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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Adidas Titans Black
Cade Briseno 22 6 Atx Young Gunz 12u 11/13/2021
Lucas Cook 22 3 Texas Stampede 11/13/2021
35 6 Texas Hustle 11/14/2021
Total 57 9
Braydon Harris 8 3 Atx Young Gunz 12u 11/13/2021
Dylan Hellmann 10 3 Atx Young Gunz 12u 11/13/2021
Anderson Liscum 45 3 Texas Stampede 11/13/2021
Evan Reher 43 12 Texas Hustle 11/14/2021
Benjamin Sowers 33 9 Texas Stampede 11/13/2021
Atx Young Gunz 12u
Nicolas Blaine 16 0 Wings West 12u Fall 2021 11/13/2021
14 Miles Brocato 47 5 Adidas Titans Black 11/13/2021
24 3 Texas Bluechips 12u Grey 11/14/2021
Total 71 8
12 Konlea Knox 278 3 Wings West 12u Fall 2021 11/13/2021
11 1 Adidas Titans Black 11/13/2021
Total 289 4
Brennan Molina 24 6 Wings West 12u Fall 2021 11/13/2021
18 2 Adidas Titans Black 11/13/2021
Total 42 8
Kaden Selby 20 0 Adidas Titans Black 11/13/2021
7 Luis Villegas 20 3 Adidas Titans Black 11/13/2021
56 8 Texas Bluechips 12u Grey 11/14/2021
Total 76 11
Austin Horns - 12u Cervantes
Ford Griffin 52 6 UB Big Dogs 12u 11/13/2021
53 15 Canes Southwest Gold 12u 11/14/2021
Total 105 21
Ian Johnson 17 0 Texas Bluechips 12u Grey 11/13/2021
James Morgan 22 2 Texas Bluechips 12u Grey 11/13/2021
16 3 Tier 1 Red Squadron 11/14/2021
Total 38 5
Bryce O'Sullivan 30 2 Texas Bluechips 12u Grey 11/13/2021
25 6 Tier 1 Red Squadron 11/14/2021
Total 55 8
Parker Roberts 20 2 Texas Bluechips 12u Grey 11/13/2021
Austin Horns - 12u Elder
Miles Hill 21 1 Tier 1 Red Squadron 11/13/2021
Liam McKenzie 21 3 Bat - Fokkema 11/13/2021
Garrett Newman 29 6 Bat - Fokkema 11/13/2021
6 0 Tier 1 Red Squadron 11/13/2021
Total 35 6
Logan Williams 18 3 Bat - Fokkema 11/13/2021
17 1 Tier 1 Red Squadron 11/13/2021
Total 35 4
Bat - Fokkema
1 Anthony Gonzalez 32 8 Austin Horns - 12u Elder 11/13/2021
20 Christian Hughes 43 2 Austin Horns - 12u Elder 11/13/2021
63 8 TRPD 12U 11/14/2021
Total 106 10
22 Anderson Ligons 32 3 Tier 1 Red Squadron 11/13/2021
32 1 UB Big Dogs 12u 11/14/2021
Total 64 4
19 4 TRPD 12U 11/14/2021
Total 83 8
13 Hagen Willett 45 7 Tier 1 Red Squadron 11/13/2021
48 6 UB Big Dogs 12u 11/14/2021
Total 93 13
35 Nolan Wright 33 2 Austin Horns - 12u Elder 11/13/2021
19 2 UB Big Dogs 12u 11/14/2021
Total 52 4
Canes Southwest Gold 12u
44 Rowan Briscoe 39 9 RR Vipers 11/13/2021
35 Connor Crimando 22 6 RR Vipers 11/13/2021
Israel Sanchez 38 4 LBC North Smiley 11/13/2021
Gavin Thompson 21 8 LBC North Smiley 11/13/2021
Cpyl Rampage
