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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
423 The Show
50 Mayor Duke 0 3 Knights Knation 10u Mandeville McDougall 6/24/2021
2 Ryder Gooden 0 3 Rawlings Tigers 10u Black 6/23/2021
5 Christopher Gothard 0 3 Dynasty 6/23/2021
0 3 Knights Knation 10u Mandeville McDougall 6/24/2021
Total 0 6
0 6 Homewood 6/25/2021
Total 0 12
17 Griffin Harmer 0 6 Dynasty 6/23/2021
0 3 Knights Knation 10u Mandeville McDougall 6/24/2021
Total 0 9
0 9 Homewood 6/25/2021
Total 0 18
7 Landon Hunt 0 9 Rawlings Tigers 10u Black 6/23/2021
0 9 Base Knox Royals 6/25/2021
Total 0 18
0 Owen James 0 8 Cleveland County Indians 6/24/2021
99 Easton Lemay 0 1 Cleveland County Indians 6/24/2021
Austin Sun Devils 10u
7 Westen Ashe 0 6 New Orleans Spice 10U 6/23/2021
2 Hunter Bettridge 0 6 Tennessee Naturals 6/24/2021
0 1 Backyard Ballers Red 6/25/2021
Total 0 7
0 9 Hopewell Hawks Elite 10u 6/26/2021
Total 0 16
3 Logan Gee 0 5 Backyard Ballers Red 6/25/2021
5 Hayden Mayfield 0 3 Hopewell Hawks Elite 10u 6/26/2021
29 Thomas Nally 0 4 Southside Hitmen Black 6/24/2021
34 Noah Romero 0 3 New Orleans Spice 10U 6/23/2021
0 6 Backyard Ballers Red 6/25/2021
Total 0 9
27 Aiden Ruiz 0 6 Pace Misfits 6/23/2021
8 Krew Whinery 0 2 Southside Hitmen Black 6/24/2021
Backyard Ballers Red
James Atkinson 0 8 Austin Sun Devils 10u 6/25/2021
Jacob Cernosek 0 2 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Bishop 6/23/2021
Travis Christiansen 0 11 Batters Box 10U Red 6/24/2021
Grayson Culbreth 0 1 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Bishop 6/23/2021
Cooper Finch 0 3 Dynasty White 6/26/2021
Graedon Forester 0 4 Diamond Kings 6/25/2021
Carter Knight 0 6 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Bishop 6/23/2021
Weston Odom 0 4 Austin Sun Devils 10u 6/25/2021
Shane Phillips 0 12 Louisiana Elite 10 6/23/2021
0 4 Diamond Kings 6/25/2021
Total 0 16
Jackson Roberts 0 12 Ntx Marlins 6/24/2021
Tyler Stamps 0 3 Louisiana Elite 10 6/23/2021
0 1 Batters Box 10U Red 6/24/2021
Total 0 4
0 2 Dynasty White 6/26/2021
Total 0 6
Hudson Strine 0 3 Diamond Kings 6/25/2021
Base Knox Royals
30 Sawyer Cummings 0 7 La Reign Blue 6/24/2021
7 Conner Dabney 0 1 Baystros 6/24/2021
25 Nolan Dixon 0 3 Hopewell Hawks Elite 10u 6/23/2021
0 12 423 The Show 6/25/2021
Total 0 15
27 Memphis Hill 0 2 Baystros 6/24/2021
33 Wyatt Lampkin 0 6 Hopewell Hawks Elite 10u 6/23/2021
0 5 La Reign Blue 6/24/2021
Total 0 11
18 Jaden Larkin 0 5 Mojo Baseball 10u Gold 6/23/2021
0 2 Baystros 6/24/2021
Total 0 7
2 Ryan Penley 0 12 New Orleans Jesters 6/25/2021
8 Gabriel Ronca 0 1 Mojo Baseball 10u Gold 6/23/2021
39 Brayden Thomas 0 4 Baystros 6/24/2021
10 Isaiah Wilson 0 3 Mojo Baseball 10u Gold 6/23/2021
Batters Box 10U Red
10 Grayson Eldridge 0 7 Knoxville Stars 10u 6/23/2021
0 10 Texas Terror 10U 6/26/2021
Total 0 17
14 Dylan Floyd 0 6 Ntx Marlins 6/23/2021
0 0 Louisiana Elite 10 6/24/2021
Total 0 6
0 12 Sequoyah Jr Chiefs 6/25/2021
Total 0 18
20 Oliver Lambert 0 3 Ntx Marlins 6/23/2021
0 3 Louisiana Elite 10 6/24/2021
Total 0 6
17 Preston Lloyd 0 6 Louisiana Elite 10 6/24/2021
0 15 Heat 6/26/2021
Total 0 21
0 1 Texas Terror 10U 6/26/2021
Total 0 22
28 Owen Preslar 0 3 Backyard Ballers Red 6/24/2021
1 Evan Shaidnagle 0 2 Knoxville Stars 10u 6/23/2021
0 1 Texas Terror 10U 6/26/2021
Total 0 3
2 Mason Witt 0 6 Backyard Ballers Red 6/24/2021
99 Lyrick Gipson 0 1 La Reign Blue 6/23/2021
1 Adrian Gonzalez 0 2 Mojo Baseball 10u Gold 6/24/2021
21 Scott McLendon 0 6 Homewood 6/23/2021
0 15 Hopewell Hawks Elite 10u 6/26/2021
Total 0 21
22 Lane Moody 0 9 Base Knox Royals 6/24/2021
0 8 Tennessee Naturals 6/25/2021
Total 0 17
