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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Austin Boom 10
Jake Aylor 16 1 Houston Bengals - Weaver 4/9/2022
38 5 Austin Sun Devils 10u - Ramirez 4/9/2022
Total 54 6
Logan Beckage 37 3 Austin Sun Devils 10u - Ramirez 4/9/2022
52 9 Tier 1 Silver Squadron 4/10/2022
Total 89 12
Hudson Bills 25 0 Austin Sun Devils 10u - Ramirez 4/9/2022
Kyle Boggs 56 7 Houston Bengals - Weaver 4/9/2022
Finlay Goffe 31 1 Austin Sun Devils 10u - Ramirez 4/9/2022
Austin Sun Devils 10u - Ramirez
45 Cain Davila 25 6 Austin Boom 10 4/9/2022
25 5 Fulshear Chargers 10u 4/10/2022
Total 50 11
32 Rocco Davila 23 3 Austin Boom 10 4/9/2022
76 10 Pirates 10u 4/10/2022
Total 99 13
23 Carter Gilbreath 7 2 Houston Bengals - Weaver 4/9/2022
5 Nolan Gollwitzer 33 1 Houston Bengals - Weaver 4/9/2022
10 2 Pirates 10u 4/10/2022
Total 43 3
9 Preston Hubble 22 0 Houston Bengals - Weaver 4/9/2022
64 10 Fulshear Chargers 10u 4/10/2022
Total 86 10
Bat - Seibert
1 Kayson Boer 19 2 Icon Baseball 10u-Hilliard 4/9/2022
27 Tristen Garza 24 3 Icon Baseball 10u-Hilliard 4/9/2022
37 William Giesen 42 9 TEXAS HAVOC 4/9/2022
24 Jackson Rodrigues 16 3 Icon Baseball 10u-Hilliard 4/9/2022
3 Hollis Seibert 18 1 Icon Baseball 10u-Hilliard 4/9/2022
7 Nicholas Ward 65 1 Houston Bengals - Weaver 4/10/2022
Canes Southwest ATX 10u
Nicolo Aymami 48 6 Wings West 10u 4/9/2022
David Barefoot 40 0 SA Kings 10u Casiano 4/9/2022
47 4 Tier 1 Silver Squadron 4/10/2022
Total 87 4
Brandon Martin 31 0 SA Kings 10u Casiano 4/9/2022
17 Luca Medina 56 8 Tier 1 Silver Squadron 4/10/2022
Fletcher Withers 39 6 Wings West 10u 4/9/2022
11 Layton Easter 39 6 Lbc Central Guilbeau 4/9/2022
55 13 Wings West 10u 4/10/2022
Total 94 19
23 Russell Easterly 18 3 Lbc Central Guilbeau 4/9/2022
7 JD Kraft 18 3 Tier 1 Silver Squadron 4/9/2022
71 4 Wings West 10u 4/10/2022
Total 89 7
5 Cohen Vanlandingham 37 6 Tier 1 Silver Squadron 4/9/2022
Fulshear Chargers 10u
2 Shepherd Anderson 35 3 Austin Sun Devils 10u - Ramirez 4/10/2022
34 Jace Loggins 24 6 Pirates 10u 4/9/2022
43 4 Austin Sun Devils 10u - Ramirez 4/10/2022
Total 67 10
11 Ethan Milligan 40 6 THZ Baseball - Black 4/9/2022
14 5 Austin Sun Devils 10u - Ramirez 4/10/2022
Total 54 11
23 Alex Thornton 53 6 THZ Baseball - Black 4/9/2022
27 Gunner Windsor 38 9 Pirates 10u 4/9/2022
Houston Bengals - Weaver
4 Jacob Garcia 21 0 Austin Sun Devils 10u - Ramirez 4/9/2022
7 Lane Howell 20 1 Austin Sun Devils 10u - Ramirez 4/9/2022
59 0 TEXAS HAVOC 4/10/2022
Total 79 1
10 Cash Kruse 70 8 Bat - Seibert 4/10/2022
13 Tyler Moe 22 1 Austin Boom 10 4/9/2022
