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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
643 DP Cougars 12U
34 Gavin Boykin 58 12 Georgia Bombers 12u Victus 5/6/2022
15 Jett Conner 72 11 Prospect Tools 5/7/2022
1 Jake Drahushuk 77 18 Georgia Jackets 12U DeRosa 5/7/2022
76 Khari Mayfield Jr. 57 8 Sharon Springs Academy 5/8/2022
44 Finn McQuade 51 18 Sandlot Legends 5/8/2022
13 Cal Pearson 69 9 Sharon Springs Academy 5/8/2022
41 Kenneth Phillips Jr. 6 0 Sharon Springs Academy 5/8/2022
643 DP Jaguars 12U
99 Tyler Groff 28 6 Ninth Inning Royals 12U-Torres 5/7/2022
46 6 Macon Pain Nationals 5/8/2022
Total 74 12
17 Joshua Hwang 36 7 USA Scout 12U National Odak 5/6/2022
41 6 Macon Pain Nationals 5/8/2022
Total 77 13
5 Reed Jarrett 28 3 Macon Pain Nationals 5/8/2022
34 Carson Kraushaar 43 6 Sba Marucci National 12u 5/7/2022
8 Tripp Percy 12 3 Sba Marucci National 12u 5/7/2022
11 Oliver Spalding 68 11 Ninth Inning Royals 12U-Torres 5/7/2022
2 Drew Steinemann 43 6 USA Scout 12U National Odak 5/6/2022
14 Keegan Warren 13 2 USA Scout 12U National Odak 5/6/2022
Aviators 12U
0 Devon Beavers 44 3 Team Halo 12u 5/7/2022
26 2 Sandlot Legends 5/8/2022
Total 70 5
11 Jack Hooker 65 10 Sandlot Legends 5/8/2022
77 Johnny Howard IV 49 9 Georgia Bombers 12u Marucci 5/6/2022
32 6 Canes Alabama 12u 5/8/2022
Total 81 15
24 Austin Lipscomb 65 11 Team Halo 12u 5/7/2022
13 Gino Luckie 48 8 Georgia Bombers 12u Marucci 5/6/2022
46 9 Canes Alabama 12u 5/8/2022
Total 94 17
23 Dominic Rossy 17 0 Georgia Bombers 12u Marucci 5/6/2022
54 9 Seams 5/7/2022
Total 71 9
20 3 Canes Alabama 12u 5/8/2022
Total 91 12
3 Aiden Watson 65 9 Seams 5/7/2022
1 Drew Williams 30 0 Sandlot Legends 5/8/2022
Baseball Lab Comanche
32 Preston Andrews 53 7 East Cobb Astros 12u Faison 5/6/2022
9 Khahari Crooks 26 1 East Cobb Astros 12U Orange 5/7/2022
13 Patrick Dalton 10 0 East Cobb Astros 12U Orange 5/7/2022
21 Marco Filotei 65 9 Team Elite 12U Prime 5/8/2022
24 Connor Harmond 0 1 Np Outlaws 12u 5/7/2022
7 Maverick Hyder 46 8 East Cobb Astros 12u Faison 5/6/2022
100 13 Np Outlaws 12u 5/7/2022
Total 146 21
0 Varion James 64 3 East Cobb Astros 12U Orange 5/7/2022
15 Landon Steele 13 3 East Cobb Astros 12u Faison 5/6/2022
34 4 Team Elite 12U Prime 5/8/2022
Total 47 7
Canes Alabama 12u
6 Haagan Dodd 71 10 Aviators 12U 5/8/2022
44 Bryson Hodge 34 6 Seams 5/6/2022
57 12 SmarTense Baseball 5/8/2022
Total 91 18
4 0 Aviators 12U 5/8/2022
Total 95 18
4 Ty Hunter 12 3 Georgia Bombers 12u Marucci 5/7/2022
29 6 East Cobb Astros 12u Faison 5/8/2022
Total 41 9
47 7 Sandlot Legends 5/8/2022
Total 88 16
88 Robbins Lowe 73 8 Seams 5/6/2022
33 Zac Mann 29 9 Georgia Bombers 12u Marucci 5/7/2022
17 3 East Cobb Astros 12u Faison 5/8/2022
Total 46 12
57 10 Sandlot Legends 5/8/2022
Total 103 22
24 Hayden Schell 38 6 Team Halo 12u 5/7/2022
