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7U (AA) 8U (AA) 9U (AA) 10U (AA) 11U (AAA) 11U (AA) 12U (AAA) 12U (AA) 13U (AA) 14U (AAA) 14U (AA)
Doss park is canceled for the day. HUMBLE AND FARM CANCELED FOR THE DAY DUE TO RAIN 2PM
May 15 - 16 |  Doss Park | Houston, TX
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Attention coaches: Visit your team page to enter probable pitcher(s) for each game.
Participating Teams
National RankTeamClassificationFromCoach
Diamondbacks 9U Olguin (2-13-0 in 2021) Rosenberg, TX Rocky Olguin
Houston Heat - Trejo (4-15-0 in 2021) Houston, TX Danny Trejo
Lynx 8U Rutter (5-25-0 in 2021) 8AA Spring, TX Evan Rutter
Prospects Baseball 7u (37-20-2 in 2021) 7AA Houston, TX Victor Torres
Texas Fastbacks (9-5-1 in 2021) New Caney, TX Daniel Vanostrand
Texas Twelve Silver 8U (22-18-1 in 2021) 8AA Katy, TX Ryan White
USA Prime Houston - Schipper (17-24-0 in 2021) 8AA Houston, TX John Cannon
Venados “Baseball Brothers” (17-26-2 in 2021) 8AA Baytown, TX Jorge Martinez

Accepted Teams
*requested an invite and are approved to attend