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Rules Amendment for this Tournament.
Mercy run rules for this event
9U – 12U – 15 run rule after 3 innings, 8 run rule after 4 innings.
13U – 14U – 15 Run rule after 3 innings, 12 Run Rule after 4 innings, 8 After 5 innings

13U OPEN & 13U AA

14U AA  - 14U OPEN 

Game time limits
Pool Play
9U-12U is 6 innings with no new inning after 1 hour 45 minutes (whichever comes first).
13U thru 14U will play 7 innings with no new inning after 2 hours (whichever comes first).

9U-12U is 6 innings with no new inning after 1 hour 45 minutes (whichever comes first).
13U thru 14U will play 7 innings with no new inning after 2 hours (whichever comes first).
Tie Breaker after innings have are reached. Last 3 outs go on base , continue line up with 1 out.

Championship Games are no Time Limit if time allows.
9U-12U is 6 innings. 
13U thru 14U is 7 innings.

Extra Innings
9U-12U After 6th inning has been completed. Follow Vegas Tie breaker rules.
13U-14U: Championship games will be played with regular extra innings through the 9th inning. Starting in the 10th inning the last three hitters from the previous inning will load the bases with 1 out.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Arizona Monsoon Baseball
25 Ohaness Abramian 44 4 Batrs 14u Black 4/15/2022
1 Ethan Carmona 21 7 Canes West LV 4/14/2022
22 9 Utah Sox 4/15/2022
Total 43 16
13 Alek Leyva 88 12 Utah Sox 4/15/2022
33 Alexandre Martinez 43 5 Batrs 14u Black 4/15/2022
23 Anthony Milo 54 7 Canes West LV 4/14/2022
8 Vincent Milo 57 6 Gbg Pono Hawaii 4/14/2022
4 Joey Pallone 25 3 Gbg Pono Hawaii 4/14/2022
7 Mateo Sbarra 32 6 Gbg Pono Hawaii 4/14/2022
15 3 Canes West LV 4/14/2022
Total 47 9
Batrs 14u Black
21 Patrick Arranaga 89 13 Cali National Baseball Academy 4/14/2022
1 J. Beckett Berg 36 9 Pfa Gold 4/14/2022
41 12 Arizona Monsoon Baseball 4/15/2022
Total 77 21
22 Kyle Casey 30 9 Pfa Gold 4/14/2022
47 9 Usa Prime 14u National 4/15/2022
Total 77 18
34 Julian Diaz-Jones 45 3 Usa Prime 14u National 4/15/2022
2 Jacob Madrid 14 3 Pfa Gold 4/14/2022
20 3 Usa Prime 14u National 4/15/2022
Total 34 6
27 Osvaldo Nunez 35 4 Cali National Baseball Academy 4/14/2022
Braves National Team
0 Rock Akahi 16 3 One National 2026 4/16/2022
Luca Candella 53 9 Factory Baseball Academy 4/14/2022
9 3 Cba Las Vegas 4/14/2022
Total 62 12
0 0 One National 2026 4/16/2022
Total 62 12
17 Nicholas Chavez 43 9 GBG Vegas 14u Red 4/15/2022
33 5 One National 2026 4/16/2022
Total 76 14
34 Jose Fernando Estrella Garcia 48 8 Cba Las Vegas 4/14/2022
21 Julian Garcia 0 0 Cba Las Vegas 4/14/2022
41 9 Factory Baseball Academy 4/14/2022
Total 41 9
31 4 One National 2026 4/16/2022
Total 72 13
11 Gabriel Guerrero 37 5 GBG Vegas 14u Red 4/15/2022