34 Declan Earley 30 6 Texas Hustle 11/13/2021
4 Carter Ellis 41 6 Texas Hustle 11/13/2021
7 Grayson Pearce 53 6 Pride 12u Grey 11/13/2021
12 Jake Roe 27 34 Pride 12u Grey 11/13/2021
5 Cole Tobias 20 3 Pride 12u Grey 11/13/2021
LBC Central Jourdan
32 Blake Braun 30 5 Tainos 12u Baseball Academy 11/14/2021
James Cobb III 26 1 Tainos 12u Baseball Academy 11/13/2021
Logan Connell 56 9 TRPD 12U 11/13/2021
90 Nick Moore 10 2 Tainos 12u Baseball Academy 11/13/2021
Robert Smith 15 3 TRPD 12U 11/13/2021
59 9 Tainos 12u Baseball Academy 11/14/2021
Total 74 12
8 Westyn Thompson 69 6 Tainos 12u Baseball Academy 11/13/2021
LBC North Smiley
99 Charlie Candelaria 60 15 RR Vipers 11/13/2021
99 Ruston Glass 34 6 Austin Horns - 12u Elder 11/14/2021
9 1 LBC Central Jourdan 11/14/2021
Total 43 7
99 Tye Glasscock 59 6 Canes Southwest Gold 12u 11/13/2021
99 Weston Hepp 6 1 LBC Central Jourdan 11/14/2021
99 Wyatt Johle 21 3 Canes Southwest Gold 12u 11/13/2021
39 7 Austin Horns - 12u Cervantes 11/14/2021
Total 60 10
99 Landon Patterson 78 13 LBC Central Jourdan 11/14/2021
99 Hunter Phillips 10 0 Canes Southwest Gold 12u 11/13/2021
99 Gray Robison 51 12 Austin Horns - 12u Elder 11/14/2021
5 2 Austin Horns - 12u Cervantes 11/14/2021
Total 56 14
99 Bennett Thompson 16 1 Austin Horns - 12u Cervantes 11/14/2021
99 Colton Tobias 28 4 Austin Horns - 12u Cervantes 11/14/2021
One Elite (Nctx)
Jirah Anzaldua 32 2 Texas Bluechips 12u Grey 11/13/2021
Cameron Eveleigh 4 1 UB Big Dogs 12u 11/13/2021
Zyaire Johnson 38 5 Texas Bluechips 12u Grey 11/13/2021
Kayden Van Pelt 40 2 UB Big Dogs 12u 11/13/2021
Colin Vordtriede 38 6 UB Big Dogs 12u 11/13/2021
Pride 12u Grey
7 Michael Boehm 28 1 Texas Hustle 11/13/2021
6 Blake Burleson 38 9 Texas Hustle 11/13/2021
34 Harrison Hundl 63 6 Cpyl Rampage 11/13/2021
15 Colton Riewe 32 6 Cpyl Rampage 11/13/2021
3 Jensen Youngs 13 0 Texas Hustle 11/13/2021
RR Vipers
2 Atticus Gabriele 18 2 Canes Southwest Gold 12u 11/13/2021
20 4 LBC North Smiley 11/13/2021
Total 38 6
21 Damian Gutierrez 8 0 Atx Young Gunz 12u 11/14/2021
0 Lane Hall 37 8 Canes Southwest Gold 12u 11/13/2021
11 0 Atx Young Gunz 12u 11/14/2021
Total 48 8
7 Colby Johnson 39 8 LBC North Smiley 11/13/2021
18 3 Atx Young Gunz 12u 11/14/2021
Total 57 11
17 Michael Lewis 14 3 Atx Young Gunz 12u 11/14/2021
8 Owen Quick 33 3 LBC North Smiley 11/13/2021
44 Jaxon Tande 68 12 Cpyl Rampage 11/14/2021
5 Landon Teller 49 8 Canes Southwest Gold 12u 11/13/2021
16 3 Atx Young Gunz 12u 11/14/2021
Total 65 11