28 8 Aviators 12U 5/8/2022
Total 66 14
10 William Vaughan 51 9 Team Halo 12u 5/7/2022
34 6 SmarTense Baseball 5/8/2022
Total 85 15
Canes Georgia 12u Hollis
13 Asher Allen 58 9 Knoxville Stars 5/7/2022
1 Ashton Clark 68 9 Naturals Baseball 5/7/2022
17 Jacob Conaway 19 3 SmarTense Baseball 5/6/2022
59 Riley Galbraith 32 5 Knoxville Stars 5/7/2022
1 Kendrick Howard 24 3 SmarTense Baseball 5/6/2022
3 Carter Pollard 36 3 SmarTense Baseball 5/6/2022
46 6 Sharon Springs Academy 5/8/2022
Total 82 9
10 Benjamin Schory 6 3 SmarTense Baseball 5/6/2022
52 9 Sharon Springs Academy 5/8/2022
Total 58 12
25 Cam Turner 11 0 Naturals Baseball 5/7/2022
Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon)
11 Jaxston Brown 19 1 Naturals Baseball 5/6/2022
74 7 Sharon Springs Academy 5/7/2022
Total 93 8
99 Christopher Gordon 19 0 Naturals Baseball 5/6/2022
55 7 Georgia Bombers 12u Marucci 5/8/2022
Total 74 7
13 Brian Grant 35 8 Sharon Springs Academy 5/7/2022
1 Ryan Houston 53 9 Knoxville Stars 5/7/2022
7 Jeremiah McGeachy 14 2 Naturals Baseball 5/6/2022
5 Prince Reid 63 9 Knoxville Stars 5/7/2022
105 18 SmarTense Baseball 5/8/2022
Total 168 27
42 Sean Seltzer 12 1 Naturals Baseball 5/6/2022
10 2 Sharon Springs Academy 5/7/2022
Total 22 3
64 9 Georgia Bombers 12u Marucci 5/8/2022
Total 86 12
0 Tobias Stephens 47 4 Naturals Baseball 5/6/2022
9 Sinsaire Walker 23 3 Naturals Baseball 5/6/2022
East Cobb Astros 12u Faison
29 Caleb Antonelli 85 15 Np Outlaws 12u 5/8/2022
34 Brayden Bially 39 3 Team Elite 12U Prime 5/7/2022
13 Bragg Boyd 31 5 Canes Alabama 12u 5/8/2022
14 1 East Cobb Astros 12U Orange 5/8/2022
Total 45 6
7 Braden Burroughs 47 4 Canes Alabama 12u 5/8/2022
27 Will Dudley 4 1 Baseball Lab Comanche 5/6/2022
25 3 Np Outlaws 12u 5/8/2022
Total 29 4
21 Caelen Frederick 36 6 Team Elite 12U Prime 5/7/2022
11 0 Canes Alabama 12u 5/8/2022
Total 47 6
15 Cael Loquasto 87 17 Baseball Lab Comanche 5/6/2022
11 Will Reese 71 9 East Cobb Astros 12U Orange 5/8/2022
16 Aiden Thornton 23 3 Team Elite 12U Prime 5/7/2022
East Cobb Astros 12U Orange
11 Logan Arnett 0 0 East Cobb Astros 12u Faison 5/8/2022
21 Isaiah Cador 10 3 Np Outlaws 12u 5/7/2022
14 3 Syndicate Baseball 5/8/2022
Total 24 6
2 Kannon Derry 29 6 Baseball Lab Comanche 5/7/2022
24 Josiah Harris 38 6 Team Elite 12U Prime 5/7/2022
52 9 Syndicate Baseball 5/8/2022
Total 90 15
5 Jackson Martin 37 6 Np Outlaws 12u 5/7/2022
71 9 Sba Marucci National 12u 5/8/2022
Total 108 15
15 Joseph Nystrom 36 5 East Cobb Astros 12u Faison 5/8/2022
9 Micah Von 25 6 East Cobb Astros 12u Faison 5/8/2022
28 Michael Weyer 24 1 East Cobb Astros 12u Faison 5/8/2022
19 3 Sba Marucci National 12u 5/8/2022
Total 43 4
Georgia Bombers 12u Marucci
29 George Bixby 36 9 Sba Marucci National 12u 5/8/2022