43 Diego Abdiel Gutierrez 0 0 One National 2026 4/16/2022
Brody James 49 9 Pfa Gold 4/15/2022
17 3 One National 2026 4/16/2022
Total 66 12
32 Verulo Leon 36 9 Cba Las Vegas 4/14/2022
10 0 One National 2026 4/16/2022
Total 46 9
Henry Leslie 34 3 One National 2026 4/16/2022
Jonathan Matos 28 6 Pfa Gold 4/15/2022
Luis Mejia 0 0 Cba Las Vegas 4/14/2022
Liwandry Mejias 11 0 GBG Vegas 14u Red 4/15/2022
79 Brody Valle 17 3 Factory Baseball Academy 4/14/2022
Cali National Baseball Academy
Corwin Allard 81 11 Usa Prime 14u National 4/15/2022
Otis Boultinghouse 17 2 Nationals 4/14/2022
Steven Duran 27 1 Nationals 4/14/2022
13 Lorenzo Favela 69 15 Cba Las Vegas 4/15/2022
Grady Jackson 80 18 Batrs 14u Black 4/14/2022
34 Dylan Keliiholokai 39 5 Nationals 4/14/2022
11 William Morales 32 6 Nationals 4/14/2022
20 Keyan Park 38 10 Usa Prime 14u National 4/15/2022
Wylan Rottschafer 4 1 Nationals 4/14/2022
California Canes
22 Daniel Aceves 46 13 Mba 2026 4/15/2022
13 Alec Fontyn 11 2 Mba 2026 4/15/2022
27 Cody Gallegos 94 18 Lumberkings 4/14/2022
54 Shane Katz 13 3 Scottsdale Dirtbags 2026 - Long 4/14/2022
57 11 Mba Nevada 4/15/2022
Total 70 14
4 Jack Laubacher 45 9 Scottsdale Dirtbags 2026 - Long 4/14/2022
56 9 TB SOCAL 2026 Navy 4/16/2022
Total 101 18
35 Aj Mai 0 0 Mba 2026 4/15/2022
12 0 TB SOCAL 2026 Navy 4/16/2022
Total 12 0
7 Alex Martinez 37 9 Scottsdale Dirtbags 2026 - Long 4/14/2022
39 1 TB SOCAL 2026 Navy 4/16/2022
Total 76 10
22 Carson Sheffer 15 3 Lumberkings 4/14/2022
Canes West LV
22 Kane Barber 39 9 Arizona Monsoon Baseball 4/14/2022
5 Colton Christman 96 13 Next Level Baseball 2026 4/15/2022
99999 Sean Downs 30 7 No Limit NorCal Elite 4/15/2022
0 Manulua Mann 43 7 Next Level Baseball 2026 4/15/2022
9 Jonathan Ramos 45 9 Utah Sox 4/14/2022
23 Noah Ramos 34 9 Arizona Monsoon Baseball 4/14/2022
41 Noah Salts 12 3 Arizona Monsoon Baseball 4/14/2022
99 Brady Skinner 44 6 No Limit NorCal Elite 4/15/2022
99999 Cayde Stajcar 47 6 Utah Sox 4/14/2022
37 2 No Limit NorCal Elite 4/15/2022
Total 84 8
Cba Las Vegas
Elijah Bustillos 5 1 Braves National Team 4/14/2022
0 0 Cali National Baseball Academy 4/15/2022
Total 5 1
Carson Lockman 34 4 Cali National Baseball Academy 4/15/2022
21 Jayzic Matos 85 12 Braves National Team 4/14/2022
Alvaro Moreno Jr 18 3 Braves National Team 4/14/2022
25 2 Cali National Baseball Academy 4/15/2022
Total 43 5
41 Manolo Ordonez 20 4 Braves National Team 4/14/2022
40 5 Factory Baseball Academy 4/14/2022
Total 60 9
34 Lucas Pettingill 21 3 Cali National Baseball Academy 4/15/2022
5 Daniel Ruiz 58 9 Factory Baseball Academy 4/14/2022
24 Ethan Shultz 15 2 Gbg Pono Hawaii 4/15/2022
29 5 Cali National Baseball Academy 4/15/2022
Total 44 7
3 Mickey Smith 65 12 Gbg Pono Hawaii 4/15/2022
