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All games being played on turf.  Per Seminole County: No metal spikes. Molded cleats or turfs allowed only.  No sunflower seeds, gum, or music is permitted at the complex.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Blue Collar Dawgs - 13u
25 Landon Clapper 21 3 Cf Studs 6/11/2023
46 6 SBA Florida Gold 13U 6/11/2023
Total 67 9
72 11 Florida Dodgers Scout Team - Lawrence 6/13/2023
Total 139 20
34 Jack Colavecchio 66 12 SBA Florida Gold 13U 6/13/2023
9 Donald Hodges 59 9 Cf Studs 6/11/2023
29 6 Raptors Baseball 6/12/2023
Total 88 15
5 Matthew Houdtzagers 32 9 Cf Studs 6/11/2023
18 5 SBA Florida Gold 13U 6/13/2023
Total 50 14
23 6 Florida Dodgers Scout Team - Lawrence 6/13/2023
Total 73 20
4 Liam Littrell 67 11 Raptors Baseball 6/12/2023
3 Ethan Miller 63 9 Raptors Baseball 6/9/2023
36 9 Cowboys 13u 6/12/2023
Total 99 18
11 Ethan Quill 74 12 Cf Studs 6/9/2023
10 0 Raptors Baseball 6/12/2023
Total 84 12
77 Brady Schroeder 15 3 SBA Florida Gold 13U 6/11/2023
36 1 Florida Dodgers Scout Team - Lawrence 6/13/2023
Total 51 4
29 Jonathan Slack 16 3 Cf Studs 6/9/2023
96 21 Chargers 6/10/2023
Total 112 24
7 Cam Taylor 42 9 Raptors Baseball 6/9/2023
45 9 SBA Florida Gold 13U 6/10/2023
Total 87 18
44 Robert Welker 34 3 Cf Studs 6/9/2023
64 12 Cowboys 13u 6/12/2023
Total 98 15
24 Karson Williams 45 9 SBA Florida Gold 13U 6/10/2023
35 6 SBA Florida Gold 13U 6/11/2023
Total 80 15
20 1 SBA Florida Gold 13U 6/13/2023
Total 100 16
Cf Studs
44 Yariel Bello 32 6 Blue Collar Dawgs - 13u 6/9/2023
16 2 Blue Collar Dawgs - 13u 6/11/2023
Total 48 8
29 5 Chargers 6/12/2023
Total 77 13
20 Dontez Culley 14 2 SBA Florida Gold 13U 6/10/2023
17 Samson Fantauzzi 35 6 Cowboys 13u 6/10/2023
30 Noah Hale 42 3 Florida Dodgers Scout Team - Lawrence 6/9/2023
11 Jack Hillary 18 5 Cowboys 13u 6/10/2023
22 4 Blue Collar Dawgs - 13u 6/11/2023
Total 40 9
2 Kaiden Lewis 52 9 Chargers 6/12/2023
27 Joel McDonald 24 1 SBA Florida Gold 13U 6/10/2023
65 11 Blue Collar Dawgs - 13u 6/11/2023
Total 89 12
80 Adler Meredith 52 8 Blue Collar Dawgs - 13u 6/9/2023
44 8 SBA Florida Gold 13U 6/10/2023
Total 96 16
16 Cris Munoz 14 1 Blue Collar Dawgs - 13u 6/9/2023
15 3 Cowboys 13u 6/10/2023
Total 29 4
38 4 Chargers 6/12/2023
Total 67 8
8 Landon Novashinski 17 3 Florida Dodgers Scout Team - Lawrence 6/9/2023
26 1 Cowboys 13u 6/10/2023
Total 43 4
13 Joseph Santana 32 1 SBA Florida Gold 13U 6/10/2023
22 Anthony Scalice 65 9 Florida Dodgers Scout Team - Lawrence 6/9/2023
99 James Adams 37 4 Cowboys 13u 6/9/2023
88 17 Cf Studs 6/12/2023
Total 125 21
32 Devin Brashear 35 3 Blue Collar Dawgs - 13u 6/10/2023
82 8 Raptors Baseball 6/12/2023
Total 117 11
3 Lucas Caro 37 3 Florida Dodgers Scout Team - Lawrence 6/10/2023
21 3 Raptors Baseball 6/12/2023
Total 58 6
10 Maddox Farina 49 9 Raptors Baseball 6/9/2023
50 4 SBA Florida Gold 13U 6/11/2023
Total 99 13
38 4 Raptors Baseball 6/12/2023
Total 137 17
2 Michael Fernandez 83 9 Florida Dodgers Scout Team - Lawrence 6/10/2023
35 Conner Howell 26 3 Blue Collar Dawgs - 13u 6/10/2023
18 Chace Merritt 39 9 Blue Collar Dawgs - 13u 6/10/2023
13 Chase Mosedale 8 2 Raptors Baseball 6/9/2023
31 6 Cowboys 13u 6/9/2023
Total 39 8
6 Travis Rozier 31 6 Blue Collar Dawgs - 13u 6/10/2023
8 Bryson Taylor 51 7 Raptors Baseball 6/9/2023
82 11 SBA Florida Gold 13U 6/11/2023
Total 133 18
12 Jackson Vick 43 5 Cowboys 13u 6/9/2023
7 0 Florida Dodgers Scout Team - Lawrence 6/10/2023
Total 50 5
10 1 Cf Studs 6/12/2023
Total 60 6
Cowboys 13u
88 Daniel Diaz 5 2 Raptors Baseball 6/10/2023
24 Reece Leyden 40 9 SBA Florida Gold 13U 6/9/2023
