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Games will be played every other Sunday, you will play 2 games every other Sunday with off weekends being used for Rainout make up games. 
ODD AGES will play on the following weekends:
10/25: This is the end of League Tournament
Aug 30 - Oct 25 |  Pecan Park | La Porte, TX
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Youth Pitching Report

  9U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3 day period. If you pitch more than 9 outs in a day you are required 2 days rest.

  9U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs.

  13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs.

  100 Pitch maximum over 3 days.

  You can pitch in more than one game in a day if you do not exceed your daily limits.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Bay Area Express 9u
Sam Abernathy 25 4 Timbergrove 8U Thunder - Blue 10/25/2020
Jackson Dempsey 54 8 Timbergrove 8U Thunder - Blue 10/25/2020
Crushers Baseball
3 Chase Bennett 22 3 HUSTLE 9/13/2020
4 Kole Cromartie 43 5 Houston Bengals 8u Marek 9/13/2020
10 3 Five Tool Players 10/25/2020
Total 53 8
22 Bennett Fiterman 13 0 HUSTLE 9/13/2020
27 Killian Hauert 27 3 Houston Bengals 8u Marek 9/13/2020
23 3 Five Tool Players 10/25/2020
Total 50 6
59 Easton Mann 40 6 HUSTLE 9/13/2020
68 12 Five Tool Players 10/25/2020
Total 108 18
15 Mario Whitaker Jr. 6 0 HUSTLE 9/13/2020
Express Baseball
60 Aiden Barrera 14 0 HUSTLE 10/25/2020
27 Carlos Macias 47 6 HUSTLE 10/25/2020
12 Adrian Quintero 33 3 Team Elite Mizuno 9/13/2020
7 Maximus Rodriguez 43 3 Team Elite Mizuno 9/13/2020
17 2 HUSTLE 10/25/2020
Total 60 5
23 Everardo Romero 9 0 LBA Dirtbags Teal 9/13/2020
14 Adriel Vela 47 9 LBA Dirtbags Teal 9/13/2020
2 Braylen Ives 50 9 Houston Raptors 10/25/2020
14 Walt Sanderson 20 3 Houston Raptors 10/25/2020
Houston Bengals 8u Marek
51 Brody Hennigan 0 1 LBA Dirtbags 9/13/2020
Houston Hustlers-Arevalo
4 Jacob Antonio 29 3 LBA Dirtbags Teal 9/13/2020
0 Cade Cuppernell 21 3 Vendetta 9/13/2020
10 Javan Garza 19 3 LBA Dirtbags Teal 9/13/2020
12 Jose Gomez 18 3 LBA Dirtbags Teal 9/13/2020
8 Christopher Gonzalez 36 6 Vendetta 9/13/2020
42 Allen Moore 17 3 Vendetta 9/13/2020
24 Bronxton Anzellotti 28 6 Vendetta White 9/13/2020
26 3 Express Baseball 10/25/2020
Total 54 9
9 Beau Brian 19 3 Vendetta White 9/13/2020
Easton Fountain 24 3 Vendetta White 9/13/2020
23 3 Express Baseball 10/25/2020
Total 47 6
8 Zachary Geren 40 4 Crushers Baseball 9/13/2020
24 1 Express Baseball 10/25/2020
Total 64 5
1 Steven Lewis Jr 23 2 Crushers Baseball 9/13/2020
LBA Dirtbags
14 Robert Carrizales 51 6 Credo Baseball 9/13/2020
10 Timothy Hutto 35 4 Houston Bengals 8u Marek 9/13/2020
4 Liam Moreno 19 2 Houston Bengals 8u Marek 9/13/2020
39 Brayden Riley 70 12 NASA United 10/25/2020
LBA Dirtbags Teal
24 Angel Aleman 31 3 Houston Hustlers-Arevalo 9/13/2020
2 Elijah Cerda 64 6 Houston Hustlers-Arevalo 9/13/2020
99 Rylan Jones 4 1 Express Baseball 9/13/2020
74 9 Bay Area Express 9u 10/25/2020
Total 78 10
10 Ezequiel Torres 90 8 Express Baseball 9/13/2020
0 Zachary Vega 19 2 Bay Area Express 9u 10/25/2020
Tabasco Cats Red
1 Giullian Guerra 62 12 GP31 10/25/2020
3 Austin Kilgore 14 3 GP31 10/25/2020
Team Elite Mizuno
45 Roberto Martinez 45 6 Express Baseball 9/13/2020
5 Brian Revels 39 3 Express Baseball 9/13/2020
Texans Baseball
4 Emanuel Olvera 38 9 Vendetta 9/13/2020
26 Wyatt Rieves 66 9 Crushers Baseball 10/25/2020
26 Rico Calvo 47 5 Houston Hustlers-Arevalo 9/13/2020
5 Kayden Campbell 66 6 Texans Baseball 9/13/2020
10 Karson Richards 28 1 Texans Baseball 9/13/2020
3 Reydan Salas 34 2 Houston Hustlers-Arevalo 9/13/2020
Vendetta White
10 London Drakes 17 3 HUSTLE 9/13/2020
9 Julio Funes 67 9 HUSTLE 9/13/2020