Factory Baseball Academy
Darius Bautista 60 4 Mba 2026 4/15/2022
Joshua Gomez 47 6 Braves National Team 4/14/2022
Aelias Guerrero 14 3 Braves National Team 4/14/2022
20 6 Cba Las Vegas 4/14/2022
Total 34 9
32 5 Mba Nevada 4/15/2022
Total 66 14
2 Xavier Perez 45 8 Cba Las Vegas 4/14/2022
33 4 Mba 2026 4/15/2022
Total 78 12
7 Dominic Quintero 49 4 Cba Las Vegas 4/14/2022
22 Sebastian Ramirez 22 2 Mba 2026 4/15/2022
52 Jordan Smith 58 8 Braves National Team 4/14/2022
41 5 Mba 2026 4/15/2022
Total 99 13
Kayden Thai 84 13 Mba Nevada 4/15/2022
Gbg Pono Hawaii
1 Alika Ahu 14 3 Arizona Monsoon Baseball 4/14/2022
78 12 Cba Las Vegas 4/15/2022
Total 92 15
14 Baren Banis 9 3 Cba Las Vegas 4/15/2022
27 Espn Bennett 32 3 Arizona Monsoon Baseball 4/14/2022
32 John Dolan 51 9 TB SOCAL 2026 Navy 4/14/2022
48 6 Zt Prospects National 4/15/2022
Total 99 15
5 Zaeyne Kahana 30 3 TB SOCAL 2026 Navy 4/14/2022
24 Carter Macanas 49 8 Arizona Monsoon Baseball 4/14/2022
22 Charlie Ushijima 42 9 TB SOCAL 2026 Navy 4/14/2022
51 6 Zt Prospects National 4/15/2022
Total 93 15
GBG Vegas 14u Red
99 Nicholas Collingbourne 10 3 UCBA Barons 4/14/2022
4 1 Pfa Gold 4/15/2022
Total 14 4
7 1 Braves National Team 4/15/2022
Total 21 5
23 Macen Collura 92 16 Usa Prime 14u National 4/16/2022
34 Giovanni Guariglia Jr 76 17 Mvp Hustle Bryant 14u 4/14/2022
0 0 Pfa Gold 4/15/2022
Total 76 17
1 Justin Romero 23 4 Usa Prime 14u National 4/16/2022
34 Giovanni Telfer 87 15 UCBA Barons 4/14/2022
11 Deleon Thomas Jr. 80 14 Braves National Team 4/15/2022
Jake Turner 96 17 Pfa Gold 4/15/2022
Longball Academy
22 Anthony Castro 66 15 Rawlings Tigers 14U - Black 4/15/2022
5 Omar Gutierrez 70 12 MVP Hustle 14U Black 4/14/2022
13 Orlando Gutierrez 59 12 Overfly AZ 2026 4/14/2022
99 Justin Kim 30 6 Overfly AZ 2026 4/14/2022
24 Lucas Markand 61 5 MVP Hustle 14U Black 4/14/2022
7 Quentin (Q) McGahan 22 3 Scottsdale Dirtbags 2026 - Long 4/15/2022
15 Robby Morgan 29 6 Rawlings Tigers 14U - Black 4/15/2022
1 Brandon Santiso 79 12 Scottsdale Dirtbags 2026 - Long 4/15/2022
19 Isaac Anderson 61 14 Scottsdale Dirtbags 2026 - Long 4/14/2022
8 Bowen (Bo) Barnes 10 2 California Canes 4/14/2022
21 6 TB SOCAL 2026 Navy 4/15/2022
Total 31 8
16 Beckham Lindsey 23 5 MVP Hustle 14U Black 4/15/2022
2 Nolan Pezely 47 3 MVP Hustle 14U Black 4/15/2022
1 Cayman Sanchez 41 4 California Canes 4/14/2022
33 9 MVP Hustle 14U Black 4/15/2022
Total 74 13
34 Ayden Thurgood 73 12 TB SOCAL 2026 Navy 4/15/2022
5 Kaleb Weaver 59 12 California Canes 4/14/2022
11 Conner Weese 41 6 Scottsdale Dirtbags 2026 - Long 4/14/2022
Mba 2026
Jobie Brady 55 8 Factory Baseball Academy 4/15/2022
26 Landon Fry 55 9 California Canes 4/15/2022
22 Joey Heuser 54 9 SAN DIEGO SHOW BLACK 4/14/2022