34 James Callaway 80 13 Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon) 5/8/2022
14 Jake Frachiseur 21 6 Canes Alabama 12u 5/7/2022
58 5 Sba Marucci National 12u 5/8/2022
Total 79 11
8 Gavin Gebhardt 50 5 Canes Alabama 12u 5/7/2022
52 Ian Haase 73 17 Seams 5/8/2022
2 Cole Johnson 41 9 Sharon Springs Academy 5/8/2022
15 Drew King 8 5 Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon) 5/8/2022
55 9 Sharon Springs Academy 5/8/2022
Total 63 14
4 Solomon Lee 89 15 Team Halo 12u 5/8/2022
3 Jackson Mentzer 17 3 Canes Alabama 12u 5/7/2022
5 Gavin Poteet 73 18 Aviators 12U 5/6/2022
Georgia Bombers 12u Victus
34 Cross Dennard 32 6 643 DP Cougars 12U 5/6/2022
24 Charlie Edwards 61 9 Georgia Jackets 12U DeRosa 5/7/2022
55 Gavyn Hill 54 13 Sandlot Legends 5/7/2022
10 Matt Kersey 53 5 Sandlot Legends 5/7/2022
9 Ethan Kim 23 2 Syndicate Baseball 5/8/2022
6 Micah Rowland 16 1 Georgia Jackets 12U DeRosa 5/7/2022
22 Maddox Schreiber 33 3 643 DP Cougars 12U 5/6/2022
25 Eli Williams 47 7 Syndicate Baseball 5/8/2022
27 Griffin Williams 32 8 Syndicate Baseball 5/8/2022
Georgia Jackets 12U DeRosa
34 Pierson Degala 40 5 643 DP Cougars 12U 5/7/2022
8 Jack Greene 59 9 Georgia Bombers 12u Victus 5/7/2022
2 Banks Halcomb 51 9 Syndicate Baseball 5/6/2022
10 Gunner Jarrard 13 3 Georgia Bombers 12u Victus 5/7/2022
55 12 Prospect Tools 5/8/2022
Total 68 15
12 Joseph Mendez 41 9 Syndicate Baseball 5/6/2022
41 4 Sba Marucci National 12u 5/8/2022
Total 82 13
5 Brayden Moity 35 2 643 DP Cougars 12U 5/7/2022
15 5 Prospect Tools 5/8/2022
Total 50 7
22 Colby Yeager 42 9 643 DP Cougars 12U 5/7/2022
41 8 Sba Marucci National 12u 5/8/2022
Total 83 17
Knoxville Stars
3 Chase Gregory 15 3 Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon) 5/7/2022
24 Brayden Jones 26 6 Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon) 5/7/2022
12 Mason Knowles 54 6 Canes Georgia 12u Hollis 5/7/2022
1 Bryce McCarty 27 8 Sharon Springs Academy 5/6/2022
35 6 Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon) 5/7/2022
Total 62 14
8 Mason McWhirter 48 6 Sharon Springs Academy 5/6/2022
16 2 Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon) 5/7/2022
Total 64 8
13 Max Misenhimer 70 9 Canes Georgia 12u Hollis 5/7/2022
7 Brighton Presley 50 6 Naturals Baseball 5/8/2022
99 Kyler Worsham 19 2 Sharon Springs Academy 5/6/2022
59 12 Naturals Baseball 5/8/2022
Total 78 14
Macon Pain Nationals
1 Ronald Byrd 46 9 Ninth Inning Royals 12U-Torres 5/6/2022
41 12 643 DP Jaguars 12U 5/8/2022
Total 87 21
5 Seth Harper 42 2 Ninth Inning Royals 12U-Torres 5/6/2022
7 Tate Johnston 20 2 Sba Marucci National 12u 5/8/2022
10 Tucker Johnston 9 1 Ninth Inning Royals 12U-Torres 5/6/2022
55 5 Sba Marucci National 12u 5/8/2022
Total 64 6
9 Braxton Lovett 11 1 Sba Marucci National 12u 5/8/2022
21 Nicholas Sasser 85 16 USA Scout 12U National Odak 5/7/2022
