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Metal spikes are prohibited on all turf surfaces, including turf pitching mounds.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Black Dragons
4 Jake Blomquist 38 6 SOAR Academy 14u Butler 8/27/2021
24 3 SOAR Academy 14u Butler 8/29/2021
Total 62 9
99 Oliver Christy 26 6 SOAR Academy 14u Butler 8/29/2021
9 James Kegley 46 1 MNS-Ross 8/27/2021
53 9 Wonderboys 8/29/2021
Total 99 10
7 Samuel Krzykowski 16 3 SOAR Academy 14u Butler 8/27/2021
28 6 Ravens 8/29/2021
Total 44 9
15 0 Wonderboys 8/29/2021
Total 59 9
11 2 SOAR Academy 14u Butler 8/29/2021
Total 70 11
35 Brett Liezert 60 8 MNS-Ross 8/27/2021
12 Caleb Linhart 0 0 MNS-Ross 8/27/2021
78 Ian Nunez 32 1 MNS-Ross 8/27/2021
67 7 SOAR Academy 14u Butler 8/29/2021
Total 99 8
5 Sterling Thornton 43 9 SOAR Academy 14u Butler 8/27/2021
51 12 Ravens 8/29/2021
Total 94 21
11 Bryce Williams 14 2 MNS-Ross 8/27/2021
47 9 Wonderboys 8/29/2021
Total 61 11
Building Champions - Peyton
2 Brady Augustine 46 9 Wonderboys 8/28/2021
23 3 MNS-Ross 8/29/2021
Total 69 12
11 Andrew Graebener 0 0 MNS-Ross 8/29/2021
7 Oscar Green 45 9 SOAR Academy 14u Heustis 8/28/2021
32 6 MNS-Ross 8/29/2021
Total 77 15
41 Evan Moreland 44 9 Wonderboys 8/28/2021
30 Taylor Nichols 38 9 SOAR Academy 14u Heustis 8/28/2021
55 9 MNS-Ross 8/29/2021
Total 93 18
CNBA 13U White
37 Brock Cushing 17 3 Old School Ducks Df 8/28/2021
47 Bubba Day 73 11 Old School Ducks Df 8/28/2021
63 Kashtyn Fosher 66 16 Mac N Seitz - Fimmen 8/28/2021
39 Kyler Kirkpatrick 20 3 MNS-Ross 8/29/2021
28 Jamison Saathoff 24 3 MNS-Ross 8/29/2021
46 Dawson Urbanski 68 9 MNS-Ross 8/29/2021
CNBA 14U Guardians
71 Houston Billeter 38 9 MNS - Boehmer 8/28/2021
14 3 MNS - Boehmer 8/29/2021
Total 52 12
40 9 MNS-Ross 8/29/2021
Total 92 21
59 Dominic Nowak 88 21 Mac N Seitz - Fimmen 8/29/2021
73 Gabriel Ruiz 50 9 Ravens 8/28/2021
9 3 MNS-Ross 8/29/2021
Total 59 12
65 Ben Trompke 22 9 MNS - Boehmer 8/28/2021
70 18 MNS - Boehmer 8/29/2021
Total 92 27
62 Keaton Wemhoff 16 3 Ravens 8/28/2021
45 6 MNS-Ross 8/29/2021
Total 61 9
KC Diamond Dawgs(Orange)
33 Carter Aviles 65 9 Wonderboys 8/29/2021
24 Rasheed Booker Jr 52 9 MNS-Ross 8/27/2021
2 Carson Droege 48 3 SOAR Academy 14u Butler 8/27/2021
22 Josiah Hayden 47 9 SOAR Academy 14u Butler 8/27/2021
15 Mason Hughes 28 3 Wonderboys 8/29/2021
3 Angelo Restivo 49 6 MNS-Ross 8/27/2021
Mac N Seitz - Fimmen
