/17/2022
93 17 Elite Gamers Wilson 6/19/2022
Total 116 23
Preston McBride 11 3 Tribe 6/17/2022
8 3 Kansas City Monarchs 6/17/2022
Total 19 6
31 1 Around the Horn 6/18/2022
Total 50 7
Harrison Sammons 54 8 Kansas City Monarchs 6/17/2022
22 3 Tri-Star 6/20/2022
Total 76 11
Will White 37 2 Elite Gamers Wilson 6/18/2022
41 4 Tri-Star 6/20/2022
Total 78 6
Elliott Zeigler 39 6 Tribe 6/20/2022
Timothy Blake Zwemer 17 0 Tribe 6/17/2022
Around the Horn
4 John Parker Cole 21 5 Tri-Star 6/17/2022
21 3 Tri-Star 6/19/2022
Total 42 8
1 Chandler Collins 36 5 Gwinnett Elite Baseball Club 6/17/2022
60 9 Tri-Star 6/19/2022
Total 96 14
46 6 Gwinnett Elite Baseball Club 6/21/2022
Total 142 20
31 Maddux Davis 49 9 Gwinnett Elite Baseball Club 6/17/2022
42 6 Tri-Star 6/19/2022
Total 91 15
47 9 Gwinnett Elite Baseball Club 6/21/2022
Total 138 24
14 Sutton Dekle 34 9 Tribe 6/18/2022
15 2 Gwinnett Elite Baseball Club 6/20/2022
Total 49 11
46 12 Gwinnett Elite Baseball Club 6/21/2022
Total 95 23
10 Jacob Hughes 64 9 Tribe 6/18/2022
43 8 Gwinnett Elite Baseball Club 6/21/2022
Total 107 17
17 Greg Peden 45 6 Tri-Star 6/17/2022
7 0 Gwinnett Elite Baseball Club 6/21/2022
Total 52 6
3 Judson Underwood 50 6 5 Star Savannah 12U Kitchen 6/18/2022
86 13 Gwinnett Elite Baseball Club 6/20/2022
Total 136 19
8 Cannon Vickery 0 0 Gwinnett Elite Baseball Club 6/21/2022
Elite Gamers Wilson
21 Cason Carrigan 63 9 Kansas City Monarchs 6/17/2022
70 6 5 Star Savannah 12U Kitchen 6/18/2022
Total 133 15
5 Caspian Chambers 48 9 5 Star Savannah 12U Kitchen 6/19/2022
84 18 Tri-Star 6/20/2022
Total 132 27
10 Landon Chavis 18 2 Gwinnett Elite Baseball Club 6/19/2022
78 9 Gwinnett Elite Baseball Club 6/21/2022
Total 96 11
72 Cole Hutchison 49 9 Gwinnett Elite Baseball Club 6/19/2022
49 11 Kansas City Monarchs 6/20/2022
Total 98 20
4 Wesley Lavigne 64 9 Tri-Star 6/17/2022
51 2 Gwinnett Elite Baseball Club 6/18/2022
Total 115 11
2 Gavin Mayo 75 5 Tri-Star 6/17/2022
18 2 Gwinnett Elite Baseball Club 6/19/2022
Total 93 7
35 2 Gwinnett Elite Baseball Club 6/21/2022
Total 128 9
24 Brandon Moore 41 6 Kansas City Monarchs 6/17/2022
40 3 5 Star Savannah 12U Kitchen 6/18/2022
Total 81 9
25 4 Gwinnett Elite Baseball Club 6/18/2022
Total 106 13
7 Preston Witcher 47 9 5 Star Savannah 12U Kitchen 6/19/2022
78 9 Kansas City Monarchs 6/20/2022
Total 125 18
Gwinnett Elite Baseball Club
29 Kingston Bailey 38 6 Tri-Star 6/18/2022
56 5 Around the Horn 6/20/2022
Total 94 11
38 4 Elite Gamers Wilson 6/21/2022
Total 132 15
9 Christian Harris 15 2 Tri-Star 6/18/2022
45 5 Around the Horn 6/21/2022
Total 60 7
30 Kai Jackson 1 1 Elite Gamers Wilson 6/18/2022
20 2 Tri-Star 6/18/2022
Total 21 3
13 Noah Matos 26 9 Tribe 6/17/2022
77 12 Elite Gamers Wilson 6/19/2022
Total 103 21
21 Jordan McCollum 24 2 Elite Gamers Wilson 6/19/2022
43 7 Around the Horn 6/20/2022
Total 67 9
45 Jaxon Ogg 37 9 Around the Horn 6/17/2022
63 16 Tribe 6/19/2022
Total 100 25
23 Gregory Phillips 16 2 Tri-Star 6/18/2022
17 Oscar Rivera Jr 49 8 Around the Horn 6/17/2022
