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Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings

Gold Bracket

#1 Coastal Riptide 9   
GM: 9 | 11/13 | 12:45 PM
Sportsman @ The Ballpark at League City
#4 LC Heat 10u 8  #3 Five Tool Players 2
  GM: 11 | 11/13 | 2:30 PM
Sportsman @ The Ballpark at League City
#2 The Baseball Club - Wranglers (Wilcott) 5   #1 Coastal Riptide 8
GM: 10 | 11/13 | 11:00 AM
Sportsman @ The Ballpark at League City
#3 Five Tool Players 9   
Silver Bracket

#1 Tejas Tornadoes 9   
GM: 12 | 11/13 | 9:15 AM
Yankee @ The Ballpark at League City
#4 Lumberjacks 10u Gold 5   #2 Lc Bengals 15
  GM: 14 | 11/13 | 11:00 AM
Yankee @ The Ballpark at League City
#2 Lc Bengals 13  #1 Tejas Tornadoes 2
GM: 13 | 11/13 | 7:30 AM
Yankee @ The Ballpark at League City
#3 Sienna Generals 12