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FB Velocities
Nebraska Gold 319 Ashlyn Finarty R61
Cobra Fastpitch 04 Lucy Pratt L60
Black Dragons Lauren Summers R60
BNGSA CRUSH Avery Wapp R60
05 Texas glory red Illinois Natalie Hitt R59
Lady Expos 05 Devin Simon R59
Greyhounds Adessa Brandenberg R58
Iowa Renegades - Cox Adyson Evans R58
Greyhounds Kayla Norton R58
Greyhounds Saydee Plummer R58
Mo Stealth Kc 07 Breana Barchak R57
Venom Fastpitch Katie Dennis R57
Iowa Krush - Nail Ashlynn Ellenbecker R57
Lady Expos 05 Lydia Ettema R57
Washington Demons Cara Linnenkamp R57
Knox County Crush 18U Abigail Sammons R57
Venom Fastpitch Allison Campbell R56
Cobra Fastpitch 04 Kenzie Guilfoyle R56
Greyhounds Carley McGinity R56
Iowa Renegades - Cox Avery Phillips R56
TBSA Wahoos Maddy Probus R56
Iowa Renegades - Cox Jadyn Streigle R56
Venom Fastpitch Madie Anderson R55
BNGSA CRUSH Emily Branson R55
05 Texas glory red Illinois Navy Clark L55
Eastern Iowa Select Hannah Gralund R55
Eastern Iowa Select Caelynn Obleton R55
Washington Demons Isabella Salazar R55
Eastern Iowa Select Marley Cerveny L54
Lady Expos 05 Randi Moore R54
Mo Stealth Kc 07 Mattie Sharp R54
TBSA Wahoos Amber Teimeyer R54
Cobra Fastpitch 04 Kina Billings R53
Iowa Renegades - Cox Bethany Button R53
05 Texas glory red Illinois Annabelle Donohoo R53
Lady Expos 05 Raeghan Hansen R53
Cobra Fastpitch 04 Lauryn Helmick R53
Nebraska Gold 319 Libby Moore R53
Nebraska Gold 319 Jaiden Root R53
Black Dragons Sophie Turner R53
Venom Fastpitch Haiden Molter L51
Venom Fastpitch Abigail Thompson R51
Washington Demons Emmersyn Wenger R51
Knox County Crush 18U Kayla Pendergast L50
Iowa Krush - Nail Hailey Jack R49
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