2 Peyton Seymour 37 3 Ninth Inning Royals 12U-Torres 5/6/2022
45 Colt Whittington 14 1 USA Scout 12U National Odak 5/7/2022
12 3 643 DP Jaguars 12U 5/8/2022
Total 26 4
Naturals Baseball
13 Dawson Allen 49 5 SmarTense Baseball 5/7/2022
17 Liam Collier 64 12 Canes Georgia 12u Hollis 5/7/2022
8 Caleb Cox 32 3 Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon) 5/6/2022
7 Tate Gresham 25 0 Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon) 5/6/2022
22 Gray Jones 24 2 Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon) 5/6/2022
12 Collin Roberts 35 7 Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon) 5/6/2022
99 Tripp Swords 80 9 Knoxville Stars 5/8/2022
11 Terrance Tonic Jr. 35 6 Knoxville Stars 5/8/2022
34 Kason Williams 52 6 SmarTense Baseball 5/7/2022
Ninth Inning Royals 12U-Torres
6 Casey Gooding 13 1 Macon Pain Nationals 5/6/2022
14 1 Sandlot Legends 5/8/2022
Total 27 2
20 Demitri Griffin 63 9 Macon Pain Nationals 5/6/2022
33 1 Sandlot Legends 5/8/2022
Total 96 10
21 Daelan Jones-Teasley 37 1 Sba Marucci National 12u 5/7/2022
70 Logan Lanier 29 5 Macon Pain Nationals 5/6/2022
32 1 Sandlot Legends 5/8/2022
Total 61 6
11 Russ Prophater 38 5 USA Scout 12U National Odak 5/8/2022
19 5 Sandlot Legends 5/8/2022
Total 57 10
5 Cooper Schneider 59 9 Sba Marucci National 12u 5/7/2022
8 Charles Survilas 87 13 USA Scout 12U National Odak 5/8/2022
7 Nicholas Swanson 28 7 643 DP Jaguars 12U 5/7/2022
22 Connor Tysver 60 11 643 DP Jaguars 12U 5/7/2022
Np Outlaws 12u
5 Brody Conner 70 9 Team Elite 12U Prime 5/6/2022
32 Christopher Cordivari 18 2 East Cobb Astros 12U Orange 5/7/2022
3 Jaxon Foust 52 9 Baseball Lab Comanche 5/7/2022
99 Jarett Hulsey 25 4 Team Elite 12U Prime 5/6/2022
Sam Lumpkin 45 6 East Cobb Astros 12u Faison 5/8/2022
27 Aldon Sanders 20 5 Team Elite 12U Prime 5/6/2022
50 9 East Cobb Astros 12u Faison 5/8/2022
Total 70 14
0 Coleman Stubblefield 36 18 Baseball Lab Comanche 5/7/2022
21 Alejandro Torres 64 6 East Cobb Astros 12U Orange 5/7/2022
Prospect Tools
23 Braylen Brown 46 6 Syndicate Baseball 5/7/2022
9 Ezra Gandy 44 4 Sandlot Legends 5/6/2022
65 Maddox Gilbert 5 1 Georgia Jackets 12U DeRosa 5/8/2022
5 Ethan Jones 56 9 Georgia Jackets 12U DeRosa 5/8/2022
50 Colin Luke 42 3 643 DP Cougars 12U 5/7/2022
6 Connor Maxwell-Campbell 48 4 Sandlot Legends 5/6/2022
42 Cannon Robinson 48 4 Syndicate Baseball 5/7/2022
3 Ryan Wilson 27 5 643 DP Cougars 12U 5/7/2022
4 Darren Winstead 68 8 Georgia Jackets 12U DeRosa 5/8/2022
Sandlot Legends
2 Grayson Arnette 9 4 643 DP Cougars 12U 5/8/2022
46 9 Ninth Inning Royals 12U-Torres 5/8/2022
Total 55 13
150 Christopher Brandwein 29 9 Georgia Bombers 12u Victus 5/7/2022
1 1 Aviators 12U 5/8/2022
Total 30 10
1 Colton Davis 17 3 Syndicate Baseball 5/7/2022
54 9 Aviators 12U 5/8/2022
Total 71 12
