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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Banditos White
44 Sergio Alvarez 75 12 The Woodlands Scots Green 3/28/2021
27 Derek Alvidrez 43 6 Hp Baseball Poland 3/27/2021
25 Avery Bell 29 9 Stx Sliders 13u Rainbird 3/27/2021
0 0 Hp Baseball Poland 3/27/2021
Total 29 9
14 0 Stx Sliders 13u Rainbird 3/28/2021
Total 43 9
59 5 Twelve 13u Grey 3/28/2021
Total 102 14
9 Brody Freitas 25 3 Stx Sliders 13u Rainbird 3/27/2021
45 3 Houston Royals Blue 3/28/2021
Total 70 6
17 Drew Johnson 24 6 Hp Baseball Poland 3/27/2021
53 9 Stx Sliders 13u Rainbird 3/28/2021
Total 77 15
29 Diego Magueyal 14 3 Stx Sliders 13u Rainbird 3/27/2021
30 3 Stx Sliders 13u Rainbird 3/28/2021
Total 44 6
21 3 Houston Royals Blue 3/28/2021
Total 65 9
19 Jordan Schoenvogel 28 6 Stx Sliders 13u Rainbird 3/27/2021
11 5 Stx Sliders 13u Rainbird 3/28/2021
Total 39 11
24 3 The Woodlands Scots Green 3/28/2021
Total 63 14
22 3 Houston Royals Blue 3/28/2021
Total 85 17
Bucs Baseball Academy 13U
10 Jackson Deatley 31 8 Fort Bend Aces 3/27/2021
57 11 Zt Elite 13u Chapa 3/28/2021
Total 88 19
8 Eastyn Dotson 16 3 Fort Bend Aces 3/27/2021
1 0 Zt Elite 13u Chapa 3/28/2021
Total 17 3
22 Corbin Krejci 0 0 Zt Elite 13u Chapa 3/28/2021
34 Jayse MacAllister 42 6 Houston Royals Blue 3/27/2021
27 Hadyn Quisenberry 15 6 Fort Bend Aces 3/27/2021
51 6 Zt Elite 13u Chapa 3/28/2021
Total 66 12
9 Jay Zarate 21 3 Houston Royals Blue 3/27/2021
0 0 Zt Elite 13u Chapa 3/28/2021
Total 21 3
32 7 Texas Sting 13u 3/28/2021
Total 53 10
12 Jaxson Zuniga 33 7 Houston Royals Blue 3/27/2021
65 11 Texas Sting 13u 3/28/2021
Total 98 18
Fb Spartans 13u
3 Michael Cuellar 20 3 Texas Tigers 3/27/2021
42 Langston Hogan 6 0 Hp Baseball Poland 3/28/2021
5 Yanni Ibikunle 64 9 Texas Tigers 3/27/2021
34 Logan Myers 20 3 Houston Royals Blue 3/27/2021
70 9 Hp Baseball Poland 3/28/2021
Total 90 12
10 John Sander 26 4 Houston Royals Blue 3/27/2021
1 Hunter Windham 35 5 Houston Royals Blue 3/27/2021
Five Tool Players West
20 Tayte Barrow 56 10 Texas Twelve 13U Platinum - Gaffney 3/27/2021
11 Braden Eckerman 101 17 Zt Elite 13u Chapa 3/28/2021
21 Mason Leyja 31 6 South County Mavericks- 13U Team Blue 3/27/2021
15 Carson Schmitt 37 5 Texas Twelve 13U Platinum - Gaffney 3/27/2021
0 Danny Shanley 30 6 South County Mavericks- 13U Team Blue 3/27/2021
38 Riley Sherowski 31 6 South County Mavericks- 13U Team Blue 3/27/2021
Fort Bend Aces
9 Tanner Baumbach 47 9 Bucs Baseball Academy 13U 3/27/2021
22 Noah Diaz 39 6 Texas Twelve 13U Platinum - Gaffney 3/28/2021
13 Lucas Grimes 40 6 Bucs Baseball Academy 13U 3/27/2021
26 Andrew Petershagen Jr. 60 9 Texas Tigers 3/27/2021
0 Jacob Salas 42 2 Texas Twelve 13U Platinum - Gaffney 3/28/2021
