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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Diamond Elite 9u Diaz/Bitz
27 Jonah Cruz 24 4 Ponte Vedra Thunder 9u 5/15/2021
23 Lucas Diaz 31 8 Sarasota Shock 5/15/2021
72 15 Ponte Vedra Thunder 9u 5/16/2021
Total 103 23
99 Phoenix Jordan 60 7 Ponte Vedra Thunder 9u 5/15/2021
9 Parker Lambropoulos 46 11 Main Baseball Academy 9u 5/15/2021
6 0 Ponte Vedra Thunder 9u 5/16/2021
Total 52 11
34 Yancy Pichardo 18 1 Ponte Vedra Thunder 9u 5/15/2021
Main Baseball Academy 9u
13 Christian Cunningham 31 6 Southern Assassins 5/15/2021
10 Logan Eck 33 3 Southern Assassins 5/15/2021
1 Joe Fasking 38 8 Diamond Elite 9u Diaz/Bitz 5/15/2021
23 Isaac Lara 57 9 Puerto Rico Future Prospect 5/15/2021
25 Colten McIntosh 24 1 Puerto Rico Future Prospect 5/15/2021
5 Braydon Scheu 20 4 Puerto Rico Future Prospect 5/15/2021
7 Kade Slezak 28 4 Diamond Elite 9u Diaz/Bitz 5/15/2021
MD Warriors
25 Michael Cosca 34 1 Tampa Phenoms 5/15/2021
12 Michael Devereaux 42 7 Tampa Phenoms 5/15/2021
46 5 Southern Assassins 5/16/2021
Total 88 12
95 Brayden Ennis 12 0 Tampa Phenoms 5/15/2021
8 Jason Eugene 43 6 Puerto Rico Future Prospect 5/16/2021
4 Fabian Molina 0 0 Southern Assassins 5/16/2021
11 Landan Powell 45 9 Southern Assassins 5/16/2021
27 Lucas Sandoval 68 12 Southern Assassins 5/14/2021
26 6 Puerto Rico Future Prospect Teal 5/15/2021
Total 94 18
18 1 Puerto Rico Future Prospect 5/16/2021
Total 112 19
13 Carlos Sosa 34 3 Southern Assassins 5/14/2021
73 8 Puerto Rico Future Prospect Teal 5/15/2021
Total 107 11
14 3 Southern Assassins 5/16/2021
Total 121 14
Ostingers 9u
3 Evrett Edwards 22 6 Puerto Rico Future Prospect Teal 5/14/2021
75 14 Tampa Phenoms 5/15/2021
Total 97 20
18 Parker Gabel 12 2 Tbt Ballers 5/15/2021
5 Karson Gilmer 52 8 Tbt Ballers 5/15/2021
6 0 Tampa Phenoms 5/15/2021
Total 58 8
3 Ryan Lee 61 9 Puerto Rico Future Prospect Teal 5/14/2021
26 Grayson Morris 23 3 Puerto Rico Future Prospect Teal 5/14/2021
36 5 Tbt Ballers 5/15/2021
Total 59 8
1 Fabian Sepulveda 0 0 Puerto Rico Future Prospect Teal 5/14/2021
24 2 Tampa Phenoms 5/15/2021
Total 24 2
Ponte Vedra Thunder 9u
3 Carston Brown 13 2 Tampa Phenoms 5/16/2021
44 Hudson Cleek 21 6 Diamond Elite 9u Diaz/Bitz 5/16/2021
32 1 Tampa Phenoms 5/16/2021
Total 53 7
1 Maddux Donohoe 43 12 Diamond Elite 9u Diaz/Bitz 5/15/2021
21 6 Sarasota Shock 5/15/2021
Total 64 18
5 Tripp Racioppi 10 1 Sarasota Shock 5/15/2021
16 0 Tampa Phenoms 5/16/2021
Total 26 1
99 Nash Rosenthal 14 1 Tampa Phenoms 5/16/2021
9 Hudson Straw 22 5 Sarasota Shock 5/15/2021
35 5 Tampa Phenoms 5/16/2021
Total 57 10
7 William Streva 0 0 Diamond Elite 9u Diaz/Bitz 5/16/2021
18 3 Tampa Phenoms 5/16/2021
Total 18 3
