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We are accepting online payments ONLY. Cash and check payments will no longer be accepted. In order to pay with ACH (Bank Account), you must submit payment at LEAST two weeks prior to the start of the event. If you submit payment less than two weeks from the event, you have to pay by Credit Card and will be charged the 3.5% technology fee.

Game Times 
8u - 1:30 no new inning after 1:30

9-12u - 1:45 no new after 1:45

13/14u - 1:50 no new after 1:50 Friday and Saturday

13/14u - 2:00 no new after 2:00 Sunday ONLY
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
6th Tool 11U
99 Ernest Bagnasco 19 3 Americans 4/30/2022
27 Gregory Dillon 23 6 Bpa Sting 4/30/2022
63 15 Sandlot 5/1/2022
Total 86 21
42 Carson Fitzpatrick 24 3 Bpa Sting 4/30/2022
7 3 Sandlot 5/1/2022
Total 31 6
10 Nicolas Garcia 4 1 Bpa Sting 4/30/2022
15 6 Gbg Warriors 5/1/2022
Total 19 7
15 Samuel Pena 22 3 Americans 4/30/2022
0 0 Sandlot 5/1/2022
Total 22 3
3 Matthew Polanco 36 6 Americans 4/30/2022
56 12 Gbg Warriors 5/1/2022
Total 92 18
2 Kai Ryan 39 1 Bpa Sting 4/30/2022
55 Hank Stump 4 1 Bpa Sting 4/30/2022
17 Aiden Amat 4 1 Chandler Biscuits 5/1/2022
9 Nolan Baird 23 3 6th Tool 11U 4/30/2022
42 8 Chandler Biscuits 5/1/2022
Total 65 11
8 Jacob (Jd) Brooks 29 2 6th Tool 11U 4/30/2022
50 6 Chandler Biscuits 5/1/2022
Total 79 8
2 Joey Francisco 44 6 Bpa Sting 4/30/2022
5 Charlie Garcia 42 4 6th Tool 11U 4/30/2022
99 Eli Hastings 43 6 Bpa Sting 4/30/2022
34 Jacoby Shay 20 2 6th Tool 11U 4/30/2022
58 18 Norwalk Combat Baseball 11u Navy 5/1/2022
Total 78 20
23 Wyatt Stager 21 3 Bpa Sting 4/30/2022
Bpa Sting
13 Jacob Bandy 30 9 Americans 4/30/2022
0 0 6th Tool 11U 4/30/2022
Total 30 9
14 Hunter Burroughs 22 3 6th Tool 11U 4/30/2022
50 Eddie Elenes 66 15 MVP/Hustle-Casillas 5/1/2022
42 Eloy Gonzalez 54 6 6th Tool 11U 4/30/2022
2 Cody Parker 32 6 Americans 4/30/2022
11 Adrian Velez 23 4 6th Tool 11U 4/30/2022
Braves Baseball Academy
1 Franco Guel 20 3 Sandlot 4/30/2022
12 3 MVP Hustle Contreras 5/1/2022
Total 32 6
23 Jordan Leon 66 11 ZT PROSPECTS ELITE 5/1/2022
22 Mateo Mier 80 14 Chandler Biscuits 4/30/2022
4 Nicholas Nava 0 0 MVP Hustle Contreras 5/1/2022
15 Wyatt Ruiz 12 3 Chandler Biscuits 4/30/2022
33 6 Sandlot 4/30/2022
Total 45 9
58 7 MVP Hustle Contreras 5/1/2022
Total 103 16
8 Joseph Salinas 29 6 ZT PROSPECTS ELITE 5/1/2022
2 Andrew Stewart 53 8 Sandlot 4/30/2022
11 3 MVP Hustle Contreras 5/1/2022
Total 64 11
Chandler Biscuits
5 Jaden Arjona 45 9 Sandlot 4/30/2022
46 7 Americans 5/1/2022
Total 91 16
9 Kipton Eigsti 54 8 Sandlot 4/30/2022
46 10 Americans 5/1/2022
Total 100 18
34 Nolan Grabow 3 1 Americans 5/1/2022
66 12 La Costa Riptide McIver 5/1/2022
Total 69 13
13 Jaxon Pavlich 50 6 Zt Cv 11u 5/1/2022
38 6 La Costa Riptide McIver 5/1/2022
Total 88 12
3 Cam Stalzer 23 3 Braves Baseball Academy 4/30/2022
4 1 La Costa Riptide McIver 5/1/2022
Total 27 4
14 Evan Thompson 47 9 Braves Baseball Academy 4/30/2022
36 11 Zt Cv 11u 5/1/2022
Total 83 20
28 Jaxon Wuenschel 63 6 Braves Baseball Academy 4/30/2022
