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Schedule has been posted!

WALKER STADIUM ADDRESS UPDATE:  You can also use 112 Vaiden St SW, Lenoir, NC for your GPS!

Format: 12 Teams, All teams receive 3 random match-up pool play games.  After Pool Play is complete, the top 4 seeds advance to the playoff bracket.

**Merchandise will be available at Walker Stadium ONLY!!

Coolers will be allowed at locations!!

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Schedule/Scores Event Info   Pool Standings
All Tournament Team
Asheville Braves 15U40Brice Anders
5 Star Carolina 16u66Dylan Arment
RBI Prime 16u36Jacob Balsley
16U Copperheads8Noah Barozzino
SBA Canes 2020 Blue2Andrei Beal
TPA Healey 15U14Gabriel Brewington
NCDB Rivercats25Zach Brittain
TPA Healey 15U13Kaden Brown
Disrupterz2Michael Buenau
5 Star Carolina 16u6Trey Carter
Carolina Vipers 202017Cameron Church
RBI Prime 16u5Jared Coffey
16U Copperheads28Nicolas Curtis
5 Star Carolina 16u31Jacob Dacosta
Carolina Vipers 202016Carson Davis
SBA Canes 2020 Blue16Siddhant Doshi
RBI Prime 16u22Matt Eubanks
5 Star Carolina 16u68Jackson Finger
SBA Canes 2020 Blue17Logan Fisher
Mid Maryland United Baseball33Thomas Fogle
Mid Maryland United Baseball2Michael Fottas
16U Copperheads23Kannon Frady
NCDB Rivercats3Ryan Gallagher
5 Star Carolina 16u10Archie Dean Herring
SBA Canes 2020 Blue23Nick Koenig
TPA Healey 15U19Sam Kulasingam
NCDB Rivercats10Parker Laplant
RBI Prime 16u35Brandon Lejeune
5 Star Carolina 16u9Michael Maroney
Mid Maryland United Baseball27Peyton Mason
TPA Healey 15U70Ian Miller
Disrupterz4Lucas Olsen
Clippers39Xavier Ortega
RBI Prime 16u7Elijah Patterson
TPA Healey 15U49Ben Peterson
RBI Prime 16u10Nick Pettit
EvoShield Canes North Atlantic7Michael Rauso
EvoShield Canes North Atlantic27Ryan Rozinski
Asheville Braves 15U7Derrick Sage
Disrupterz24Jordan Santos
Mid Maryland United Baseball18Bryce Shaffer
SBA Canes 2020 Blue9Chad Sikes
RBI Prime 16u9Marshall Smith
TPA Healey 15U31Case Stroup
16U Copperheads24Jayson Szot
SBA Canes 2020 Blue24Jordan Thalacker
Asheville Braves 15U45Nathaniel Toney
TPA Healey 15U21Richie Van Tassel
Clippers14Dj Ward
EvoShield Canes North Atlantic66Kyle Whitaker
NCDB Rivercats11Isaac Williams
NCDB Rivercats4Dalton Wood