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Doss park is canceled for the day. HUMBLE AND FARM CANCELED FOR THE DAY DUE TO RAIN 2PM
May 15 - 16 |  Doss Park | Houston, TX
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings

Gold Bracket

#8 Texas Saints Baseball 0  #1 Rebels 8      
GM: 18 | 5/16 | 8:00 AM
Field 11 @ Lindsey Lyons
  GM: 21 | 5/16 | 12:00 PM
Field 11 @ Lindsey Lyons
#9 Boombah Black Sox (Walker) 13  #9 Boombah Black Sox (Walker) 6  #1 Rebels   
     GM: 25 | 5/16 | 2:00 PM
Field 11 @ Lindsey Lyons
  #4 Katy Lonestars 10  #4 Katy Lonestars   
  GM: 22 | 5/16 | 10:00 AM
Field 11 @ Lindsey Lyons
  #5 Sienna Knights 1     Winner of Game #25
        GM: 27 | 5/16 | 8:00 PM
Field 3 @ Doss Park
#7 Lynx Baseball Garcia  #2 S.T.A.T Academy     Winner of Game #26
GM: 19 | 5/16 | 10:00 AM
Field 3 @ Doss Park
  GM: 23 | 5/16 | 2:00 PM
Field 3 @ Doss Park
#10 L2P Sox Stripes  Winner of Game #19  Winner of Game #23   
     GM: 26 | 5/16 | 6:00 PM
Field 3 @ Doss Park
#6 Texas Bluechips 13u Grey  #3 Advantage Baseball-Garcia  Winner of Game #24   
GM: 20 | 5/16 | 12:00 PM
Field 3 @ Doss Park
  GM: 24 | 5/16 | 4:00 PM
Field 3 @ Doss Park
#11 Texas Dynasty  Winner of Game #20      
Silver Bracket

#4 Jc Hotshots 5  #1 Performance Edge - Callahan 8   
GM: 28 | 5/16 | 9:00 AM
Field 8 @ Magnolia Baseball Association
  GM: 29 | 5/16 | 11:00 AM
Field 8 @ Magnolia Baseball Association
#5 Usa Prime Houston - Garcia 4  #4 Jc Hotshots 3  #1 Performance Edge - Callahan 3
     GM: 31 | 5/16 | 3:00 PM
Field 8 @ Magnolia Baseball Association
  #2 Baseball Starz 13u Grey 2   #3 Vendetta Baseball Grey 8
  GM: 30 | 5/16 | 1:00 PM
Field 8 @ Magnolia Baseball Association
  #3 Vendetta Baseball Grey 20