26 Jace Dean 86 14 643 DP Cougars 12U 5/8/2022
3 Landen Gammons 46 9 Prospect Tools 5/6/2022
10 Hunter House 59 11 Georgia Bombers 12u Victus 5/7/2022
24 Casey Knowles 44 2 Aviators 12U 5/8/2022
13 Evan Money 49 8 Canes Alabama 12u 5/8/2022
4 Jayden Williams 56 8 Syndicate Baseball 5/7/2022
40 7 Canes Alabama 12u 5/8/2022
Total 96 15
Sba Marucci National 12u
10 Jaylen Aguilar 64 7 Georgia Jackets 12U DeRosa 5/8/2022
17 Ivan Andino 41 7 Georgia Jackets 12U DeRosa 5/8/2022
27 Knox Goodyear 34 9 Ninth Inning Royals 12U-Torres 5/7/2022
35 12 643 DP Jaguars 12U 5/7/2022
Total 69 21
33 Bryson Josey 32 5 Georgia Bombers 12u Marucci 5/8/2022
28 Julian Martinez 57 9 USA Scout 12U National Odak 5/7/2022
12 Jacob Reynolds 13 3 Ninth Inning Royals 12U-Torres 5/7/2022
8 Hudson Simmons 56 8 Macon Pain Nationals 5/8/2022
21 Derek Vazquez 9 3 USA Scout 12U National Odak 5/7/2022
14 2 Georgia Bombers 12u Marucci 5/8/2022
Total 23 5
18 Adrian Villela 35 9 Georgia Bombers 12u Marucci 5/8/2022
34 Dru Wilson 64 12 East Cobb Astros 12U Orange 5/8/2022
42 Robinson Book 60 9 Canes Alabama 12u 5/6/2022
2 Braeden Brothers 33 6 Canes Alabama 12u 5/6/2022
16 Hudson Burnett 40 9 Team Halo 12u 5/7/2022
40 4 Georgia Bombers 12u Marucci 5/8/2022
Total 80 13
14 Fisher Green 37 9 Team Halo 12u 5/7/2022
64 11 Georgia Bombers 12u Marucci 5/8/2022
Total 101 20
7 Jackson Harris 34 9 Aviators 12U 5/7/2022
5 Cannon Mayes 56 8 Aviators 12U 5/7/2022
Sharon Springs Academy
12 Evan Bansavage 27 6 SmarTense Baseball 5/7/2022
71 12 643 DP Cougars 12U 5/8/2022
Total 98 18
8 Daniel Biondo 27 6 SmarTense Baseball 5/7/2022
37 8 Canes Georgia 12u Hollis 5/8/2022
Total 64 14
5 Kayden Bozof 43 9 Knoxville Stars 5/6/2022
2 Owen Johns 28 6 Knoxville Stars 5/6/2022
23 6 Canes Georgia 12u Hollis 5/8/2022
Total 51 12
1 Elliot Lee 35 6 Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon) 5/7/2022
65 11 Georgia Bombers 12u Marucci 5/8/2022
Total 100 17
4 Parker Lee 38 3 Knoxville Stars 5/6/2022
17 Winston Morris 35 3 SmarTense Baseball 5/7/2022
31 6 643 DP Cougars 12U 5/8/2022
Total 66 9
11 Jake Pennix 35 4 Georgia Bombers 12u Marucci 5/8/2022
34 Cooper Thomas 25 4 Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon) 5/7/2022
10 Grady Zydowsky 20 4 Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon) 5/7/2022
6 1 Canes Georgia 12u Hollis 5/8/2022
Total 26 5
SmarTense Baseball
Gavin Armstrong 18 0 Naturals Baseball 5/7/2022
Jayden Bibby 3 1 Sharon Springs Academy 5/7/2022
Dom Consolino 26 6 Naturals Baseball 5/7/2022
4 1 Canes Alabama 12u 5/8/2022
Total 30 7
Josiah Davis 13 3 Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon) 5/8/2022
Thomas Davis 34 6 Sharon Springs Academy 5/7/2022
0 0 Canes Alabama 12u 5/8/2022
Total 34 6
38 9 Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon) 5/8/2022
Total 72 15
