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Due to a resuming game, SUNDAY'S GAME TIMES HAVE BEEN PUSHED BACK. We will know bracket seeding after that game is over. Please be on standby and checking the website for updates.
Schedule/Scores Event Info   Pool Standings
Attention coaches: Visit your team page to enter probable pitcher(s) for each game.
Participating Teams
National RankTeamClassificationFromCoach
918 Patriots (3-7-0 in 2018) Glenpool, OK Joe Roberts
Building Champions 14 Gray (2-1-0 in 2018) El Dorado Springs, MO Tate Thoreson
Building Champions 14 Navy (4-0-0 in 2018) El Dorado Springs, MO Tate Thoreson
Canes - Moore (1-2-0 in 2018) Lawrence, KS Jim Moore
Complete Game Rangers (5-4-2 in 2018) KANSAS CITY, MO Mike Egelston
Midwest Elite (2-1-0 in 2018) Olathe, KS Troy Martin
Nebraska Jr. Prospects (1-2-0 in 2018) Omaha, NE Darren Obrecht
Precision Baseball (2-9-1 in 2018) Lenexa, KS Charlie Hovey
Sticks Baseball Academy Majors (3-2-0 in 2018) Little Rock, AR Steve Landers
YBC 14 Black (2-2-0 in 2018) Grain Valley, MO Miles Shelton

Accepted Teams
*requested an invite and are approved to attend