2 Nathan Horstmann 17 2 ZT Prospects Elite 4/14/2022
3 Fabio Irissont 14 1 SAN DIEGO SHOW BLACK 4/14/2022
20 Bauer Jacobs 63 12 ZT Prospects Elite 4/14/2022
44 Lange Livonius 70 12 California Canes 4/15/2022
8 Titan Mozingo 33 2 SAN DIEGO SHOW BLACK 4/14/2022
27 Nash Williams 15 3 ZT Prospects Elite 4/14/2022
53 6 Factory Baseball Academy 4/15/2022
Total 68 9
Mba Nevada
24 Brandon Callahan 44 6 One National 2026 4/14/2022
34 6 California Canes 4/15/2022
Total 78 12
17 Gavin Christensen 39 3 Usa Prime 14u National 4/14/2022
21 3 Factory Baseball Academy 4/15/2022
Total 60 6
10 Brody Griffith 67 15 Factory Baseball Academy 4/15/2022
44 Eann Heredia 16 3 Usa Prime 14u National 4/14/2022
12 Braylon Kolish 32 2 California Canes 4/15/2022
55 Jet McNelis 28 3 Usa Prime 14u National 4/14/2022
6 Elias Montiel 32 3 One National 2026 4/14/2022
2 Cayden Ramirez 79 7 One National 2026 4/14/2022
13 3 Factory Baseball Academy 4/15/2022
Total 92 10
MVP Hustle 14U Black
1 Joshua Adams 36 5 SAN DIEGO SHOW BLACK 4/15/2022
23 2 Usa Prime 14u National 4/16/2022
Total 59 7
27 Bear Calvo 53 9 SAN DIEGO SHOW BLACK 4/15/2022
Austin Gerken 28 1 Overfly AZ 2026 4/14/2022
24 Jaden "Panda" Liu 27 9 Lumberkings 4/15/2022
12 Andrew Lulet 20 6 Lumberkings 4/15/2022
12 1 SAN DIEGO SHOW BLACK 4/15/2022
Total 32 7
Matthew Manzo 29 5 Overfly AZ 2026 4/14/2022
6 Anthony Murphy 20 6 Longball Academy 4/14/2022
17 Adrian Ramirez 55 7 Longball Academy 4/14/2022
4 Easton Shortle 97 14 Usa Prime 14u National 4/16/2022
19 Armando Solorio 26 5 Longball Academy 4/14/2022
0 0 Lumberkings 4/15/2022
Total 26 5
20 2 Usa Prime 14u National 4/16/2022
Total 46 7
3 Cole "CJ" Weinstein 41 9 Overfly AZ 2026 4/14/2022
Mvp Hustle Bryant 14u
Tanner Anderson 18 4 ZT Prospects Elite 4/15/2022
5 Erick Barron 0 0 ZT Prospects Elite 4/15/2022
44 Krystan Bell 8 3 GBG Vegas 14u Red 4/14/2022
26 3 ZT Prospects Elite 4/16/2022
Total 34 6
Dillon Booth 14 1 Nationals 4/15/2022
23 Javion Bryant 9 3 GBG Vegas 14u Red 4/14/2022
99 Javon Bryant 22 2 ZT Prospects Elite 4/15/2022
Lincoln Hamm 72 12 UCBA Barons 4/14/2022
4 0 ZT Prospects Elite 4/15/2022
Total 76 12
10 Richard Martinez 13 3 Nationals 4/15/2022
27 4 ZT Prospects Elite 4/15/2022
Total 40 7
37 6 ZT Prospects Elite 4/16/2022
Total 77 13
Daniel Pina 45 9 GBG Vegas 14u Red 4/14/2022
54 6 ZT Prospects Elite 4/16/2022
Total 99 15
Daniel Reyes 19 3 GBG Vegas 14u Red 4/14/2022
63 14 Nationals 4/15/2022
Total 82 17
Jacob Rodriguez 63 8 ZT Prospects Elite 4/15/2022
Troy Trejo 21 3 UCBA Barons 4/14/2022
3 Brady Bickham 30 4 ZT Prospects Elite 4/15/2022
1 Nelson Whit Davis 16 3 ZT Prospects Elite 4/15/2022
22 Jackson Fetters 28 3 Zt Prospects National 4/14/2022
4 Jacob Fladebo 76 12 Cali National Baseball Academy 4/14/2022
