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07 Texas Glory - IL RWB Ella Fox R59
Nebraska Gold 515 Kori Lincicum R59
Nebraska Gold 515 Lauren Sandholm R59
07 Texas Glory - IL RWB Brooklyn Marks R58
Wisconsin Heat Fastpitch Kiran Sanford L57
Urbandale J-Hawks Aubrey Schuman R57
Dubuque County Pride Alyse Then R57
CIK 08s Alexis Trueg R57
Aces KC 07 Brailyn Fox R56
Thunder 14U Black Maddyn Gates R56
Iowa Nationals Mylie Hatfield R56
Wisconsin Heat Fastpitch Kyleigh Mathe R56
Thunder 14U Black Peyton Stineman R56
Cia 14u Jensyn Tenpas R56
Red Raiders 07 SR Alyssa Bonner R55
07 Texas Glory - IL RWB Gabriella Chmiel R55
Aces KC 07 Kate Landewee R55
Iowa Nationals Giana Lavorato L55
Thunder 14U Black Kyla Schulte R55
Cia 14u Avery Veeder R55
Nebraska Gold 309 Samantha Verstraete R55
Aces KC 07 Sa'Rya Bahrke R54
CIK 08s Taylor Buhr R54
Monsters 14u - Coil Lily Coil R54
Thunder 14U Black Kelsey Kaut R54
Dubuque County Pride Lauren Vaske R54
07 Texas Glory - IL RWB Kate Gambro R53
Nebraska Gold 309 Memphis Gibson R53
Urbandale J-Hawks Piper Ladwig R53
Red Raiders 07 SR Makayla Malone R53
Dubuque Duhawks Macy Pollitt R53
CIK 08s Maici Weber R53
Dubuque County Pride Taylor Witzel L53
Monsters 14u - Coil Kennedy Woepking R53
Monsters 14u - Coil Addison Holst R52
Red Raiders 07 SR Taylor Roggenbuck R52
Central Iowa Riptide 14U Elite Eva Drew R51
Red Raiders 07 SR Ayla Gould R51
CIK 08s Frannie Dehl R50
Dubuque County Pride Alley Graber R50
Central Iowa Riptide 14U Elite Saili Reising R50
Nebraska Gold 309 Maddie Franks L49
Iowa Nationals Marisa Newhouse R49
Dubuque Duhawks Melanie Runde R49
Urbandale J-Hawks Ella Schott R49
Wisconsin Heat Fastpitch Madyson Stingle R49
Monsters 14u - Coil Jessica Clark R48
Nebraska Gold 309 Alley Gorsh R48
Iowa Nationals Faith Gray R48
Central Iowa Riptide 14U Elite Shelby Harding R47
Cia 14u Halle Howe R47
Nebraska Gold 309 Savanah Gutierrez R46
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