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Higher seeded team is home team. Semi Final 1hr 50min time limit or 7 innings cannot end in a tie; play extra's, must have winner. Championship game: no time limit, 7 innings cannot end in a tie; play extra's; Run rules still in affect: 15 after 3, 12 after 4, 8 after 5. Championship banner presentation and picture at conclusion of game at home plate.

All inclement weather updates will be posted in real time @PGBAcentex as well as all MVP of the Game awards.

Note: As it turns out the semi-final #1 seed (Boom) and wildcard (Horns) are from the same pool and have already played each other. In the spirit of playing someone different before playing a team from same pool again we adjusted the match ups by flip-flopping the semi-final #3 seed Triple Crown & the semi-final #4 seed (wildcard team) Austin Horns. This adjustment and provision falls in line with Perfect Game USA tournament rules. Coaches were debriefed.
Schedule/Scores Event Info   Pool Standings
Attention coaches: Visit your team page to enter probable pitcher(s) for each game.
11 Teams
Austin Banditos
Pflugerville, TX
Austin Boom
Austin, TX
Austin Gloves
Austin, TX
Austin Horns 16u
Austin, TX

EC Prospects - Chick
Waxahachie, TX

Texans Baseball
Temple, TX
Tier1 Baseball
Austin, TX
Triple Crown
Austin, TX

Wilco Railriders
Leander, TX