0 15 Diamond Kings 6/26/2021
Total 0 32
5 Dylan Price 0 5 La Reign Blue 6/23/2021
0 1 Mojo Baseball 10u Gold 6/24/2021
Total 0 6
0 4 Tennessee Naturals 6/25/2021
Total 0 10
6 Dominic Resendiz 0 6 Homewood 6/23/2021
0 9 Dynasty White 6/25/2021
Total 0 15
11 Cristobal Reza 0 6 Mojo Baseball 10u Gold 6/24/2021
24 Alfonso Serrano 0 3 La Reign Blue 6/23/2021
0 3 Mojo Baseball 10u Gold 6/24/2021
Total 0 6
0 9 Dynasty White 6/25/2021
Total 0 15
0 3 Diamond Kings 6/26/2021
Total 0 18
Cleveland County Indians
23 Kade Brantley 0 3 Rawlings Tigers 10u Black 6/24/2021
0 14 Knights Knation 10u Mandeville McDougall 6/26/2021
Total 0 17
5 Hayden Hulsey 0 3 Knights Knation 10u Mandeville McDougall 6/23/2021
0 3 Knoxville Stars 10u 6/25/2021
Total 0 6
32 Jack Jenen 0 12 Knoxville Stars 10u 6/25/2021
14 Carson Keller 0 12 Knights Knation 10u Mandeville McDougall 6/23/2021
35 Bryson Melton 0 9 Rawlings Tigers 10u Black 6/24/2021
12 Cooper Murphy 0 3 423 The Show 6/24/2021
18 Owen Riley 0 6 Homewood Red 6/23/2021
0 4 Knights Knation 10u Mandeville McDougall 6/26/2021
Total 0 10
0 9 Rawlings Tigers 10u Black 6/26/2021
Total 0 19
30 Adrian Sanchez 0 9 Homewood Red 6/23/2021
0 3 Rawlings Tigers 10u Black 6/26/2021
Total 0 12
8 Bryce Wilson 0 9 423 The Show 6/24/2021
Crescent City Royals
41 Braden Chadwick 0 3 Mudbugs Baseball Club 6/23/2021
0 17 Dirtbags 6/25/2021
Total 0 20
7 Garrett Chittenden 0 4 The Fort 6/23/2021
23 Charlie Corbello 0 6 Mudbugs Baseball Club 6/23/2021
0 1 Crush 10u 6/25/2021
Total 0 7
9 Garrett Corne 0 3 Mudbugs Baseball Club 6/23/2021
20 David Gentry 0 1 Katy Legends 6/24/2021
21 Jacob Jackson 0 6 Texas Terror 10U 6/24/2021
Jackson Landry 0 7 Katy Legends 6/24/2021
0 5 Crush 10u 6/25/2021
Total 0 12
4 Kaleb Mathieu 0 5 Texas Terror 10U 6/24/2021
8 Harrison Pellegrin 0 4 Katy Legends 6/24/2021
0 3 Crush 10u 6/25/2021
Total 0 7
21 Rob Stine 0 4 Texas Terror 10U 6/24/2021
1 Graham Willis 0 8 The Fort 6/23/2021
Crush 10u
4 Riley Boltz 0 3 SP 10u Select - Lute 6/23/2021
0 3 Crescent City Royals 6/25/2021
Total 0 6
2 McClain Byrd 0 2 Crescent City Royals 6/25/2021
0 Braxten Cole 0 6 Swamp Donkey 10u 6/24/2021
0 9 Homewood Red 6/25/2021
Total 0 15
0 12 Mojo Baseball 10u Gold 6/26/2021
Total 0 27
17 Braeden Gunter 0 5 Swamp Donkey 10u 6/24/2021
0 6 Crescent City Royals 6/25/2021
Total 0 11
0 3 Homewood Red 6/25/2021
Total 0 14
1 Baylor Jackson 0 6 SBG Sox 10U Tuten 6/24/2021
5 James Cole Kiper 0 9 New Orleans Jesters 6/23/2021
0 1 Swamp Donkey 10u 6/24/2021
Total 0 10
0 1 SBG Sox 10U Tuten 6/24/2021
Total 0 11
0 6 Homewood Red 6/25/2021
Total 0 17
10 James Nathan Kyle 0 6 SP 10u Select - Lute 6/23/2021
0 1 SBG Sox 10U Tuten 6/24/2021
Total 0 7
16 Stetson Mudrich 0 1 Crescent City Royals 6/25/2021
6 Pierce Weatherford 0 4 SBG Sox 10U Tuten 6/24/2021
Devine Baseball 10u
44 Jake Bruns 0 7 Memorial Falcons 6/23/2021
0 8 Madison County Thunder-ROYAL 6/24/2021
Total 0 15
0 6 Swamp Donkey 10u 6/26/2021
Total 0 21
21 Gabriel Hernandez 0 3 Memorial Falcons 6/23/2021
0 6 Memorial Falcons 6/26/2021
Total 0 9
7 Jonah Huber 0 2 Oklahoma Pistols 6/23/2021
0 4 Madison County Thunder-ROYAL 6/24/2021
Total 0 6
0 2 The Fort 6/25/2021
Total 0 8
8 Gavin Pirkle 0 7 Oklahoma Pistols 6/23/2021
13 Ian Smith 0 7 Sticks Baseball 10U Red 6/24/2021
0 8 The Fort 6/25/2021
Total 0 15
5 Blaze Webreck 0 3 Oklahoma Pistols 6/23/2021
0 8 Sticks Baseball 10U Red 6/24/2021
Total 0 11
0 3 Memorial Falcons 6/26/2021
Total 0 14
Diamond Kings
31 Jovanni Avila 0 18 Hopewell Hawks Elite 10u 6/25/2021
7 Zaybryn Barrera 0 9 Dynasty White 6/24/2021
0 6 Backyard Ballers Red 6/25/2021
Total 0 15
0 Baylen Garcia 0 6 Dynasty White 6/24/2021
0 9 Backyard Ballers Red 6/25/2021