Tainos 12u Baseball Academy
36 Jeremiah Boone 12 3 LBC Central Jourdan 11/13/2021
15 Lex Caballes 25 3 TRPD 12U 11/13/2021
7 Eliel Rivera 36 6 TRPD 12U 11/13/2021
17 Jacob Rutledge 9 3 LBC Central Jourdan 11/13/2021
99 Tyler Ward 28 3 LBC Central Jourdan 11/13/2021
Texas Bluechips 12u Grey
Alijah Banda 8 3 Austin Horns - 12u Cervantes 11/13/2021
Malachi Clark 36 4 One Elite (Nctx) 11/13/2021
Richard Jones Jr 31 6 Austin Horns - 12u Cervantes 11/13/2021
Logan Long 37 5 One Elite (Nctx) 11/13/2021
Jack Smith 10 0 Austin Horns - 12u Cervantes 11/13/2021
Texas Hustle
Mason Rodriguez 75 7 Cpyl Rampage 11/13/2021
Grayson Stoecklein 21 3 Cpyl Rampage 11/13/2021
Tayden Talley 17 2 Cpyl Rampage 11/13/2021
Michael Vargas 30 9 Pride 12u Grey 11/13/2021
Case White 43 6 Pride 12u Grey 11/13/2021
Texas Stampede
95 Emmanuel Borja jr 25 6 Adidas Titans Black 11/13/2021
24 Samuel Correll 52 12 Adidas Titans Black 11/14/2021
0 Reynaldo Garza 28 6 Wings West 12u Fall 2021 11/13/2021
27 Jonathan Palacios 24 3 Adidas Titans Black 11/13/2021
9 Alberto Perez 20 3 Wings West 12u Fall 2021 11/13/2021
33 Jayden Pescador 66 9 RR Vipers 11/14/2021
5 Ian Reyes 21 6 Adidas Titans Black 11/13/2021
Tier 1 Red Squadron
16 Jack Alexandrov 23 1 Austin Horns - 12u Elder 11/13/2021
33 Tyre Buttross 10 2 Austin Horns - 12u Elder 11/13/2021
18 3 Bat - Fokkema 11/13/2021
Total 28 5
12 Elliott Grimm 39 9 Bat - Fokkema 11/13/2021
9 Emmett McCaw 48 9 Austin Horns - 12u Elder 11/13/2021
16 Maclain Brown 31 3 LBC Central Jourdan 11/13/2021
27 Chase Culver 58 6 Tainos 12u Baseball Academy 11/13/2021
Oliver Szastak 26 1 LBC Central Jourdan 11/13/2021
23 Griffin Tielens 6 2 LBC Central Jourdan 11/13/2021
9 Leo Walters 34 6 LBC Central Jourdan 11/13/2021
Luke Wauson 23 3 Tainos 12u Baseball Academy 11/13/2021
UB Big Dogs 12u
2 Colton Baty 36 5 One Elite (Nctx) 11/13/2021
3 Stetson Dunavant 38 4 One Elite (Nctx) 11/13/2021
13 Cooper Neely 22 2 Austin Horns - 12u Cervantes 11/13/2021
7 Isaac Urive 29 2 Austin Horns - 12u Cervantes 11/13/2021
22 Jt Womack 26 2 Austin Horns - 12u Cervantes 11/13/2021
Wings West 12u Fall 2021
0 Blaze Bailey 33 2 Texas Stampede 11/13/2021
0 Cooper Boatright 37 5 Texas Stampede 11/13/2021
0 Lyndon Harycki 34 4 One Elite (Nctx) 11/14/2021
0 Noah Hunt 81 13 Pride 12u Grey 11/14/2021
0 Micah Martinez 12 2 Atx Young Gunz 12u 11/13/2021
0 Gideon Robles 34 2 One Elite (Nctx) 11/14/2021
14 5 Pride 12u Grey 11/14/2021
Total 48 7
0 Ryder Vaughn 66 7 Atx Young Gunz 12u 11/13/2021