Empire Baseball Club
55 Talan Carlson 20 3 NHBA Mariners - Cresse 5/1/2022
23 Damien Garcia 55 6 Reed Johnson Baseball Academy 11u 4/30/2022
47 Lucas Hall 21 3 Reed Johnson Baseball Academy 11u 4/30/2022
53 8 La Costa Riptide McIver 5/1/2022
Total 74 11
50 Amar'E Hawkins 68 18 NHBA Mariners - Cresse 4/30/2022
66 Ethan Lindley 66 12 NHBA Mariners - Cresse 5/1/2022
71 Jayson Trejos 42 6 La Costa Riptide McIver 5/1/2022
Gbg Warriors
26 Carter Acosta 26 4 ZT PROSPECTS ELITE 4/30/2022
5 Tyler Bengson 33 6 ZT PROSPECTS ELITE 4/30/2022
51 8 6th Tool 11U 5/1/2022
Total 84 14
3 Jacob Carmona 0 0 La Costa Riptide McIver 4/30/2022
10 Enzo Enciso 7 0 ZT PROSPECTS ELITE 4/30/2022
34 4 La Costa Riptide McIver 4/30/2022
Total 41 4
34 Zachary Greene 50 9 La Costa Riptide McIver 4/30/2022
38 6 6th Tool 11U 5/1/2022
Total 88 15
12 Drew Snyder 47 2 La Costa Riptide McIver 4/30/2022
La Costa Riptide McIver
Charlie Collins 57 12 Tc Gold 5/1/2022
23 Ezekiel Gachalian 23 8 Gbg Warriors 4/30/2022
63 11 Chandler Biscuits 5/1/2022
Total 86 19
22 6 Tc Gold 5/1/2022
Total 108 25
24 Charlie Montero 31 4 Empire Baseball Club 5/1/2022
25 Luke Reed 34 3 ZT PROSPECTS ELITE 4/30/2022
67 11 Empire Baseball Club 5/1/2022
Total 101 14
15 Corbyn Serrano 44 9 Gbg Warriors 4/30/2022
42 Dylan Walther 28 3 ZT PROSPECTS ELITE 4/30/2022
35 Levi Wolf 34 5 ZT PROSPECTS ELITE 4/30/2022
33 6 Chandler Biscuits 5/1/2022
Total 67 11
MVP Hustle Contreras
22 Ashton Chavez 28 5 Reed Johnson Baseball Academy 11u 5/1/2022
21 Jacob Contreras 30 4 Reed Johnson Baseball Academy 11u 5/1/2022
24 Kai Galang 12 3 Tc Gold 4/30/2022
39 5 Reed Johnson Baseball Academy 11u 5/1/2022
Total 51 8
47 8 Zt Cali Elite 5/1/2022
Total 98 16
17 Takumi Iihara 54 7 Tc Gold 4/30/2022
17 3 Braves Baseball Academy 5/1/2022
Total 71 10
3 Damian Montano 13 3 Reed Johnson Baseball Academy 11u 5/1/2022
34 Jacob Perez 74 15 Norwalk Combat Baseball 11u Navy 4/30/2022
35 Hibiki Suzuki 41 7 Tc Gold 4/30/2022
67 12 Braves Baseball Academy 5/1/2022
Total 108 19
15 Julian Yanez 48 7 Zt Cali Elite 5/1/2022
82 Gianluca Cano 61 18 Bpa Sting 5/1/2022
35 Rintaro Igarashi 13 3 Zt Cv 11u 4/30/2022
22 Julian Knudsen 38 8 Tc Gold 4/30/2022
12 Louis Lappe 17 7 Tc Gold 4/30/2022
9 Amir Linton 66 18 Reed Johnson Baseball Academy 11u 5/1/2022
8 Julian Trejo 34 7 Zt Cv 11u 4/30/2022
Next Level Baseball
3 Dylan Hottle 71 15 Sandlot 5/1/2022
17 Taisei Kamiyama 44 6 Zt Cali Elite 4/30/2022
11 Nicholas King-Hood 57 8 Top Tier Dudes 11u 4/30/2022
2 Kalin Miedema 25 1 Top Tier Dudes 11u 4/30/2022
9 Rey Ramirez 17 3 Top Tier Dudes 11u 4/30/2022
NHBA Mariners - Cresse
5 Drew Benson 5 3 Reed Johnson Baseball Academy 11u 4/30/2022
7 Jake Faires 68 9 Reed Johnson Baseball Academy 11u 4/30/2022
10 Finn Goodridge 49 7 Empire Baseball Club 4/30/2022
47 4 Empire Baseball Club 5/1/2022
Total 96 11
12 James Joseph 41 9 Empire Baseball Club 4/30/2022
52 9 Empire Baseball Club 5/1/2022
Total 93 18
Norwalk Combat Baseball 11u Navy
13 Chase Claborn 13 0 MVP Hustle Contreras 4/30/2022
22 3 Americans 5/1/2022
Total 35 3