Total 0 15
1 Isaac Garcia 0 3 Tennessee Naturals 6/24/2021
5 Hunter Heaton 0 6 Pace Misfits 6/23/2021
0 6 Tennessee Naturals 6/24/2021
Total 0 12
2 Jayston Marquez 0 6 Pace Misfits 6/23/2021
50 Drake Pieters 0 9 New Orleans Spice 10U 6/23/2021
5 Isaiah Cerda 0 2 Swamp Donkey 10u 6/24/2021
0 12 Crescent City Royals 6/25/2021
Total 0 14
22 Gavin Fikac 0 14 SP 10u Select - Lute 6/23/2021
23 Aaron Gholson 0 5 Swamp Donkey 10u 6/24/2021
0 7 Crescent City Royals 6/25/2021
Total 0 12
11 Craig Harris Ii 0 5 Swamp Donkey 10u 6/24/2021
0 1 Mojo Baseball 10u Gold 6/26/2021
Total 0 6
0 6 Homewood Red 6/26/2021
Total 0 12
13 Jake Holmes 0 7 New Orleans Jesters 6/23/2021
0 4 Mojo Baseball 10u Gold 6/26/2021
Total 0 11
15 Bryan Hood 0 6 Heat 6/24/2021
0 12 Homewood Red 6/26/2021
Total 0 18
9 Maddox Johnson 0 2 New Orleans Jesters 6/23/2021
0 6 Heat 6/24/2021
Total 0 8
0 6 Mojo Baseball 10u Gold 6/26/2021
Total 0 14
2 Daveion Quin 0 1 Mojo Baseball 10u Gold 6/26/2021
Dirtbags 10U
34 Raul Arismendi 0 6 The Fort 6/23/2021
0 4 Mojo Baseball 10u Gold 6/25/2021
Total 0 10
7 Derrick Bonner 0 6 The Fort 6/23/2021
0 2 Mojo Baseball 10u Gold 6/25/2021
Total 0 8
33 Brandon Eads 0 9 Louisiana Elite 10 6/26/2021
23 Turner Johnson 0 3 Mudbugs Baseball Club 6/23/2021
5 Kycen Kidd 0 9 Texas Terror 10U 6/24/2021
61 James Lee 0 6 Mudbugs Baseball Club 6/23/2021
0 6 Sequoyah Jr Chiefs 6/24/2021
Total 0 12
0 4 Mojo Baseball 10u Gold 6/25/2021
Total 0 16
6 Adam Briscoe 0 3 423 The Show 6/23/2021
0 5 Mudbugs Baseball Club 6/25/2021
Total 0 8
0 6 New Orleans Spice 10U 6/26/2021
Total 0 14
10 Ja'Marion Edwards 0 6 Rawlings Tigers 10u Black 6/23/2021
9 Layne Gremillion 0 3 Rawlings Tigers 10u Black 6/23/2021
7 Grant Guillory 0 1 Rawlings Tigers 10u Black 6/23/2021
0 9 Madison County Thunder-ROYAL 6/25/2021
Total 0 10
13 Brogan Longino 0 6 Madison County Thunder-ROYAL 6/25/2021
1 Brayden Perron 0 7 423 The Show 6/23/2021
2 Oliver Perron 0 2 423 The Show 6/23/2021
0 3 Mudbugs Baseball Club 6/25/2021
Total 0 5
0 6 New Orleans Spice 10U 6/26/2021
Total 0 11
3 Ben Soileau 0 12 Homewood Red 6/24/2021
25 Franklin Thomas 0 3 Knights Knation 10u Mandeville McDougall 6/24/2021
8 Eriontae Tison 0 6 Knights Knation 10u Mandeville McDougall 6/24/2021
0 4 Mudbugs Baseball Club 6/25/2021
Total 0 10
Dynasty White
35 Landon Barr 0 6 Southside Hitmen Black 6/23/2021
0 9 Baystros 6/25/2021
Total 0 15
9 Reed Breaux 0 3 Tennessee Naturals 6/23/2021
0 1 Southside Hitmen Black 6/23/2021
Total 0 4
27 Zachary Carlucci 0 3 Diamond Kings 6/24/2021
0 3 Baystros 6/25/2021
Total 0 6
0 3 Sticks Baseball 10U Red 6/26/2021
Total 0 9
7 Nolan Emmerich 0 6 Backyard Ballers Red 6/26/2021
0 7 Tennessee Naturals 6/26/2021
Total 0 13
8 Noah Gentry 0 8 Southside Hitmen Black 6/23/2021
0 12 Sticks Baseball 10U Red 6/26/2021
Total 0 20
25 Charlie Illanne 0 9 Diamond Kings 6/24/2021
0 3 Baystros 6/25/2021
Total 0 12
1 Cole Kieffer 0 2 Pace Misfits 6/24/2021
0 3 Diamond Kings 6/24/2021
Total 0 5
0 2 Backyard Ballers Red 6/26/2021
Total 0 7
4 Hudson McKee 0 4 Pace Misfits 6/24/2021
0 4 Backyard Ballers Red 6/26/2021
Total 0 8
17 Mason Roberts 0 6 Tennessee Naturals 6/23/2021
0 3 Baystros 6/25/2021
Total 0 9
Forney Prospects
7 Christian Humphries 0 3 Sticks Baseball 10U Red 6/23/2021
2 Talon Landry 0 9 Madison County Thunder-ROYAL 6/23/2021
20 Judson Miller 0 1 Memorial Falcons 6/24/2021
23 William Miller 0 12 New Orleans Jesters 6/25/2021
4 Traedun Richardson 0 3 Sticks Baseball 10U Red 6/23/2021
12 John Rogers Jr 0 3 Sticks Baseball 10U Red 6/23/2021
11 Dawson Smith 0 5 Memorial Falcons 6/24/2021
30 Linkin Sobalvarro 0 3 Madison County Thunder-ROYAL 6/23/2021
0 3 Oklahoma Pistols 6/24/2021