49 9 Blue Collar Dawgs - 13u 6/12/2023
Total 89 18
8 Ryan Lowe 26 1 Chargers 6/9/2023
2 Jake Nadler 46 6 SBA Florida Gold 13U 6/9/2023
56 9 Raptors Baseball 6/11/2023
Total 102 15
4 Trae Neymour 74 5 Raptors Baseball 6/10/2023
3 Ashton Pardo 54 8 Chargers 6/9/2023
9 1 Blue Collar Dawgs - 13u 6/12/2023
Total 63 9
19 Colton Pollard 43 6 Cf Studs 6/10/2023
38 8 Raptors Baseball 6/10/2023
Total 81 14
16 Luka Sarmiento 39 3 Chargers 6/9/2023
0 0 Cf Studs 6/10/2023
Total 39 3
56 9 Raptors Baseball 6/11/2023
Total 95 12
26 Dylan Stadlen 54 8 Cf Studs 6/10/2023
38 9 Blue Collar Dawgs - 13u 6/12/2023
Total 92 17
27 Erik Ugalde 33 1 Chargers 6/9/2023
Florida Dodgers Scout Team - Lawrence
12 Preston Anderson 16 3 Cf Studs 6/9/2023
12 3 Raptors Baseball 6/11/2023
Total 28 6
44 Connor McKenzie 15 0 Chargers 6/10/2023
21 Ben Nieves 21 3 Cf Studs 6/9/2023
23 Alex Paulk 59 8 Chargers 6/10/2023
10 3 Blue Collar Dawgs - 13u 6/13/2023
Total 69 11
9 Max Pratchard 67 9 SBA Florida Gold 13U 6/9/2023
33 9 Raptors Baseball 6/11/2023
Total 100 18
29 3 Blue Collar Dawgs - 13u 6/13/2023
Total 129 21
25 Ryan Rhoden 38 9 Cf Studs 6/9/2023
88 20 SBA Florida Gold 13U 6/12/2023
Total 126 29
13 Hudson Ridings 53 15 Raptors Baseball 6/10/2023
83 14 Blue Collar Dawgs - 13u 6/13/2023
Total 136 29
99 Dane Todhunter 17 0 Cf Studs 6/9/2023
39 6 SBA Florida Gold 13U 6/9/2023
Total 56 6
36 7 Chargers 6/10/2023
Total 92 13
Raptors Baseball
Kai Cabal 39 4 Florida Dodgers Scout Team - Lawrence 6/10/2023
17 3 Chargers 6/12/2023
Total 56 7
Carmelo Garcia 69 6 Florida Dodgers Scout Team - Lawrence 6/10/2023
44 5 Cowboys 13u 6/10/2023
Total 113 11
Luca Giampapa 52 8 Blue Collar Dawgs - 13u 6/9/2023
45 8 Cowboys 13u 6/11/2023
Total 97 16
Ari Hernandez 31 5 Florida Dodgers Scout Team - Lawrence 6/10/2023
48 7 Florida Dodgers Scout Team - Lawrence 6/11/2023
Total 79 12
Niran Jeter 44 3 Chargers 6/9/2023
12 Levi Knight 45 5 Blue Collar Dawgs - 13u 6/9/2023
34 1 Cowboys 13u 6/11/2023
Total 79 6
13 3 Chargers 6/12/2023
Total 92 9
Matthew Kurz 12 0 Chargers 6/12/2023
Colby Lohman 17 1 Blue Collar Dawgs - 13u 6/9/2023
30 6 Chargers 6/9/2023
Total 47 7
41 9 Cowboys 13u 6/11/2023
Total 88 16
36 6 Blue Collar Dawgs - 13u 6/12/2023
Total 124 22
Cameron Maiorano 45 9 Chargers 6/12/2023
10 Wyatt Mander 45 8 Cowboys 13u 6/10/2023
Owen Perry 20 6 Chargers 6/9/2023
37 2 Florida Dodgers Scout Team - Lawrence 6/11/2023
Total 57 8
69 7 Blue Collar Dawgs - 13u 6/12/2023
Total 126 15
Joe Watson IV 27 3 Cowboys 13u 6/10/2023
SBA Florida Gold 13U
88 Aldahir Barroso 38 5 Cf Studs 6/10/2023
26 5 Chargers 6/11/2023
Total 64 10
22 Jordan Batista 45 9 Blue Collar Dawgs - 13u 6/10/2023
48 Jesse Decter 72 8 Chargers 6/11/2023
17 Ignacio Fontanez 32 4 Florida Dodgers Scout Team - Lawrence 6/9/2023
23 Josue Medina 75 12 Cowboys 13u 6/9/2023
48 7 Blue Collar Dawgs - 13u 6/13/2023
Total 123 19
85 Mathias Perozo 67 13 Florida Dodgers Scout Team - Lawrence 6/12/2023
44 Brian Rodriguez 56 9 Blue Collar Dawgs - 13u 6/10/2023
2 Leonardo Rojas 20 2 Cowboys 13u 6/9/2023
27 2 Cf Studs 6/10/2023
Total 47 4
34 Rocco Rosales 29 3 Florida Dodgers Scout Team - Lawrence 6/9/2023
26 Genaro Santana 13 0 Florida Dodgers Scout Team - Lawrence 6/9/2023
12 3 Blue Collar Dawgs - 13u 6/11/2023
Total 25 3
46 7 Blue Collar Dawgs - 13u 6/13/2023
Total 71 10
7 Jose Scrofani 41 7 Florida Dodgers Scout Team - Lawrence 6/9/2023
24 Aedan Tompkins 5 1 Cf Studs 6/10/2023
73 12 Blue Collar Dawgs - 13u 6/11/2023
Total 78 13
42 Miles Wolf 45 7 Cf Studs 6/10/2023
19 6 Florida Dodgers Scout Team - Lawrence 6/12/2023
Total 64 13
20 0 Blue Collar Dawgs - 13u 6/13/2023
Total 84 13