10 Bricen Moore 28 3 Zt Prospects National 4/14/2022
56 Adrian Rodriguez 65 12 Mvp Hustle Bryant 14u 4/15/2022
13 Julian Rodriguez 27 6 Zt Prospects National 4/14/2022
6 Gio Rojas 87 13 ZT Prospects Elite 4/15/2022
30 Isaac Vidal 45 3 Mvp Hustle Bryant 14u 4/15/2022
31 Christopher Wall 11 3 Cali National Baseball Academy 4/14/2022
Next Level Baseball 2026
56 Noe Garcia 33 6 UCBA Barons 4/15/2022
35 Alex Lopez 31 3 TB SOCAL 2026 Navy 4/14/2022
6 Patrick Petrossi 84 21 Canes West LV 4/15/2022
14 Takashi Rutherford 70 15 UCBA Barons 4/15/2022
7 Nyte Teeter 90 21 No Limit NorCal Elite 4/14/2022
16 Adam Whyte 89 16 TB SOCAL 2026 Navy 4/14/2022
No Limit NorCal Elite
42 Ashton Arredondo 29 3 Next Level Baseball 2026 4/14/2022
25 Gino Cappellazzo 66 9 Rawlings Tigers 14U - Black 4/14/2022
Brayden Cristobal 0 0 Next Level Baseball 2026 4/14/2022
33 Noah Everly 68 12 Utah Sox 4/15/2022
26 5 Canes West LV 4/15/2022
Total 94 17
20 Victor Garcia 55 9 Rawlings Tigers 14U - Black 4/14/2022
24 Jason Harris 13 3 Utah Sox 4/15/2022
50 Archer Horn 86 13 Canes West LV 4/15/2022
9 Sammy Kane 73 12 Next Level Baseball 2026 4/14/2022
Anthony Rocco Razzeca 12 3 Next Level Baseball 2026 4/14/2022
One National 2026
21 Diego Armenta 29 3 Usa Prime 14u National 4/14/2022
Benjamin Ball 12 3 Usa Prime 14u National 4/14/2022
30 3 Zt Prospects National 4/16/2022
Total 42 6
3 Ryne Barker 50 9 Mba Nevada 4/14/2022
22 3 Zt Prospects National 4/16/2022
Total 72 12
29 Andruw Giles 32 3 Usa Prime 14u National 4/14/2022
69 10 Braves National Team 4/16/2022
Total 101 13
77 Kobe Gomez 40 9 Mba Nevada 4/14/2022
69 9 Zt Prospects National 4/16/2022
Total 109 18
Logan Johnson 43 9 SC Warriors 4/15/2022
0 0 Braves National Team 4/16/2022
Total 43 9
95 Christopher Moore 16 3 Usa Prime 14u National 4/14/2022
78 12 Tb Socal 2026 4/15/2022
Total 94 15
Bryce Morrison 15 3 Tb Socal 2026 4/15/2022
20 3 Braves National Team 4/16/2022
Total 35 6
54 Grady Pratt 31 6 Usa Prime 14u National 4/14/2022
2 Tait Reynolds 31 6 SC Warriors 4/15/2022
32 3 Braves National Team 4/16/2022
Total 63 9
Overfly AZ 2026
11 Brady Baker 40 5 SAN DIEGO SHOW BLACK 4/15/2022
Nico Lara 36 3 MVP Hustle 14U Black 4/14/2022
Jesus Lopez 0 0 Longball Academy 4/14/2022
33 5 MVP Hustle 14U Black 4/14/2022
Total 33 5
70 11 SAN DIEGO SHOW BLACK 4/15/2022
Total 103 16
0 Aiden Montiel 75 12 Tri-County 14u 4/15/2022
6 Victor valentin Trujillo 89 17 Longball Academy 4/14/2022
32 Brandon Wirtz 19 3 Longball Academy 4/14/2022
37 3 Tri-County 14u 4/15/2022
Total 56 6
7 Jayan Ybarra 38 6 MVP Hustle 14U Black 4/14/2022
Pfa Gold
68 Dominic Celio 7 1 Braves National Team 4/15/2022
18 3 GBG Vegas 14u Red 4/15/2022
Total 25 4
24 Ethan Chavez 8 2 SC Warriors 4/14/2022