22 4 Around the Horn 6/21/2022
Total 71 12
18 Sawyer Seybert 29 3 Around the Horn 6/20/2022
11 3 Around the Horn 6/21/2022
Total 40 6
14 3 Around the Horn 6/21/2022
Total 54 9
8 Carson Thompson 31 6 Tribe 6/17/2022
39 6 Around the Horn 6/21/2022
Total 70 12
86 15 Around the Horn 6/21/2022
Total 156 27
35 Terrence Watts 50 5 Elite Gamers Wilson 6/18/2022
68 8 Elite Gamers Wilson 6/21/2022
Total 118 13
11 Mayjr Yocca 23 0 Tri-Star 6/18/2022
Kansas City Monarchs
30 Dalton Close 21 1 Elite Gamers Wilson 6/17/2022
82 15 Elite Gamers Wilson 6/20/2022
Total 103 16
43 Caleb Foskey 26 1 5 Star Savannah 12U Kitchen 6/17/2022
18 Cruz Garcia 36 5 5 Star Savannah 12U Kitchen 6/17/2022
20 3 Elite Gamers Wilson 6/20/2022
Total 56 8
17 Andy Gray 42 5 Tri-Star 6/18/2022
7 Liam Grover 56 8 Elite Gamers Wilson 6/17/2022
80 13 Tri-Star 6/19/2022
Total 136 21
21 Emmitt Loch 15 1 5 Star Savannah 12U Kitchen 6/17/2022
10 Grant Morrison 35 5 Elite Gamers Wilson 6/17/2022
19 4 Tribe 6/18/2022
Total 54 9
0 Liam Peck 45 8 Tribe 6/18/2022
29 4 Tri-Star 6/19/2022
Total 74 12
5 Ethan Ruel 30 5 5 Star Savannah 12U Kitchen 6/17/2022
1 Cooper Wurm 69 12 Tri-Star 6/18/2022
5 Connor Birch 46 9 Kansas City Monarchs 6/19/2022
24 5 Elite Gamers Wilson 6/20/2022
Total 70 14
10 Will Chambers 32 8 Around the Horn 6/19/2022
2 Bob Edmonds 34 10 Kansas City Monarchs 6/18/2022
23 5 Gwinnett Elite Baseball Club 6/18/2022
Total 57 15
27 Boone Maughon 54 6 Kansas City Monarchs 6/18/2022
22 Robert Mayes 21 3 Around the Horn 6/19/2022
27 9 Kansas City Monarchs 6/19/2022
Total 48 12
Ryce Phillips 68 9 Elite Gamers Wilson 6/17/2022
36 3 Around the Horn 6/19/2022
Total 104 12
99 Cooper Rogers 26 6 Elite Gamers Wilson 6/17/2022
27 4 Around the Horn 6/17/2022
Total 53 10
15 6 5 Star Savannah 12U Kitchen 6/20/2022
Total 68 16
59 13 Elite Gamers Wilson 6/20/2022
Total 127 29
15 Jake Ryans 55 9 Gwinnett Elite Baseball Club 6/18/2022
13 Cason Stevens 58 6 Around the Horn 6/17/2022
82 11 5 Star Savannah 12U Kitchen 6/20/2022
Total 140 17
0 Garrett Darley 17 3 5 Star Savannah 12U Kitchen 6/17/2022
20 6 Kansas City Monarchs 6/18/2022
Total 37 9
21 Malique Green 13 3 Gwinnett Elite Baseball Club 6/17/2022
93 17 Around the Horn 6/18/2022
Total 106 20
27 Chase Ham 33 4 5 Star Savannah 12U Kitchen 6/17/2022
5 Parker Jarrell 18 2 Kansas City Monarchs 6/18/2022
99 Julian Rivera 22 1 Kansas City Monarchs 6/18/2022
7 Micah Sanders 31 0 Gwinnett Elite Baseball Club 6/17/2022
0 0 5 Star Savannah 12U Kitchen 6/20/2022
Total 31 0
22 Lane Schomber 15 0 Kansas City Monarchs 6/18/2022
0 0 Around the Horn 6/18/2022
Total 15 0
9 Jay Stinson 43 2 5 Star Savannah 12U Kitchen 6/17/2022
12 2 5 Star Savannah 12U Kitchen 6/20/2022
Total 55 4
25 Aaron Vaughan 47 8 Gwinnett Elite Baseball Club 6/17/2022
23 3 Gwinnett Elite Baseball Club 6/19/2022
Total 70 11
74 12 5 Star Savannah 12U Kitchen 6/20/2022
Total 144 23
13 Colton Woodward 38 4 Gwinnett Elite Baseball Club 6/17/2022
86 12 Gwinnett Elite Baseball Club 6/19/2022
Total 124 16