3 Paul Toland 48 6 Texas Tigers 3/27/2021
17 3 Texas Twelve 13U Platinum - Gaffney 3/28/2021
Total 65 9
Houston Royals Blue
8 Max Agee 29 7 Texas Tigers 3/28/2021
23 3 Banditos White 3/28/2021
Total 52 10
4 Charlie Diamond 13 0 Banditos White 3/28/2021
99 Liam Fanning 21 4 Texas Tigers 3/28/2021
33 Mark Hanrahan 22 3 Banditos White 3/28/2021
27 Kalino Lehaun 6 1 Fb Spartans 13u 3/27/2021
39 9 Bucs Baseball Academy 13U 3/27/2021
Total 45 10
34 3 Banditos White 3/28/2021
Total 79 13
28 Ben Marshall 61 17 Spring Bulls 3/28/2021
0 Ryan Robertson 33 7 Fb Spartans 13u 3/27/2021
14 0 Banditos White 3/28/2021
Total 47 7
Cash Scarborough 36 4 Fb Spartans 13u 3/27/2021
1 Wylie Ward 29 6 Bucs Baseball Academy 13U 3/27/2021
11 0 Banditos White 3/28/2021
Total 40 6
31 4 Texas Tigers 3/28/2021
Total 71 10
Hp Baseball Poland
0 Hagen Anderson 47 4 Banditos White 3/27/2021
0 Davian Barrera 58 9 Prospect Baseball Blue 3/27/2021
0 Bryson Dieter 57 8 Fb Spartans 13u 3/28/2021
0 Mason Flores 27 2 Prospect Baseball Blue 3/28/2021
0 Cy Garcia 59 7 Banditos White 3/27/2021
17 4 Fb Spartans 13u 3/28/2021
Total 76 11
0 Joshua Hernandez 7 1 Banditos White 3/27/2021
13 4 Prospect Baseball Blue 3/27/2021
Total 20 5
52 12 Prospect Baseball Blue 3/28/2021
Total 72 17
Premier Baseball 13u Clyde
12 Kameron Bourke 22 3 Texas Drillers 3/28/2021
66 12 Texas Tigers 3/28/2021
Total 88 15
16 Carter Hough 30 3 The Woodlands Scots Green 3/27/2021
33 Dylan Marhofer 12 3 Texas Tigers 3/28/2021
17 Jacob Rizzo 77 9 Spring Bulls 3/27/2021
13 Will Taylor 31 5 Spring Bulls 3/27/2021
10 Stephen Tripp 76 12 The Woodlands Scots Green 3/27/2021
27 Corey Wilson 79 14 Texas Drillers 3/28/2021
Prospect Baseball Blue
6 Jackson Carrillo 30 4 Hp Baseball Poland 3/27/2021
12 1 Hp Baseball Poland 3/28/2021
Total 42 5
18 Jake Chenoweth 19 3 Hp Baseball Poland 3/28/2021
69 11 Zt Elite 13u Chapa 3/28/2021
Total 88 14
10 Cooper Gregory 60 8 Stx Sliders 13u Rainbird 3/27/2021
2 Cody Hanlen 60 9 South County Mavericks- Team Stratta 3/28/2021
7 Michael Morris 67 11 Hp Baseball Poland 3/28/2021
5 Brandon Phillips 70 7 Hp Baseball Poland 3/27/2021
23 Luke Tamez 37 2 Stx Sliders 13u Rainbird 3/27/2021
45 6 South County Mavericks- Team Stratta 3/28/2021
Total 82 8
7 1 Zt Elite 13u Chapa 3/28/2021
Total 89 9
South County Mavericks- 13U Team Blue
25 Jason Deering Jr. 37 5 Texas Twelve 13U Platinum - Gaffney 3/27/2021
4 Rhett Dolezal 48 9 Five Tool Players West 3/27/2021
9 1 Spring Bulls 3/28/2021
Total 57 10
5 Liam McCarthy 30 9 Five Tool Players West 3/27/2021
55 8 Spring Bulls 3/28/2021
Total 85 17
2 Luke Rodriguez 48 5 Spring Bulls 3/28/2021
23 Jordan Swearengin 0 0 Five Tool Players West 3/27/2021
52 9 Texas Twelve 13U Platinum - Gaffney 3/27/2021