8 Andre Estrella 49 12 Americans 5/1/2022
Jordan Gallegos 18 3 MVP Hustle Contreras 4/30/2022
22 Anthony Garcia 44 9 Zt Cv 11u 4/30/2022
66 Joseph Gonzalez 4 0 Americans 5/1/2022
27 Nathan Ramirez 48 8 Zt Cv 11u 4/30/2022
37 6 MVP Hustle Contreras 4/30/2022
Total 85 14
11 2 Americans 5/1/2022
Total 96 16
55 Michael Ruiz 33 6 MVP Hustle Contreras 4/30/2022
Reed Johnson Baseball Academy 11u
10 Brixton Barraza 35 9 NHBA Mariners - Cresse 4/30/2022
Matteo D’Aquanni 72 15 MVP/Hustle-Casillas 5/1/2022
31 Mason Esquibel 55 12 Top Tier Dudes 11u 5/1/2022
27 Ethan Janert 44 11 MVP Hustle Contreras 5/1/2022
24 Andretti Lugo 16 3 Empire Baseball Club 4/30/2022
99 Wyatt Smith 10 3 MVP/Hustle-Casillas 5/1/2022
20 4 MVP Hustle Contreras 5/1/2022
Total 30 7
2 Chase Stevens 9 3 NHBA Mariners - Cresse 4/30/2022
21 3 MVP Hustle Contreras 5/1/2022
Total 30 6
42 Blake Wade 58 9 Empire Baseball Club 4/30/2022
5 Henry "Boomer" Bamieh 23 2 Chandler Biscuits 4/30/2022
83 18 Next Level Baseball 5/1/2022
Total 106 20
99 Max Dall 14 3 Braves Baseball Academy 4/30/2022
22 Riely Loggins 41 6 Braves Baseball Academy 4/30/2022
13 6 6th Tool 11U 5/1/2022
Total 54 12
20 Jasiah Muse 39 3 Chandler Biscuits 4/30/2022
66 Jayden Rodriguez 39 6 Braves Baseball Academy 4/30/2022
10 Klay Staniland 34 9 Chandler Biscuits 4/30/2022
58 14 6th Tool 11U 5/1/2022
Total 92 23
23 Leo Talbot 30 4 Chandler Biscuits 4/30/2022
Tc Gold
11 Giovanni Gutierrez 60 15 MVP/Hustle-Casillas 4/30/2022
10 Jose Higuera 7 3 MVP Hustle Contreras 4/30/2022
59 12 La Costa Riptide McIver 5/1/2022
Total 66 15
25 Emiliano Reyes 21 3 La Costa Riptide McIver 5/1/2022
34 Oscar Serrano 62 11 MVP Hustle Contreras 4/30/2022
11 3 MVP/Hustle-Casillas 4/30/2022
Total 73 14
Top Tier Dudes 11u
24 Roman Acevedo 29 6 Next Level Baseball 4/30/2022
26 Kobe Castro 37 6 Zt Cali Elite 4/30/2022
12 Mason Mendonsa 28 6 Zt Cali Elite 4/30/2022
17 Keyo Ryang 16 4 Reed Johnson Baseball Academy 11u 5/1/2022
8 Michael Wong 34 6 Next Level Baseball 4/30/2022
5 Charlie Zheng 6 3 Zt Cali Elite 4/30/2022
42 5 Reed Johnson Baseball Academy 11u 5/1/2022
Total 48 8
Zt Cali Elite
7 Anthony Adame 66 7 MVP Hustle Contreras 5/1/2022
0 Joshua Boehnke 12 1 Top Tier Dudes 11u 4/30/2022
22 5 MVP Hustle Contreras 5/1/2022
Total 34 6
3 Travon Jackson Jr. 61 10 Top Tier Dudes 11u 4/30/2022
24 Stephen Luna 46 9 Next Level Baseball 4/30/2022
99 Dylan Montoya 35 2 Top Tier Dudes 11u 4/30/2022
Zt Cv 11u
5 Aidan Calderon 51 6 Chandler Biscuits 5/1/2022
7 Daniel Guerrero 26 4 MVP/Hustle-Casillas 4/30/2022
77 Ethan Hernandez 22 4 Norwalk Combat Baseball 11u Navy 4/30/2022
13 3 Chandler Biscuits 5/1/2022
Total 35 7
35 Santiago Ibarra 56 6 MVP/Hustle-Casillas 4/30/2022
59 Jet Ley 38 6 Chandler Biscuits 5/1/2022
50 Jeremiah May 87 13 Norwalk Combat Baseball 11u Navy 4/30/2022
2 Tristan Brown 30 3 Gbg Warriors 4/30/2022
8 Bryant Ju 9 3 Gbg Warriors 4/30/2022
5 Brayden Penrod 61 12 Braves Baseball Academy 5/1/2022
17 Josiah Ramos 52 6 Braves Baseball Academy 5/1/2022
18 Logan Zmarzly 47 5 Gbg Warriors 4/30/2022
53 12 La Costa Riptide McIver 4/30/2022
Total 100 17