Griffin Euratte 16 4 Canes Alabama 12u 5/8/2022
0 Lio Garcia 35 4 Sharon Springs Academy 5/7/2022
47 6 Canes Alabama 12u 5/8/2022
Total 82 10
Caden McGhee 13 3 Canes Georgia 12u Hollis 5/6/2022
33 6 Canes Alabama 12u 5/8/2022
Total 46 9
Patrick (Duke) Sanders 37 6 Canes Georgia 12u Hollis 5/6/2022
34 6 Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon) 5/8/2022
Total 71 12
Dylan Schmidt 30 3 Sharon Springs Academy 5/7/2022
Walker Taulbee 11 3 Canes Georgia 12u Hollis 5/6/2022
53 9 Naturals Baseball 5/7/2022
Total 64 12
Syndicate Baseball
33 James Benton 24 6 Georgia Bombers 12u Victus 5/8/2022
8 Branden Brown 62 6 Sandlot Legends 5/7/2022
44 Ben Daniel 40 3 Prospect Tools 5/7/2022
14 Cayden Edwards 82 14 Georgia Jackets 12U DeRosa 5/6/2022
0 0 Prospect Tools 5/7/2022
Total 82 14
2 Carter Gilley 13 2 East Cobb Astros 12U Orange 5/8/2022
15 William Marshall 0 0 Prospect Tools 5/7/2022
0 Cash Standridge 15 4 Georgia Jackets 12U DeRosa 5/6/2022
70 11 Georgia Bombers 12u Victus 5/8/2022
Total 85 15
11 Jaydin Tucker 62 8 Prospect Tools 5/7/2022
20 3 East Cobb Astros 12U Orange 5/8/2022
Total 82 11
24 Jaycob Veloz 47 9 Sandlot Legends 5/7/2022
45 6 East Cobb Astros 12U Orange 5/8/2022
Total 92 15
Team Elite 12U Prime
9 Brandon Boleyn 22 0 East Cobb Astros 12U Orange 5/7/2022
15 Brady Fountain 65 5 East Cobb Astros 12u Faison 5/7/2022
11 Turner Houston 56 12 Baseball Lab Comanche 5/8/2022
5 Zach Kurland 46 9 Np Outlaws 12u 5/6/2022
15 3 Baseball Lab Comanche 5/8/2022
Total 61 12
36 Tate Lipscomb 12 1 East Cobb Astros 12U Orange 5/7/2022
1 Chase Maher 15 6 East Cobb Astros 12U Orange 5/7/2022
6 Mason Mosier 37 1 East Cobb Astros 12U Orange 5/7/2022
22 Jayden Moss 31 6 Np Outlaws 12u 5/6/2022
41 Christian Schatz 31 5 East Cobb Astros 12u Faison 5/7/2022
Team Halo 12u
10 Bryson Dutch 32 6 Aviators 12U 5/7/2022
9 Joshua Grimmett 35 12 Seams 5/7/2022
42 7 Georgia Bombers 12u Marucci 5/8/2022
Total 77 19
12 Aaron Higgins 19 6 Aviators 12U 5/7/2022
25 Landon Kyle 53 9 Canes Alabama 12u 5/7/2022
16 Elijah Lyles 12 0 Aviators 12U 5/7/2022
1 Myles Tate 50 5 Canes Alabama 12u 5/7/2022
11 Myles Thomas 56 8 Georgia Bombers 12u Marucci 5/8/2022
17 Kyrun Walker-Smith 16 1 Aviators 12U 5/7/2022
0 Jakobe Weems 27 5 Seams 5/7/2022
USA Scout 12U National Odak
23 Bryson Argo 36 9 Macon Pain Nationals 5/7/2022
66 9 Ninth Inning Royals 12U-Torres 5/8/2022
Total 102 18
11 Kamran Choudhary 32 1 Macon Pain Nationals 5/7/2022
3 Colt Culberson 51 6 Ninth Inning Royals 12U-Torres 5/8/2022
31 Cason Gantt 45 9 643 DP Jaguars 12U 5/6/2022
2 Makai Johnson 42 8 Macon Pain Nationals 5/7/2022
11 Mason Little 66 6 Sba Marucci National 12u 5/7/2022
27 Joey Odak 24 5 643 DP Jaguars 12U 5/6/2022
25 6 Sba Marucci National 12u 5/7/2022
Total 49 11
22 Jayden Smith 0 0 Macon Pain Nationals 5/7/2022