21 3 GBG Vegas 14u Red 4/15/2022
Total 29 5
17 Robert Flores 80 17 Batrs 14u Black 4/14/2022
33 Darien Maung 30 8 SC Warriors 4/14/2022
21 3 GBG Vegas 14u Red 4/15/2022
Total 51 11
13 Cole Teague 44 7 SC Warriors 4/14/2022
11 3 Braves National Team 4/15/2022
Total 55 10
36 Caleb Trugman 21 3 SC Warriors 4/14/2022
43 8 Braves National Team 4/15/2022
Total 64 11
26 Andrew Weber 49 9 GBG Vegas 14u Red 4/15/2022
Rawlings Tigers 14U - Black
13 Niko Carpenter 43 7 Utah Sox 4/14/2022
5 Hudson Ciulla 27 5 No Limit NorCal Elite 4/14/2022
28 3 Scottsdale Dirtbags 2026 - Long 4/15/2022
Total 55 8
27 Olvin Espinoza 28 6 No Limit NorCal Elite 4/14/2022
12 2 Scottsdale Dirtbags 2026 - Long 4/15/2022
Total 40 8
77 Jayden Goldman 46 7 No Limit NorCal Elite 4/14/2022
14 2 Longball Academy 4/15/2022
Total 60 9
8 Drake Hall 23 3 Utah Sox 4/14/2022
20 3 Longball Academy 4/15/2022
Total 43 6
1 Hudson Inouye 32 8 Utah Sox 4/14/2022
19 2 Scottsdale Dirtbags 2026 - Long 4/15/2022
Total 51 10
32 Kingston Kost 14 3 Utah Sox 4/14/2022
30 5 Scottsdale Dirtbags 2026 - Long 4/15/2022
Total 44 8
18 Nathan Sarachman 31 6 Longball Academy 4/15/2022
25 Aidan Smith 49 9 Longball Academy 4/15/2022
12 Miles Clark 14 2 Overfly AZ 2026 4/15/2022
13 Sal Gagliano 57 9 Mba 2026 4/14/2022
44 Roman Gustin 39 6 Tb Socal 2026 4/14/2022
17 Dolan Maher 37 4 Overfly AZ 2026 4/15/2022
27 Ethan Martinez 32 7 MVP Hustle 14U Black 4/15/2022
9 Josh Rock 19 3 Mba 2026 4/14/2022
0 0 MVP Hustle 14U Black 4/15/2022
Total 19 3
66 12 Overfly AZ 2026 4/15/2022
Total 85 15
28 Max Snakenborg 44 5 MVP Hustle 14U Black 4/15/2022
7 Colton Walker 39 9 Tb Socal 2026 4/14/2022
SC Warriors
11 Noah Campbell 21 2 Zt Prospects National 4/14/2022
81 12 One National 2026 4/15/2022
Total 102 14
0 Brodie Deal 23 3 Tb Socal 2026 4/15/2022
40 Cael Esplin 38 9 Pfa Gold 4/14/2022
74 9 Tb Socal 2026 4/15/2022
Total 112 18
8 Talan Hansen 91 8 Zt Prospects National 4/14/2022
14 Porter Hutchings 38 3 One National 2026 4/15/2022
3 Cade Litzenberger 16 2 Zt Prospects National 4/14/2022
2 Logan Ross 0 0 Zt Prospects National 4/14/2022
7 Trey Vaughn 69 9 Pfa Gold 4/14/2022
Scottsdale Dirtbags 2026 - Long
11 Zander Bratspis 37 3 Longball Academy 4/15/2022
2 Tyke Daniels 14 3 California Canes 4/14/2022
11 3 Lumberkings 4/14/2022
Total 25 6
25 Cayden Hokanson 51 9 Lumberkings 4/14/2022
5 Devin Long 44 9 California Canes 4/14/2022
21 Max Mangini 58 9 Longball Academy 4/15/2022
8 1 Rawlings Tigers 14U - Black 4/15/2022
Total 66 10
99 Devin Montes 40 8 California Canes 4/14/2022
51 Austin Smith 95 14 Rawlings Tigers 14U - Black 4/15/2022
6 Kale Thorson 48 9 Lumberkings 4/14/2022
Tb Socal 2026
28 Dylan Blinn 64 5 SAN DIEGO SHOW BLACK 4/14/2022
4 Cash Bryant 25 3 One National 2026 4/15/2022