17 Nate Berman 25 6 CNBA 13U White 8/28/2021
13 6 CNBA 14U Guardians 8/29/2021
Total 38 12
12 Nicolas Chiu 26 4 CNBA 13U White 8/28/2021
73 Brady Coltharp 35 2 CNBA 13U White 8/28/2021
32 7 CNBA 14U Guardians 8/29/2021
Total 67 9
79 Jack Crader 22 2 CNBA 14U Guardians 8/29/2021
4 Thomas Dent 30 5 Old School Ducks Df 8/28/2021
3 Tom Fimmen 36 6 CNBA 13U White 8/28/2021
27 Hayden Reeve 37 6 Old School Ducks Df 8/28/2021
5 Owen Underwood 33 6 Old School Ducks Df 8/28/2021
32 3 CNBA 14U Guardians 8/29/2021
Total 65 9
Midwest Giants
45 Braylon Bingham 0 0 Wonderboys 8/28/2021
58 7 MNS - Boehmer 8/29/2021
Total 58 7
9 Easton Cox 13 3 SOAR Academy 14u Heustis 8/28/2021
0 0 MNS - Boehmer 8/29/2021
Total 13 3
28 Easton Engelhart 31 6 SOAR Academy 14u Heustis 8/28/2021
3 Brayden Kennedy 32 3 Wonderboys 8/28/2021
52 9 MNS - Boehmer 8/29/2021
Total 84 12
4 Peter Nickson 17 3 SOAR Academy 14u Heustis 8/28/2021
42 Lincoln Norris 32 6 Wonderboys 8/28/2021
24 Collin Schmidt 43 9 Wonderboys 8/28/2021
MNS - Boehmer
8 Braden Boehmer 42 9 CNBA 14U Guardians 8/28/2021
11 Cooper Boldrey 34 6 CNBA 14U Guardians 8/28/2021
31 Brock Gammill 0 0 CNBA 14U Guardians 8/28/2021
5 Michael Lasala 30 6 Ravens 8/28/2021
10 3 Midwest Giants 8/29/2021
Total 40 9
47 8 CNBA 14U Guardians 8/29/2021
Total 87 17
4 Andrew Steiner 23 3 Ravens 8/28/2021
77 14 Midwest Giants 8/29/2021
Total 100 17
17 Kody Underwood 17 3 CNBA 14U Guardians 8/28/2021
40 9 CNBA 14U Guardians 8/29/2021
Total 57 12
1 Cecil Wysong Iv 31 6 Ravens 8/28/2021
8 Nolan Bell 16 3 Black Dragons 8/27/2021
67 12 Building Champions - Peyton 8/29/2021
Total 83 15
99 Edison Conlon 38 6 Black Dragons 8/27/2021
15 3 CNBA 13U White 8/29/2021
Total 53 9
13 Oscar Diez 0 0 Black Dragons 8/27/2021
4 Tyler Duffield 37 6 Building Champions - Peyton 8/29/2021
18 Jason Evans 16 3 KC Diamond Dawgs(Orange) 8/27/2021
14 3 Black Dragons 8/27/2021
Total 30 6
66 12 CNBA 14U Guardians 8/29/2021
Total 96 18
24 Henry Miller 41 6 KC Diamond Dawgs(Orange) 8/27/2021
29 4 CNBA 13U White 8/29/2021
Total 70 10
19 Cade Riggin 58 6 KC Diamond Dawgs(Orange) 8/27/2021
26 4 CNBA 13U White 8/29/2021
Total 84 10
9 Hayden Ross 15 3 CNBA 13U White 8/29/2021
31 6 CNBA 14U Guardians 8/29/2021
Total 46 9
Old School Ducks Df
77 Mason Crockett 13 1 CNBA 13U White 8/28/2021
9 3 SOAR Academy 14u Heustis 8/29/2021
Total 22 4
40 3 SOAR Academy 14u Butler 8/29/2021
Total 62 7
44 Cale Davis 44 6 CNBA 13U White 8/28/2021