11 Cash Pennington 20 2 Austin Sun Devils 10u - Ramirez 4/9/2022
1 1 Austin Boom 10 4/9/2022
Total 21 3
6 1 Bat - Seibert 4/10/2022
Total 27 4
65 9 Texas Soldiers Baseball Club 10u 4/10/2022
Total 92 13
2 Bentley Powers 46 6 Austin Boom 10 4/9/2022
19 2 Texas Soldiers Baseball Club 10u 4/10/2022
Total 65 8
3 Dawson Ritchie 13 2 Austin Boom 10 4/9/2022
17 0 Texas Soldiers Baseball Club 10u 4/10/2022
Total 30 2
34 Julian Salazar 25 2 Austin Sun Devils 10u - Ramirez 4/9/2022
28 0 TEXAS HAVOC 4/10/2022
Total 53 2
Lbc Central Guilbeau
3 Landon Bergen 21 1 Combat 4/9/2022
1 Parker Edwards 11 2 Combat 4/9/2022
50 Mason Hight 37 9 Tier 1 Silver Squadron 4/9/2022
24 2 Wings West 10u 4/10/2022
Total 61 11
3 Drew Hill 73 12 Wings West 10u 4/10/2022
18 Kameron Taylor 47 3 Combat 4/9/2022
Lt Cavaliers 10u
9 Eli Beck 54 7 Texas Soldiers Baseball Club 10u 4/10/2022
21 shay buth 36 7 SA Kings 10u Casiano 4/10/2022
2 Landon Dimanlig 12 3 TRPD 10U Blue 4/9/2022
5 Vincenzo Mangino 31 6 TRPD 10U Blue 4/9/2022
27 4 SA Kings 10u Casiano 4/10/2022
Total 58 10
8 Jack Townsend 9 1 Texas Soldiers Baseball Club 10u 4/10/2022
3 Wyatt Ussery 30 3 SA Kings 10u Casiano 4/10/2022
Pirates 10u
9 Jiovanny Chapa 70 6 THZ Baseball - Black 4/9/2022
26 6 Wings West 10u 4/10/2022
Total 96 12
16 Brody Heerwald 53 4 Fulshear Chargers 10u 4/9/2022
38 4 Wings West 10u 4/10/2022
Total 91 8
27 Tildyn Hosek 17 2 THZ Baseball - Black 4/9/2022
6 Connor Janysek 60 12 Austin Sun Devils 10u - Ramirez 4/10/2022
11 Rhett Mainz 34 8 Fulshear Chargers 10u 4/9/2022
1 Kaebin Weed 45 4 THZ Baseball - Black 4/9/2022
18 3 Fulshear Chargers 10u 4/9/2022
Total 63 7
0 5 Wings West 10u 4/10/2022
Total 63 12
69 14 THZ Baseball - Black 4/10/2022
Total 132 26
SA Kings 10u Casiano
12 Xavier Garza 13 0 Canes Southwest ATX 10u 4/9/2022
17 Mason McGarrell 21 0 Canes Southwest ATX 10u 4/9/2022
45 Devin Mitchell 85 13 Lt Cavaliers 10u 4/10/2022
7 Drew Zimmerhanzel 44 0 Canes Southwest ATX 10u 4/9/2022
17 2 Lt Cavaliers 10u 4/10/2022
Total 61 2
3 Cade Callahan 42 3 Bat - Seibert 4/9/2022
30 Colten Davis 40 6 Bat - Seibert 4/9/2022
1 Layton Eckermann 68 11 Trosky Southwest Padilla 4/10/2022
86 Bentley Grimm 45 3 Texas Soldiers Baseball Club 10u 4/9/2022
9 Jaxson Sanchez 52 9 Texas Soldiers Baseball Club 10u 4/9/2022
5 1 Trosky Southwest Padilla 4/10/2022
Total 57 10
Texas Soldiers Baseball Club 10u
1 Matthew Canales 25 6 Icon Baseball 10u-Hilliard 4/9/2022
11 Draedyn Daniels 21 3 TEXAS HAVOC 4/9/2022
0 Sarius Fonseca 40 7 Houston Bengals - Weaver 4/10/2022
37 9 Lt Cavaliers 10u 4/10/2022
Total 77 16
33 Joshua Guerrero 55 9 TEXAS HAVOC 4/9/2022