11 Curran Whitaker 45 12 Diamond Elite 9u Diaz/Bitz 5/16/2021
10 Owen Zimmerman 8 0 Tampa Phenoms 5/16/2021
Puerto Rico Future Prospect
27 Mateo Dapena-Hatton 50 5 Main Baseball Academy 9u 5/15/2021
13 2 Sarasota Shock 5/16/2021
Total 63 7
5 Alberto Gonzalez Jr. 31 9 Tampa Phenoms 5/15/2021
7 Derek Lopez 41 3 Tampa Phenoms 5/15/2021
9 Eiden OFarrill 52 8 MD Warriors 5/16/2021
2 Adrian Rosario Alicea 40 9 Main Baseball Academy 9u 5/15/2021
24 Oscar Santana 27 5 Tampa Phenoms 5/15/2021
13 Jovanni Soto 28 3 MD Warriors 5/16/2021
17 Karlos Torres Borges 70 13 Sarasota Shock 5/16/2021
Puerto Rico Future Prospect Teal
10 Jahel Miranda 67 8 Tbt Ballers 5/15/2021
29 Keven Reyes Gonzalez 53 7 Ostingers 9u 5/14/2021
19 Kendrick Rivera 5 2 Tbt Ballers 5/15/2021
99 Diego Sanabria 32 2 Tbt Ballers 5/15/2021
2 Angel Torres 43 5 MD Warriors 5/15/2021
16 Yairam Vazquez Negron 43 7 Ostingers 9u 5/14/2021
52 6 MD Warriors 5/15/2021
Total 95 13
Sarasota Shock
6 Michaela Beachy 34 6 Puerto Rico Future Prospect 5/16/2021
5 James Clark 26 2 Ponte Vedra Thunder 9u 5/15/2021
15 Jayden Hammond 50 7 Ponte Vedra Thunder 9u 5/15/2021
12 Andrew Moldovan 42 3 Puerto Rico Future Prospect 5/16/2021
51 Elan Perez 20 3 Diamond Elite 9u Diaz/Bitz 5/15/2021
20 3 Puerto Rico Future Prospect 5/16/2021
Total 40 6
13 Chase Shirley 66 4 Diamond Elite 9u Diaz/Bitz 5/15/2021
Southern Assassins
8 Karson Blakney 77 12 MD Warriors 5/16/2021
30 John Miles Brooks 5 1 MD Warriors 5/14/2021
37 6 MD Warriors 5/16/2021
Total 42 7
23 Trenton Hackler 50 6 MD Warriors 5/14/2021
19 Levi Parkinson 6 1 MD Warriors 5/14/2021
12 Jack Preston Roberson 11 2 Main Baseball Academy 9u 5/15/2021
11 Gaines Smith 29 1 Main Baseball Academy 9u 5/15/2021
22 Bentley Tyner 57 6 Main Baseball Academy 9u 5/15/2021
2 Cam Wise 66 7 MD Warriors 5/14/2021
Tampa Phenoms
42 Jeremi Daniels 44 9 Ostingers 9u 5/15/2021
25 Braden Delach 30 6 Ostingers 9u 5/15/2021
41 9 Tbt Ballers 5/16/2021
Total 71 15
16 Samuel Leto 23 3 Ostingers 9u 5/15/2021
54 9 Ponte Vedra Thunder 9u 5/16/2021
Total 77 12
17 Wyatt Scott 42 9 MD Warriors 5/15/2021
15 Jackson Warren 32 5 Puerto Rico Future Prospect 5/15/2021
13 3 Ponte Vedra Thunder 9u 5/16/2021
Total 45 8
5 Jullian White 62 11 Puerto Rico Future Prospect 5/15/2021
Tbt Ballers
98 Anthony Cucchiarelli 60 9 Puerto Rico Future Prospect Teal 5/15/2021
95 Noah Donoro 45 9 Ostingers 9u 5/15/2021
17 3 Tampa Phenoms 5/16/2021
Total 62 12
Joshua Fleites 8 3 Puerto Rico Future Prospect Teal 5/15/2021
42 9 Ostingers 9u 5/15/2021
Total 50 12
95 Michael Parzyck 10 1 Tampa Phenoms 5/16/2021
2 Damon Perpetua 11 0 Tampa Phenoms 5/16/2021
12 Lucas Ridge-Lavoie 12 1 Ostingers 9u 5/15/2021
99 Jace Singpradith 45 5 Tampa Phenoms 5/16/2021