Total 52 9
South County Mavericks- Team Stratta
33 Tyler Calder 31 9 Twelve 13u Grey 3/26/2021
99 Andrew Gault 49 6 Twelve 13u Grey 3/26/2021
77 13 Prospect Baseball Blue 3/28/2021
Total 126 19
11 Kyle Klekar 18 7 Texas Drillers 3/26/2021
3 Harper Seman 29 3 Twelve 13u Grey 3/26/2021
13 2 Prospect Baseball Blue 3/28/2021
Total 42 5
9 Grant Stratta 57 8 Texas Drillers 3/26/2021
Spring Bulls
10 W Lee Bull 18 3 Premier Baseball 13u Clyde 3/27/2021
27 3 Houston Royals Blue 3/28/2021
Total 45 6
Owen Cyplik 19 4 Premier Baseball 13u Clyde 3/27/2021
25 Luke Douglas 51 14 South County Mavericks- 13U Team Blue 3/28/2021
27 Branson Killian 80 17 Texas Sting 13u 3/27/2021
8 Luke Polzin 58 5 Premier Baseball 13u Clyde 3/27/2021
6 Grady Scarborough 84 11 Houston Royals Blue 3/28/2021
1 Brody Thomas 16 5 Premier Baseball 13u Clyde 3/27/2021
Stx Sliders 13u Rainbird
10 Parker Bradford 43 6 Banditos White 3/28/2021
32 Jack Houston 35 8 Prospect Baseball Blue 3/27/2021
38 5 Banditos White 3/28/2021
Total 73 13
5 Levi Lease 33 9 Banditos White 3/27/2021
30 9 Texas Twelve 13U Platinum - Gaffney 3/28/2021
Total 63 18
27 Hunter Maddox 12 3 Prospect Baseball Blue 3/27/2021
22 4 Banditos White 3/28/2021
Total 34 7
7 Mason Mixon 27 6 Banditos White 3/27/2021
35 AJ Rajabi 50 9 Texas Twelve 13U Platinum - Gaffney 3/28/2021
6 Nolan Setliff 48 5 Banditos White 3/27/2021
8 Cooper Venable 7 0 Prospect Baseball Blue 3/27/2021
Texas Drillers
18 Truett Allen 7 1 Zt Elite 13u Chapa 3/26/2021
10 Hunter Edmonds 9 1 Premier Baseball 13u Clyde 3/28/2021
0 Quinn Fitzpatrick 15 0 South County Mavericks- Team Stratta 3/26/2021
22 Preston Gorski 42 5 Zt Elite 13u Chapa 3/26/2021
3 0 Premier Baseball 13u Clyde 3/28/2021
Total 45 5
15 Jack Hope 26 3 Zt Elite 13u Chapa 3/26/2021
13 Drake Johnson 43 3 Zt Elite 13u Chapa 3/26/2021
3 Luke Loving 20 3 South County Mavericks- Team Stratta 3/26/2021
53 9 Premier Baseball 13u Clyde 3/28/2021
Total 73 12
1 Dillon Norris 34 8 South County Mavericks- Team Stratta 3/26/2021
57 8 Premier Baseball 13u Clyde 3/28/2021
Total 91 16
9 Logan Santos 27 2 South County Mavericks- Team Stratta 3/26/2021
Texas Sting 13u
5 Tanner Covar 0 0 Spring Bulls 3/27/2021
89 Tyler Covar 50 3 The Woodlands Scots Green 3/27/2021
9 2 Bucs Baseball Academy 13U 3/28/2021
Total 59 5
10 Tanner Flynn 20 3 The Woodlands Scots Green 3/27/2021
2 0 Bucs Baseball Academy 13U 3/28/2021
Total 22 3
11 Austin Hart 46 10 Bucs Baseball Academy 13U 3/28/2021
6 Ethan Harvey 25 6 Spring Bulls 3/27/2021
17 5 Bucs Baseball Academy 13U 3/28/2021
Total 42 11
15 Roman Kolar 21 6 The Woodlands Scots Green 3/27/2021
12 0 Bucs Baseball Academy 13U 3/28/2021
Total 33 6
22 Hayden Ross 48 9 Spring Bulls 3/27/2021