36 11 SC Warriors 4/15/2022
Total 61 14
0 0 Tri-County 14u 4/14/2022
Total 39 6
3 Landon Hovermale 15 4 SC Warriors 4/15/2022
25 Antonio Marquez 96 14 Tri-County 14u 4/14/2022
50 RJ Paddock 27 1 SAN DIEGO SHOW BLACK 4/14/2022
24 Noah Perez 48 6 One National 2026 4/15/2022
27 Owen Smith 9 4 Tri-County 14u 4/14/2022
35 3 One National 2026 4/15/2022
Total 44 7
TB SOCAL 2026 Navy
5 Bobby Brooks 9 3 Tri-County 14u 4/15/2022
51 Kai Carney 88 18 Next Level Baseball 2026 4/14/2022
0 0 Gbg Pono Hawaii 4/14/2022
Total 88 18
0 0 Tri-County 14u 4/15/2022
Total 88 18
23 1 Lumberkings 4/15/2022
Total 111 19
12 Wyatt Clewett 27 6 Tri-County 14u 4/15/2022
7 2 Lumberkings 4/15/2022
Total 34 8
8 3 California Canes 4/16/2022
Total 42 11
2 Nicolas Decorte 30 3 Next Level Baseball 2026 4/14/2022
17 3 Usa Prime 14u National 4/16/2022
Total 47 6
42 Dominic Gutierrez 38 7 Gbg Pono Hawaii 4/14/2022
40 5 Usa Prime 14u National 4/16/2022
Total 78 12
1 Jhett Ohira 28 6 Tri-County 14u 4/15/2022
34 Moises Razo 20 3 Tri-County 14u 4/15/2022
43 9 California Canes 4/16/2022
Total 63 12
38 Brayden Stankus 58 8 Gbg Pono Hawaii 4/14/2022
3 0 Tri-County 14u 4/15/2022
Total 61 8
35 6 Usa Prime 14u National 4/16/2022
Total 96 14
17 Luke Stringer 14 3 Tri-County 14u 4/15/2022
85 18 Lumberkings 4/15/2022
Total 99 21
7 Ryan Ventrelle 14 3 Gbg Pono Hawaii 4/14/2022
Tri-County 14u
5 Jackson Efird 61 9 TB SOCAL 2026 Navy 4/15/2022
4 Austin Finegan 62 9 Tb Socal 2026 4/14/2022
27 6 TB SOCAL 2026 Navy 4/15/2022
Total 89 15
7 Logan Georges 53 6 ZT Prospects Elite 4/14/2022
25 3 Overfly AZ 2026 4/15/2022
Total 78 9
14 Trevor Harper 41 6 ZT Prospects Elite 4/14/2022
1 Adam Plascencia 34 3 Tb Socal 2026 4/14/2022
61 6 Overfly AZ 2026 4/15/2022
Total 95 9
13 Cody Presno 36 9 ZT Prospects Elite 4/14/2022
32 6 Overfly AZ 2026 4/15/2022
Total 68 15
2 Deagan Rose 35 3 Tb Socal 2026 4/14/2022
38 6 TB SOCAL 2026 Navy 4/15/2022
Total 73 9
UCBA Barons
42 Nash Clement 28 6 GBG Vegas 14u Red 4/14/2022
7 Garrett Downing 54 8 Mvp Hustle Bryant 14u 4/14/2022
15 Mason Henry 39 3 GBG Vegas 14u Red 4/14/2022
12 3 Next Level Baseball 2026 4/15/2022
Total 51 6
19 Alexandros Price 76 9 Zt Prospects National 4/15/2022
12 Gabe Robinson 49 7 Next Level Baseball 2026 4/15/2022
23 Kai Wesley 30 6 GBG Vegas 14u Red 4/14/2022
34 6 Next Level Baseball 2026 4/15/2022
Total 64 12
27 Kannon Whiteley 29 5 Next Level Baseball 2026 4/15/2022
8 Cole Ybarra 54 5 Mvp Hustle Bryant 14u 4/14/2022
48 6 Zt Prospects National 4/15/2022
Total 102 11
Usa Prime 14u National
3 Hudson Brzustewicz 40 9 Cali National Baseball Academy 4/15/2022
7 Grady Emerson 17 3 Mba Nevada 4/14/2022
11 2 GBG Vegas 14u Red 4/16/2022
Total 28 5
27 Ryan Harwood 21 4 Cali National Baseball Academy 4/15/2022
