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MVP Awards & MVP Pitching Awards with Rings to the Winners
Oct 2 | 
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
Rip City Retros Nathan Truitt R71
Hardknox Orioles Brayden Stevens R70
SBG SOX 13U Hamby Ben Curry R66
Home Plate Dyal Alan Majoros R65
Home Plate Dyal Holden McCoy R65
Home Plate Dyal William Malcolm R64
Rip City Retros Lucas Stewart R64
Rip City Retros Boris Garcia L63
Hardknox Orioles Jordan Camp R62
Rip City Retros Keagan Covington R62
Hardknox Orioles Logan Hurt R62
Home Plate Dyal Brock Raptis R62
5 Star West 13U Black Xander Stinson R62
Hardknox Orioles Cason Waddell R62
Home Plate Dyal Caterson Carr R61
Factory SELECT Carson Hancock R61
Braves William Philliber R61
Braves Kameron Barry R60
Braves Jordan Brown R60
SBG SOX 13U Hamby Chase Cochran L60
Hardknox Orioles Jackson Duffey R60
Home Plate Dyal Eli Hughes R60
SBG SOX 13U Hamby Caleb Peoples R60
Factory SELECT Dj Bryant R59
Factory SELECT Barron Hamilton R59
Braves Rylan Pigott R59
SBG SOX 13U Hamby Asher Rudd R59
SBG SOX 13U Hamby Gavin Russom R59
5 Star West 13U Black Bronson Veal R59
5 Star West 13U Black Andrew Hagler R58
Factory SELECT Dillon Harris R58
Hardknox Orioles Braden Snider R58
SBG SOX 13U Hamby Colton Woodall R58
Home Plate Dyal Gaines Casey R57
5 Star West 13U Black Corbin Ramirez L57
5 Star West 13U Black Benjamin Braden R56
Rip City Retros Isaiah Copeland R56
5 Star West 13U Black Hunter Crews R56
Factory SELECT Cooper Snook R55
Factory SELECT Owen Houston R53
SBG SOX 13U Hamby Logan Gotthelf R52