7 Kade Wheeler 19 3 Spring Bulls 3/27/2021
Texas Tigers
11 Jordan Hernandez 30 5 Fort Bend Aces 3/27/2021
5 1 Fb Spartans 13u 3/27/2021
Total 35 6
45 5 Houston Royals Blue 3/28/2021
Total 80 11
7 Juan Lomeli 22 6 Fort Bend Aces 3/27/2021
6 1 Fb Spartans 13u 3/27/2021
Total 28 7
23 4 Premier Baseball 13u Clyde 3/28/2021
Total 51 11
27 Diego Rios 30 4 Fb Spartans 13u 3/27/2021
3 Eduardo Rivas 27 5 Fb Spartans 13u 3/27/2021
31 8 Houston Royals Blue 3/28/2021
Total 58 13
1 Romeo Valdez 31 6 Fort Bend Aces 3/27/2021
84 14 Premier Baseball 13u Clyde 3/28/2021
Total 115 20
9 Noah Villareal 36 4 Fb Spartans 13u 3/27/2021
Texas Twelve 13U Platinum - Gaffney
28 Tate Campbell 87 13 Stx Sliders 13u Rainbird 3/28/2021
27 Cooper Cortez 59 15 Fort Bend Aces 3/28/2021
1 Reese Cullen 14 3 Five Tool Players West 3/27/2021
18 Drew Emery 17 3 Stx Sliders 13u Rainbird 3/28/2021
2 Luke Lovelace 67 15 Five Tool Players West 3/27/2021
20 Brody Washbrook 81 13 South County Mavericks- 13U Team Blue 3/27/2021
The Woodlands Scots Green
9 Elias Diaz 26 4 Banditos White 3/28/2021
50 Benjamin Gordley 26 6 Texas Sting 13u 3/27/2021
24 Olly Houston 53 9 Premier Baseball 13u Clyde 3/27/2021
27 2 Banditos White 3/28/2021
Total 80 11
27 Luke Sheeren 13 3 Premier Baseball 13u Clyde 3/27/2021
10 2 Texas Sting 13u 3/27/2021
Total 23 5
32 Jack Simpson 53 8 Texas Sting 13u 3/27/2021
2 Jack Smejkal 11 3 Premier Baseball 13u Clyde 3/27/2021
41 9 Banditos White 3/28/2021
Total 52 12
Twelve 13u Grey
9 Garrett Barham 18 1 South County Mavericks- Team Stratta 3/26/2021
54 Colin Callahan 51 7 Zt Elite 13u Chapa 3/26/2021
4 Brody Engum 30 5 Zt Elite 13u Chapa 3/26/2021
56 2 Banditos White 3/28/2021
Total 86 7
13 Johnny Ray Guajardo 7 2 South County Mavericks- Team Stratta 3/26/2021
7 Denver Lee 18 3 South County Mavericks- Team Stratta 3/26/2021
9 Jacob Tucker 23 6 South County Mavericks- Team Stratta 3/26/2021
32 3 Banditos White 3/28/2021
Total 55 9
24 Matthew Tucker 29 4 Zt Elite 13u Chapa 3/26/2021
27 Anthony Villarreal 18 6 South County Mavericks- Team Stratta 3/26/2021
Zt Elite 13u Chapa
0 Preston Baham 15 2 Prospect Baseball Blue 3/28/2021
8 Joel Batres 53 8 Bucs Baseball Academy 13U 3/28/2021
34 Aiden Chapa 46 10 Five Tool Players West 3/28/2021
8 1 Bucs Baseball Academy 13U 3/28/2021
Total 54 11
8 Logan Johnson 29 3 Texas Drillers 3/26/2021
9 2 Five Tool Players West 3/28/2021
Total 38 5
0 Tyler Lavallier 57 9 Bucs Baseball Academy 13U 3/28/2021
0 Darrian Parsley 35 5 Twelve 13u Grey 3/26/2021
15 3 Texas Drillers 3/26/2021
Total 50 8
80 9 Prospect Baseball Blue 3/28/2021
Total 130 17
2 David Sandoval 61 6 Texas Drillers 3/26/2021
34 4 Five Tool Players West 3/28/2021
Total 95 10
7 Logan Shields 67 9 Twelve 13u Grey 3/26/2021