32 3 MVP Hustle 14U Black 4/16/2022
Total 53 7
2 Catcher Hopkins 20 5 Batrs 14u Black 4/15/2022
21 4 Zt Prospects National 4/16/2022
Total 41 9
1 Kingston Kela 29 5 Cali National Baseball Academy 4/15/2022
26 6 GBG Vegas 14u Red 4/16/2022
Total 55 11
38 6 Zt Prospects National 4/16/2022
Total 93 17
55 Brendan Pyle 33 9 Mba Nevada 4/14/2022
71 12 GBG Vegas 14u Red 4/16/2022
Total 104 21
24 CJ Sampson 26 9 One National 2026 4/14/2022
57 15 MVP Hustle 14U Black 4/16/2022
Total 83 24
8 Kruz Schoolcraft 27 1 One National 2026 4/14/2022
61 15 TB SOCAL 2026 Navy 4/16/2022
Total 88 16
10 Troy Southisene 74 13 Batrs 14u Black 4/15/2022
0 0 GBG Vegas 14u Red 4/16/2022
Total 74 13
21 Ethan Trahan 51 8 One National 2026 4/14/2022
56 7 Zt Prospects National 4/16/2022
Total 107 15
Utah Sox
14 Cache Carter 60 9 Canes West LV 4/14/2022
Murphy Dunn 62 8 Rawlings Tigers 14U - Black 4/14/2022
3 Ryder Hales 34 2 No Limit NorCal Elite 4/15/2022
99 Gannon Hankes 17 1 Rawlings Tigers 14U - Black 4/14/2022
34 Guss Johnson 2 0 Rawlings Tigers 14U - Black 4/14/2022
78 12 No Limit NorCal Elite 4/15/2022
Total 80 12
27 Bracken Lindley 52 9 Canes West LV 4/14/2022
10 1 No Limit NorCal Elite 4/15/2022
Total 62 10
84 Ryder Robinson 43 9 Arizona Monsoon Baseball 4/15/2022
24 Conner Thomson 77 9 Arizona Monsoon Baseball 4/15/2022
11 Kash Wallin 45 9 Rawlings Tigers 14U - Black 4/14/2022
ZT Prospects Elite
10 Alonzo Alvarez 17 4 Zt Prospects National 4/16/2022
1 Michael Cabral 26 5 Nationals 4/15/2022
53 David Carlson 53 6 Mba 2026 4/14/2022
5 Branden Carrillo 36 9 Tri-County 14u 4/14/2022
54 15 Mvp Hustle Bryant 14u 4/16/2022
Total 90 24
22 Tanner Davison 30 6 Tri-County 14u 4/14/2022
66 7 Zt Prospects National 4/16/2022
Total 96 13
Julian Lucero 18 6 Tri-County 14u 4/14/2022
Jake Ourique 32 9 Mba 2026 4/14/2022
69 13 Nationals 4/15/2022
Total 101 22
Julian Rodriguez 20 3 Mba 2026 4/14/2022
18 Julian Rodriguez 16 3 Nationals 4/15/2022
42 8 Mvp Hustle Bryant 14u 4/15/2022
Total 58 11
27 Austin Stoa 66 9 Mvp Hustle Bryant 14u 4/15/2022
Zt Prospects National
15 Carson Bolemon 102 20 Usa Prime 14u National 4/16/2022
31 Carson Crider 19 4 ZT Prospects Elite 4/16/2022
7 Marcus Greis 40 9 Gbg Pono Hawaii 4/15/2022
3 Alex Harrington 8 1 Usa Prime 14u National 4/16/2022
2 Justin Lopez 31 3 SC Warriors 4/14/2022
30 6 Gbg Pono Hawaii 4/15/2022
Total 61 9
35 Denton Lord 75 12 One National 2026 4/16/2022
34 Gary Morse 0 0 SC Warriors 4/14/2022
0 Mathew Ramirez 58 9 SC Warriors 4/14/2022
37 Mathew Riendeau 20 3 Nationals 4/14/2022
45 6 One National 2026 4/16/2022
Total 65 9
12 Justin Romero 26 6 Nationals 4/14/2022
77 15 UCBA Barons 4/15/2022
Total 103 21
23 Mateo Villanueva 38 6 Nationals 4/14/2022
60 10 ZT Prospects Elite 4/16/2022
Total 98 16