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All remaining pool play games and championship games will stay 6 innings/1:45 time limit. All other games will be shortened to 5 innings/1:30 time limit.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Central Florida Bad Boyz
24 Jose Yamil Guevara 17 1 Zt Elite Florida 11u 5/21/2022
7 Luis Hernandez 42 12 Scorpions Purple 11u 5/22/2022
34 Lucas Howell 64 9 Florida Flex 5/21/2022
9 Jayden Perez 16 3 Zt Elite Florida 11u 5/21/2022
34 5 South Georgia Gnats 5/22/2022
Total 50 8
10 Leonardo Polo Arteaga 24 3 Zt Elite Florida 11u 5/21/2022
15 Isaac Prevost 50 8 Zt Elite Florida 11u 5/21/2022
50 8 Scorpions Purple 11u 5/22/2022
Total 100 16
1 Phoenix Thomas 14 3 Florida Flex 5/21/2022
33 5 South Georgia Gnats 5/22/2022
Total 47 8
Deland Suns
16 Brendan Bosley 53 8 Rh Tide 11u 5/21/2022
10 Steven Dennard 36 1 Scorpions Purple 11u 5/22/2022
Landon Hallam 24 6 Scorpions Purple 11u 5/22/2022
2 Daniel Lucas 31 4 Rh Tide 11u 5/21/2022
27 Anthem Maxwell 30 4 Scorpions Purple 11u 5/22/2022
62 8 South Georgia Gnats 5/22/2022
Total 92 12
3 Westin Snow 19 2 Scorpions Purple 11u 5/22/2022
20 1 South Georgia Gnats 5/22/2022
Total 39 3
25 Hayden Worden 10 3 Rh Tide 11u 5/21/2022
Dme Academy 11u
Andrew Alexander 45 12 Rba Jets 5/21/2022
44 10 South Georgia Gnats 5/22/2022
Total 89 22
Justin Caraballo 32 3 Eagle Eyez Baseball 5/22/2022
12 2 South Georgia Gnats 5/22/2022
Total 44 5
Denver Johnson 41 9 Red Raiders Red 5/21/2022
5 Zachary Kilian 57 9 Red Raiders Red 5/21/2022
23 6 Eagle Eyez Baseball 5/22/2022
Total 80 15
Kyle Lancing 85 12 Ormond Beach Golden Spikes 5/22/2022
76 Liam Morrisey 38 6 Eagle Eyez Baseball 5/22/2022
17 2 Ormond Beach Golden Spikes 5/22/2022
Total 55 8
Eagle Eyez Baseball
34 Braylon Disla 11 3 Ormond Beach Golden Spikes 5/21/2022
14 3 Scorpions Black 11u 5/21/2022
Total 25 6
27 Archer Ellis 38 8 Ormond Beach Golden Spikes 5/21/2022
58 9 Dme Academy 11u 5/22/2022
Total 96 17
2 Sawyer Goodwin 13 3 Ormond Beach Golden Spikes 5/21/2022
19 6 Dme Academy 11u 5/22/2022
Total 32 9
10 Reshard Jones Jr. 26 4 Ormond Beach Golden Spikes 5/21/2022
24 Grant Macy 39 9 Scorpions Black 11u 5/21/2022
Florida Flex
9 Andre Clinton 8 1 Central Florida Bad Boyz 5/21/2022
22 Brandon Cooley 65 6 Central Florida Bad Boyz 5/21/2022
0 0 Rba Jets 5/22/2022
Total 65 6
Landon Davis 42 7 Zt Elite Florida 11u 5/21/2022
2 1 Zt Elite Florida 11u 5/22/2022
Total 44 8
99 Drayden Flowers 10 2 Zt Elite Florida 11u 5/21/2022
77 14 Rba Jets 5/22/2022
Total 87 16
16 Cash Kelley 34 8 Zt Elite Florida 11u 5/21/2022
6 1 Rba Jets 5/22/2022
Total 40 9
3 Willie Pilcher 68 9 Zt Elite Florida 11u 5/22/2022
7 Cody Root 49 5 Central Florida Bad Boyz 5/21/2022
37 2 Zt Elite Florida 11u 5/22/2022
Total 86 7
6 Knox Thomas 0 0 Rba Jets 5/22/2022
Florida Flex Gold
21 Zaid Basco 74 11 Scorpions Black 11u 5/22/2022
20 Luke Cheshire 35 6 South Georgia Gnats 5/21/2022
54 6 Zt Elite Florida 11u 5/22/2022
Total 89 12
4 Hunter Duncan 81 12 Red Raiders Red 5/21/2022
0 Logan Grzyb 37 6 South Georgia Gnats 5/21/2022
11 Colby Liedel 10 3 Red Raiders Red 5/21/2022