Total 0 6
33 Austin Swint 0 3 Oklahoma Pistols 6/24/2021
3 Liam Bolin 0 3 Dirtbags 6/24/2021
11 Bentley Bowen 0 3 Dirtbags 6/24/2021
27 Kennedy Cantrell 0 1 SBG Sox 10U Tuten 6/23/2021
40 Brantley Carnes 0 3 SP 10u Select - Lute 6/24/2021
5 Ricky Goldstein 0 9 SP 10u Select - Lute 6/24/2021
0 1 Ntx Marlins 6/25/2021
Total 0 10
10 Jacob Jones 0 8 SBG Sox 10U Tuten 6/23/2021
0 2 Ntx Marlins 6/25/2021
Total 0 10
44 Andrew Miller 0 6 Dirtbags 6/24/2021
13 Caiden Rhone 0 4 Swamp Donkey 10u 6/23/2021
0 5 Ntx Marlins 6/25/2021
Total 0 9
24 Keaton Rice 0 4 Swamp Donkey 10u 6/23/2021
Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Bishop
20 Aaron Bassett 2 0 9 Louisiana Elite 10 6/23/2021
22 Jackson Denton 0 3 Louisiana Elite 10 6/23/2021
99 Padraig Fleming 0 5 Backyard Ballers Red 6/23/2021
0 5 La Reign Blue 6/25/2021
Total 0 10
11 Hampton Keith 0 5 Knoxville Stars 10u 6/24/2021
0 3 Ntx Marlins 6/24/2021
Total 0 8
9 Colin Kinley 0 6 Ntx Marlins 6/24/2021
26 Brayden Kish 0 5 La Reign Blue 6/25/2021
27 Tatum White 0 4 Backyard Ballers Red 6/23/2021
0 3 Ntx Marlins 6/24/2021
Total 0 7
15 Guy Bradley 0 3 Baystros 6/23/2021
0 8 Mojo Baseball 10u Gold 6/24/2021
Total 0 11
0 10 423 The Show 6/26/2021
Total 0 21
8 Samuel Dean 0 6 La Reign Blue 6/23/2021
7 Wilkes Keenan 0 3 Baystros 6/23/2021
0 6 Hopewell Hawks Elite 10u 6/24/2021
Total 0 9
0 12 New Orleans Jesters 6/26/2021
Total 0 21
0 3 423 The Show 6/26/2021
Total 0 24
18 Wells Mason 0 6 Hopewell Hawks Elite 10u 6/24/2021
24 Mason Morton 0 3 Hopewell Hawks Elite 10u 6/24/2021
12 Bo Sasser 0 3 Baystros 6/23/2021
0 9 Forney Prospects 6/26/2021
Total 0 12
0 2 423 The Show 6/26/2021
Total 0 14
5 Benjamin Walden 0 4 Mojo Baseball 10u Gold 6/24/2021
0 3 Forney Prospects 6/26/2021
Total 0 7
0 Knox Whitaker 0 6 La Reign Blue 6/23/2021
0 18 423 The Show 6/25/2021
Total 0 24
Homewood Red
3 Robert Avery 0 12 Dynasty 6/24/2021
2 Andrew Knight 0 5 Rawlings Tigers 10u Black 6/24/2021
0 1 Crush 10u 6/25/2021
Total 0 6
21 Cole Limbaugh 0 7 Crush 10u 6/25/2021
15 Bibb Wahl 0 18 Knights Knation 10u Mandeville McDougall 6/23/2021
0 16 Dirtbags 6/26/2021
Total 0 34
8 Grey Waller 0 18 Cleveland County Indians 6/23/2021
0 9 Crush 10u 6/25/2021
Total 0 27
9 Andrew Whittenburg 0 13 Rawlings Tigers 10u Black 6/24/2021
Hopewell Hawks Elite 10u
24 Cooper Bahl 0 6 Homewood 6/24/2021
19 Holden Borland 0 8 Base Knox Royals 6/23/2021
0 11 Austin Sun Devils 10u 6/26/2021
Total 0 19
9 Tucker Lamb 0 3 Mojo Baseball 10u Gold 6/23/2021
0 1 Base Knox Royals 6/23/2021
Total 0 4
0 3 Baystros 6/26/2021
Total 0 7
99 Eli Leaders 0 6 Mojo Baseball 10u Gold 6/23/2021
2 Hunter Lemoine 0 9 Homewood 6/24/2021
34 Jace Rech 0 15 Diamond Kings 6/25/2021
1 Jax Ellis Sledd 0 1 Austin Sun Devils 10u 6/26/2021
93 Evan Strassner 0 9 La Reign Blue 6/24/2021
0 12 Baystros 6/26/2021
Total 0 21
Katy Legends
18 Edwin Alvarez 0 3 Crescent City Royals 6/24/2021
0 3 Southside Hitmen Black 6/26/2021
Total 0 6
4 Myles Braxton 0 3 Crescent City Royals 6/24/2021
2 Chase Collins 0 5 Texas Terror 10U 6/23/2021
35 Ryan Luna 0 6 Sequoyah Jr Chiefs 6/23/2021
7 Conner Macat 0 3 Crescent City Royals 6/24/2021
0 9 New Orleans Spice 10U 6/25/2021
Total 0 12
17 Brian Revels 0 6 The Fort 6/24/2021
0 5 Southside Hitmen Black 6/26/2021
Total 0 11
42 David Robinson 0 6 Texas Terror 10U 6/23/2021
0 4 Southside Hitmen Black 6/26/2021
Total 0 10
10 Bryce Smith 0 1 Sequoyah Jr Chiefs 6/23/2021
18 Braxton Southern 0 6 The Fort 6/24/2021
1 Brayden Thompson 0 8 Sequoyah Jr Chiefs 6/23/2021
0 12 Southside Hitmen Black 6/25/2021
Total 0 20
Knights Knation 10u Mandeville McDougall
4 Aiden Baye 0 4 Homewood Red 6/23/2021
10 Cade Carlson 0 7 Swamp Donkey 10u 6/25/2021