THZ Baseball - Black
34 Brodie Benavidez 16 6 Fulshear Chargers 10u 4/9/2022
48 Rhyse Breazeale 19 5 Fulshear Chargers 10u 4/9/2022
10 Chase Lambin 34 1 Fulshear Chargers 10u 4/9/2022
2 Kaleb Merriman 33 5 Pirates 10u 4/9/2022
11 Kaysen Walter 45 7 Pirates 10u 4/9/2022
Tier 1 Silver Squadron
17 Samuel Boon 27 3 Combat 4/9/2022
28 Bodhi Ellison 61 10 Austin Boom 10 4/10/2022
21 Keller Green 58 6 Lbc Central Guilbeau 4/9/2022
8 Race Hoberer 52 9 Canes Southwest ATX 10u 4/10/2022
10 Carley Martanovic 40 3 Lbc Central Guilbeau 4/9/2022
11 Jenson Muehlegger 37 5 Combat 4/9/2022
19 Elliot Paxton 0 9 TRPD 10U Blue 4/10/2022
9 Drew Piccolo 14 3 Austin Boom 10 4/10/2022
0 6 TRPD 10U Blue 4/10/2022
Total 14 9
24 Charlie Pipkin 17 3 Canes Southwest ATX 10u 4/10/2022
97 Wyatt Snyder 31 1 Combat 4/9/2022
Trosky Southwest Padilla
15 Cristian Aguirre 24 4 TEXAS HAVOC 4/10/2022
24 Sebastian Cardenas 27 9 Lt Cavaliers 10u 4/9/2022
4 Isaiah Chavez 16 0 Lt Cavaliers 10u 4/9/2022
23 1 TEXAS HAVOC 4/10/2022
Total 39 1
8 Barrett Daniel 25 6 TRPD 10U Blue 4/9/2022
15 2 TEXAS HAVOC 4/10/2022
Total 40 8
14 Sebastian Murphy 0 0 Lt Cavaliers 10u 4/9/2022
21 2 TEXAS HAVOC 4/10/2022
Total 21 2
1 Jacobo Padilla 21 3 TRPD 10U Blue 4/9/2022
4 1 TEXAS HAVOC 4/10/2022
Total 25 4
10 Michael J Torres 27 2 TEXAS HAVOC 4/10/2022
TRPD 10U Blue
10 Parker Berry 14 2 Trosky Southwest Padilla 4/9/2022
6 2 Lt Cavaliers 10u 4/9/2022
Total 20 4
7 Carson Carroll 26 1 Lt Cavaliers 10u 4/9/2022
Max Deutsch 20 3 Trosky Southwest Padilla 4/9/2022
14 1 Lt Cavaliers 10u 4/9/2022
Total 34 4
13 Joel Fuchs 28 2 Trosky Southwest Padilla 4/9/2022
5 Harlan Glassner 3 1 Trosky Southwest Padilla 4/9/2022
18 1 Lt Cavaliers 10u 4/9/2022
Total 21 2
23 Noah Kass 0 7 Tier 1 Silver Squadron 4/10/2022
12 Landon Lamar 8 1 Trosky Southwest Padilla 4/9/2022
7 0 Lt Cavaliers 10u 4/9/2022
Total 15 1
0 5 Tier 1 Silver Squadron 4/10/2022
Total 15 6
3 Kyle Peterson 21 2 Lt Cavaliers 10u 4/9/2022
0 3 Tier 1 Silver Squadron 4/10/2022
Total 21 5
1 Joey Reese 27 2 Lt Cavaliers 10u 4/9/2022
2 Jack Riske 9 0 Trosky Southwest Padilla 4/9/2022
Wings West 10u
88 Brayden Chevez 42 5 Pirates 10u 4/10/2022
50 Mason Choi 11 0 SA Kings 10u Casiano 4/9/2022
0 Case Churchwell 79 12 Lbc Central Guilbeau 4/10/2022
0 Logan Edwards 76 0 SA Kings 10u Casiano 4/9/2022
28 Landon Holder 72 15 Combat 4/10/2022
43 Dominic Ligori 51 9 Canes Southwest ATX 10u 4/9/2022
8 3 Combat 4/10/2022
Total 59 12
39 4 Pirates 10u 4/10/2022
Total 98 16
23 3 Lbc Central Guilbeau 4/10/2022
Total 121 19
99 Mason Stafford 22 3 Canes Southwest ATX 10u 4/9/2022