5 Lincoln Dwiggins 28 2 CNBA 13U White 8/28/2021
14 Theodore Fisher 50 9 Mac N Seitz - Fimmen 8/28/2021
39 6 SOAR Academy 14u Heustis 8/29/2021
Total 89 15
20 Troy Fisher 26 3 Mac N Seitz - Fimmen 8/28/2021
21 Aj Gowin 3 0 CNBA 13U White 8/28/2021
31 0 SOAR Academy 14u Butler 8/29/2021
Total 34 0
27 Connor O'Toole 33 6 Mac N Seitz - Fimmen 8/28/2021
3 0 SOAR Academy 14u Butler 8/29/2021
Total 36 6
34 Bryce Whitney 37 5 SOAR Academy 14u Butler 8/29/2021
26 6 SOAR Academy 14u Heustis 8/29/2021
Total 63 11
28 Tyler Briel 32 3 CNBA 14U Guardians 8/28/2021
28 4 Black Dragons 8/29/2021
Total 60 7
6 Michael Hefley 41 5 MNS - Boehmer 8/28/2021
44 5 Black Dragons 8/29/2021
Total 85 10
4 Hank Henderson 38 6 MNS - Boehmer 8/28/2021
56 6 Black Dragons 8/29/2021
Total 94 12
17 Griffin Judd 12 1 CNBA 14U Guardians 8/28/2021
7 Derek Lahey 31 3 CNBA 14U Guardians 8/28/2021
27 Tyler Manzella 13 1 MNS - Boehmer 8/28/2021
8 Oto Sics 23 3 CNBA 14U Guardians 8/28/2021
SOAR Academy 14u Butler
11 Coen Ackerson 56 6 KC Diamond Dawgs(Orange) 8/27/2021
8 Kylar Howren 17 3 Black Dragons 8/27/2021
11 1 Old School Ducks Df 8/29/2021
Total 28 4
12 Auston Ledford 5 2 Old School Ducks Df 8/29/2021
4 Camden Mossburg 27 3 KC Diamond Dawgs(Orange) 8/27/2021
59 9 Old School Ducks Df 8/29/2021
Total 86 12
35 Chase Newton 20 3 KC Diamond Dawgs(Orange) 8/27/2021
69 15 Black Dragons 8/29/2021
Total 89 18
17 Will Schau 39 5 Black Dragons 8/27/2021
41 3 Black Dragons 8/29/2021
Total 80 8
21 Joshua Wolf 29 6 Black Dragons 8/27/2021
SOAR Academy 14u Heustis
20 Cameron Buckwalter 53 6 Building Champions - Peyton 8/28/2021
52 Jonah Gosney 59 5 Midwest Giants 8/28/2021
44 Cole Kleffner 38 7 Building Champions - Peyton 8/28/2021
11 Lincoln McKinnis 4 1 Old School Ducks Df 8/29/2021
7 Ian Springer 45 4 Old School Ducks Df 8/29/2021
18 Gage Stanley 33 4 Midwest Giants 8/28/2021
42 Davon Troutner 49 7 Old School Ducks Df 8/29/2021
24 Jack Bauer 42 6 Black Dragons 8/29/2021
12 Luke Bower 15 6 Building Champions - Peyton 8/28/2021
45 6 Black Dragons 8/29/2021
Total 60 12
9 Brenden Cirlincuina 44 4 Building Champions - Peyton 8/28/2021
14 Ben Hatcher 26 9 Midwest Giants 8/28/2021
45 6 KC Diamond Dawgs(Orange) 8/29/2021
Total 71 15
20 Hunter Palmer 43 6 Midwest Giants 8/28/2021
48 9 KC Diamond Dawgs(Orange) 8/29/2021
Total 91 15
5 Brett Swanson 35 9 Building Champions - Peyton 8/28/2021
8 3 Black Dragons 8/29/2021
Total 43 12