0 8 Cleveland County Indians 6/26/2021
Total 0 15
11 Henry Daigle 0 9 423 The Show 6/24/2021
0 6 The Fort 6/25/2021
Total 0 15
88 Charles Dorhauer 0 9 Cleveland County Indians 6/23/2021
0 6 Swamp Donkey 10u 6/25/2021
Total 0 15
7 Aj Greene 0 3 Dynasty 6/24/2021
0 1 423 The Show 6/24/2021
Total 0 4
3 Blake Lala 0 2 423 The Show 6/24/2021
0 9 The Fort 6/25/2021
Total 0 11
27 Caden Marange 0 5 Homewood Red 6/23/2021
19 Landon McDougall 0 9 Dynasty 6/24/2021
0 3 Cleveland County Indians 6/26/2021
Total 0 12
6 Cooper Mizell 0 4 Cleveland County Indians 6/23/2021
9 Brees Rudiger 0 3 Homewood Red 6/23/2021
0 2 Cleveland County Indians 6/23/2021
Total 0 5
0 2 Swamp Donkey 10u 6/25/2021
Total 0 7
0 7 Cleveland County Indians 6/26/2021
Total 0 14
Knoxville Stars 10u
44 Harrison Andriopoulos 0 15 Cleveland County Indians 6/25/2021
0 3 Memorial Falcons 6/25/2021
Total 0 18
19 Eli Coleman 0 3 Batters Box 10U Red 6/23/2021
0 6 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Bishop 6/24/2021
Total 0 9
0 9 Cleveland County Indians 6/26/2021
Total 0 18
24 Bentley Lay 0 1 Ntx Marlins 6/23/2021
11 Ayden Smith 0 7 Ntx Marlins 6/23/2021
0 3 Memorial Falcons 6/25/2021
Total 0 10
10 Tristan Sparks 0 2 Batters Box 10U Red 6/23/2021
0 6 Louisiana Elite 10 6/24/2021
Total 0 8
0 5 Memorial Falcons 6/25/2021
Total 0 13
2 Kade VonAchen 0 4 Batters Box 10U Red 6/23/2021
23 Reese Young 0 3 Memorial Falcons 6/25/2021
0 6 Cleveland County Indians 6/26/2021
Total 0 9
7 Jaedin Zimmerle 0 1 Ntx Marlins 6/23/2021
La Reign Blue
37 Tanner Bergeaux 0 5 Hopewell Hawks Elite 10u 6/24/2021
11 Jacen Czudek 0 9 Homewood 6/23/2021
0 9 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Bishop 6/25/2021
Total 0 18
18 Colton Doucett 0 4 Hopewell Hawks Elite 10u 6/24/2021
0 7 Texas Terror 10U 6/25/2021
Total 0 11
5 Colton Geeo 0 1 Baystros 6/23/2021
0 3 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Bishop 6/25/2021
Total 0 4
28 Davis Henry 0 6 Base Knox Royals 6/24/2021
9 Grayson Monceaux 0 5 Baystros 6/23/2021
2 Phillip Mouton 0 3 Baystros 6/23/2021
0 3 Texas Terror 10U 6/25/2021
Total 0 6
21 Case O'Quinn 0 6 Base Knox Royals 6/24/2021
27 Drake Thompson 0 3 Homewood 6/23/2021
0 2 Texas Terror 10U 6/25/2021
Total 0 5
Louisiana Elite 10
34 Karson Boone 0 6 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Bishop 6/23/2021
0 10 Dirtbags 10U 6/26/2021
Total 0 16
4 Brooks Boudreaux 0 6 Backyard Ballers Red 6/23/2021
1 Eli Feehan 0 3 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Bishop 6/23/2021
0 6 Oklahoma Pistols 6/25/2021
Total 0 9
16 Andrew Giglio 0 3 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Bishop 6/23/2021
2 Eli Gros 0 9 Knoxville Stars 10u 6/24/2021
22 luke hawkins 0 3 Oklahoma Pistols 6/25/2021
99 Hayden Pack 0 3 Batters Box 10U Red 6/24/2021
0 9 Crescent City Royals 6/26/2021
Total 0 12
5 Knox Prejean 0 9 Backyard Ballers Red 6/23/2021
0 3 Crescent City Royals 6/26/2021
Total 0 12
27 Gavin Smith 0 6 Batters Box 10U Red 6/24/2021
0 5 Dirtbags 10U 6/26/2021
Total 0 11
Madison County Thunder-ROYAL
99 Henry Bennett 0 6 Devine Baseball 10u 6/24/2021
1 Beau Bufkin 0 6 Oklahoma Pistols 6/24/2021
0 13 Dynasty 6/25/2021
Total 0 19
20 Frank Frascogna 0 6 Forney Prospects 6/23/2021
25 Asher Parks 0 10 Sticks Baseball 10U Red 6/23/2021
0 5 SP 10u Select - Lute 6/25/2021
Total 0 15
0 Mayson Street 0 6 Forney Prospects 6/23/2021
0 6 SP 10u Select - Lute 6/25/2021
Total 0 12
13 Roman Taylor 0 5 Devine Baseball 10u 6/24/2021
27 Russell Thomas 0 4 Sticks Baseball 10U Red 6/23/2021
0 3 SP 10u Select - Lute 6/25/2021
Total 0 7
24 Walker Thomas 0 3 Oklahoma Pistols 6/24/2021
Memorial Falcons
12 Bret Brown 0 6 Oklahoma Pistols 6/23/2021
