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Gold Bracket

#8 Wolfpack 14u 5  #1 Texas Dawgs 14u (Vegas) 2      
GM: 57 | 5/15 | 8:00 AM
Field 7 @ The Farm League
  GM: 61 | 5/15 | 4:00 PM
Field 6 @ The Farm League
#9 Tx Powerhouse Baseball 8  #9 Tx Powerhouse Baseball 5  #5 Conroe Baseball Club - Gold 1   
     GM: 65 | 5/15 | 6:00 PM
Field 6 @ The Farm League
#5 Conroe Baseball Club - Gold 5  #4 HTB 13U Black 1  #9 Tx Powerhouse Baseball 6   
GM: 58 | 5/15 | 12:00 PM
Field 6 @ The Farm League
  GM: 62 | 5/15 | 2:00 PM
Field 7 @ The Farm League
#12 Rc Snipers 2  #5 Conroe Baseball Club - Gold 6     #3 The Woodlands Warriors 1
        GM: 67 | 5/15 | 8:00 PM
Field 7 @ The Farm League
#7 Fort Bend Outlaws 2  #2 Bay Area Express 14u 5      #9 Tx Powerhouse Baseball 15
GM: 59 | 5/15 | 10:00 AM
Field 7 @ The Farm League
  GM: 63 | 5/15 | 4:00 PM
Field 7 @ The Farm League
#10 The Lions Den Performance Institute 6  #10 The Lions Den Performance Institute 3  #2 Bay Area Express 14u 0   
     GM: 66 | 5/15 | 6:00 PM
Field 7 @ The Farm League
#6 Lynx Baseball 13u Marches 8  #3 The Woodlands Warriors 7  #3 The Woodlands Warriors 2   
GM: 60 | 5/15 | 12:00 PM
Field 7 @ The Farm League
  GM: 64 | 5/15 | 2:00 PM
Field 6 @ The Farm League
#11 Banditos Becerra 9  #11 Banditos Becerra 0      
Silver Bracket

#8 Usa Prime Houston 6  #1 Prospect U Houston 1      
GM: 68 | 5/15 | 8:00 AM
3 @ Pep Mueller Park
  GM: 71 | 5/15 | 10:00 AM
Field 12 @ Lindsey Lyons
#9 Texas Generals 14u Blue 2  #8 Usa Prime Houston 0  #1 Prospect U Houston 9   
     GM: 75 | 5/15 | 2:00 PM
Field 13 @ Lindsey Lyons
  #4 Texas Bluechips 14u Navy 7  #4 Texas Bluechips 14u Navy 4   
  GM: 72 | 5/15 | 10:00 AM
Field 13 @ Lindsey Lyons
  #5 Diamond Dawgs 3     #1 Prospect U Houston 2
        GM: 77 | 5/15 | 4:00 PM
Field 12 @ Lindsey Lyons
#7 WBA Knights 14u Angel 16  #2 Lynx 14u Laidlaw 2      #3 Texas Bluechips Grey 14u 13
GM: 69 | 5/15 | 8:00 AM
Field 12 @ Lindsey Lyons
  GM: 73 | 5/15 | 12:00 PM
Field 12 @ Lindsey Lyons
#10 Epa 14u Green 5  #7 WBA Knights 14u Angel 12  #3 Texas Bluechips Grey 14u 6   
     GM: 76 | 5/15 | 2:00 PM
Field 12 @ Lindsey Lyons
#6 L2P SOX 0  #3 Texas Bluechips Grey 14u 12  #7 WBA Knights 14u Angel 5   
GM: 70 | 5/15 | 8:00 AM
Field 13 @ Lindsey Lyons
  GM: 74 | 5/15 | 12:00 PM
Field 13 @ Lindsey Lyons
#11 Fort Bend Texans 14u White 1  #11 Fort Bend Texans 14u White 9