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14U 15U 16U 17U 18U
All games will be 2 hours time limit until Championship.
6 and 7 seeds were flipped due too inner org first round match up
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
Patriot Baseball 15u Mason Booth R82
Lower Alabama Dodgers Brooks Mellown R82
Excel Blue Jays Gavin Beaver R79
Exposure 15u Fall Prime Cohen Bohannon L79
Lower Alabama Dodgers Will Jackson R79
Exposure 15u Fall Prime Carson Minnix R79
TPL National Carter Domino R78
5 Star Mafia (White) Brayden Hennigan R78
Knights South 15U- Honor The Game John Michael Howell R78
Lower Alabama Dodgers Ryan Nichols R78
Excel Blue Jays Luke Reed L78
Excel Blue Jays Payton Wood L78
33s Baseball 2026 Tyler Hohne R77
Excel Blue Jays Cade Kallaher L77
5 Star Mafia (White) Jack Lutenbacher R77
5 Star Mafia (White) Daniel Rape R77
Exposure 15u Fall Prime Henry Allen L76
Knights South 15U- Honor The Game Cabe Amason R76
5 Star Mafia (White) Ryder Chambers R76
33s Baseball 2026 Noah Crosby R76
Patriot Baseball 15u Seth Hardin R76
Lower Alabama Dodgers Dillon DuBose L75
33s Baseball 2026 Will Hicks R75
Excel Blue Jays J.B. Leatherwood R75
Patriot Baseball 15u Jb Thompson R75
33s Baseball 2026 Sims Young R75
Excel Blue Jays Lane Bilodeau R74
Lower Alabama Dodgers Colson Mellown R74
Patriot Baseball 15u Gunner Webb R74
Excel Blue Jays Brooks Allred R73
Lower Alabama Dodgers Breyden Biggs R73
5 Star Mafia (White) Joseph Bryant R73
5 Star Mafia (White) Jacob Calvin R73
33s Baseball 15u Bryant Diddell R73
Patriot Baseball 15u Calin Kowzan R73
Knights South 15U- Honor The Game Miguel Lang R73
Knights South 15U- Honor The Game Ian Brown R72
33s Baseball 2026 Max Crowder R72
33s Baseball 2026 Austin Senick R72
TPL National Luke Williamson L72
TPL National Bryson Clements R71
TPL National Cooper Cummings R71
33s Baseball 15u Michael Dozier R71
Patriot Baseball 15u Wyatt Garner L71
Knights South 15U- Honor The Game Parker Hovis R71
Excel Blue Jays Grayson Payne R71
Lower Alabama Dodgers Wyatt Rath R71
33s Baseball 15u Keaton Shanlever R71
Knights South 15U- Honor The Game Peyton Williams R71
Lower Alabama Dodgers Ford Cole R70
33s Baseball 2026 Hollis Coleman R70
33s Baseball 2026 Reid Dickerson L70
33s Baseball 15u Kayden McQuown L70
Knights South 15U- Honor The Game Luke Perry R70
Knights South 15U- Honor The Game Hunter Wilson R70
Knights South 15U- Honor The Game Lachlan Kennedy L69
5 Star Mafia (White) Carter Norris R69
Excel Blue Jays Silas Osbourn R69
33s Baseball 2026 John Louis Watson R69
Excel Blue Jays Parks Woodruff L69
TPL National Jude Young L69
TPL National Jackson Dassau R68
33s Baseball 2026 Sam Estes R68
Lower Alabama Dodgers Cooper Obradovich R68
Exposure 15u Fall Prime Neyland Williams L68
33s Baseball 15u Rob Wilson R68
Lower Alabama Dodgers Miller Arendale R67
TPL National Dallas Huggins R67
5 Star Mafia (White) Christian Norris R67
33s Baseball 15u Matthew Pitts R67
33s Baseball 15u Parker Wright R66
33s Baseball 15u Ryne Paquette R65
Patriot Baseball 15u Ashton Patton R60
Knights South 15U- Honor The Game Cade Thompson R58