0 9 Rawlings Tigers 10u Black 6/25/2021
Total 0 15
0 5 The Fort 6/26/2021
Total 0 20
8 Henry Davis 0 2 Oklahoma Pistols 6/23/2021
0 2 Devine Baseball 10u 6/23/2021
Total 0 4
0 6 Sticks Baseball 10U Red 6/24/2021
Total 0 10
0 3 Knoxville Stars 10u 6/25/2021
Total 0 13
99 Andrew Geiger 0 9 Sticks Baseball 10U Red 6/24/2021
0 9 Devine Baseball 10u 6/26/2021
Total 0 18
9 Benjamin Nein 0 9 Forney Prospects 6/24/2021
0 9 Knoxville Stars 10u 6/25/2021
Total 0 18
13 Luke Tackett 0 4 Oklahoma Pistols 6/23/2021
0 1 Knoxville Stars 10u 6/25/2021
Total 0 5
0 6 Rawlings Tigers 10u Black 6/25/2021
Total 0 11
0 4 The Fort 6/26/2021
Total 0 15
6 Jack Wilson 0 10 Devine Baseball 10u 6/23/2021
Mojo Baseball 10u Gold
2 Halen Glenn 0 9 Base Knox Royals 6/23/2021
0 12 Dirtbags 6/26/2021
Total 0 21
17 Brody Hagemann 0 8 Hopewell Hawks Elite 10u 6/23/2021
0 3 Base Knox Royals 6/23/2021
Total 0 11
0 1 Oklahoma Pistols 6/25/2021
Total 0 12
0 1 Dirtbags 10U 6/25/2021
Total 0 13
7 Drew Hodges 0 1 Hopewell Hawks Elite 10u 6/23/2021
0 3 Baystros 6/24/2021
Total 0 4
0 5 Dirtbags 10U 6/25/2021
Total 0 9
20 Bryce Inhofe 0 5 Dirtbags 10U 6/25/2021
11 Keller Olsen 0 3 Homewood 6/24/2021
0 1 Oklahoma Pistols 6/25/2021
Total 0 4
15 Drake Stallings 0 9 Homewood 6/24/2021
1 Adam Stewart 0 9 Baystros 6/24/2021
27 Easton Vandeventer 0 1 Oklahoma Pistols 6/25/2021
Mudbugs Baseball Club
6 Nicolas Acosta 0 3 Dirtbags 10U 6/23/2021
12 Brayden Brooks 0 6 Crescent City Royals 6/23/2021
0 6 Dynasty 6/25/2021
Total 0 12
23 William Ty Garner 0 1 Dirtbags 10U 6/23/2021
0 15 SP 10u Select - Lute 6/26/2021
Total 0 16
11 Mason Isom 0 3 Crescent City Royals 6/23/2021
0 3 Dynasty 6/25/2021
Total 0 6
1 Haydin Johnson 0 2 Dirtbags 10U 6/23/2021
4 Pierson Land 0 3 The Fort 6/24/2021
9 Wyatt Lowe 0 3 Sequoyah Jr Chiefs 6/24/2021
22 Bentley Stephens 0 3 Dirtbags 10U 6/23/2021
0 6 Sequoyah Jr Chiefs 6/24/2021
Total 0 9
New Orleans Jesters
27 Gabriel Espinosa 0 6 SP 10u Select - Lute 6/24/2021
31 Beau Gibbs 0 2 SBG Sox 10U Tuten 6/24/2021
22 Will McPhail 0 6 SP 10u Select - Lute 6/24/2021
3 Leo Seago Iv 0 4 Dirtbags 6/23/2021
0 12 Forney Prospects 6/25/2021
Total 0 16
42 Brayden Stewart 0 1 Dirtbags 6/23/2021
34 Luke Voitier 0 1 Crush 10u 6/23/2021
25 Gavin Wender 0 4 Dirtbags 6/23/2021
0 3 SBG Sox 10U Tuten 6/24/2021
Total 0 7
0 12 Base Knox Royals 6/25/2021
Total 0 19
9 Brees Westerfield 0 6 Crush 10u 6/23/2021
6 Brayden Williams 0 6 SBG Sox 10U Tuten 6/24/2021
New Orleans Spice 10U
14 Colin Anders 0 3 Pace Misfits 6/24/2021
0 12 Pace Misfits 6/25/2021
Total 0 15
7 Duke Chetta 0 3 Mudbugs Baseball Club 6/26/2021
0 Braden Dejean 0 1 Austin Sun Devils 10u 6/23/2021
10 Dominic Forster 0 3 Diamond Kings 6/23/2021
0 6 Katy Legends 6/25/2021
Total 0 9
16 Finn Gorman 0 6 Southside Hitmen Black 6/24/2021
13 Sean Paul McInerney 0 4 Austin Sun Devils 10u 6/23/2021
0 6 Mudbugs Baseball Club 6/26/2021
Total 0 10
3 Kolston Miller 0 5 Diamond Kings 6/23/2021
0 3 Katy Legends 6/25/2021
Total 0 8
1 Ethan Sepulveda 0 4 Austin Sun Devils 10u 6/23/2021
Ntx Marlins
2 Aiden Gould 0 12 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Bishop 6/24/2021
0 4 Backyard Ballers Red 6/24/2021
Total 0 16
77 Daniel Hong 0 8 Backyard Ballers Red 6/24/2021
0 Nolan Langley 0 4 Batters Box 10U Red 6/23/2021
18 Ty Nersesian 0 3 Knoxville Stars 10u 6/23/2021
0 1 Batters Box 10U Red 6/23/2021
Total 0 4
0 4 Sequoyah Jr Chiefs 6/25/2021
Total 0 8
0 3 Batters Box 10U Red 6/26/2021
Total 0 11
9 Isaac Palmar 0 9 Heat 6/25/2021
0 6 Batters Box 10U Red 6/26/2021
Total 0 15
52 Rodregas Powell 0 1 Batters Box 10U Red 6/23/2021
7 Carter Rahn 0 9 Knoxville Stars 10u 6/23/2021
0 5 Sequoyah Jr Chiefs 6/25/2021
