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14U (Open) 15U (Open)
No Metal Spikes will be allowed on the Portable Mounds at the Beulah Sports Complex. All Games are on Eastern Time Zone at all Parks
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
Montgomery Royals Tabor Offord L82
Alabama Iron Landon Nelson R81
Sox 15u Jameson Scissum R81
Xpress Baseball Miller Bauman R78
Bucks Baseball Maddox Bozeman R78
Sox 15u Damon Devine R78
Sox 15u Bennett Reeves R78
Sox 15u Rowan Warmack R78
Sox 15u Brodie Frederick R77
Montgomery Yellowhammers Luke Hardy R77
Ga Outlaws Luke Hardy R77
Montgomery Yellowhammers Kason Hicks R77
Ga Outlaws Kason Hicks R77
Bucks Baseball Colten Nelson R77
Montgomery Yellowhammers Jackson Todd R77
Montgomery Yellowhammers Chase Bass R76
Top Gun Baseball Conner Dingler R76
Sox 15u Cash Hayes R76
Alabama Iron Runner Stripling R76
Montgomery Yellowhammers Michael Gilchrest R75
Ga Outlaws Michael Gilchrest R75
Bucks Baseball Garrett Lowry R75
Top Gun Baseball Anderson Morgan R75
Sox 15u Drew Ollis R75
Bucks Baseball Eli Brown R74
Bucks Baseball Brodie Dalton R74
Bucks Baseball Austin Hendrix L74
Bucks Baseball Caden Quinn R74
Montgomery Yellowhammers Nicholas Torres L74
Ga Outlaws Nicholas Torres L74
Top Gun White Max Vinson R74
Top Gun White Daniel Becerra R73
Alabama Iron Ari Bowman R73
Top Gun White Bryce Campbell L73
Bucks Baseball Mason Clark R73
Top Gun White Noah Greer R73
Montgomery Royals Conner Johnston R73
Top Gun White Patrick McQueeney L73
Bucks Baseball Landon Rhodes R73
Top Gun White Jack Sellers R73
Montgomery Royals Brady Bennett R72
Montgomery Royals Cooper Bernier R72
Montgomery Yellowhammers Xavier Boswell R72
Xpress Baseball Jaxson Edwards R72
Montgomery Yellowhammers Bryant Grimes R72
Top Gun Baseball Brooks Laminack R72
Top Gun Baseball Maddox Merrill R72
Alabama Iron Gavin Rigdon R72
Montgomery Royals Copeland Service L72
Top Gun Baseball Bo Stockard L72
FCA Angels Joseph Williams R72
Montgomery Royals Pruitt Conner R71
Alabama Iron Andrew Noell R71
Montgomery Yellowhammers Matthew Pugh L71
Sox 15u Jacob Bailey R70
Xpress Baseball Tommy Decker L70
Alabama Iron Andrew Hosein R70
Top Gun White Aiden Kilgore R70
FCA Angels Walter Nunnally R70
Xpress Baseball JP Sands L70
Xpress Baseball Ethan Prickett R69
FCA Angels Jacob Williams R68
Top Gun Baseball Crawford Blevins L67
FCA Angels Harlem Jackson R67
Top Gun White Cash Worley R64
Xpress Baseball Cash Sassano R61