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Effective Immediately Statement from the City of Surprise:
For the purpose of mitigating the spread of COVID-19, beginning June 20, 2020 at 12:00 AM Arizona time, all persons shall wear a Face Covering while in all public settings within the city limits of the City of Surprise where it is impracticable or difficult to maintain a minimum physical distance of six (6) feet from all other persons present, unless exempted herein. Public settings where it is impracticable or difficult to maintain physical distancing shall include, but by no means be limited to, grocery stores, retail stores, pharmacies, restaurants and bars, recreation facilities, libraries, public transportation, any place of public accommodation where lines or crowds form, and special events.
Jun 23 - 26 | 
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings 3 Event Articles
Committed Players who attended
PG 17U West World Series
HS Grad YearCommitted to College
2020 6
2021 128
2022 42
2023 11