Total 0 14
Oklahoma Pistols
14 Tucker Calton 0 9 Louisiana Elite 10 6/26/2021
0 Paden Carroll 0 6 Madison County Thunder-ROYAL 6/24/2021
0 6 Mojo Baseball 10u Gold 6/25/2021
Total 0 12
0 3 Louisiana Elite 10 6/26/2021
Total 0 15
14 Cody Clark 0 12 Devine Baseball 10u 6/23/2021
51 Spencer Freer 0 3 Forney Prospects 6/24/2021
22 Hudson Fryar 0 10 Louisiana Elite 10 6/25/2021
18 Preston Frye 0 9 Memorial Falcons 6/23/2021
13 Deacon Hawley 0 6 Forney Prospects 6/24/2021
1 Cash Williams 0 3 Memorial Falcons 6/23/2021
0 3 Madison County Thunder-ROYAL 6/24/2021
Total 0 6
0 2 Louisiana Elite 10 6/25/2021
Total 0 8
Pace Misfits
2 Jed Brady 0 2 New Orleans Spice 10U 6/24/2021
0 6 New Orleans Spice 10U 6/25/2021
Total 0 8
8 Kevin Cantrell 0 2 Diamond Kings 6/23/2021
0 2 Austin Sun Devils 10u 6/23/2021
Total 0 4
11 Cole D’Alto 0 1 Austin Sun Devils 10u 6/23/2021
0 1 New Orleans Spice 10U 6/24/2021
Total 0 2
0 3 New Orleans Spice 10U 6/25/2021
Total 0 5
25 Thax Goodwin 0 3 Diamond Kings 6/23/2021
9 Ezekiel "Zeke" Kim 0 3 Dynasty White 6/24/2021
Bryant Luciano 0 7 Diamond Kings 6/23/2021
0 3 Austin Sun Devils 10u 6/23/2021
Total 0 10
Rawlings Tigers 10u Black
11 Ben Baughman 0 4 Cleveland County Indians 6/24/2021
0 6 Memorial Falcons 6/25/2021
Total 0 10
35 Isaac Payne 0 8 423 The Show 6/23/2021
0 7 Homewood Red 6/24/2021
Total 0 15
0 3 Cleveland County Indians 6/26/2021
Total 0 18
7 Dawson Proffitt 0 8 Dynasty 6/23/2021
0 3 Homewood Red 6/24/2021
Total 0 11
0 9 Cleveland County Indians 6/26/2021
Total 0 20
2 Ryland Starnes 0 4 Dynasty 6/23/2021
0 5 Cleveland County Indians 6/24/2021
Total 0 9
88 Jaden Taylor 0 1 423 The Show 6/23/2021
0 9 Homewood Red 6/24/2021
Total 0 10
0 1 Memorial Falcons 6/25/2021
Total 0 11
28 Easton Venegas 0 3 423 The Show 6/23/2021
0 8 Memorial Falcons 6/25/2021
Total 0 11
SBG Sox 10U Tuten
29 Landon Gulledge 0 6 Swamp Donkey 10u 6/23/2021
7 Hunter Jones Ishee 0 8 New Orleans Jesters 6/24/2021
0 6 Texas Terror 10U 6/25/2021
Total 0 14
0 3 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Bishop 6/26/2021
Total 0 17
27 Parker Kennedy 0 4 Heat 6/23/2021
0 1 Crush 10u 6/24/2021
Total 0 5
0 6 Home Plate Chili Dogs 10U Bishop 6/26/2021
Total 0 11
44 Payne Miller 0 2 Heat 6/23/2021
0 4 New Orleans Jesters 6/24/2021
Total 0 6
20 Bishop Page 0 1 Crush 10u 6/24/2021
0 Cj Redlin 0 5 Swamp Donkey 10u 6/23/2021
0 7 Crush 10u 6/24/2021
Total 0 12
31 Tristan Simmons 0 3 Crush 10u 6/24/2021
Sequoyah Jr Chiefs
79 Micah Andrew 0 8 Texas Terror 10U 6/23/2021
0 3 Batters Box 10U Red 6/25/2021
Total 0 11
0 12 La Reign Blue 6/26/2021
Total 0 23
9 Nate Barber 0 6 Katy Legends 6/23/2021
0 7 Ntx Marlins 6/25/2021
Total 0 13
21 Alex Bartosz 0 9 Katy Legends 6/23/2021
0 1 Dirtbags 10U 6/24/2021
Total 0 10
0 2 Ntx Marlins 6/25/2021
Total 0 12
1 Jay Brite 0 6 Mudbugs Baseball Club 6/24/2021
0 6 SBG Sox 10U Tuten 6/26/2021
Total 0 12
24 Maddox Griffeth 0 3 Mudbugs Baseball Club 6/24/2021
7 Boden Kennedy 0 5 Dirtbags 10U 6/24/2021
23 Blake McNeal 0 3 Texas Terror 10U 6/23/2021
0 7 Batters Box 10U Red 6/25/2021
Total 0 10
11 Slade Tyler 0 4 Texas Terror 10U 6/23/2021
0 3 SBG Sox 10U Tuten 6/26/2021
Total 0 7
Southside Hitmen Black
27 Nasir Davis 0 9 Tennessee Naturals 6/23/2021
0 6 Austin Sun Devils 10u 6/24/2021
Total 0 15
0 15 Katy Legends 6/25/2021
Total 0 30
0 3 Madison County Thunder-ROYAL 6/26/2021
Total 0 33
2 Brendan McRae 0 6 New Orleans Spice 10U 6/24/2021
7 Christopher Randolph 0 11 Dynasty White 6/23/2021
0 12 Madison County Thunder-ROYAL 6/26/2021
Total 0 23
6 Braylin Williams 0 7 Dynasty White 6/23/2021
0 15 Pace Misfits 6/26/2021
Total 0 22
SP 10u Select - Lute
10 Eli Abston 0 7 Heat 6/24/2021