13 Caleb Moore 44 3 South Georgia Gnats 5/21/2022
26 0 Red Raiders Red 5/21/2022
Total 70 3
7 0 Zt Elite Florida 11u 5/22/2022
Total 77 3
Ormond Beach Golden Spikes
10 Max Baird 60 7 Red Raiders Red 5/22/2022
99 Richard Bennett Iii 50 9 Eagle Eyez Baseball 5/21/2022
38 5 Dme Academy 11u 5/22/2022
Total 88 14
18 Chase Bowman 31 5 Dme Academy 11u 5/22/2022
32 5 Red Raiders Red 5/22/2022
Total 63 10
12 Baron Brownlee 31 3 Scorpions Black 11u 5/21/2022
8 Cameron Cope 42 8 Scorpions Black 11u 5/21/2022
23 Jordan Eure 57 5 Eagle Eyez Baseball 5/21/2022
29 4 Dme Academy 11u 5/22/2022
Total 86 9
Rba Jets
89 Roman Brown 45 9 Dme Academy 11u 5/21/2022
3 Ja'Mere Frymire 11 3 Dme Academy 11u 5/21/2022
18 1 Rh Tide 11u 5/22/2022
Total 29 4
1 Zion Jones 26 4 Rh Tide 11u 5/22/2022
22 Beckett Lourenco 12 3 South Georgia Gnats 5/21/2022
43 6 Florida Flex 5/22/2022
Total 55 9
23 Corey Manns Jr 46 6 South Georgia Gnats 5/21/2022
33 7 Rh Tide 11u 5/22/2022
Total 79 13
2 Jaxson Russo 24 6 Florida Flex 5/22/2022
Red Raiders Red
9 Owen Geluso 3 1 Dme Academy 11u 5/21/2022
24 Eddie Neilson 69 16 Dme Academy 11u 5/21/2022
65 8 Ormond Beach Golden Spikes 5/22/2022
Total 134 24
21 Kamaehu Pescaia 18 6 Ormond Beach Golden Spikes 5/22/2022
12 Mason Shetrone 94 17 Florida Flex Gold 5/21/2022
Rh Tide 11u
7 Ian Buchanan 38 6 Rba Jets 5/22/2022
30 3 Scorpions Purple 11u 5/22/2022
Total 68 9
9 Trent Dieterich 39 3 Rba Jets 5/22/2022
22 Logan Frye 47 6 Deland Suns 5/21/2022
4 Cody Montano 32 1 Deland Suns 5/21/2022
7 3 Rba Jets 5/22/2022
Total 39 4
34 Carson Stone 42 8 Deland Suns 5/21/2022
16 3 Scorpions Purple 11u 5/22/2022
Total 58 11
12 Gage Witham 53 6 Scorpions Purple 11u 5/22/2022
Scorpions Black 11u
8 Tyce Bahnsen 21 2 Florida Flex Gold 5/22/2022
29 Emmett Bonk 36 4 Ormond Beach Golden Spikes 5/21/2022
23 Memphis Powers 23 4 Florida Flex Gold 5/22/2022
18 Kaden Ruhl 31 3 Florida Flex Gold 5/22/2022
11 Landry Smith 9 2 Eagle Eyez Baseball 5/21/2022
4 0 Florida Flex Gold 5/22/2022
Total 13 2
24 Hudson Stanton 56 5 Ormond Beach Golden Spikes 5/21/2022
22 Isaiah Witherspoon 71 10 Eagle Eyez Baseball 5/21/2022
Scorpions Purple 11u
4 Luca Fix 78 12 Rh Tide 11u 5/22/2022
20 Parker Hodgins 16 3 Rh Tide 11u 5/22/2022
17 1 Central Florida Bad Boyz 5/22/2022
Total 33 4
2 Jace Kennedy 84 15 Central Florida Bad Boyz 5/22/2022
24 Logan Lopez 53 12 Deland Suns 5/22/2022
South Georgia Gnats
11 Carter Hancock 28 6 Rba Jets 5/21/2022
68 10 Central Florida Bad Boyz 5/22/2022
Total 96 16
15 Colton Jordan 18 3 Rba Jets 5/21/2022
45 12 Deland Suns 5/22/2022
Total 63 15
9 Will McLean 35 3 Rba Jets 5/21/2022
15 2 Central Florida Bad Boyz 5/22/2022
Total 50 5
16 Easton O'Quinn 81 18 Dme Academy 11u 5/22/2022
1 Jack Pridgen 59 13 Florida Flex Gold 5/21/2022
19 Jase Williams 21 2 Florida Flex Gold 5/21/2022
Zt Elite Florida 11u
Juan Duque Crespo 79 9 Central Florida Bad Boyz 5/21/2022
11 Shiloh Gallimore 54 12 Florida Flex 5/21/2022
8 Tyler Heine 43 5 Florida Flex 5/21/2022
Massimo Mena 26 3 Central Florida Bad Boyz 5/21/2022
10 Wyatt Sheppard 40 9 Florida Flex Gold 5/22/2022
Zeke Varela 51 12 Florida Flex 5/22/2022