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Attention coaches: Visit your team page to enter probable pitcher(s) for each game.
Participating Teams
National RankTeamClassificationFromCoach
Champion Baseball (5-1-0 in 2023) 9AAA Lake Charles , LA Blake Perrodin
Champion Baseball - Navy (2-2-0 in 2023) 9AAA Lake Charles, LA Blake Perrodin
Giants Baseball 10u (1-26-1 in 2023) 10AA Sulphur, LA Jareth Navarre
Gladiators - HTX 10u (6-20-0 in 2023) 10AA Houston , TX Trenton Cummings
Louisiana Armor 10u (1-2-0 in 2023) 10AA Maurice, LA Kyle Bostick
Mizuno Santana (20-27-1 in 2023) 10AA Vidor, TX Nathan Santana
Mizuno-Stutes (32-20-1 in 2023) 9AAA Beaumont, TX Jason Stutes
Next Gen Athletics 10u -Fleming (6-17-0 in 2023) 10AA Sour lake , TX Darian Fleming
Piranhas Breaux - 10U (31-22-1 in 2023) 10AA Sour Lake, TX Matthew Breaux
Piranhas Osborne (23-28-1 in 2023) 10AA Groves, TX Jacob Osborne
Velo 10u Hales (7-19-0 in 2023) 10AA Beaumont, TX Chad Hales
Venados Baseball Brothers (35-25-0 in 2023) 10AA Baytown, TX Jorge Martinez

Accepted Teams
*requested an invite and are approved to attend