7 Brooks Brand 0 2 Dirtbags 6/23/2021
0 3 Crush 10u 6/23/2021
Total 0 5
0 2 Madison County Thunder-ROYAL 6/25/2021
Total 0 7
7 Benjamin Jackson 0 7 Dirtbags 6/23/2021
0 7 Madison County Thunder-ROYAL 6/25/2021
Total 0 14
15 Luke Kramer 0 6 Crush 10u 6/23/2021
0 2 Madison County Thunder-ROYAL 6/25/2021
Total 0 8
35 Connor Lutenbacher 0 9 New Orleans Jesters 6/24/2021
23 Graydon Moran 0 1 Dirtbags 6/23/2021
0 3 New Orleans Jesters 6/24/2021
Total 0 4
0 2 Heat 6/24/2021
Total 0 6
99 Mason Palmer 0 4 Dirtbags 6/23/2021
0 1 Madison County Thunder-ROYAL 6/25/2021
Total 0 5
5 Colton Spencer 0 1 Dirtbags 6/23/2021
2 Gunner Switzer 0 3 Heat 6/24/2021
Sticks Baseball 10U Red
99 Ethan Allen 0 2 Madison County Thunder-ROYAL 6/23/2021
21 Kaden Brunson 0 6 Forney Prospects 6/23/2021
4 Judson Halter 0 4 Memorial Falcons 6/24/2021
0 1 Dynasty White 6/26/2021
Total 0 5
22 Paxton McElwee 0 9 Madison County Thunder-ROYAL 6/23/2021
0 6 Dynasty White 6/26/2021
Total 0 15
17 Worth McFarland 0 8 Memorial Falcons 6/24/2021
2 Jace McKee 0 4 Madison County Thunder-ROYAL 6/23/2021
0 3 Memorial Falcons 6/24/2021
Total 0 7
6 Thomas Nolte 0 6 Devine Baseball 10u 6/24/2021
12 Waylon Rogers 0 3 Forney Prospects 6/23/2021
13 Jackson Taylor 0 3 Devine Baseball 10u 6/24/2021
10 Brayden Thompson 0 5 Dynasty White 6/26/2021
Swamp Donkey 10u
4 Easton Beatty 0 3 Crush 10u 6/24/2021
14 Court Chandler 0 6 Dirtbags 6/24/2021
35 Brody Clark 0 6 Heat 6/23/2021
7 Levi Deville 0 3 Crush 10u 6/24/2021
27 Hudson Hicks 0 3 SBG Sox 10U Tuten 6/23/2021
0 4 Knights Knation 10u Mandeville McDougall 6/25/2021
Total 0 7
16 Dayton Hope 0 6 SBG Sox 10U Tuten 6/23/2021
0 4 Devine Baseball 10u 6/26/2021
Total 0 10
2 John Claude Nelson 0 3 Heat 6/23/2021
0 6 Crush 10u 6/24/2021
Total 0 9
0 3 Devine Baseball 10u 6/26/2021
Total 0 12
5 Bentley Reed 0 3 SBG Sox 10U Tuten 6/23/2021
3 Dawson Smith 0 6 Dirtbags 6/24/2021
0 8 Knights Knation 10u Mandeville McDougall 6/25/2021
Total 0 14
Tennessee Naturals
5 Kellan Gaffney 0 2 Dynasty White 6/23/2021
32 Carter Gomillion 0 6 Diamond Kings 6/24/2021
1 Brayden Greene 0 9 Southside Hitmen Black 6/23/2021
0 3 Diamond Kings 6/24/2021
Total 0 12
0 12 Dynasty White 6/26/2021
Total 0 24
6 Carter Hoak 0 1 Dynasty White 6/23/2021
0 12 Baystros 6/25/2021
Total 0 13
18 Jordan Uhles 0 6 Dynasty White 6/23/2021
0 Brock Winfree 0 9 Austin Sun Devils 10u 6/24/2021
Texas Terror 10U
99 Jax Aguirre 0 3 Crescent City Royals 6/24/2021
2 Cash Anderle 0 1 Sequoyah Jr Chiefs 6/23/2021
0 3 La Reign Blue 6/25/2021
Total 0 4
12 Torren Cali 0 9 Katy Legends 6/23/2021
0 5 SBG Sox 10U Tuten 6/25/2021
Total 0 14
5 Dean Easley 0 3 Crescent City Royals 6/24/2021
58 George Flores 0 4 SBG Sox 10U Tuten 6/25/2021
27 Jonah Mahan 0 6 Sequoyah Jr Chiefs 6/23/2021
0 3 Katy Legends 6/23/2021
Total 0 9
0 6 La Reign Blue 6/25/2021
Total 0 15
42 Da’Marrion Torres 0 8 Sequoyah Jr Chiefs 6/23/2021
0 3 Dirtbags 10U 6/24/2021
Total 0 11
7 Parker White 0 9 Crescent City Royals 6/24/2021
21 James Winders 0 6 Dirtbags 10U 6/24/2021
0 3 La Reign Blue 6/25/2021
Total 0 9
The Fort
3 Kipton Collins 0 3 Dirtbags 10U 6/23/2021
4 Pierce Howard 0 9 Knights Knation 10u Mandeville McDougall 6/25/2021
7 Cole Kendrick 0 9 Crescent City Royals 6/23/2021
0 3 Devine Baseball 10u 6/25/2021
Total 0 12
0 3 Knights Knation 10u Mandeville McDougall 6/25/2021
Total 0 15
1 Preston Lyles 0 6 Dirtbags 10U 6/23/2021
0 9 Devine Baseball 10u 6/25/2021
Total 0 15
22 Tanner Murphy 0 15 Katy Legends 6/24/2021
16 Taylen Murphy 0 3 Crescent City Royals 6/23/2021
2 Jacob Salmon 0 3 Dirtbags 10U 6/23/2021
17 Jacob Shady 0 3 Mudbugs Baseball Club 6/24/2021
0 3 Knights Knation 10u Mandeville McDougall 6/25/2021
Total 0 6